The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3421 Willy Group does not believe in evil

Therefore, after various races in the galaxy snatched up high-end products from some major markets, they turned to focus on the hacker trading platform. Here, they found that as long as they had money, they could buy almost everything they wanted. Great stuff to have!

For example, how to create the inner world of the spacecraft, how to use good materials for the outer shell of the spacecraft and how to build it, how to improve the energy shield and ready-made energy shields, the cannonballs and other space weapons equipped with the spacecraft, and of course space reconnaissance system, anti-countermeasures system, Star Wars tactics, and how to build a high-end space flying fortress to meet the lofty ideal of relocating the entire clan...

Oh my God, all of this can be realized on the hacker trading platform. The premise is that you have enough money. As long as you have money, you can realize all your dreams immediately, allowing you to enter the ranks of advanced races in one step. Among!

What if there is no money? It’s not that there is nothing you can do. If you have considerable resources, you can also exchange items for purchases, as long as the seller agrees!

What if you have neither money nor resources? The hacker trading platform also provides a method, which is to provide talents and Taoism. As long as your race possesses a certain special Taoism and has the corresponding talents, you can value them and exchange them for these high-end things. However, , the corresponding Taoist skills and talents will join the hacker organization and become someone else's!

crazy! crazy! ! crazy! ! !

As the major races in the galaxy discover more on the hacker trading platform, their mood becomes more exciting, and more and more transactions occur with this platform. The bidding for high-end things on the platform becomes more and more intense. It’s getting more and more intense, and many people are going crazy!

Yes, as long as you can win the bidding and pay the money, the high-end stuff of your dreams will be delivered to you soon, allowing you to upgrade your spaceship level and enhance your strength in a very short period of time.

In this way, the enthusiasm and confidence of various races to compete for purchases will be even greater, because they found that so far, the hacker trading platform has not had a single transaction problem, and its reputation is simply extremely good!

This shows that the things displayed on the platform are real and not illusory. In addition, the platform also has enough strength to ensure that the items sold are delivered to the destination intact, which is actually very important!

This is because, as the Milky Way has set off a new trend of upgrading spaceships and advanced aircraft during this period, many space pirate organizations and adventure groups are also ready to take action, and there have been many bad incidents of robbing races and snatching high-end parts.

For these space pirates and adventure groups, they have two goals? One is the weaker races? These races have a strong need to improve the level and strength of the spacecraft, so they will spend huge sums of money on the hacker trading platform. Procurement was carried out, and after they obtained the parts and upgraded their spacecraft, they became targets for robbery.

The second is those races with stronger strength. These races themselves are not afraid of space pirates? Nor are they afraid of adventure groups, because they have enough strength to protect themselves? Therefore, space pirates and adventure groups have no choice but to target the hacker trading platform. The cargo crew's plan is to rob those parts halfway, because if the parts are sent to those races, it means that it will be impossible to obtain them again.

However, to the surprise of these space pirates and adventure groups, no matter how strict the surveillance and traps they set, they could not stop the delivery personnel of the hacker trading organization from delivering the goods to customers. This situation has reached a point where... How desperate they are!

This also greatly enhances the confidence of those tribes in shopping on the platform, because they know that as long as they place an order, they do not have to worry about the goods not being delivered to them, and as long as the goods are in hand, they have the ability to protect this high-end component, thus allowing those The covetous space pirates and adventure groups can only stare...

In this case, many space pirates and adventure groups have turned their targets to those weaker races. As long as they find that they have purchased parts on the platform, they will find ways to rob them, and then install the stolen parts on themselves. on the spaceship…

Of course, there are also some larger risk-taking groups that do not believe in this evil, such as the Weili Group. The Weili Group headed by Hadaway has been relatively dark during this period. Their online accounts in the three major financial organizations have been frozen, and they have also been Countless customers were blocked, and the business was greatly affected.

Due to the sharp drop in income, Hardaway could no longer sit still. He urgently needed to make a fortune to tide over this difficulty. Soon, he discovered this new way.

In fact, this new avenue is an obvious opportunity. After all, the business of the hacker trading platform is so booming, especially in the high-end arms business, that a steady stream of crystals and energy bars are pouring into the platform like the Yangtze River. On the Internet, business is soaring at a speed visible to the naked eye. Anyone who sees it will be jealous, not to mention Hardaway who is in urgent need of money...

In addition, the main reason that made Hardaway think about snatching high-end components was that he had to do so. Why do you say this?

This is because his adventure group is doing this kind of black business, and not everyone can do black business. It must be backed by strong strength. In the past, the strength of the Weili Group fleet was stronger than most Space pirates and space races are both stronger, so they can often succeed easily. However, now each race is desperately trying to improve their strength. After they buy high-end components, they can increase the strength of their fleet. The more they buy, , the more the strength is improved, I am afraid that it will not take long and not many new parts to be enough to improve the strength of the own fleet to a level higher than that of the Willy fleet. At that time, how can the Willy fleet snatch it?

He is weaker than others, so if he goes to grab it, he might just get food delivered to his door. Of course Hardaway will not do such a thing.

Therefore, if he does not snatch these new parts, new skills, and new spaceships, the future living space of the Willy Group will be greatly compressed, and maybe it will be robbed by others in turn, which will become a joke...

Hadaway quickly held an internal high-level meeting and summoned the second-in-command Zang Xin, the third-in-charge Jerry, the fourth-in-charge Snowdin and others to prepare for a big fight.

"Military advisor, how are things going with our accounts?" Hadaway asked.

"The people from the three major financial organizations all agree that without the consent of Guowei, Yi Xing and Lai Huan, the system will not unfreeze, so no matter how much trouble we make, it will be useless..." Zang Xin sighed. .

"Fuck! Our accounts have been frozen, so do we still have money to go to the hacker trading platform to buy high-end stuff?" Hadaway cursed angrily.

"There is really no way to transfer money. I want to go to their platform to pay but I can't find the specific address of their platform. I did some research recently and finally heard that the hacker trading platform is in the internal world of the Internet!" Zangxin said.

"What? The internal world of the network? What's going on?" Hadaway was surprised when he heard this.

"What the boss doesn't know is that the network we are using now actually has an internal world. It's just that those of us without Internet power cannot enter. Only those who often play on the Internet and have Internet power can pass through. Network testing entered it, and this is how the hacker trading platform was born. It is really safe for them to hide in it and do business, and we can't go in and steal their things!" Zangxin sighed.

"Oh my god, what is this?! There is actually a place in this world that we can't go in and rob? This is the first time I've heard of this!" Hardaway said in disbelief.

Jerry and Snowdin also looked at each other, extremely shocked by the news!

Zangxin continued: "Actually, the black market trading platforms we usually use are also hidden in the internal world of the Internet. It's just that we didn't know it clearly before. We thought they were just doing business on and , in fact, those black market trading platforms really have little connection with and They hide in the online world, and then use the resources of these network groups to publish their information, and the income is not at all What fees will be paid to these network groups..."

"I see... So now that we can't rob the hacker trading platform, and we don't have the money to buy it, it seems we can only rob the delivery personnel and the racial forces who buy the parts?" Hadaway asked.

"That's true! However, I heard that the delivery personnel of the hacker trading platform are extremely powerful and every delivery can arrive safely. Many space pirates have missed it. I heard that even the well-known Jingnan, Red-Headed Ghost and other adventure The fleet also missed. In my opinion, it is better for us to target some weak races..." Zang Xin analyzed.

"Oh? Jingnan and the red-headed ghost also missed? This is a bit surprising. With their strength, can't they catch even a small delivery person?" Hardavich said.

"This is indeed what the information coming from various places says. After all, the whereabouts of delivery personnel are extremely secretive. It is difficult for us to identify who is the delivery personnel and when will this person deliver the goods, so the chance of failure is indeed It’s huge!” Zang Xin continued his analysis.

"What if we can intercept his delivery time and location? For example, if there is a spy in those tribes who leaked the information, then wouldn't we be able to know the time period in which the delivery person will deliver the goods to his door?" Hadaway asked. He touched his bald head and said.

"Huh? What the boss said makes sense. We do have hidden spikes in some tribes. As long as they can get the information and pass it to us in advance, then we can set up an ambush in advance and intercept the delivery person..."

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