The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3455 Star Horse’s Opportunity

In the main hall of the Tonglin Indian Mothership, a supreme meeting was being held at this time. The person presiding over this meeting was not its owner Chitonna, but Quan Bing, the commander of the Galaxy Fleet.

Since Quan Bing's nine-star scepter fleet was "attacked" by the leech clan and almost turned into scrap, he could only use this place as the headquarters of the Galaxy Fleet to command the operation of the entire fleet.

The top management of the fleet has made a decision to ignore the invading foreign fleets for the time being, because two of them cannot be found now, while the other two have been tinkering with the base on the desolate planet on the edge. It seems that they are right. There is no threat to the Milky Way at all, and they also promised that after they leave, the base will be left for the people of the Milky Way to use as a temporary settlement.

Compared with the other foreign fleets, such a graceful, warm and elegant foreign fleet is like a money-giving boy. It is much cuter than them, so everyone has the best impression of them, and they feel that there is no need to pay attention to them anymore. What to do.

As a result, the recent actions of those space pirates and adventurous organizations have fallen into everyone's eyes, and they feel that if no measures are taken against them, the Galaxy Fleet will really be in name only and have no reality!

The reason why this fleet is called the Galaxy Fleet is not to protect the safety of all races in the galaxy?

Now all races are facing threats from these space pirates and adventurous organizations. Of course, the Galaxy Fleet has the responsibility to stand up and fight against them and protect the family!

Quan Bing saw that all the important people in the fleet had arrived, coughed slightly, and said: "Everyone, space pirates and adventurous organizations are extremely rampant now, and it is urgent to attack them. I won't waste any more nonsense here. Everyone, get ready now. , set off to their respective target locations from now on, to attack the local space pirates and adventure organizations, and don’t come back until you complete the mission!”

"What?!!!" Everyone was shocked when they heard this!

The leader of the Ximo Maya tribe drew his bow and said quickly: "Brother Quan, our spaceship is still installing high-end components! We can't just leave in the middle of the installation, right?"

Fei Yu from Kai Fang's Heber tribe also said naively: "We are too! Besides, aren't there a batch of high-end parts and Taoist skills that will be delivered in the near future? If we all run away, who will install those parts?"

"Yes, those parts are the best of the best. Only by installing those parts can we have the strength to defeat the space pirates and adventure organizations..." Chitonna agreed.

When Quan Bing heard this, he looked at Pengyi from the Wumenghei Clan and asked, "What's your opinion?"

"Haha, even if we don't install high-end components, our Black God Clan is still capable of defeating those space pirates and adventure organizations! What's more, we have already installed a batch, so if necessary, our Black God Clan can set off immediately!"

"Okay!!!" Quan Bing's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he praised loudly.

He looked around at the senior executives who were still whispering with majestic eyes and said loudly: "What is the purpose of installing high-end components and using high-end Taoism? Isn't it to crack down on Xiaoxiao and protect the safety of the people? There are already many There is an emergency request for help from the race. It is unreasonable for us not to go to the rescue. There are still a lot of people on the Internet watching! Therefore, regardless of whether it is installed or not, as long as there is a need, you must immediately take the lead and go out! Don't worry, there will be no shortage of high-end components that should be installed on your spaceship, and the high-end Taoist techniques that should be used will not be lost, but the time will be extended. As long as you come back victorious, you can get what the fleet promised Components and Taoism. Of course, the fleets with unfinished installation of the first batch of components can stay and continue the installation. Other fleets that have been installed or are not qualified for installation must obey orders, especially those who are not qualified for installation. Fleet, if you have outstanding performance in destroying space pirates and adventure organizations, then I can consider giving you a batch of high-end parts and Taoism as rewards!"

"Wo!!!" When everyone heard this, they immediately let out a roar...

Those fleet executives who were not qualified for installation became excited.

Unexpectedly, I finally waited for the good news!

"Commander, give the order quickly!"

"Yes, our fleet is willing to be the first to set off!"

"We will definitely come back victorious!"

"Hmph, I'll be embarrassed to come back if I don't kill a few space pirates..."

"Haha, in my eyes now, those space pirates are high-end components and Taoism. The more, the better!"

"That's right..."

They all raised their voices, urging Quan Bing to give the order quickly...

Quan Bing nodded, and quickly pointed to a huge light screen that had been shot next to him. While explaining, he also commented on the orders, asking each fleet to take charge of the corresponding area. Those who received the order should set off immediately without delay...

Not long after, fleets began to leave this star field and fly towards the target star field with great fanfare. However, in order to ensure the confidentiality of the operation, the expedition was not broadcast live online to avoid alerting others. Those space pirates and adventure groups escaped...

After most of the fleets were sent out, only a few core fleets were left. They all needed to install high-end components before setting off. However, since Chenxing's Star Horse Fleet did not need to be installed, it was naturally sent out, and it went It is still the farthest star field, almost flying from one end of the galaxy to the other to fight. I am afraid that the flight time of the light in the middle will be extremely long. If there is some small accident, I don’t know if I can fly back again...

Just when all the other senior officials were secretly worried that Chenxing would get angry, they saw that Chenxing seemed to have expected it and didn't say anything. After receiving the command, he turned around and left. Soon the Star Horse Fleet also set off!

Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help but be silent for a while. Zitona finally said: "Brother Quan, will they really go there to suppress theft?"

"What do you think?" Quan Bing asked.

"This... I'm afraid not!"

"How can I see it?"

Zitona pondered: "Our Galaxy Fleet is a loose fleet. The binding force of this command is actually not very strong, so whether it really goes to suppress the pirates depends entirely on the wishes of each fleet. Just now Brother Quan promised that those fleets that have not installed high-end components will have the opportunity to obtain this qualification. This will of course stimulate their enthusiasm. However, Chenxing knows very well that it is unlikely that we will install high-end components and Taoism for his Star Horse fleet. , so he shouldn’t go to suppress thieves..."

"If he doesn't go to suppress thieves, then what will he do?" Quan Bing asked.

"What are you going to do?!" Zitona was startled.

Several others were also in a daze. They didn't know why Quan Bing suddenly asked this question, and they couldn't help but look at him...

Quan Bing nodded and said, "Don't you think Chen Xing's behavior just now is suspicious?"

"Of course! If I were him, I would have exploded a long time ago!" Peng Yi said loudly.

"So, since he didn't explode, there must be some fraud involved!" Quan Bing said with a smile.

"Oh? Did Brother Quan discover something?" Peng Yi said suddenly.

"Listen to me and tell me in detail..." Quan Bing called a few people closer, lowered his voice and began to tell...

In another starry sky, a fleet is slowly flying over, and then stops here for a while. If you are familiar with the Galaxy Fleet, you will definitely recognize that this fleet is the Star Horse Fleet that just set off from there, but... Their target direction should have been on the other side, but now they have come to this side...

Chenxing, Jingjia, and the leaders of the Star Horse Fleet were gathering together to discuss something, and it looked like the scene was quite lively.

"Boss, we are all ready, when will we start?!" Mark, the fourth shareholder, asked.

"That's right, boss, everyone is full of energy, it just depends on when to take action!" Baidu, the five shareholders said excitedly.

"That's right..." Others echoed...

Chenxing waved his hands and said: "Everyone, be quiet. Don't you understand that you have to stay calm when encountering big things? If everyone is so impetuous, how can we do big things?!"


"What the boss said makes sense!"

"Be calm!"

"But when I think about the high-end components and Taoism that will soon be available, I can't calm down..."

"Me too…"

Chenxing glared at the two brothers fiercely and said: "There will be high-end components, and there will be high-end Taoist techniques, but they will not fall on our heads for no reason, but must be taken by ourselves. And now is a good opportunity for us to seize!”

"What good opportunity?!" Mark, Baidu and others asked urgently.

"The second batch of high-end components and Taoism ordered by the Galaxy Fleet will be delivered soon, and this starry sky is where the delivery guy from the Hacker Trading Platform must pass. We have already found out about this!" Chenxing said proudly! said.

"Wow!!!" When everyone heard this, they couldn't help shouting excitedly!

"Boss, that's great!"

"If we arrest that delivery boy, won't we make a fortune?"

"It goes without saying that the value of these high-end components and Daotai is worth the sum of our previous robberies, right?"


"It seems that our Xingma Group is finally about to turn around..."

"That's right..."

Chenxing couldn't help but narrow his eyes after listening to these people's words. Indeed, getting this opportunity cost him a lot of effort and resources to dig out such valuable information from within the Galaxy Fleet. The problem now is very It's simple. As long as you catch those delivery guys, the Star Horse Fleet will be fully upgraded immediately and become a high-level fleet. By then, the Nine-Star Scepter and the Galaxy Fleet will be nothing more than clouds, and the Star Horse Fleet will be completely defeated. Go back and rob, take all their resources as your own, and then leave the galaxy calmly and go to other galaxies to develop your own adventure...

After this plan was conceived, through the joint efforts of him, Jing Jia, and some other confidants, it was finally gradually implemented. Now everything is ready, all it needs is the delivery boy!

"Everyone, these are the five delivery boys who came to deliver the goods last time. It is estimated that they will be the same this time. You must recognize them clearly and remember them. Don't let any of them go..."

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