The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 366 Concert (2)

Sendai suddenly became dark and bright, and the long piano music suddenly sounded.

Ding ding!

Ding ding ding ding ding ding ding!

The sound of the piano sounds like continuous beads, making people's hearts jump, and it is as chaotic as a hemp rope.

These people had just finished dancing, and now they were in a state of confusion. They felt as if they had been boiled and fried, fried and fried, and they felt uncomfortable all over.

In this way, the body kept twitching, like a lobster, shrinking and twitching.

A graceful figure appeared on the stage, wearing a pink robe, as gorgeous as a peach and plum, with arms like white lotus roots, and fingers like green onions. At this moment, she was playing a forty-nine-string dulcimer in succession, and it was Wu Qinzi!

The wonderful eyes are focused, the lotus-root arms are like powder, the onion fingers are like electricity, and the sound of the piano is like a bead curtain that entangles everyone's hearts. They can be quiet with it, jump with it, and cannot leave for a moment.

Thinking that everyone had been tortured enough, the tune suddenly turned lower and became melodious and long, which made people feel soothed and breathe a sigh of relief.

The monks all had a look of intoxication on their faces, and their thoughts drifted away with the music, and they flew into the distance.

In the distance there are mountains, rivers, trees, flowers, grass, relatives, friends, the sea, and the long sky...

The world is a big place, go and see it when you have time.

Ding ding!

Ding ding ding!

The melody of the dulcimer plays again, making people's thoughts become exciting again.

The path to immortality is not only about perseverance, but also about difficulties and dangers, the pain of failure, the joy of success, the passion for breakthrough, and the sadness of death...

The path to immortality is difficult, even harder than reaching the sky!

The dulcimer is played, and the sound is long and lingering, like crying, the sound makes people cry, and the sound bounces blood.

Everyone in the field was moved, with tears streaming down their faces, and all of them burst into tears.

Qinghong stared at Wu Qinzi with a slightly surprised look on his face. He never expected that Wu Qinzi could play such fairy sounds with a forty-nine-string dulcimer. This kind of ability can be controlled even with ten more strings.

However, using the forty-nine-stringed harp without a harp has reached the level of ease, proficiency, and comprehensive control.

"This person is not Xianxian, but he has great potential for Taoist attainments. It is better to accept him as a disciple..." Qinghong thought secretly.

"Uncle Wuqinzi is very skilled in playing the piano and has fully mastered the forty-nine-stringed piano. It is indeed extraordinary!" Li Yun praised in his heart.

"Master, although her piano skills are good, she has not been able to understand the charm of music and is limited to her technical ears." said.

Li Yun nodded slightly. It can be said to hit the nail on the head, stopping at skills means that Wu Qinzi devoted all his attention to piano skills and tried his best to achieve the ultimate.

This approach is not wrong, but if you pursue techniques too much, you will lose your understanding of the meaning and charm of the music itself. You need to know that music is born between heaven and earth. With the space of heaven and earth, the way of music will arise by itself. What you understand The ultimate way of music should be the way between heaven and earth, and the sound of heaven and earth is the most powerful sound.

If you lack the understanding of the sounds of heaven and earth, and only pursue the perfection of techniques, you may be able to enter the minor path, but it will be difficult to enter the great path.

For Li Yun, his standard is the great road. Wu Qinzi may be able to find his own way of music, but her way can only stop at the small road.

In fact, many people in Xuanling Continent end up entering their own small paths in the exploration of Tao Yun, all of which are caused by abandoning the roots and chasing the tail.

Li Yun remembered that in the previous universe, there were cosmic-level music masters who used instruments to measure the frequency of the sound produced by the rapid rotation of pulsars, and used this frequency to make music. Once this music was played, it immediately shocked the entire world. The man of the universe will become famous all over the world from now on!

The most powerful sound coming from the most powerful planet in the universe must be the sound of heaven and earth. If you can understand such music, why worry about not being able to enter the avenue of music? !

It can be seen that no matter which aspect you want to enter the great road, you must first make a major breakthrough in realm perception.

The realm is different, and the ending is naturally different.

Ding ding!

Ding ding ding!

The whirling sound of Wuqinzi brought Li Yun's thoughts back.

"Huh? Qinghong's look? Does he want to..."

Li Yun suddenly noticed that the transformed god Qinghong was staring at Wu Qinzi with great interest, looking thoughtful, and was slightly startled.

"Master, does he still want to rob Wuqinzi?!" Xiaoxing asked curiously.

"It's possible! With Wu Qinzi's piano skills, he can naturally get into his eyes. Maybe he will be taken as a disciple, or he may become a concubine..."

"Then wouldn't Wuyouzi be worried?"

"It seems that we have no choice but to let Kong Kong Pirates steal it together..."

Li Yun immediately took out the letter talisman, carved it quickly, and his spiritual power came out.

The dulcimer gradually stopped, whirled low, and circled the beam for three days, making people intoxicated and unable to wake up.

Wu Qinzi stood up gracefully, walked around, raised his arms slightly, and waved to the distance...

Colorful silk appears out of thin air, at the end of the sky, a silk bridge flutters, and a woman flies in!

Like cloud silk, face like a delicate flower, light figure, colorful silk flying into the sky, fluttering down, overwhelming the whole audience, so slender.

When the monks in the field saw this scene, their breathing suddenly became suffocated and became extremely heavy.

When Qinghong and Fairy Xiangyun saw this, their hearts suddenly jumped. They knew that tonight's target was coming. However, Xianxian's appearance made them infected. Instead of taking action immediately, they wanted to see how her next performance would be. .

Standing on the stage slenderly and pretty, she smiled as brightly as a spiritual flower in full bloom. The pipa was lifted upside down, bounced back, and the sound spurted out, soaring into the sky!

The sound from the sky reversed, pouring down on the earth like a clear waterfall, stirring everyone's hearts, and the sound was like pearls.


This state is obviously higher than the dulcimer without a piano just now, which makes Qinghong and Fairy Xiangyun's eyes light up.

They didn't expect that a Pulse Shaping disciple could play such a piano sound, which made them so surprised that their jaws almost dropped.

"Fifty-nine strings!!!" Qinghong shouted in his heart.

He changed his mind in an instant and decided not to share blood with Fairy Xiangyun, but to snatch her away.

The pipi hovered in the air, turned over slenderly, its pink toes were as flexible as slender fingers, its body flashed, flying up and down, the strings moved with it, and the sound rolled out like a river, making people feel like they were fighting in the rapids. .


Qinghong screamed, his heart no longer calm, he stood up suddenly, suddenly remembered something, and slowly sat down again.

The slender body twists and turns as desired. After playing with the fingers, the toes play, then the toes finish playing with the fingers, and the fingers and toes play together. Even the silk has become a tool for playing the piano. One piano has many tones, high, low, urgent, slow. Pointed, round, clear, mute, the music was harmonious and filled the whole place. Everyone was mesmerized and dreamlike.

High mountains and flowing water, clear springs in the mountains, surging rivers, flying sandstorms, iron horse glaciers, rocks piercing the sky, roaring waves crashing on the shore...

The aura was so powerful that it stirred up all the monks into the air, flying into a chaotic mess.

Suddenly, the passionate music of the piano fell from the sky, like thousands of arrows flying in unison. Everyone fell to the ground like a target, paralyzed and powerless...

The sound of the pipi is too strong. If these people can withstand it, they may have to shed their skin even if they don't die.


Suddenly, a slightly deep voice sounded from nowhere, lingered slightly, and then became clear!

The energy of heaven and earth seems to be responding to it. After a slight pause, the spiritual energy suddenly condenses.

The clear air rises, forming clouds, the mist condenses, and the raindrops come one after another, nourishing the dry hearts of these people on the ground.

The raindrops are getting heavier, and the raindrops are falling down, moistening everything and bringing vitality to it.

The flowers and plants on the fairy mountain are flourishing, and there are buds gestating. There are water plants emerging from the clear lake, stretching out long flower branches.

The grass and trees on the earth are lush, the birds are singing in the mountains, and the springs are gurgling.

The delicate music of the piano stopped early, and he stared at the scene in front of him, with a look of disbelief on his face.

His eyes narrowed, and he saw a Confucian scholar in blue turban playing the flute, with a leisurely expression, as if he were strolling in the back garden, at ease.


The flower buds gradually opened, and the flower branches also bloomed with small flowers. Sendai was gradually surrounded by flowers, and the fragrance of the flowers was refreshing.

Xianxian felt like she was in a garden, so beautiful, so fragrant, the flowers so red, so purple, so yellow, so blue, so pink...

Fly, stay drunk, follow me, to explore the ultimate happiness, to explore the charm of heaven...

Xianxian found that she was about to faint. She was deeply immersed in a beautiful flower-like dream. She didn't realize that she was already lying in someone's arms at this moment. Even if she knew, she just wanted to go with him and never regret it until her death!


A shrill cry echoed through the square, which seemed to be the cry of Master Bizhenzi, but she could no longer hear it.

"Wu Qin!"

The sound seemed to come from Wuyouzi, but his voice was quickly covered up by the waves.


Bang bang!

Bang bang bang!

The scene changed dramatically, and countless fireworks exploded in the sky, indicating the arrival of the Kong Kong Pirates.

"It's the Sky Pirates!"

"Don't leave Kong Kong Pirates!"

"Put the person down quickly!"

"Kong Kong Pirate! You must die a happy death!"

The figures flashed and screamed, shooting towards the outside of the sect like arrows.

The area around Sendai was in a mess, with countless monks throwing themselves down all over the place, all of them seemed to be still dreaming.

Only a blooming garden showed that the unforgettable music event just now was real.

"Haha, it's so exciting!" Xuan Dongmu laughed.

"Fortunately, Ming Kongzi appeared in time, otherwise, Xianxian might have been confused by Qinghong!" Li Yun said in shock.

"Yes, if he blows her off again, I'm afraid Xianxian will have to marry him!" Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"The ability to transform into gods is really unpredictable!" Li Yun praised sincerely.

Thinking of Ming Kongzi's slash that made the river flow backwards, and Qinghong's song that almost mesmerized the whole audience, he was quite moved.

These people all stand at the pinnacle of human cultivation. They are the shining pearls in the crown, representing the highest state of human cultivation civilization in this world.

As soon as he took action, every move was earth-shattering and dazzling.

"Master, among the people who were chased out just now, there is also the old guy Qi Shi!" Xiaoxing reminded.

"Oh? Is there him?"

"Yes, it seems that his soul body has recovered. He was hidden in the corner of the field just now. I didn't notice him until he chased him out."

"I didn't expect that these two false air thieves would appear at the same time today. It's a coincidence!" Li Yun said with a smile.

"It's better to strike early, but to strike late will lead to disaster. If Ming Kongzi takes action first, Qi Shi may regret it."

"Haha, this is natural. However, even if he takes action first, Qinghong or Fairy Xiangyun will eventually get it. He should be able to see this situation clearly..."

……(To be continued.) 8

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