The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3767 Dancing and Poaching

If the costumes of this audience team were placed in a certain civilization in the previous universe, it would be the way many young people like to dress up. They are handsome and cool, and they are also full of dynamic when they dance. Under the leadership of Xiaoxing, everyone is very They almost learned some dance steps. They were a little awkward at first, but when they saw Ling Daozi dancing so handsomely and beautifully, they all quickly imitated them and quickly became familiar with them. Moreover, with the physical abilities of cultivators, they were able to master these simple steps. The dance steps are not a problem at all, even the complicated dance steps created by Xiaoxing can be danced convincingly, getting more and more exciting...

Xiaoxing was in a good mood. While leading the dance, he sang loudly, driving the rhythm of this huge team with his singing and dancing steps. His singing was slow and fast, sometimes rap, sometimes melody, and sometimes various kinds of songs. Such a ventriloquist voice, with a unique style and full of heat, made everyone excited and intoxicated. They also started to roar without knowing it. The team of nearly 100,000 people were actually dancing and advancing to the same rhythm. The sound waves are bursting and the momentum is unparalleled!

Every arena in Tiangang Academy was swept by this heat wave. Many people in the stands didn't know what was going on, and they turned their consciousness to watch. As a result, they were shocked when they saw this scene. Many people didn't even watch the game. He immediately flew out. When Guan Zhongshan, Zhan Feng, Ding Pengfei and others saw this scene, they were also stunned and turned to stone...

"Xiao Ling, what are you doing?!" Zhan Feng couldn't help shouting.

"Let's watch the game!"

"Are you here to watch the game? The game is about to be stopped now. No one is watching the game. They are all here to watch you dance and sing!"

"The game can be restarted after it is stopped. If you miss this dance, you will never see it again!" Xiaoxing said proudly.

"Hot dance? It seems to make sense!" Upon hearing this, Zhan Feng couldn't sit still. He simply left the table and flew into the air. There is a forbidden air formation here, but flying at low altitude is not a problem, so now there is a gathering in the air. There were many people watching. Many students and instructors saw this dance scene with their eyes opened and their moods surging. To be honest, these people's days of practicing here were really boring. Suddenly they saw such enthusiasm and vitality. The dance, somewhere soft in the heart was suddenly hit, and everyone was so excited that they started dancing along involuntarily, but the robes they were wearing were not conducive to making such movements, so it seemed even more awkward...

Xiaoxing greeted the audience in the sky and said with a smile: "Teachers of the college! Seniors! I am Ling Daozi, the master of the Xingyun Palace in the capital. I have specially brought people here to cheer for your competition today. , although I came a few days late and missed some exciting games, I still wish you all a successful start and a higher level! In the game, some people won and some people lost. It is gratifying to win, but it is also gratifying to lose. It is not the end of the world. After all, competition is just a part of life. Your brilliance is not only reflected in the competition. There is still a long way to go. There are cliffs ahead, as well as stars and seas. A competition cannot stop your determination and confidence in seeking the truth. ! I wish that each of you can create a wonderful life! If you want to come to our Xingyun Palace to develop your career in the future, no matter what situation you are in, whether you succeed or fail, even if you want to practice In order to lose everything that no one wants, I will open my mind to welcome you to join us! We will definitely provide you with the best stage to display your talents, help you delve into Taoism, develop your career, and go further and further on the road of life. , climbing higher and higher, your success will also be the success of our Xingyun Palace. Together, you and we will help the Xingyun Palace reach a higher peak! Become a legend on this planet, unify Tiangang for thousands of years!! ! Without further ado, please enjoy our hot dance performance!!!”

After saying that, Xiaoxing’s dancing posture changed.

The faster the pace changes, the closer the steps are, the overall rhythm goes up a level, and such rich changes in dance steps make everyone more excited to dance, and the more excited they are to watch, even the transcendent figures like Zhan Feng and Ding Pengfei are excited. I couldn't help but dance along. Even the Qingfeng Demon hidden inside couldn't stand this powerful appeal and joined the dance carnival...

Originally, Qingfeng Demon wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to poison, but he was also weighing this opportunity to poison, because this opportunity was a bit sudden for him. He could poison so many people at once. If he could poison the ten people who came to the academy, If all the tens of thousands of spectators were poisoned, it would be a huge result. However, his mind was still very clear. In his opinion, these tens of thousands of spectators were just mindless star-chasing fans. They were different from the geniuses in the academy. In comparison, it can be said that there is not much comparison. Perhaps if these 100,000 brain-dead fans die, it will be equivalent to the death of dozens to a hundred geniuses in the academy. This blow is not big, at most there are a few. It's just intimidation.

But the ultimate goal of his operation is to kill more than 33,000 winners in the academy in the Tiangang Tower. If this operation is aborted early in order to kill these 100,000 people, it will definitely be more gain than loss. !

Thinking of this, Qingfeng Demon refrained from taking action. Moreover, after Ling Daozi's scenes increased, he finally noticed this young man and couldn't help but be deeply fascinated by him!

That's right, when he looked at Ling Daozi now, he couldn't help but show a look of doting on his face. Ling Daozi is so cute! Madam is amazing! Mrs. Mrs....

Qingfeng Demon did not expect that there would be such a maverick young man in this world, and he would dare to bring more than 100,000 people to Tiangang Academy to dance. He would dance this kind of dance that no one had ever seen before, but this dance was so exciting that I’m so excited, so passionate, I can’t get enough of it. If you want, you can definitely keep dancing like this…

The more critical issue is that Tiangang Academy didn't stop him from doing this. This is really strange!

Qingfeng Demon had sneaked into Tiangang Academy in advance, and he had been studying the action plan during this period. Luo Bimo also failed to provide him with much new information from the outside world, so he did not know the existence of Ling Daozi at all. Today, he saw that Guan Zhongshan, Zhan Feng, Ding Pengfei and other big guys allowed Ling Daozi to interrupt the game and dance in the academy. Such behavior made him feel a little incomprehensible. This was one of the reasons why he did not act rashly. , he now urgently needs to know who Ling Daozi is, and why he can do such an unreasonable thing?

After hearing Ling Daozi's words just now, he knew that he was the owner of the Xingyun Palace, so this Xingyun Palace was also included in the information that he must know, but Ling Daozi's words made him even more surprised, because this There is a clear meaning of poaching in this paragraph. In other words, Ling Daozi may have gone to Tiangang Academy to recruit talents today. He said that Wu Ren welcomes people from Tiangang Academy to go to his Xingyun Palace to study Taoism. Developing a career, to put it bluntly, is that Tiangang Academy has worked hard to dig out talents from all over the world, and spent a lot of effort to cultivate them into talents. The best thing is that they were recruited by the Xingyun Palace to develop their careers. If possible, Qingfeng Demon I also want to do this, but it's a pity that these are the geniuses of the Tiangang clan.

In fact, not only Qingfeng Demon was surprised, but Zhan Feng, Ding Pengfei and Guan Zhongshan were also caught off guard. Unexpectedly, Ling Daozi came here and said such a sentence, which was not known to anyone in advance. I will tell you now, and there is a suspicion of killing first and telling later. What is certain is that many people will remember Ling Daozi and Xingyun Palace at once. When they graduate and leave the academy, they will probably do the same. Choose the Astrology Palace as the starting point of their career!

Is this really appropriate?

Guan Zhongshan and others all know that although the talents of these colleges have not clearly stated what they will do in the future, they have actually already had their corresponding destinations very early. Generally speaking, they will return to where they came from and go there. If you serve in the military in the space world, even if you don't reach a high position right away, your status will definitely not be low, and there is huge room for improvement in the future. Some people are likely to rise all the way to the top of the military, such as Ye Pengfei, who became a The chief executive of the space world, or even higher and so on.

These people are also very inclined to serve the military. After all, being in the military gives them more opportunities to participate in battles and kill enemies, establish meritorious deeds, and constantly hone their combat power. The importance of combat power in the world of cultivation cannot be overstated. And metaphor.

It can be said that these students are almost all the mainstays of the Tiangang tribe's military in the future, and they are the future candidates for centurions, captains of thousands, captains of ten thousand, chief ministers, generals, marshals, and elders!

No one can resist this temptation, so it is almost impossible for them to serve in a force other than the military, unless they are originally from that force, but generally speaking, every force in the clan also hopes to have its own people in the military. , which can bring potential protection to your own power.

For example, Ye Pengfei became the chief executive of that space world. In addition to his personal genius, it was also the result of the operation of relevant forces. His success also meant that the relevant forces had stronger protection from the military!

This is indeed very obvious. For example, the last time the adventurer Gan Ping went to explore the secret realm of the Death Sea, he was protected by Ye Pengfei's men, and the information was also provided by him. It can be said that Gan Ping's investment in Ye Pengfei was definitely worth it. of.

Therefore, these talents are also responsible for the development of their respective places. It is difficult for them to control their own destiny, because their destiny has been tied to many forces and families, so they have no choice but to Gritting their teeth and moving forward, they had to enter the military and let others get a good return on their investment...

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