The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 401: Entering Taoism with Tea (2)

"I beg you to see me laugh! Come on, please sit down!" Wang Yi said with a sarcastic smile.

He didn't have any confidence in Shang Boqiu, so he had to treat him politely first and see what he had to say.

"Brother Wang seems to be in a hurry to hunt monsters. It's not easy to bother me, but based on the information I got, it seems that I can make tea with peace of mind." Boqiu said with a smile.

"Oh? I beg you, brother, if you have any information, can you tell me?"

"Some changes have occurred in the world of beasts. Those demon clan teams will return on their own soon. Brother Wang no longer needs to pay attention to them."

"Is that so?!" Wang Yi was startled.

"Besides, you have already hunted enough monsters all the way here, and the rest are no longer of concern."

"I don't know, brother Qiu, but there are still more than twenty demon clan teams in Daxia, which will cause great harm," Wang Yi sighed.

"As far as I know, all the demon clans in Daxia have disappeared. If they have not returned, they were destroyed by others!" Bo Qiu said in shock.

"What?! How is this possible?!" Wang Yi stood up in shock.

"Brother Wang, please sit still. Nothing is impossible. There are hidden dragons and crouching tigers in Daxia. I was also driven out."

"This brother-in-law is just joking. With my great power, how could anyone force you out of Daxia, a small third-level cultivation area?"

"Brother Wang, do you know how powerful I am? If Brother Wang wants to capture me, I will have no choice but to capture me. I guess this is what Brother Wang must be thinking at this moment."

"I think Qiu is a very good friend, so why would I want to arrest you?" Wang Yi muttered.

"Okay! Since you consider me a friend, then please treat me to a cup of tea."

After Wang Yi heard this, he calmed down, stopped thinking wildly, and concentrated on brewing tea. After a while, he brewed two cups of fragrant spiritual tea.

"Good tea!" Boqiu's eyes lit up, he picked up the tea cup and drank it all in one gulp.

"Thank you! It's much better to give good tea to someone who knows tea and ask me to drink it than to give it to that stupid bear." Wang Yi sighed.

"Haha, the leaves of this tea are beautiful, green as pearls, the tea soup is pure and clear, the aroma is natural and ethereal, and it also has four hints of spiritual charm. Drinking it makes people feel relaxed and happy," Boqiu said, shaking his head.

"I didn't expect that Qiu Di is also a tea ceremony person. It's so late to meet me!" Wang Yi was delighted when he heard this and said loudly.

"It's easy to say, it's easy to say! Brother Wang treats each other as a friend, and I, Boqiu, are also good friends. It seems that our friendship has been settled. I have a new tea here, so I gave it to Brother Wang to brew. I hope you won't disappoint me. oh!"

Boqiu Xianxian turned his right hand, and a jade bottle suddenly appeared, and he handed it to Wang Yi with great grace.

Wang Yi took it with his fat fingers and touched Boqiu's delicate hand. His heart trembled. Then when he looked at the jade bottle, he was suddenly startled. His eyes were fixed on the tea leaves in the bottle, and he felt uneasy.

"Brother, I don't know where this tea comes from?" Wang Yi asked urgently.

"This was a gift from a friend not long ago. I came out in a hurry this time and didn't bring the tea set, so I had to ask you to do it for me!"

"I see!"

Wang Yi carefully opened the jade bottle, a look of intoxication suddenly appeared on his face, as did Bo Qiu beside him. The two of them were attracted by the fragrance of tea in the bottle, and they almost came together.

"Big red pouch?!"

When Li Yun saw it, he knew without even thinking that this was his Dahongpao tea. Moreover, based on the characteristics of the jade bottle, he immediately knew that this was the Dahongpao tea he had given to Sima Kong.

He immediately understood what had just happened. According to Boqiu, he and Sima Kong were actually friends, and Sima Kong also gave him some of this extremely precious tea.

This guy was eager to drink tea, but because he didn't bring any tea utensils, he saw that Wang Yi had become a Taoist with tea, so he showed up and asked him to make tea for him.

Otherwise, how could Yiboqiu’s great power be discovered by Wang Yi?

I saw Wang Yi brewing according to his own customary tea ceremony method. After a while, he brewed two cups of spiritual tea with a ruby-like soup.


The two of them screamed, their eyes widened, and they stared at the cup of spiritual tea, unable to move away anymore.

This kind of vision is simply appreciating art,

How can I be willing to drink it?

"Master, when the Dahongpao fell into Wang Yi's hands, it only produced thirty-five strands of Dao Yun. It was such a waste!" Xuandong Mu sighed.

The Dahongpao that Li Yun has brewed now contains a vitality of 155 strands, which is higher than the original 99 strands.

However, Wang Yi's tea ceremony only brewed thirty-five strands. It can be seen that the same good tea, different people, and different tea ceremonies, the results are simply vastly different.

No wonder Sima Kong, Ming Kongzi and others always come to Li Yun's tea room to have tea in person. They must be aware of the huge difference.

However, this big red robe with thirty-five silk threads is already a great temptation for Wang Yi and Boqiu.

The two finally couldn't bear it any longer, picked up the teacups, and started tasting.

His face suddenly showed uncontrollable excitement, and his whole person was in a fugue state.

Li Yun couldn't stand it anymore, turned around and left, searching for the scene of the battle between Wang Yi and Xiong Bing.

With his clear purpose, he quickly found many targets and began to clean up the battlefield. Since the battle did not take place for too long, and most of these places were remote places, they basically remained as they were after the war.

"That's great! You can't find anything even if you wear iron shoes, and it takes no effort at all to get here!"

There are many kinds of these monsters, including those that fly in the sky, those that run on the ground, and those that swim in the water.

Among them, the number of high-level demons in human form is small. The particularly powerful ones have either escaped or been captured by Wang Yi and Xiong Bing. The rest are lower-level demons.

However, this is exactly the resource Li Yun urgently needs to transform the immortal servant.

After searching all the way, they actually visited nearly half of the Daan Cultivation Area. While cleaning, he also set up a network of spiritual consciousness. If he did it himself, it would be much faster than the thunder demon ants could expand on their own.

As a result, nearly half of Da'an is basically under the control of the Divine Consciousness Network.

"Then beyond is the Dashang Cultivation Zone. However, judging from Xiong Bing's memory, it seems that there was no battle with the demon clan in Dashang. What could be the reason for this?" Li Yun thought.

"Master, maybe another god is responsible for Dashang, or maybe Dashang's own Nascent Soul cultivator is responsible for destroying it on his own."

"It makes sense. Dashang is extremely powerful. There are so many Nascent Soul cultivators. If they are organized, they are enough to defeat these demon clan teams. Maybe the demon clan took a detour and came from other third-level cultivation areas."

"Master's guess is not unreasonable. It seems that there is no need to go to Dashang. Our current goal is still other third-level cultivation areas." Xiaoxing agreed.

"Okay! Then let's visit the Da'an cultivation area first and build a network of spiritual consciousness!"

The two got busy immediately.



Suddenly, the sky is covered with dark clouds. These dark clouds are not ordinary thunderstorm clouds, but the tribulation clouds used by monks to overcome their tribulations. At this moment, this dark cloud range is extremely wide, slowly rotating around the central circular hole, like a huge top, making people feel like the sky is spinning. .

A figure suddenly came quickly from the distant sky, and stopped suddenly outside the lead cloud, observing.

The person who came was none other than Li Yun. He discovered from the monitoring of the spiritual consciousness network that there were monks here to overcome the tribulation, and hurried over.

I saw that this place was located between a mountain range and a dense forest. It was quite remote and desolate. It was obvious that the people who were going through the tribulation had already taken a fancy to this place, avoided everyone, and passed the pass alone.

The thunder demon ants that formed the network of spiritual consciousness had already voluntarily evacuated from the central area of ​​​​the thunder tribulation. Li Yun concentrated his consciousness and looked closely, and found that it was a female monk preparing to overcome the tribulation.

This woman looks extremely young, about twenty years old, with long hair hanging down her waist, red eyes, an almond-shaped face, a beautiful nose and a cherry mouth.

Looking at the lead cloud above her head, the female monk had an almost desperate look on her face, nervously arranging the formation to overcome the tribulation. There was a large formation in the middle, surrounded by forty-nine formation flags. The spiritual power was activated, and the formation was Suddenly there was a flash of spiritual light, hazy, and above the light array, some monster totems were slowly rotating.

The female monk looked slightly relaxed. She waved her slender hand and several shields floated beside her, forming a small formation. She was covered with a white robe.

"Huh? All-purpose suit?"

Li Yun saw at a glance that under the white robe of this woman, she was actually wearing an all-purpose suit that he sold. It seemed that this product was not only popular in Daxia, but also sold in Da'an Cultivation District. It was probably made by Yuanfangzhai. Arrived.

Their outlets are all over the mainland, and wherever good products come into their sight, they can be quickly marketed to other regions.

"Master, this female cultivator has strong financial resources. It seems that it will not be difficult to survive this disaster." Xiaoxing said.

"Although she is well protected, this calamity cloud seems to be much more powerful than the ordinary thunder calamity. It seems that she has a very good understanding of the golden elixir path. Moreover, even if she can survive, there are demons watching next to her." Li Yun smiled.

"Hehe, even though this woman found such a remote place, she doesn't know that the demon clan enters Daxia through Da'an, which is full of dangers."

"I didn't expect there would be fish that slipped through the net. These hairy monster elephants are quite cunning," Li Yunqi said.

I saw this group of monster elephants hiding in the dense forest, staring at the thunder tribulation area, seemingly preparing to wait for the female cultivator to overcome the tribulation before taking action.

Just as I was thinking about it, there was movement in the calamity cloud, and bursts of spiritual light flashed sharply, illuminating the earth as if it were daytime. Suddenly, there was a "boom" and a black light fell down in the direction of the female cultivator. place.

"Pop" "Pap" "Pap"

There were several loud noises, and the protective formation set up by the female cultivator was directly smashed into several large holes by the thunder. The formation flags tilted this way and that, and even the underground formation disk was exploded, creating a huge deep pit.

The female cultivator's face suddenly turned white. She didn't expect that the formation she spent so much money on was so ineffective. It seemed she had been tricked.

With a wave of his slender hand, the shield formation immediately floated up and blocked the top of his head.

As soon as the spiritual power was released, the shield array emitted a vast white spiritual light, which was really beautiful.

"Ice spiritual power?!" Li Yun shouted softly.

It turns out that this female cultivator is actually an ice-type alien spirit root. Even among large sects, she must be like a beautiful girl from heaven.

The calamity cloud in the sky continues to brew, the electric light flashes "pop bang", which looks extremely strange, and the whole space shows a solemn atmosphere.


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