The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 417 The ultimate perfect platform

After practicing all the way, I didn't blush or pant. I felt that my body was extremely full of spiritual energy and could operate as I pleased.

Immediately he imitated Jie Xi's technique, and his long hair flowed freely, forming braids, hair shields, hair ropes, hair nets, hair knives, hair swords, and hair guns.

The body can grow crazily to half a day's height, and can shrink as small as a child's


Xuan Dongmu was stunned and extremely excited.

With this small Heavenly Thunder Demonic Body alone, Li Yun was undoubtedly able to easily obtain the Golden Pill.

"Master, let's have some sparring!" Xuan Dongmu shouted.


Li Yun punched out with such force that it whipped up a strong wind and hit Xuan Dongmu.

"Well done!"

Xuan Dongmu waved his hand to block it. He felt that the force was stronger than he imagined, and he had to use all his strength to block it.

The two started sparring on Lingxian Peak. They were very powerful and destructive. They quickly jumped into the air and fought again.

I saw the spiritual light flashing and the energy waves constantly swaying out. They were evenly matched.

He rolled and rolled for a while, then stopped.

"Haha, haha!" Xuan Dongmu laughed.

"It's so exciting! I really used all the strength I had accumulated in ten years!" Li Yun also laughed.

This sparring session was like a massage for Li Yun. All the muscles, bones, skin and flesh were soothed and had the effect of relaxing the muscles and activating the collaterals. He felt that the energy and blood in his whole body were extremely smooth and he was refreshed.

"Congratulations, master! It looks like we can build a Taoist platform!" Xuan Dongmu said with a smile.

"Not bad, I feel like I'm in good shape now, why not start building the foundation."

"That's fine." Xuan Dongmu nodded.

"By the way, where are we now?" Li Yun suddenly thought of this question.

"We have collected all the remains of the demon clan in Daping and Yamato and returned to the junction of Da'an and Daxia, which is not too far from Dongwumen."

"Oh, it seems that the mission of hunting monsters this time has been completed. Let the Thunder Demon Ants expand on their own. Why don't we just stay here and make a decision after I build the foundation!"


Li Yun returned to the Lingxian Peak Spirit Gathering Formation, searched the space warehouse, and picked out nine top-quality foundation-building pills.

For some people with particularly good qualifications, only one Foundation Establishment Pill is enough when building the foundation. For those who are less qualified, two pills are enough.

If it's any worse, I'm afraid no amount of foundation-building pills will be able to build the foundation.

Li Yun wasn't very sure about his situation, so it didn't hurt to have more supplies. Moreover, after searching for so long, his space warehouse is simply a real treasure, and he has all the pills he wants.

There are countless foundation-building pills that are extremely precious in the world of cultivation, even if they are of the highest quality.

Now it can be said that everything is ready. I have eaten the Tao Fruit for more than ten years, the Little Heavenly Thunder Demonic Body has been completed, and the accumulation of spiritual power in the body has reached a terrifying level.

"Then let's get started"

Li Yun was certain in his heart, raised his head and swallowed a Foundation Building Pill.


It feels like a big stone is thrown into the lake, instantly activating the entire water surface.

The medicinal power contained in the Foundation Establishment Pill melts immediately after entering the body, rushes into the Dantian, and immediately stirs up the entire spiritual environment in the body.

It was more like a fuse, igniting all the spiritual energy barrels that had been accumulated in Li Yun's body for a long time!

"Cuckoo, Cuckoo, Cuckoo"

The spiritual mist in the dantian quickly condensed into liquid, constantly bubbling, and the spiritual veins circulated faster, sucking in a large amount of surrounding spiritual energy and rushing into the dantian quickly, causing the entire spiritual lake to rise continuously.

Li Yun felt that his whole body was extremely swollen, and his spiritual veins seemed to be stretched open, because what was flowing in his spiritual veins was no longer the original spiritual mist, but the substantial spiritual liquid. Both the quality and energy were not what they originally were. Can be compared.

Moreover, he has nine spiritual roots to attack the foundation, and each spiritual root will drive a stream of spiritual fluid to circulate. With his nine spiritual roots being all heavenly spiritual roots, each stream will bring huge pressure.

If he had not listened to Xiao Xing's advice and achieved success in body refining first, he would have been in great danger at this moment.

The reason why many miscellaneous spirit root disciples find it difficult to achieve foundation building is related to the fact that they do not practice body training at the same time.

Using a weak body to deal with such savage beasts is tantamount to asking for death. Unfortunately, not many people know this.

Fortunately, after Li Yun succeeded in refining his body, such pressure was no longer a problem, as long as he endured it. The small Tianlei Demonic Body can carry the cultivation of the Jixi Gundam Magician, so it can naturally handle the pressure brought by foundation building with ease.

Not long after, the big lake in Dantian was filled with spiritual liquid. Nine different kinds of spiritual liquid rolled, merged, and blended endlessly in the lake, and the spiritual light shone.

I don't know how long it took, but Li Yun suddenly felt that the power of Tao Fruit that had been contained in his body for a long time began to be stimulated, slowly seeping into his spiritual veins, entering his Dantian along the flow direction of the spiritual liquid, and flowing into the great lake.

The power of the Dao Fruit is extremely majestic and endless, making the Dantian filled with mist and sparkling light.

After the power of Dao Fruit was added, the Great Lakes Spiritual Liquid seemed to be more dense, as if solidified, and even its movement slowed down.

Li Yun felt that his sense of power was stronger, and wisps of Taoist power flashed through his mind, making him feel that his brain was clearer and more agile, and the light spots of his spiritual consciousness seemed to be increasing rapidly.

"No wonder it turns out that the foundation building process is also a transformation of the brain. In this way, monks can formally cultivate the power of spiritual consciousness after entering the foundation building." Li Yun already understood this.

At this time, the spiritual soil and spiritual roots seemed to be moving. After absorbing the huge spiritual power, both their volume and thickness increased. The spiritual roots seemed to have been nourished, and their purity increased by two to three. point.

At this time, the nine spiritual roots emitted brilliant light at the same time, shining into the Dantian, causing the Dantian Lake to be stunned!

I saw that the spiritual liquid in the lake was based on the nine beams of light and began to solidify rapidly. Soon, nine Optimizing Pillars stood up in the Dan Lake, getting thicker and taller.

With a "swipe", the nine pillars all emitted spiritual light, illuminating the entire Dan Lake like daylight.


Li Yun secretly shouted in his heart. It seemed that these nine giant pillars were the foundation of his Taoist platform. Unexpectedly, they were formed in one go, and they were extremely tall and strong.

At this time, a large amount of spiritual energy from the whole body continued to pour in, and continuously merged into spiritual liquid, which continued to pour into the Dan Lake.

Using these nine pillars as the foundation, the spiritual liquid continued to solidify, slowly forming a high platform in the Dan Lake!

This platform is in the shape of a round trapezoid, as stable as a rock in Dan Lake, shining brightly.

Upon closer inspection, there are nine colored auras lingering around, making it look extremely mysterious.

There were countless fairy patterns all over the high platform, which shimmered faintly and changed from time to time, which shocked Li Yun.

"Are these immortal patterns the power of Tao Yun contained in the Tao Fruit?"

Li Yun was extremely familiar with some of the immortal patterns. He could tell at a glance that they were the rhymes of certain cultivation methods, while some were not too familiar to him.

For others, these unfamiliar Tao Yun will undoubtedly form flaws during the foundation building process. However, with the power of Tao Fruit to repair them, it will not have any impact on Li Yun.

Moreover, because Li Yun now has an extremely deep understanding of the nine immortal patterns of "gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, thunder, ice, and darkness", this Taoist platform appears to be particularly strong, stable, and integrated.

With a swipe of his consciousness and careful inspection, Li Yun found that he couldn't find a single flaw on it!


Is it really impossible to create an ultimate and perfect Taoist platform? !

He marveled in his heart and searched desperately. After a long time, he finally confirmed that this Taoist platform was really a perfect Taoist platform without any flaws.

At this time, the water level of the spiritual liquid in Dan Lake has begun to drop, and the Taoist platform is exposed out of the water, like an island in the lake, bringing a habitat that makes people yearn for it.

"Congratulations, master! Finally, we have created the ultimate perfect Taoist platform!" Xiaoxing said happily.

"Haha, thanks to your suggestion and the ultimate environment like Tianyun," Li Yun said sincerely.

"Master has such a Taoist platform, which has laid the best foundation for the future path of cultivation. Moreover, through this process of foundation building, we have also accumulated sufficient experience. I believe that in the future, we can attack the golden elixir, Yuan Ying, and Hua Hua." Everything will go smoothly." Xiaoxing said with confidence.

"That's right. With such a Taoist platform, you won't be afraid no matter how hard you go!"

"Master, I have a question."

"Oh? What is it?"

"Such an ultimate and perfect Taoist platform should be extremely rare. Since you were successfully formed in Tianyun Space, I don't know if it will attract the attention of Heavenly Dao when you reach the outside world."

"This is extremely possible! However, I am just about to find the thunder for the Heavenly Thunder Cauldron!"

"Hehe, that's right! If it really strikes when the master enters the foundation building, then take them all away!" Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"Try it now! By the way, how long does it take me to build the foundation?"

"About two months!"

"What?! Two months?!" Li Yun was shocked.

"It's okay. The outside world will only pass for one day!"

"I see!"

Li Yun felt relieved. Unexpectedly, I have been immersed in the magical experience of foundation building, and two months have passed in a flash. This shows how arduous this process is. If it were not guaranteed by the Little Sky Thunder Demonic Body, the consequences would be disastrous.

He ducked out of the spirit gathering array and laughed loudly: "Ah Wu, we finally succeeded!"

"Master, let me see!"

Xuan Dongmu inspected it carefully, his face suddenly showed a look of astonishment, and he shouted: "Perfect! Ultimate perfection! Oh my God!"

"Haha! It's true!"

"The master has a strong foundation. To reach this level can be said to be a natural progression! It's great!"

"This is also due to you! Thank you so much!" Li Yun said sincerely.

"Haha, master, don't be too polite to Ah Wu!"

"I'm not being polite. We are one person and there is no master-servant relationship. My words come from the bottom of my heart," Li Yun emphasized.

"The master is the master. No matter how far you reach in the future, I will be your pawn. This will not change!" Xuan Dongmu said loudly.


Li Yun was stunned, stopped arguing, and said, "I want to go outside and test the reaction of the outside world."

"The outside world makes sense!" Xuan Dongmu agreed.

Li Yun nodded and ducked to the outside world.


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