The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 490 The World in the Ship

While talking, Li Yun had already moved all the waste materials to Tianyun's swallowing mouth, letting it have a good meal.

Then move these three starships to Lingxian Peak and start transforming the world inside the ships.

Xiaoxing's design plan this time is a new and comprehensive design, which requires the addition of many space stones in the ship.

Adong's mining fleet accidentally mined a space stone vein. Although it was not large, it was enough for Li Yunlai to squander.

If you want to improve the living environment of the soul warriors, the first priority is to expand the space and increase the topography to give them more freshness.

At the same time, the world in the ship needs more interactions so that the soul warriors can form a whole instead of being scattered.

On this basis, Xiaoxing designed the world in the ship into a Five Elements Bagua formation. Based on the cycle of the Five Elements, he also designed a Bagua formation. Every ten thousand people formed a small city, distributed according to the Bagua directions. It is monotonous and not complicated, but well-proportioned, forming a dynamic organic system.

No matter how many people are added in the future, they can continue to be arranged city by city, but they are closely connected with the whole and breathe together.

For example, there are about 220,000 people on the Xingyun flagship, which can form 22 small cities, arranged in an orderly manner according to the Bagua azimuth combination.

Although each small city is small, it has all the internal organs. The combat area is separated from the logistics rest area to achieve the purpose of taking turns.

Xiaoxing had previously proposed the concept of "star luck card" and "rotation system". Not all soul warriors are necessarily on duty, but they take turns to be on duty. You must know that soul warriors who can rest are better at fighting.

Since the combat area has already been built, all it needs to do is adjust the location. The focus now is on creating a logistics rest area.

The area of ​​this area is much larger than the combat area. In addition to ensuring that every leader has a cave and every soldier has a room, it also needs a beautiful environment, clean streets, charming aura, and the most important thing is of course A small market where the logistics and entertainment needs of soul warriors can be comprehensively solved.

In addition to necessary logistical services, the concept of paradise is of course a must. If these extremely strong soul warriors are not given a good outlet, it is simply an inhumane approach.

Nowadays, the composition of soul warriors is not limited to young geniuses, but wizards from all ages. There are men and women, old and young. Some even come from the same family, and some come from the original mortals. Nobles in the world, emperors and generals

These people's original lives were rich and colorful, and most of their purpose of undergoing transformation is to extend their lifespan so that they can enjoy more wonderful life.

If after becoming a soul warrior, they live an extremely hard life and the gap is too big, it will definitely affect their mood and enthusiasm. Over time, trouble will definitely occur.

Lei Xiang inadvertently reminded Li Yun of this point.

Although Li Yun himself can control the demand**, it does not mean that these people can control it. Therefore, he must find a way to solve their human needs in order to better manage the soul army and let them become a healthy and growing army.

Since it was the initial stage of the Soul Army and the wartime stage, this problem was not prominent yet. However, after Lei Xiang raised it, Li Yun realized the importance of this problem and must find a way to solve it immediately.

Every small city will introduce the concept of paradise and build a large number of entertainment venues.

In the large areas between the cities, larger-scale entertainment venues will be built, and some will be built into large forests, where mysterious beasts and demonic beasts will be released so that the soul warriors can hunt the beasts for points.

In addition, there are spiritual fields, spiritual forests, spiritual ponds, and spiritual lakes planned for the soul warriors to complete tasks.

Participating in construction and management are tasks, which are released in the task hall in Fangshi. Each soul warrior can add points to his star card by completing tasks, so that he can have money to spend.

The military merit gained by participating in the battle can also be converted into points, which can stimulate their enthusiasm for fighting.

Since the soul power output by each soul warrior during battle can almost be accurately calculated by Xiaoxing, therefore,

Their military merits can also be calculated accurately and are very fair, with more work and more gain and less work and less gain.

Those with higher cultivation levels are naturally more advantageous, because they can output more soul power and achieve greater military exploits in the same period of time.

In this way, it can also stimulate the soul warriors to practice harder.

The plan was very good, but Xiaoxing soon discovered a problem, that is, the ratio of men to women among soul warriors was somewhat imbalanced, that is, there were more boys and girls, which would result in a shortage of people for some projects and tasks.

Li Yun couldn't help but feel a little surprised when he heard Xiaoxing's report, because in his impression there seemed to be many more soul men than soul women.

"Master, this is because the effect of female immortal attendants fusing demon crystals is very good. They tend to fuse the demon crystals of some small demon beasts. The demonic power is not too strong, the chance of success is high, and the number is large. But most of the male immortal attendants want to The success rate of fusing some tiger and leopard demon crystals is relatively low and the quantity is relatively small."

"That's it. It seems that this problem has always existed. However, this is understandable. After all, letting a male immortal attendant fuse the demon crystal of a little demon chicken will be psychologically difficult! And if it were not for If they voluntarily force them to fuse the demon crystals of the little beasts, the effect is not particularly good." Li Yun sighed.

"That's true. In our points system, the points obtained for military merit are higher. In this way, since the soul man's cultivation level will be higher and his combat power is stronger, he can obtain more military merit, while the soul girl's cultivation level will be higher. If it is low, the income will be relatively low. In terms of financial status, the status of soul men will generally be higher than that of soul women. Many paradise projects will become soul men to consume and soul women to serve." Xiaoxing judged .

"There's nothing wrong with that, right? It's very similar to the outside world."

"Some projects still require soul men to serve, such as some massage services, bathing services, female guest pick-up services, striptease services, wine pool and meat forest services, nudist sunbathing services, beach escort services, mermaid services, Yiluyuan, red Xianglou," Xiaoxing said.

"Wait a minute, are you going to transform all of Chui Chui Le's programs for male guests into programs for female guests?" Li Yun was slightly stunned.

"Of course! You must know that there are more women than men now. The needs of those soul girls must be met in order to make the world system in the ship operate more harmoniously, otherwise it will be counterproductive!"

"That makes sense! But there are still projects for male guests, right?" Li Yun muttered.

"Of course there is! And that's the point. Otherwise, wouldn't those soul girls be drinking from the northwest wind?"

"That's good! As for the problem of the lack of soul male waiters, it is actually corresponding. Because the income of soul girls is small, of course there will be fewer people who have the money to consume these services. We can appropriately improve the services of the soul male waiters. Just earn points and attract more people to provide services." Li Yun thought.

"My master is right. However, I also think of a way."

"Oh? What can I do?"

"We can refine some dolls and put them in these entertainment venues, and we can also earn points."

"Doll? How can that be done? It's impossible for me to cut out so many spiritual consciousnesses, and the value of a doll is many times higher than those of soul men and soul women?" Li Yun asked in shock.

"Hehe, don't worry, Master. The puppets I'm talking about do not refer to the puppet clones we refined, but some low-level puppets that look just like real people. The service programs in them can be set by us, and they are completely Confuse the real with the fake.”

"Oh? Can it really be done?"

"Yes. For example, in the celestial sunbathing area, these dolls only need to sunbathe naked in some designated areas. Since the sunbathing area has regulations, they cannot mess around, so they can lie there all the time, just performing their tasks. For example, striptease can also be programmed. According to regulations, guests cannot get too close, so they can get away with it. Mermaids are even simpler. They only need to swim naked in the fish pond. No one will think of them at all. It’s a doll”


Li Yun exclaimed, praising Xiaoxing's creativity in his heart.

"Okay! Just follow your design! However, it seems to be quite difficult to make such a doll, because the material of the doll is difficult to be the same as the real person. Only a doll like Xuandongmu is possible. "Li Yun said suspiciously.

"Yes. But has Master forgotten that we have developed a tight-fitting robe that is similar to human skin and flesh? Just put it on!" Xiao Xing said happily.

"Haha, I forgot about it for a moment!"

It seemed that this problem had been solved, and Li Yun felt relieved.

According to Xiaoxing's plan, the system of the ship's world seems to be more humane than that of the previous universe. After all, there is really not much pressure now and it can be developed gradually.

If it is a period of intense fighting, military management should be preferred, but in times of peace, management should be relatively humane in order to be able to grow in a healthy manner.

Compared with the paradise paradise of Hammer, this place is more powerful in terms of the richness of the projects and the size of the scale. I believe that soul warriors can find more fun here and experience the benefits of cultivation.

Of course, if the scale is too large, it is very easy to cause some accidents. This must be managed by military discipline. Only by allowing everyone to have moderate entertainment under the management of military discipline regulations can the harmony of the world on the ship be maintained. After all, this is a team, not a team. entertainment world.

Thinking of this, Li Yun said: "Xiaoxing, the regulations for each project must be stricter. Violators will be punished according to the regulations, without exceptions. Moreover, alcohol must be limited. Many accidents are caused by drinking too much. "

"Master, don't worry! Of course I can't let the world on the ship turn into a world of incest. This will not benefit us at all, but will harm them! Our purpose is just to allow them to have a more suitable outlet to vent their anger." Be prepared for battle."

"Okay! This principle must be strictly followed!"

"Master, don't worry!"

The two discussed and basically finalized the design plan.


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