The Legend of Imperial Concubine Rong

C305 An incident on the full moon of ago

Rongzi thought to himself: It is rare for me to openly murder a prince, but it actually happened. It is something that cannot be done for an outsider, something that makes the Emperor's heart ache, but I never thought that it would also be a pain that Jia Ping's heart will never be able to erase.

After their child was born, Jia Ping's mood became very good, and he started to talk and smile more. Rong Xian often accompanied Rong'er to visit her, and since this day was the full moon of little prince, Rong'er and Rong Xian came to congratulate him.

"mother, look at this, this little prince's little eyes, nose, and mouth are so cute!" Rong Xian hugged the little prince, and smiled happily at Rong'er.

"Yeah, she looks very much like Yin Reng when he was young." Rong'er smiled, looking at those smiling, curved eyes of Jia Ping. " Jia Ping, has the emperor not been given a name yet? "

"Not yet." "Your majesty seems to have been rather busy recently, since the clan hadn't had the time to hand over the paper yet." According to the rules that Xuan Ye had set, the first name of the prince would be Yin, and the second name would be presented to Xuan Ye by the clan members, with Xuan Ye being the one to decide the situation. Of course, during this period of time, Rong'er had heard Xuan Ye mentioning it before, that Gerdan was once again beginning to loot the Chalk, that there were new military arrangements, so it was normal for his name to be delayed, since the prince's name was something the Emperor had thought about.

"Princess Rong Xian, it's been a long time since you asked me to hug the little prince." Jia Ping stared at the little prince in Rong Xian's embrace and anxiously said.

"I only hugged for a short while, and you already couldn't bear to part with it!" Rong Xian laughed and pulled the prince into Jia Ping's arms, "This child is really adorable."

"Come, let mother carry you!" Jia Ping smiled embarrassedly as he raised his hand and took the little prince. The baby was tossed back and forth by them, causing him, who had originally been sound asleep, to suddenly cry.

The wet nurse at the side hurriedly stepped forward and said: "little prince may be hungry, but this servant will carry him down to feed him. Last night, little prince was in a state of chaos, today we should let him rest well."

Jia Ping looked at his son, who was crying endlessly in his arms. No matter how much she patted him, he couldn't calm him down. He could only helplessly nod and let the wet nurse carry the child away.

After the wet nurse carried little prince away, Jia Ping looked at Rong'er with disappointment and said: "I don't know why, but I can't bear to part with my child for a whole day. I can't bear to look at him, so my heart is empty and empty. When I look at him, my heart is full."

"All mothers are like that." Rong'er smiled at Jia Ping, then turned to Rong Xian and said softly, "Let's not talk about you, now that Rong Xian is going to get married, I am also extremely reluctant."

"mother!" After Rong Xian heard what Rong'er said, he looked at mother unwillingly, "Xian Er is also unwilling to leave mother's side."

"Silly girl …" Rong'er smiled at her daughter.

"Princess's distant marriage is indeed different from ours. After all, we were married into the palace in the capital and it would be convenient for us to meet. Since Princess Rong Xian was so far away by herself, she had to take care of herself …" Jia Ping also said.

The three of them chatted for a while, in the blink of an eye, it was already time for lunch. Rong'er and Rong Xian then stood up to take their leave, Jia Ping insisted on letting them eat together with him.

Just as the three were waiting for their morning meal, Jia Ping suddenly asked palace maid beside them, "Has little prince not woken up yet? Why didn't you see the wet nurse carrying the prince over? "

"This servant will go take a look now." palace maid by the side answered and quickly left the Warm Pavilion, walking towards the Warm Pavilion where the wet nurse and little prince were staying.

The palace maid had only been gone for a short while, when he suddenly heard a scream. Rong'er and Rong Xian immediately walked towards the door, following the sound to the warm pavilion, only to see the palace maid who had called for people standing at the door, looking into the warm pavilion, two palace maid s and a wet nurse were lying on the floor, Rong'er was shocked.

"That's not right!" It was a incense! The fragrance of the mother's house is Dazzling Spring! " Rong Xian suddenly shouted.

Rong'er turned and looked at Rong Xian with a confused expression: "Fragrance?"

Yes, humans will pass out after smelling this fragrance. In the past, second brother and Zhi Er and the others had experienced this before, and we have studied it together, that's the smell! Rong Xian nodded resolutely.

"Rong Xian, quickly go and instruct the manager's aunt to close the doors to the palace. No one is allowed to leave …" Rong'er suddenly thought of the prince and hurried towards the shaking table.

The scene in front of Rong'er stunned her. The child's head was tightly wrapped in a quilt. "Quick …" Xiao Qing... Fast... "Open the quilt!"

Xiao Qing walked to the bed and picked up the quilt with trembling hands. little prince's face and lips had already turned green as he gently wiped his nose with his hands, "Master, there's still air!"

"Quick!" Send someone to call for the royal doctors! " Rong'er called out hurriedly. She walked forward and quickly took off the quilt covering little prince's body, and said anxiously: "little prince, you must be alright!"

"My child!" She was still in her month, and rarely got out of bed. Now that she couldn't walk steadily, with two palace maid s at her sides, panic was written all over her face.

"No problem!" There's still air! " Rong'er hurriedly turned around to support her. Don't worry, the imperial physician will be here soon.

Jia Ping's tears were already streaming down his face, and he shouted loudly, "Who is it!?" Who was it that wanted to kill my son!? " She gently touched the child's cheek with her hand. Anger gradually appeared in her eyes as she said, "Who wants to harm my son? I will kill him!"

Rong'er and Rong Xian immediately went forward to comfort her, and before long, the two imperial doctors came over. After the two imperial doctors were tormented for a long time, the little prince was finally rescued.

In the middle of it all, Rong'er had already gathered all the palace maids, so Rong'er did not alarm the empress dowager and Imperial Concubine Wen, but rather sent people to report to the emperor instead.

"Tell me everything!" "Who did it!?" Xuan Ye's cold gaze swept over the dozens of people who were kneeling down, as well as Noble Lady Liang and Yuan Yiren.

No one dared to make even the slightest sound.

"Your Majesty, don't be impatient." Rong'er consoled him with a soft voice, turning around to look at the head steward and aunt, "Have any outsiders come today?"

"Today …" Today is the full moon day of prince... "There are too many people entering and exiting the palace …" There were too many people coming and going. It was very difficult for her to remember everyone clearly.

Yes, there were so many people entering and exiting the Yikun Palace today, if they were to investigate one by one, the entire harem would be alarmed, and once the entire harem was alarmed, then the news of the entire hall would naturally spread. At that time, it would be hard to preserve the prestige of the imperial family … Thinking about that, Rong'er raised his head to look at Xuan Ye, only to see that Xuan Ye was frowning, his face was filled with anger, he must have thought of this.

Xuan Ye lowered his head to ponder for a moment, then raised his head and said: "Everyone present here today, wait, you are not allowed to leak even half a word of this matter. Xuan Ye sighed, "And we will send people to investigate this matter."

Everyone agreed, Xuan Ye turned and looked at Rong'er, "We will go and comfort Jia Ping, you two royal doctors, go and tell them, if anyone asks, say that little prince's blanket is too tight, and that they are unable to breathe well." The two royal doctors using medicine for the little prince would naturally be related to this certificate, and since both the Taiyuan Hospital and Ministry of Internal Affairs had records of it, Xuan Ye had to consider carefully.

Rong'er nodded slightly, but her heart was filled with melancholy. She didn't know who had the guts to stab the prince, but she didn't know what kind of effects this would have on the harem …

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