The Legend of Imperial Concubine Rong

C318 Xuanye marries his daughter in the northern border

I think it would be very sad if Chang Zai Bu knew this. Her only reliance in life would make her want to marry into the distant Karachin, but this is fate, the concubines in the palace all wished to wait for the Emperor's favor every day. As for the princesses in the palace, they lined up one by one, waiting for a chance to be betrothed to the Mongol King, the Great Clear Chosen, and the others! This was fate that had already been written down for a long time. No one could avoid it!

Xuan Ye had been on patrol for more than a month, so emperor's son-in-law had accompanied him on his patrol. Rong Xian, along with Rong'er and Duan Jing, had spent a pleasant and comfortable summer at the entrance of Gu Bei.

"Duan Jing, why do you think that this Dundub disappeared just like that?" In the past few days, Rong Xian, Duan Jing and Rong'er had been enjoying the cool day in the pavilion, and Rong Xian had started to tease her again. These few days, she had teased Duan Jing quite a bit.

"You're here again! If he doesn't disappear, what are you sighing about?!" Duan Jing stared at Rong Xian, "Could it be … You regret choosing Woorgun? "

"No!" I don't like that look of Dundub, but I feel sorry for you. It's such a pity that I can't see him in person, but you will definitely like Dundub! " Rong Xian lamented.

Rong'er who was listening at the side laughed and asked, "How do you know that Duan Jing likes it?"

"mother, Duan Jing and I grew up together. I don't even know what she's thinking.

"Nonsense!" Duan Jing's face flushed red, "Who said I like this kind of person!"

"Do you really want me to speak? Alright, since mother is not an outsider, then I will speak! "That Zheng Jing really made you forget it for a long time!" Rong Xian said while laughing.

"Rong Xian, you are too evil!" Duan Jing's face was completely red as she shyly shouted.

In fact, Rong'er wasn't completely unaware of this. He smiled and said, "Now that I think about it, this Dun Duobu looks a bit like Zheng Jing!"

"Mother Rong, why are you helping Rong Xian to bully me!" Duan Jing said unwillingly.

Rong'er's face was brimming with smiles, "Duan Jing, Mother Rong is not bullying others. Mother Rong has seen this Dun Duobu before, but the conditions are good, and the Emperor also has the intention to do so. Let us inform you in advance so that you can understand him!"

"Exactly!" Seeing that Rong'er agreed with him, Rong Xian hurriedly nodded his head.

Duan Jing's face became even redder from Rong'er's words, and she remained silent. Seeing Duan Jing stop teasing her, Rong Xian turned to Rong'er and asked, "mother, imperial father and the rest will be arriving in a few days, right?"

"That's right. I received a letter two days ago saying that they are almost here. Why?" missed the emperor's son-in-law? " Rong'er teased her daughter.

"That's right, without shame, to think of the emperor's son-in-law so soon!" Duan Jing found an opportunity to tease Rong Xian.

"Of course not! I am thinking of the imperial father! " Rong Xian's face was also red as she explained.

"You clearly are …"

Watching the two girls teasing each other, Rong'er laughed with gratitude. After being together with Rong Xian for more than a month, she knew that Rong Xian and Rong Xian's relationship was extremely good, and she liked the grasslands, and liked Woorgun's home. She was very at ease and at ease, because her daughter had found what she wanted.

On the day that Xuan Ye returned to the palace, he announced a piece of news to everyone. Right when he was about to tour the North Wing to the Kara clan, Duke Du Ling made a request for Xuan Ye to marry him. Xuan Ye agreed to the request for Duan Jing to be betrothed to the second son of Duke Du Ling, Gerzang.

When Xuan Ye revealed this news, Rong Xian was the first to jump up, "imperial father, didn't you say that you want to betroth Duan Jing to Dundub?"

"Oh, it's like I can't find Dundub anymore. Duan Jing isn't young anymore, it's time for us to get married." Xuan Ye treated this as a joyous news for everyone, but he was still smiling merrily.

"Then what about imperial father, what is Gerzang's character like?" Rong Xian stared at Xuan Ye and asked.

Ah!" Xuan Ye hesitated for a moment before nodding slightly. "Not bad, not bad at all.

Hearing Xuan Ye's words, Rong Xian turned to look at Duan Jing, wanting to know her meaning. After Xuan Ye finished speaking, Duan Jing had been quietly sitting there, not saying a word, making people unable to see through her thoughts.

"Duan Jing, tell imperial father if you are willing to marry her!" Rong Xian looked at Duan Jing, "Ka La Xin is so far away, if you don't want to, you can talk to imperial father!"

Duan Jing lowered his head, and after a moment, raised it and looked at Xuan Ye, "This son's marriage is entirely dependent on imperial father."

"En!" Xuan Ye nodded his head, "Duan Jing, you are a wise child, and you are my daughter, I am also reluctant to part with you, but Gerzang might inherit the throne in the future, so he is qualified to marry my daughter!"

"Yes." Duan Jing lightly replied, and lowered his head, no longer speaking.

Duan Jing and her mother were the same, they were the same as each other, they were all part of the same type of people that went with the flow in the imperial harem. Their fate would push them wherever their fates led them, so they didn't have any choice but to walk in the opposite direction.

At night, Xuan Ye was in Rong'er's room chatting casually. Duan Jing was there as well and said a few words of blessings and consolation. However, Rong Xian and Woorgun had not met for a long time, so he wasn't in Rong'er's presence today.

Xuan Ye had been talking the entire time, but Duan Jing sat there quietly, nodding his head lightly from time to time to show that he remembered it.

"mother, Duan Jing!" 's voice suddenly came to mind. The one who entered the door first was Xuan Ye, he panted and shouted, "imperial father, Duan Jing cannot marry Gerzang!

"Xian Er, what's wrong with you?" Rong'er looked at her daughter in surprise.

"mother, I have just heard that this Gerzang is a vulgar person. He is bold and unscrupulous, his character is unruly and his heart is ruthless. Duan Jing cannot marry him!"

"Nonsense!" How did Gerzang become such a person? " Xuan Ye frowned slightly.

"Your Majesty, Imperial Concubine Rong!" Woorgun, who was following closely behind, hastily bowed.

"Woorgun, what did you tell Rong Xian?" Xuan Ye raised his eyebrows and looked at Woorgun.

"This subject... "Your subject …" After Woorgun spoke for a long time, Rong Xian cut in, "He spoke the truth! imperial father, how could you marry Duan Jing to someone like that! "

"Xian Er, there are a few bad rumors about him, but we have personally inquired about it. Although this Gerzang has some minor ailments, the essence is good." Xuan Ye frowned slightly.

"imperial father, you cannot harm Duan Jing!" Rong Xian's eyes reddened, he looked at Duan Jing, who was standing beside him, only to see Duan Jing staring at her blankly, with no other expression in his eyes. His heart tightened as he walked to Duan Jing's side and held onto Duan Jing's hands, "Jing Er, you told imperial father not to marry him!" Duan Jing stared blankly and did not say a word.

"Woorgun... "Don't you know what to say or not to say?" Xuan Ye took a deep breath and looked at emperor's son-in-law in front of him.

"This subject knows his wrongs. When the princess asks, this subject …" Woorgun whispered.

Xuan Ye sighed heavily, looked at him, and said bitterly, "We were originally delighted when you gave everything to Rong Xian, but now we don't know if it's good or bad."

"imperial father …" Rong Xian shouted, "You … You can't marry Duan Jing to Kara La Xin. It's so far away and no one knows about Duan Jing's suffering … You... You can't be so cruel! "

"Enough, Rong Xian!" Rong'er, who had been silent all this time, saw that Rong Xian was becoming more and more outrageous, and shouted to stop him, "How can you say that your imperial father is cruel! Your imperial father has his own plans for doing things, how can you be disrespectful! "

Xuan Ye lowered his head, pondered for a moment, and sighed heavily once again. He raised his head and said, "Rong'er, let her say it, we are cruel, you know." Xuan Ye looked at Duan Jing gently. "Duan Jing, we know that our concern for you these past few years is not enough, but you are our daughter, our blood and bones. We naturally wish for your happiness!"

Xuan Ye looked up at the rooftop and blinked his eyes, "Kara Xin is located in the northern border, far away from the capital, and hard to control. He could betray me at any time, and only by marrying him can we stabilize his situation …" Xuan Ye lowered her head and looked at Duan Jing with red eyes, "Duan Jing, you can hate me!"

"That's right, Princess. Your Majesty's actions are just a choice out of helplessness. It's just to ensure the safety of Great Qing Province!" Woorgun hurriedly told Rong Xian.

Hearing Xuan Ye's words, Rong Xian felt a bit sad. Yeah, although her imperial father was a noble son of heaven, she couldn't help but show weakness at times, Woorgun's grandmother, Princess Atui, Sister Pure Qi, herself, and the current Duan Jing were all destined to be married into Mongolia. Perhaps, not everyone could be like her, and choose a emperor's son-in-law that she liked. They had grown up together since childhood, and they had the best relationship. She really couldn't bear to part with them! As he thought of this, tears welled up in his eyes.

Everyone's eyes were focused on Duan Jing, maybe Duan Jing had never felt like she was the center of attention before, she secretly raised her head and looked around, she was actually a little nervous and organized her thoughts, then smiled slightly and looked up at Xuan Ye, "imperial father, Duan Jing is willing to marry Kara La Xin, Duan Jing is at the northern border protecting the Great Qing Empire, like the royal sister, she is spreading the name of the imperial father in Mongolia."

"Duan Jing..." Rong Xian tightened his grip on Duan Jing's hand, and gently called out.

"royal sister, don't worry. Duan Jing will be as happy as you!" Duan Jing continued to smile faintly.

Seeing Duan Jing's smile, Rong Xian's heart became even more upset. She suddenly pulled Duan Jing into her embrace, and let out a loud cry.

Rong'er raised her head and looked at Xuan Ye, her eyes were also hazy, thinking that it was Duan Jing's words that made her feel touched. She quietly turned her head and wiped away the tears at the corners of her eyes. Duan Jing was truly a good child, she only thought that she was introverted in the past. Hope... She could really be happy!

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