The Legend of Imperial Concubine Rong

C327 Xuan ye once again refused to allow a woman to enter the palace

Rong'er thought to himself: I have been busy for a long time with the goal of choosing the Harem Girl for the emperor, but who would have thought that it would end up with the emperor rejecting the talent show. No matter what, I am still gratified.

"Leave your card!" Imperial Concubine Wen looked at Rong'er and Imperial Concubine Hui, and when he saw the two lightly nod their heads, he recited the result.

After choosing for an entire afternoon, the Harem Girl s passed by the three of them one by one. This was the nineteenth contestant to leave their trump cards today, and there were still ten contestants left.

However, Rong'er, looking at this year's Harem Girl, although there were a few outstanding families that looked at beauties, there was no beauty that could compare to Wang Ying. Wang Jiami was a peerless beauty, it would be very difficult for anyone in this batch of Harem Girl to make the empress dowager feel at ease.

"Imperial Concubine Rong, what do you think of this Harem Girl?" Imperial Concubine Wen called out to Rong'er.

Rong'er nodded his head lightly, Imperial Concubine Wen looked at Imperial Concubine Hui and nodded lightly, then ordered loudly, "Leave your card there!"

After an afternoon's worth of selections, all twenty of the Harem Girl s had been selected. The people of the Fated Palace verified the selected Harem Girl s once again, then turned to Rong'er and the other Imperial Concubine Hui and said, "It's been hard on you two sisters today. You two should rest well.

"Imperial Concubine Wen has worked hard too!" Rong'er and the Imperial Concubine Hui replied respectfully.

"Alright, I'll go report to the empress dowager about the results of harem elective today. The elder sisters should head back to the palace to rest first." Imperial Concubine Wen said politely.

Rong'er and Imperial Concubine Hui took their leave, and the selection was held at the imperial flower garden at Chin An Palace. The two of them left the palace and walked along the imperial garden to the entrance of the palace, and although they had lived far away in the two imperial concubines, although Rong'er and Imperial Concubine Hui hadn't traveled much in the past few years, they still occasionally chatted together. Imperial Concubine Hui was the same as in the past, they were not very talkative, but when they were together, they could still say a few words.

"Imperial Concubine Wen, over this year, you have become much calmer." Rong'er said softly.

The Imperial Concubine Hui nodded, "That's right, the previous her has always been a little less calm. In this one or two years, there will be even more examples of an imperial concubine."

"All these years, you and Imperial Concubine Wen have been on good terms. She has always been good to you." Rong'er sincerely said.

"Actually, sometimes I see that she is the same as the Empress Xiaozhao. In fact, they are both women with good natures, but after staying in the palace for too long, there will always be something that they want, that's all." Imperial Concubine Hui had an expression that seemed to be able to see through the world.

Rong'er stopped and turned to look at Imperial Concubine Hui, "What about you? "You've been in the palace so long, why have I never felt what you wanted?"

Imperial Concubine Hui looked at Rong'er lightly, smiled slightly, and looked into the distance, "Me? Maybe that's my nature. "

Rong'er smiled back, turned around, and continued walking forward. "Actually, this isn't a bad idea either."

Imperial Concubine Hui looked at Rong'er and laughed, "What, are you not at peace with yourself either?"

In the past, when I just entered the palace, I thought that you had something that you wanted to hide from others. After being together for so many years, I found out that your temperament is like this, that's why the Empress Xiaozhao viewed you as a close friend. Rong'er sighed.

Imperial Concubine Hui lightly nodded her head and didn't say anything else. She just couldn't help but sigh in her heart, those who want to fight are all people that care about the Emperor, and she didn't fight.

The next day, Rong'er and Imperial Concubine Hui arrived at the Zhongcui Palace that the Imperial Consort Wen resided in and discussed the candidates for entering the Palace. In their opinion, two of them were enough, Rong'er could recommend Dong Ou Yuting, and this girl was the only girl that caught her eyes yesterday in the harem elective. Although this girl did not have any talent, she had a gentle and elegant smile, giving her a kind and warm feeling, as if the girl in front of her reminded her of a person, a person that was extremely important to her life — — Wang Jingzhi, whose temperament and quality were extremely similar to her. Furthermore, Dong'ao's family was famous, and she was the daughter of the lieutenant general, Peng Chun. She was completely qualified to enter the palace.

As for Imperial Consort Wen himself, he also had three or four candidates, which one he had chosen. As a result, it would be difficult for the three of them to decide which one of the five should enter the palace.

As the three were discussing, Imperial Concubine Wen's palace maid suddenly came in to report. He said that it was an order from Distinguished Room's Chief Eunuch, Gu Wenxing.

The Imperial Concubine Wen hurriedly ordered his guests to come in. Gu Wenxing bowed to the three of them, then stood up and said, "The Emperor has decreed that this year, the harem elective will continue to follow the previous sessions and will not select Harem Girl to enter the palace. All of the selected Harem Girl s will leave their tokens.

After Gu Wenxing finished speaking, he looked at Rong'er again. "Imperial Concubine Rong, the Emperor has specifically instructed us that this Third Prince is about to turn sixteen. This Imperial Concubine Rong can see if there are any suitable Harem Girl s that can be recommended to the Emperor.

"Eunuch Gu, I followed the orders of the empress dowager and chose to enter the palace. Now that the emperor doesn't want the empress to enter the palace, I'm afraid it'll be difficult for me to answer to the empress dowager." Imperial Concubine Wen. He said with a slight frown.

"Oh, Imperial Consort, don't worry. The emperor has already told the empress dowager about this." Gu Wenxing retreated after he finished speaking.

As for Rong'er and the other two, they looked at each other in dismay. They had promised to be busy for so long, but who would have thought that they would end up with such a result?

At the same time, in the empress dowager's palace, the empress dowager was looking at Xuan Ye with dissatisfaction. "Your majesty, I've always wanted to help you select a talent, but you're certain that this is my intention to disappoint This Dowager?"

"Imperial Mother, how could I dare to disappoint you, just look at this official's harem, there are already more than 30 people, why would I not remember? I don't need to recruit more Harem Girl, why not let me see them?" Xuan Ye smiled and comforted the empress dowager, "Furthermore, we have not deliberately chosen to enter the Harem Girl Palace for so many years. Since it has already become a habit, why change it!"

"Tell us all about being good and obedient! When Grand Empress Dowager was still alive, he had once said that Han Nu was not allowed to enter the palace as a concubine, but you had already completely forgotten the words of the Old Ancestor! This one is so sad! " Her Majesty knocked on the table with a sorrowful expression.

"Calm down Imperial Mother!" Xuan Ye said softly, "Imperial Mother, now that the Great Qing is ruling the world, if we want to be able to stabilize the Central Plains, we have to obtain the recognition of the Han people. After all, this is the Central Plains, and the Han people are a hundred times more numerous than us, We have to convince them that they are willing to serve the Great Qing, and that they are willing to serve us. Didn't the Ex-Emperor have a Chinese concubine back then? "

"This …" The empress dowager was momentarily at a loss for words, but stubbornly continued, "Then … "Then does the emperor not want the Old Ancestor's rules?"

"Imperial Mother, that won't happen. This grandson has his own skill, you can rest assured!" Xuan Ye continued to pacify her.

"Then... "Then the Emperor has promised This Dowager that he won't only pamper Han Nu, he will definitely not give them the authority to take over his position!" The empress dowager said worriedly as she looked at Xuan Ye.

"Imperial Mother, I promise you, I will keep my word!" Xuan Ye nodded heavily.

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