Yes, the King promised to bring the Emperor a happy woman, she is beautiful, she is demure, and she is talented. My heart aches a bit, but I am still smiling, maybe Wang Jiami is just the beginning … …

Inside Tong Xiushan's warm pavilion, the two of them were chatting casually. The two of them entered the palace at the same time and cooped up in the same house. They also raised Yin Xiang up together, so the relationship between the two of them had always been very good.

"This time, Imperial Concubine Wen had always wanted to teach Imperial Concubine Rong a lesson, but never thought that it would be such a failure." Tong Xiushan laughed as he shook his head, "Seems like she wasted her time this time."

"To be honest, you have to blame her for being blinded by hatred. Otherwise, she wouldn't have done such a foolish thing." Mingru sighed softly.

"Mingru, we entered the palace in the same year and have been here for more than ten years. What is your greatest feeling?" Xiu Shan looked at Noble Lady Min quietly.

Noble Lady Min smiled lightly, "Feel? As a woman of the imperial harem, she is either doted upon by the Emperor, or has an honorable position. At the very least, she should be treated as a member of the Imperial Concubine. After Chang Le's death, I started to think less and less about things, and I just hope that my three children would be healthy and safe. "

"Then you'll be happy, at least you still have three children." She sighed. "You are right, without the love of the emperor, you should at least have a noble title. Just like my sister, although she died young, she still got the title of Queen."

"Actually, you are Empress Xioayi's younger sister and the Emperor's younger cousin, and Imperial Concubine Wen is Empress Xiaozhao's younger cousin. I think that the future Empress will be chosen by you two, too, but it's a pity that Imperial Concubine Ping is her. She was Empress Renxiao's younger sister before all this happened, but she lost her mind and went crazy." Mingru sighed.

"Don't say that, Imperial Concubine Wen is a consort, and as for me, I haven't even written down my Imperial Concubine yet. How would I have the qualifications to compete with Imperial Concubine Wen to be last? Xiu Shan quickly said.

"The Imperial Concubine Wen is not pure. I don't think the Emperor will treat her as his backing." Min Ru shook her head and suddenly thought of something, "Right, how do you know that the Imperial Concubine Wen is deliberately giving more benefits to the King so that the Imperial Concubine Rong can find the Emperor?"

"Oh." "I heard it from the palace maid, I have no intention to listen to it. Actually, if you think about it, it is not strange that the Imperial Concubine Wen suddenly agreed to King's request."

"It's really strange. Heh, I really thought that Imperial Concubine Wen had suddenly changed his character." MinRu smiled faintly.

Xiu Shan sighed lightly, "Back then, Imperial Concubine Ping threatened her position and she was always against Imperial Concubine Ping. Actually, in my opinion, Imperial Concubine Wen is not someone to be trifled with."

"Isn't this all for the sake of the emperor's doting? Imperial Concubine Wen is currently the most respected in the palace, so I'm afraid all I can ask for now is to be pampered. " She was a pampered person who had given birth to two princes and two princesses for the emperor. She was satisfied and understood this principle from the very first day she entered the palace. She was good to others and had never clashed with anyone in the palace, but she had also been naive before. It was just that after more than ten years of living in the palace, she had long since lost her relationship with Xiushan, who was the closest person to her in the palace.

"That's why she's called stupid. Seeing the way the emperor took care of the emperor, and then looking at his attitude towards the Imperial Concubine Rong, how could the emperor's feelings be so good? It would be wise for her to stay safe and be her imperial concubine. " Xiushan sighed.

"Mistress, Imperial Concubine Wen and I went to see the King and agreed." Xiu Shan's palace maid and Zhuo came in to report.

"Noble Lady Min, let's go. Accompany me to take a look, Imperial Concubine your highness is here, how can I not go and greet this main palace concubine?" Xiushan sighed helplessly.

Mingru smiled and nodded.

In the room that the King agreed to sleep in, Rong'er sat beside the Imperial Concubine Wen, listening to the warm air that the Imperial Concubine Wen gave to the King. Although she was already carrying the pregnancy promise that the King had not applied makeup on her body, her face had become even more lovable than before. It was no wonder the Emperor liked Wang Jiami so much, as her body continued to exude a kind of aura that made others want to get close to her.

Today, Imperial Concubine Wen suddenly came to visit the Yanxi Palace, and said something about it. Luckily Rong'er had gone to the Emperor to speak, and the various palaces had all received benefits, and after that, he told her about Rong'er's untruthful praises, before finally asking her to accompany him to see the King's consent. Since the Imperial Concubine had spoken, Rong'er naturally could not refuse it, so he accompanied her to the Chengqian Palace.

"Your concubine greets Imperial Concubine your highness." Xiu Shan and Noble Lady Min appeared at the door of the room.

"Xiushan, you're here?" Imperial Concubine Wen smiled, "You don't need to come. Imperial Concubine Rong and I are only here to see Wang Tong, you don't need to worry."

"Chenqie is fine as well. Since the imperial concubine your highness is here, of course I have to pay my respects." Xiushan said in a decent manner.

"Xiushan has always been so polite. No wonder the empress dowager often praises her." The Imperial Concubine Wen nodded in praise, "I want to learn more about Xiushan."

"Imperial Consort, you're too kind." Xiushan Fu replied.

"Oh, why is the hand of the King so hot? Is it because of the fever? " Imperial Concubine Wen suddenly shouted in shock, "Elder Sister Rong, come take a look!"

"It shouldn't be a problem." Recently, the Imperial Concubine Wen had always been concerned about her, so she was very touched.

Hearing Imperial Concubine Wen's call, Rong'er walked to the side of Wang Ye's bed and used his hand to wipe Wang Jiami's forehead, then said softly, "It should be fine, it's normal for someone to have high temperature during the initial stages of pregnancy."

"Oh, that's good. I was still wondering if I should call the imperial physician." Imperial Concubine Wen said in relief, "That's right, I remember now. Back then, when I was carrying Yin Shi, I seemed to be like this as well."

"Wang Ying, do you have enough food? I haven't sent you anything recently. If it's enough, then we won't need to take special care of the palace's rations anymore. " Imperial Concubine Wen's eyes were filled with concern.

"To return to your highness Imperial Concubine, there is enough for you. I'm afraid you won't be able to use up all of the things that you sent here earlier." Wang Ying replied in a soft voice.

"That's good." Rong'er felt that Imperial Concubine Wen was really meticulous, that she and the Emperor had said that everything should be done according to the rules, but she had to agree to the rules of the. What Imperial Concubine Wen said today, made the King agree to let go of all the grudges in his heart, if not, he would inevitably have grudges towards her.

The few of them sat in the room that the King had agreed to stay for a while longer before rising and bidding their farewells. Rong'er and the Imperial Concubine Wen bid their farewells at the palace entrance before returning to his own Yanxi Palace before dinner.

After Rong'er ate dinner, Ling Qiao'er came to look for Rong'er to go to the Buddhist Hall with him. Rong'er was still in the fasting period, so he and Qiu'er started to recite Buddhist scriptures together, changing clothes properly. Just as they were about to leave, they suddenly saw the Ministry of Internal Affairs manager leading a few uncles into the palace.

"Lord Rong, the empress dowager has invited you over to her palace." Ministry of Internal Affairs manager bowed and said.

"Is the empress dowager looking for me? What do you want your father-in-law to know? " Rong'er asked in surprise.

The head eunuch was on good terms with Gu Wenxing, so he was always very polite to Rong'er, lowering his voice and saying, "Lord Rong, it's really not a good thing, the king promised to meet with some trouble."

"What happened to Wang Tong?" What does it have to do with me? " Rong'er frowned slightly.

The steward shook his head. "This servant isn't too clear on the details. Lord Rong should hurry over, lest the empress dowager blames him."

Rong'er nodded and turned to Xiao Qing, "To the empress dowager's palace."

"Rong'er, will anything happen to you?" Ling Qiao'er asked worriedly.

Rong'er turned around and smiled, "Don't worry, it might be a misunderstanding. You go to the Buddhist Hall first, if you're early, I'll go find you."

After Ministry of Internal Affairs's father-in-law left the house, Rong'er's heart was filled with confusion. What happened? What did it have to do with her?

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