The Legend of Imperial Concubine Rong

C338 Unravel the truth and hate

Rongzi mused: The experiences of life are books of growth, only after experiencing them can you understand them. Recent events have taught me that no matter how much I ask myself, I will always indirectly harm others and will always be hated by others. I suddenly become a little lost in my own view of life that I have persisted in for more than forty years … ★

"Mistress, don't let your thoughts run wild. Eat something." From last night till now, Rong'er had been like this the entire time, "Master, Su Dayu himself did not understand, so Master cannot be blamed for this matter!"

Rong'er shook his head, "Xiao Qing, I'm not thinking about it too much, it's just that in the past few days, I've understood quite a bit." "All these years, I have always thought that all of my actions were for the emperor's sake, for the harem, I have never done anything shameful. But after looking at the Imperial Concubine Wen, and then looking at Su Dayu, it turns out that I was so hated in the hearts of many people, and the feeling of being hated by others was actually this unbearable!"

"Mistress, the fault lies not with you but with their self-righteous hatred and not with you. It would be too unreasonable for you to blame yourself in your heart!" Xiao Qing said seriously.

"How did we deal with Su Dayu's corpse?" Rong'er's heart felt heavy.

"It seems like an intact corpse was left behind, and the Imperial Concubine Wen has already been grounded. It's clear that the empress dowager and emperor still understand, and this matter cannot have anything to do with the Imperial Concubine Wen." Xiao Qing told Rong'er everything he knew today.

Rong'er slowly stood up and walked to the side of the window. Out of the two large trees in the courtyard, the leaves had long fallen off. Facing this withered tree, he suddenly had a particularly desolate feeling, and he slowly said, "Su Dayu, no … Should be... Zhang Wan Dian, she … "She shouldn't have taken this step. She really shouldn't have. If I knew of her existence, I would have treated her well …"

Rong'er's mind finally flashed with the hate in Su Dayu's eyes as he stared at her until death. Her heart ached for her, she truly felt pain for her … And the memories went back to last night.

Originally, Su Dayu's real name was Zhang Wan Xiang, she was sold as a slave in Su Dayu's home when she was young, and grew up with Su Dayu. Su Dayu's home was a house of clothing, and just as Su Dayu and his lover ran off together the night before, just as Su Dayu's family was feeling helpless, Zhang Wan Xiang took the initiative to represent Miss Su Dayu and participated in the competition, thus she entered the palace as Su Dayu.

According to what Su Dayu had said, Su Dayu eloping to leave home was all because of her continuous persuasion. Her goal was to welcome this opportunity to enter the palace and her only goal in entering the palace was to seek revenge.

Back then, because she was implicated by Zhang Leqi's poison and killed her own son, the entire Zhang family was executed. Zhang Wan Tu, who was still a child, was upright and upright, and was loved and respected by her neighbors, but when the Zhang family was struck by the calamity, one of their neighbors couldn't bear to secretly save her, and had no choice but to sell her to Su Dayu's family. Because Miss Zhang Wan's age was similar to Su Dayu's, she became Su Dayu's side instead, and Zhang Wan's father was a good doctor who was supposed to benefit her, but she hated herself for it!

After spending so many years in the palace, she had grown from a small palace maid to become the most trusted palace slave by Imperial Concubine Wen's side. On one hand, she was asking about the cause of Empress Xiaozhao's death, but on the other hand, she was secretly inquiring about Zhang Leqi's death.

In her memory, Rong'er trembled lightly. She remembered clearly the tragic cry Zhang Wan drew last night: "My dad has always been a good person who practices medicine. Why did he want to break up our family's happiness!" What she saw reminded her of that summer night twenty years ago. Amongst the Cining Palace s, the night where Rong'er begged Grand Empress Dowager to forgive Zhang Leqi's family members was the night she did not put in enough effort, was the night she did not manage to keep them! Tears unconsciously rolled down from his eyes. Was Zhang Leqi killed by her? Was she the one who killed Zhang Chenghai, the doctor who was an expert in food treatment? Was Zhang Wan Painting killed by her? All those years ago, she only exposed Zhang Leqi's crime, but why did she become the sinner for so many people!

Had she done the right thing or the wrong thing? Rong'er started to become confused and hesitant …

Last night, after Zhang Wan Cai finished narrating all her anger and resentment, she looked at Imperial Concubine Wen and said guiltily, "Master, this servant is useless. This servant cannot avenge my family and Empress Xiaozhao. Your servant will pray for you in the heavens! "

Rong'er suddenly woke up from her reminiscence and turned around to look at the pillar of light in the hall. It was in her palace, right on that pillar. Last night, Zhang Wan'er had ended her own life. She didn't even give Rong'er a chance to explain himself. She didn't even give him a chance to plead on her behalf … Imperial Concubine Wen fainted on the spot. Rong'er remembered that the empress dowager had said some words to her before she left, but she had also heard them indistinctly. Her heart was in a mess, she was thinking about this woman, this woman who was gradually turning cold on the cold ground, she really … How pitiful …

"Master!" Xiao Qing called out worriedly when he saw Rong'er staring at Liang Zhu with tears in her eyes.

Rong'er lightly wiped his tears away with a handkerchief and turned his head, saying softly, "Zhang Leqi's death is something that she deserves, but Zhang Chenghai, Zhang Wan Dian and all the other members of the Zhang Family, their deaths were caused by grievances!"

"Master, Su Dayu hates the wrong person, and the one she should hate is not you, but Zhang Leqi!" Xiao Qing didn't mind, "Fortunately she didn't hate your majesty …"

Rong'er shook his head lightly, "From the way she treats Imperial Concubine Wen, it seems that she is a kind person. How could such a person protecting their master be a bad person? Her hatred needs to be vented, and I am her target for her hatred! "

"That makes sense!" Xiao Qing sighed lightly, "Actually, thinking about it carefully, she is also living quite arduously."

"Oh right, where is that palace maid called Yi Er?" Rong'er suddenly thought of the palace maid who had saved her yesterday.

"The Ministry of Internal Affairs should be arranged anew, I'm afraid that no master would dare to take a palace maid like her, who has a master, right?" Xiao Qing guessed.

"Go talk to Ministry of Internal Affairs, transfer her to our palace. She saved my life, and since she has a righteous heart, I won't harm anyone, so there's nothing much to be wary of. Let her come over." Rong'er instructed softly.

"Yes, this servant will arrange it right away!" After all, Yi Er was Rong'er's benefactor, so he was very willing to help her.

Rong'er's grievances had already been washed away, but from yesterday until today, there hadn't been a single trace of the emperor. The emperor's orders had been cancelled, and Rong'er no longer needed to move to the other rooms. Even though he knew he had been wrongly accused, he didn't show any signs of consolation or apology. Rong'er felt as if his heart was hurting a little. Years of favors had given her a lot of people who hated her, but in the end, didn't she still have nothing like them?

Time can make people forget their pain, but time can also dilute their feelings …

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