The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 101: 4-vs-5 (1)

The crowd were so captivated that no one paid any attention to the fact that the duo just jumped the line, but everyone knew that anyone who said anything about that might easily become the crowd's greatest enemy at this point. 

The line parted just like the red sea as everyone looked on to see the lucky bastard these two goddesses were approaching.

There were even some who stretched their neck so long that they had muscle cramps on their necks.

"Such beauty, elegance, appeal and luxury… who are they and where are they from?" A lady who also had rosy cheeks asked as she tried to restrain herself from blurting out her feelings.

"Hmph! How can you not tell who they are?" A luxuriously dressed youth who looked to be about seventeen years of age was looking on from the window of his carriage, when he snorted derisively at the woman who just asked the question.

"Miss Yue Yao, the weather out there is scorching hot, would you and your sister mind stepping into my carriage for a bit, at least till we get past the gates." He called out as he stretched his neck outside the carriage windows.

"Young master, you need not to act in such a manner. With one word, you could have her as a servant or concubine. After all, she is only from an ordinary Clan, while you are from a Super Clan." An old man who looked to be in his late forties spoke to the teenage boy in front of him.

"Zi Kun, don't you think it's a little beneath you to act in such a manner? What if she's beautiful and sexy, in the end she only from an ordinary Clan." A carriage which was being pulled by two beasts which seemed to be a crossbreed of a tiger and a wolf pulled up next to the crowd.

"Chi Zheng, aren't you also saying all these shameless things just to find favour in the sight of young miss Yue Yao? Now who is acting in a manner which is beneath them. After all, aren't you also from a Super Clan?" the youth who was named Zi Kun replied to his peer Chi Zheng.

The moment the crowd heard the names of the two youths who just spoke, the entire crowd burst into an uproar as silent whispers began to travel from one end of the queue to the other.

"So, it is the young mistress of the Yue Clan and her younger sister. I guess they are both going to be participating in the Desert Sun Sect entry competition…" An entranced youth beside the woman who asked earlier answered as he kept staring stupidly at the two beautiful girls.

"It is young master Chi Zheng of the Chi Clan, and young master Zi Kun of the Zi Clan… To meet two of the three Super Clans outside the Dogon Empire here today, my trip here has not been wasted." A young lady fanatically wiggled her chest at the two youths as she screamed. 

There were other girls and ladies who also screamed at the sight of these two youths.

After all, asides the fact that they were devilishly handsome and strong, there were also the heirs of two Super Clans in the same level as the Min Clan of the East Wind Empire.

"Apparently, they two young masters are both vying for the attention of the Yue Clan's young mistress, but she had long declared that she was only going to be with anyone of her peers who could defeat her in a duel." 

A man spoke calmly from the crowd, he was one of the few people within the crowd who wasn't fazed by the appearances and entry of these three talented youths.

The moment he spoke, a few people moved towards him hoping to glean some information on how to woo these girls.

"She had once battled the Zi Clan and Chi Clan young masters respectively, and they were both beaten black and blue in that unforgettable duel." Another man raised his head to the side as he folded his arms and spoke like he was the father of the person in question.

Then just like the first time another set of people swarmed towards him also trying to get some more information about this jaw-dropping beauty.

"The only person she is looking forward to at the moment is the heir of the Lao Clan; Lao Yi. Apparently, they Yue Clan is a subordinate Clan of the Lao Super Clan, and Lao Yi is the only one of these heirs Miss Yue is yet to duel." The first man spoke once again, taking more crowd.

"The reason was only because young master Lao Yi was said to be in cultivation seclusion for about two years now, since he was on the verge of comprehending the first plane Intent level of the Wood Law." The second man added once more, getting back his crowd in the process.

Before long half oof the entire queue was split into two some with the first man and some with the second, while there were some who kept switching between the first man and the second in a bit to get as much details as possible. 

The lady called Miss Yue Yao and the little girl continued to walk towards the front of the queue.

Apparently, she was used to getting such preferential treatments because of her beauty and allure.

This continued until she stopped behind two hooded figures who refused to give way. 

Min Hong's group who had been mentally conversing amongst themselves, had noticed earlier that the noise caused by the murmurings of the crowd was increasing as time went on.

So, the abnormal and instant silence, caused him to raise his head to take a look at what happened.

All this took long to write but happened in the time it took the two girls to walk from the back of the queue to the spot on the queue where Min Hong and Min Qing were currently standing. 

Seeing that there were actually people within the crowd who weren't moved by her beauty enough to allow her passage made her really unhappy.

So, she released a little bit of her aura as her first plane Intent level Fire Law surged out. 

Fire didn't come out, rather it was an intense amount of heat capable off instantly roasting anyone under the 3-Star Dan Formation stage that was released.

The heat was so immense that everyone around her were forced to take several steps backwards.

The heat then surged over to Min Hong who was luckily standing behind Min Qing.

So, he was the one who was bearing all the brunt of this immense heat being radiated by the young girl.

The moment Min Hong felt the heat, he sent out his mental sense to scan the entire area and when he heard the whispers of some people on the queue, he came to a quick understanding of what was going on. 

Then he thought of using this opportunity to deter any other person from causing him a similar sort of trouble.

So, he simply activated his Oblivion Law which began to devour the intense heat and acted like he didn't know what was going on behind him.


[Thoughts: Yue Yao] – "Hmph! Let's see how long you can keep ignoring the heat…"


[Mental Transmission: Little Ming] – "What are you going to do about this?" Little Ming who was hiding under the cloak could actually feel the heat a bit because of her close proximity.

[Min Hong] – "I might as well make a scene to deter these clowns about having any further ideas, but it is not time yet."

[Little Ming] – "What do you mean it is not time yet?"

[Min Hong] – "Look ahead towards the right of those guards, what do you think that is?" 

Little Ming did as Min Hong asked and saw a very gory and stomach upsetting sight.

Beside these guards in front, was a tall metal spike with the body of a man hung on it.

He had been pierced through his butt out of his skull and was wearing a sign board on his neck that read;

"This is Bai Long, he only argued about the price, and he ended up this way… Be wise, don't cause any form of disturbance and end up like Bai Long… Signed: Sunfire City Guards."

[Little Ming] – "Isn't that a little too vicious, what were they thinking?"

[Min Hong] – "If you can't take it anymore, just go and be with Little Qing till I sort this out."

[Little Ming] – "Hmph! What do you take the endurance level of us beast for? This level of heat isn't even anywhere compared to the level of heat ii use when sunbathing."

Hearing this, Min Hong smiled slightly from beneath his hood as he went quiet like still waters.


After about five minutes…

[Thoughts: Yue Yao] – "Hmph! Let's see how well you will fare after I increase the heat." She then increased the heat level to the endurance level of a 5-Star Dan Formation stage… 

About fifteen minutes later, Yue Yao looked around her saw that some people amongst the crowd have begun to look at her with a despising gaze, whilst others have also begun to whisper elusively.

She instantly became very pissed due to the amount of face she had lost today because of this annoying figure in front of her.

So, she lost her composure and increased the heat to an endurance level of a 6-Star Dan Formation stage.

But after another ten minutes, Min Hong still showed no form of reaction… 

[Thoughts: Yue Yao] – "Eeh! So, he does have some abilities. Let's crank it up a bit…" Then she used her full strength to raise the heat to the endurance level of a 7-Star Dan Formation stage.


Instantly, a lot of the crowd stepped away and even the guards in front felt the heat from afar.

One of the guards immediately tried to step forward to put an end to the disturbance, but was stopped by his partner.

"It is not every day we get to see such an amusing sight, let us see how it develops. If it becomes life-threatening, we will step in." The other guard said as he watched on with a smile. 

Not long after he made the statement, the heat finally reached its peak.

At this point, Yue Yao was already set ablaze, but for an unknown reason, her outfit was not burnt in any way.

Min Hong on the other hand already had his capote burnt into dusts leaving only his hood. 

Min Hong then released his mental energy as the heat was pushed back towards Yue Yao.

Seeing him retaliate, Yue Yao smiled as she walked towards Min Hong making the intensity of the heat rise due to the closer proximity.

"Can't endure any longer unh?" She mocked as Min Qing finally felt the heat and spoke;

"Hong-ge, how do you want to settle this?" She asked.

But the moment her voice jingled out; its sweet cacophony shocked the crowd as they all shifted their gaze in a bid to see the face of the person who could speak with such sweetness.

"She is not worth it. I will handle this…" Min Hong replied calmly and leisurely.

It was at this moment that everyone could finally deduce from their voices, that these two hooded figures were a young male and female who should only be in their early teens.

"Hmph! What a cocky brat you are. You really don't know your place. Do you think you could match up to me just because you possess a protective artifact?" Yue Yao snapped when she heard Min Hong's statement.

She couldn't sense any shred of cultivation from Min Hong, so she assumed that he was probably just an ordinary rich person who could afford to buy a protective artifact of such tier.

Then she attacked, dashing towards Min Hong as hot golden-red flames burst forth from her foot propelling her high into the air as she yelled;

"Flame Meteor!"

A giant fireball materialized out of thin air, as she fired it at Min Hong who stood there seemingly stunned, watching as the fireball approached him.

"What! Does he plan on taking the attack of a 5-Star Dan Formation expert who had comprehended the first plane Intent level of the Flame Law, head on?" Someone among the crowd exclaimed in shock when he noticed that Min Hong didn't budge in the face of the attack.

"Hmph! He has no power and yet overestimates his capabilities…" Zi Kun saw Min Hong's leisure expression and snorted in disdain.

"This guy doesn't value his life. There is no point in dying all in the name of trying to impress others. He doesn't know that the golden part of Yue Yao's flames can bypass artifacts and shields." Chi Zheng murmured to himself.

"You have to defend against it by using your own Universal Law. Moreover, the comprehension of that Law must at least be equal to hers, or if the Universal Law is stronger than hers." He added as he lazily watched the duel from within his carriage.


A huge mushroom of dust and sand mixed with golden-red flames erupted into the sky as everyone's gaze including Yue Yao's, focused on the point of target, in a bid to see the outcome of the attack and the condition of Min Hong who didn't budge an inch in the face of the attack.


A blur drew a thin line through the air as it burst out of the fire, approaching Yue Yao at a very quick speed.

By the time everyone saw the figure, it was that of an azure-black coloured little boa. Its entire head was covered with glittering azure scale as it whipped its tail at Yue Yao.

"Hmph! Is that supposed to be a sneak attack? Stupid!" Yue Yao sneered at Min Hong's tactics. 

Then she folded one arm and stretched the other and yelled; "Flame Battle Armour!" 

Immediately, golden-red flames surged out from within her body engulfing every part of her body.

A shield made of golden-red flame formed on her folded arm, while a long sword made of similar flame appeared on her stretched arm.

Flames erupted from her foot as she rocketed towards the incoming Little Ming. When the two of them got into close proximity, the corner of Min Hong's lips rose slightly as he sneered;

"Your parents were still a babe when I started using sneak attacks." Min Hong murmured as a very potent and sharp mental and soul energy erupted from him…

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