The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 124: The First Round Concludes

No matter how good of a Samaritan that outsider was.

But little did he know that, even though it was not complete, Min Hong had actually told him his true name.

Min Qing placed her palm on the orb and a character formed on its surface depicting the word 'Fourteen'.

Then she went on to the stone pillar as the gazes of over ninety percent of the entire crowd present fell on her.

Min Qing could clearly sense the anticipative gazes of the crowd on her and she smirked and slowly moved her hand onto the stone platform, stoking the fire of their suspense till it became a raging inferno.

Min Qing was still concentrating when some of the inner and outer court boys began to whistle in awe.

Then one of the boys who had been completely consumed by the inferno of suspense finally screamed out; "Urgh, you're killing me. Just do it already!"

The moment he yelled; a cold snort travelled from the other side of the stands where the female disciples were all seated.

Here, a group of five annoyingly gorgeous girls were seated together wearing the black embroidered Sect cloak, depicting that they were all inner court disciples.

The cold snort from earlier came from the one who sat at the centre of the group.

She was a light-skinned lithe girl who wore emerald earrings to match the colour of her eyes and a long black hair and was created with frontside and backside proportions which were not shy to the eyes at all.

"Hmph! Look at all of them, drooling like rabid dogs in front of a meaty bone." She said with a disgusted expression.

Then another girl in their group added;

"Muscle for brains. They are all a disgrace to the inner court."

But as the four of them were all roasting the inner court boys with their eyes, the girl called Li Chun was instead looking at Min Qing with an angry frown etched on her face as she thought;

"Then let's see if your talent is just as ugly as your slutty face". 

Min Qing finally placed her palms on the stone pillar and it lit up seven times with a bright blue colour.

Seeing this, the entire stands except for some selected few erupted in cheers once again.

One of the other outer court boys comically went to his knees as he spread his arms wide and declared;

"Oh great heavens. I am truly flattered. Really… to grace me with the presence of one of your kind, I am truly flattered. Now I can die without regrets..." 

The female elder then announced with a smile;

"Fourteen years, 7-Star Dan Formation stage. Pass! Proceed!"

Min Qing then proceeded to the second stage before looking over to Min Hong on the other stage in the distance.

Then she saw him looking over as well before giving her a subtle wink as her face instantly began to take a reddish hue once again.

Before long, it was Long Sha's turn and he also went up the stage.

When he stepped atop the stage, no one amongst the crowd thought he was special.

In fact, most of them thought he was just a random country bumpkin who came to the sect to try out his luck.

But Li Chun looked at Long Sha and her eyes narrowed into slits trying to peer through his façade to see his true nature, but no matter how much she tried, she got nothing.

But not everyone wouldn't know Long Sha and though most of the members of the Desert Sun Sect do not show much interest in the situation or changes happening outside the sect.

It is more like they do not have the time.

The requirements to move from the outer court into the inner court was harsh enough to keep them sorely busy with either their cultivations or going out on missions in a bid to gather merit points.

But when the male Elder overseeing the proceedings of the selection exams saw Long Sha, though he did not bow or greet him, he still composed himself in a more respectable manner. 

The Elder's demeanour obviously did not escape the scrutinizing gaze of Li Chun who smiled softly before saying a single word;


Then she relaxed back into her seats, ignoring her friends who were all still insulting the inner court boys who still had their eyes glued to Min Qing.

Long Sha walked up to the stage and took the orb before being scanned by the energy. 

Then the energy swarmed over to a spot on the orb before displaying the character; "Fifteen".

Then afterwards he proceeded to the stone pillar before placing his palm on it, then a blue light glowed eight different times before the male Elder nodded his head subtly and announced;

"Fifteen years, 8-Star Dan Formation stage. Pass! Proceed!"

Then Long Sha walked atop the second stage before heading over to stand beside Min Hong who was still in the middle of his adventurous quest of finding the treasure within his left nostril.

The next set of people who took the next seven tests were very familiar to both Min Hong, Min Qing and Long Sha.

In fact, of the seven of the, there were five boys and two girls. 

These five boys were looking towards Min Hong's direction.

Of the five, two of them were malicious whilst the remaining three were just curious.

But the two girls were glaring at both Min Hong and Min Qing at the same time.

The girls were clearly the two from the Yue Clan; Yue Yao who fought with Little Ming and Yue Lin who Min Qing knocked out.

But amongst the five boys, Min Hong knew the names of two of them; Chi Zheng and Zi Kun.

The other two were the twins he saw outside the Sunfire City gates who came with their father the thin tall man with a cultivation in the Nascent Soul stage and Wind Intent.

But as for the fifth boy, Min Hong had never met him before and was wondering where they met when he heard Long Sha murmur; "Lao Shi!".

Then he turned to him and asked;

"I was just here wondering why he was looking in my direction. I guess he has his sights on you. Who is he?"

"He is the heir to the Clan Head position of the Lao Clan and also the elder brother of the girl who our clan Elders forced my dad to arrange a marriage with."

"The day we finally met; I made my intentions clear immediately that I don't love her."

"Not then, not now and surely not in the future. We later heard that the Lao Liqiu had committed suicide just because I refused to marry her."

"The Lao Clan couldn't do anything about it, but this Lao Shi ever since then entered cultivation seclusion in a bid to obtain enough strength to challenge me to a death battle."

"But the first time he came out of seclusion and challenged me to a death battle, my father ordered me to accept it as a sign of respect to the Lao Clan."

"But in the end, I defeated him and spared his life because I don't want further troubles and only want to cultivate peacefully."

"Then he went into another cultivation seclusion and came out to challenge me for the second time and I also defeated him and spared his life."

"But if he dares to do it this third time that he is out of seclusion, I don't mind sending him to join his beloved sister wherever she may be…" 

Min Hong could sense a deep fury emanating from Long Sha.

It was the kind of fury one has when a housefly keeps singing and perching over one's body for twelve hours straight.

But Min Hong simply held Long Sha by the shoulder and spoke;

"Do what you must, but remember our goal. If he is going to be a future obstacle to it, then you have to get rid of him before he becomes a viper lurking in the shadows."

Long Sha heard Min Hong's statement and froze in shock.

Though, he knew what Min Hong said was the truth, but he never thought Min Hong would be this decisive when talking about taking another person's life.

But he still responded; "Rest assured, the next Death battle he challenges me to would be his last."

Long Sha made his decision before asking; "What are you going to do about those two?"

"Hmph! Ignore them, they are all bark and no bite.

Moreover, like you said they are heirs to other Super Clans and it would be unwise to cause any trouble for your Long Clan. At least, not at this moment.

But if they are proving to be a thorn, I also have my means of dispatching them without raising any suspicions."

When he got to the end of his sentence, he gave Long Sha a wink with a light smile which only plunged Long Sha into a deeper curiosity about him. 

"What about your sister and those girls?" Long Sha asked again.

Min Hong simply grinned at Long Sha before responding;

"Min Qing will handle herself just fine. Those two combined are not a match for her anymore."

When Long Sha heard his response, he simply sighed in defeat. He had noticed that the more he thought about it, the more lost he became.

So, he decided to drown whatever curiosity he was having for the moment. 

The first to take the test amongst the group of seven was Zi Kun.

Apparently, now that Lao Shi was here, the flames of his competitive spirit had been stoked by the wind of impression.

So, he went up the stage and few seconds later, his result was announced;

"Sixteen years, 5-Star Dan Formation stage. Pass! Proceed!"

Next up was without doubt Chi Zheng who still looked a little lethargic.

Clearly, he's still nursing the injury he sustained from Min Hong's blackhole. 

A few minutes later, his results were also announced;

"Sixteen years, 5-Star Dan Formation stage. Pass! Proceed!" the moment Min Hong heard the results, he mumbled to himself;

"Birds of the same feathers truly flock together…"

Long Sha heard his statement and shook his head slightly as he thought; "Anyone who gets on this guy's bad side would surely suffer miserably." 

Whilst he was dwelling on his thoughts, Min Hong abruptly sat cross-legged on the ground as he began to rethink the statement his mother said to him when he was little, especially the last sentence;

"Remember, only the blind can truly see the shadows that lurk within the darkness."

So, he shut his eye as he began to try to comprehend any deeper meaning lurking within the sentence.

Long Sha saw Min Hong sit and begin to meditate and the smile one gives when one finds a partner in crime decorated his face as he also sat cross-legged beside him before bringing out his dull metal sword and joined Min Hong in meditation.

The many male participants which numbered about two thousand saw them and paid them no heed, but a very few of them also joined them in meditation.

"Hmph! Are you two trying to raise your cultivation base or comprehension level within the timeframe of a few hours before the next test?"

Zi Kun spoke so loudly that not only the male platform, but the female platform and some of the disciples in the court heard him.

Some of them began to scoff at the actions of Min Hong and Long Sha.

But after receiving no response, Chi Zheng then added; "Well well, if it isn't the great Long Sha of the Lon-" 

Before he could finish speaking, Long Sha's blade was already on his throat as he solemnly spoke; "I dare you to complete that sentence…"

Chi Zheng knew Long Sha was trying to keep a low profile, otherwise he wouldn't have entered the Sunfire City and now the Desert Sun Sect in such a subtle and silent manner.

So, he was trying to reveal his identity just to get back at him for what happened at the gates of the Sunfire City.

But he didn't know that the true reason why Long Sha was keeping such a low profile, was because only two members of his Long Clan knew he was currently within the Desert Sun Sect; his mother and his master.

So, should word get back to the Elders of his clan that he actually went out when they unanimously declared that he shouldn't, it might cause a great disaster for him and his parent.

That was why he reacted that aggressively towards the Chi Zheng who had almost perspired a gallon of sweat from the sheer amount of killing intent Long Sha was radiating.

"I don't care whatever repercussions my actions will bring, but I dare you to complete that statement."

The crowd surrounding their group were already paying a closer attention to the situation as they began to show interest in knowing Long Sha's background.

"Long Sha, sit…"

The swarming crowd and their whispers were already disturbing the meditating Min Hong.

So, he grabbed Long Sha by the arm and told him to sit.

Long Sha looked to Min Hong and back at Chi Zheng, then he returned to sit cross-legged to continue his meditation. "Zi Kun, let's leave."

Chi Zheng spoke to Zi Kun with a slight commanding tone as Zi Kun followed him as they left the scene.

The moment they left the midst of the crowd, Chi Zheng finally spoke once again;

"You seem to have something to say. What is it?" He paused and turned to look at Zi Kun who was behind him.

"Why did we leave so shortly, I thought you planned to expose their identities and get under their skin a little?"

When he heard this, Chi Zheng scoffed slightly as he responded;

"So stupid. How can you fail to notice that we have achieved both our aims already?"

"We have?" Zi Kun asked in a confused tone. Chi Zheng simply sighed as he finally answered;

"Though we didn't verbally expose their identity, the attention we drew towards them was enough to stir some curious minds into finding out who they are."

"So, in a few weeks or months, one of them will get the answer and we will gladly help them spread the rumour. Thus, we would use that to get under their skins."

"Then when they have festered their hatred to a deep extent, we will then move on to the next stage of our plans, which involves that girl who is with them.

"Before proceeding to our final plan, which will end in their miserable demise and get us our revenge."

"Don't forget, the reputations and probably the lives of our Elders are on the line for this, so if any one of you slacks off or makes a mistake, do not blame me for being vicious."

"Of course, I am aware of all that is at stake, but you should remind Yue Yao and Yue Lin to also do their parts." Zi Kun responded.

"Do not worry about them, I have spoken to Lao Shi and he has reassured me, they dare not fail, just focus on your part and do it well." Chi Zheng replied with a more commanding tone.

The next person to take the test was one of the twins and a few minutes after, the male Elder also announced his results;

"Fifteen years, 5-Star Dan Formation stage. Pass! Proceed!".

Then came his twin brother; "Fifteen years, 5-Star Dan Formation stage. Pass! Proceed!".

Then it was Lao Shi's turn; "Sixteen years, 7 Star Emperor stage. Pass! Proceed!"

Then Yue Yao on the female platform took hers; "Sixteen years, 6-Star Dan Formation stage. Pass! Proceed!"

Yue Lin came after; "Twelve years, 4-Star Dan Formation stage. Pass! Proceed!"

The test then went on with no more surprises until the last three who took the test which were two boys and a girl.

The first boy; "Sixteen years, 6-Star Emperor stage. Pass! Proceed!"

and the second boy; "Sixteen years, 7-Star Dan Formation stage. Pass! Proceed!"

When everyone heard their results, they finally paid attention to them and some cheers rang across the stands once again.

The last of all to take the test was a lithe, sexy girl who had a long brown hair, flat tummy and snake-like body structure with an equal front to back side proportions which stuck firmly and rigid to her body like they were held up by the invisible hands of a spirit goddess.

If Min Qing was the most beautiful girl amongst the participants of this year's entry selection exams, then she would battle Yue Yao for second place.

While Yue Yao's outfit was revealing and sexually appealing, she dressed very decently which for some strange reasons only served to exponent her sexiness.

Furthermore, though, Yue Yao was a little plumper than she was, the girl was prettier and more graceful than Yue Yao.

So, whilst Yue Yao amplified the lustful desires in the heart of men, this girl would be a divine fairy within the fantasies all men dream about. 

Then just like everyone else, her results were announced;

"Fifteen years, 6-Star Dan Formation stage. Pass! Proceed!"

Then after her test, the top ten rankings in terms of both potential and cultivation power looked like this;

1. Fei Hong (M – 12) = 4 Star Emperor and Peak Qi Sea stage.

2. Fei Long (M – 15) = 8 Star Dan Formation stage.

3. Fei Qing (F – 14) = 7 Star Dan Formation stage.

4. Lao Shi (M – 16) = 7 Star Emperor stage.

5. Kun Chao (M – 16) = 7 Star Dan Formation stage.

6. Kun Lin (F – 15) = 6 Star Dan Formation stage.

7. Yue Yao (F – 16) = 6 Star Dan Formation stage.

8. Xiao Fang (M – 16) = 6 Star Dan Formation stage.

9. Mu Bai (M – 15) = 5 Star Dan Formation stage.

9. Mu Li (M – 15) = 5 Star Dan Formation stage.

When the rankings were announced all the outer and inner court disciples were very shocked to know that eight out of the top ten participants were people from unknown background.

Some of them were even country side bumpkins who came from negligible backgrounds.

The only two they were familiar with were Lao Shi who was from the famous Lao Super Clan.

Then finally the infamous flame demon; Yue Yao, who came from the Yue Clan but her fame was known across the entire Lao Super Clan and as a result she was also popular everywhere else.

They were also shocked to know that, they have never seen or heard about the trio who seemed to come from the same background and claimed the top three position, plunging the popular and most favoured Lao Shi into third place.

In a bid to keep his identity a secret, Long Sha had registered his name as Fei Long after getting permission from Min Hong and Min Qing who granted his request without thinking too much about it.

As for the Zi Kun and Chi Zheng duo, they took the 31st and 30th positions respectively, with Yue Yao's younger sister; Yue Lan, taking the 13th position.

Though, the rankings were still temporary and subjected to change after the second round.

But it still showed how much of a potential these youths had.

After all, the upper age limit for the exams was eighteen, but the rankings were determined by order of highest potential and talent to the lowest.

The majority of those who failed directly were those who were older than eighteen, whilst they simply ranked the rest and failed those who fell below the 2500th position, which seemed to be the maximum number of male entries the sect was willing to accept for this year's entry selection exams.

"For those of you who have failed the first round of this selection exams, you can always try next year as long as you follow under the eighteen years age limit."

"In a bid to motivate you to do more, two tour guides would be assigned to you all so you can all get an experience of how life within the sect is."

The male Elder addressed the boys who had failed the first round of the selection exam who were basically about half of the total number of boys who participated.

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