The Legend of the Immortal Cauldron

Chapter 105: Spiritual Purification Pill

"It's been more than a month, why hasn't Bao Ya's soul fusion ceremony ended yet." After finishing his work, Matthew tried to open his mouth, but found that the restriction still existed.

After resting in the alchemy room for a while, Matthew planned to continue practicing.

At this time, a very slight strange sound came from the door.

When Matthew turned his head, the old man in the Nascent Soul stage appeared here without knowing when.

While he was shocked, Matthew had already connected with Wu Kun.

The other party's intention was unclear, and Matthew was a little nervous.

"Hello, senior." After a slight adjustment, Matthew bowed and saluted.

"No need, I came here to find you for something." There was a hint of sadness on the old man's face, and he didn't want to talk to Matthew.

"Senior, just give orders, and the juniors within their abilities will definitely do their best." Matthew said after bowing slightly.

"I don't need to say more about the soul fusion ceremony. Now there are some problems with Bao Ya and need your help." The old man said quickly.

Now, Matthew finally understood that something went wrong with the Soul Fusion Ceremony.

"What do you need me to do?"

Although he said this, in fact, what Matthew wanted to ask most was that even you Yuanying cultivators couldn't solve the problem, so how could he solve it?

But he would never say this.

"The situation is a bit complicated, and it's useless to explain it to you. I want you to help me refine a furnace of pills." The old man was quite satisfied with Matthew's attitude.

Seeing that Matthew was listening carefully, the old man continued: "The pill I want you to refine is called the Pure Spirit Transformation Pill. This pill is extremely important to Bao Ya. I hope you can help with all your efforts."

"Please show me the pill formula." Matthew frowned and said.

This Pure Spirit Transformation Pill was the first time he heard it.

It made Matthew feel a huge pressure.

After taking the pill formula from the old man, Matthew immediately looked at it.

It took him a stick of incense to look at it.

The old man was not impatient at all, and stood there and looked at Matthew silently.

"Senior, everything else is easy to say, but what is this Fire Crystal Stone?" Matthew asked in confusion.

The method of refining this Qingshen Hualing Pill is somewhat special. It cannot be refined with normal flames. It can only be refined with something called Fire Crystal Stone, which uses the property of this stone to emit heat waves.

But Fire Crystal Stone is something Matthew has never heard of.

"It's this thing." The old man took out a fiery red stone from the storage bag and said.

As soon as the stone was taken out, the temperature of the alchemy room instantly rose.

Matthew stared at the stone in the old man's hand curiously for a while before saying: "This is the first time I have encountered this kind of pill. The success rate will definitely be very low."

"It doesn't matter. If you can't refine the Qingshen Hualing Pill, I have other ways, but it's just a little more troublesome." The old man waved his hand and said.

Since the other party said so, he must try this Qingshen Hualing Pill.

"Okay, since the senior said so, then the junior will give it a try." Matthew nodded in response.

"I won't let you help me in vain. If you succeed, you can choose three items from the treasure house. If you fail, it's okay. I won't blame you." The old man nodded with satisfaction.

After the old man finished speaking, he left the materials needed to refine the Qingshen Hualing Pill, and he left directly.

"This old man is outside the door, and he left a divine sense inside. You must not be careless." Wu Kun knew why Matthew asked him to watch these things, and took the initiative to speak after the old man left.

"I understand." This situation was not beyond his expectations.

After finding a place to sit down, Matthew took out some paper and a brush and began to write on it.

He didn't want to copy down the pill formula, but to use this method to deduce the combination and order of each spiritual medicine.

Although the combination and order of spiritual medicines are written on the pill formula, he still needs to confirm it again before he can rest assured.

This sitting lasted for three days, and Matthew had already written dozens of sheets of paper in front of him.

After completing the deduction and confirming that the pill formula was correct, Matthew burned all the papers.

This was done on purpose for the old man to see. According to his habit, all these papers should be kept.

The next step is to get familiar with how to use the Fire Essence Stone.

The old man had taught him before he left, and it was not very complicated.

It only took half a day for Matthew to be completely familiar with it.

A simple stove was built in the corner. After putting the Fire Essence Stone in it, Matthew took out the yellow smoke stove and put it on the stove.

Although it was the first time to come into contact with the Qingshen Hualing Pill, the refining of this pill was not very complicated, and it was even worse than the Dingji Pill.

It only took two days for Matthew to successfully refine a Qingshen Hualing Pill,

and it was a medium-grade pill.

The old man who was standing outside and observing the situation in the alchemy room with his spiritual sense showed a look of surprise and joy on his face when he saw that Matthew had actually refined a medium-grade pill.

Before Matthew put away the pill, the old man entered the alchemy room again.

"You have fulfilled your mission and exceeded your expectations. I will give you a medium-quality pill." Matthew said softly after holding the pill in both hands and coming to the old man.

The proudest thing for the alchemy room is to refine a batch of pills that exceed the original expectations.

"Good, good, good." After taking the pill, the old man said three good words in a row.

"You have helped me a lot this time. I am not a stingy person. The conditions I promised you will remain unchanged. In addition, I can let you enter the largest treasure house to choose an item!" After putting away the pill, the old man laughed loudly.

"Thank you, senior." Matthew hurriedly bowed to thank him.

When he stood up, the old man had disappeared.

After more than a year of understanding, Matthew also knew some things about the village.

For example, the treasure house is divided into two types. One is the No. 1 treasure house he had visited once before. It is a small treasure house, and Bao Ya can enter it at will.

There are five small treasure houses like that.

However, there is only one big treasure house that the old man just mentioned, and it must be led by the old man who is the patriarch in person to enter.

Matthew learned all these from Xiong Ba accidentally.

At that time, Xiong Ba also said that he had lived in the village for so many years and didn't know where the big treasure house was and what treasures were in it.

Therefore, after hearing that the old man was willing to let him enter the big treasure house once, Matthew was also very excited.

After the old man left, Matthew checked with Wu Kun. After learning that the old man's consciousness had disappeared, he was completely relieved.

Since he knew that something had happened to Bao Ya, the ban should continue for some time. After resting for a while, Matthew began to swallow the pills and practice.

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