The Legend of the Immortal Cauldron

Chapter 1389: Mountain Pool

There were not many glazed water jades at the bottom of the stream. Matthew only found a few after searching for a while.

The last few pieces were not as big as the one at the beginning.

Matthew was just searching along the downstream of the stream.

He thought that the glazed water jade would definitely flow downstream along the water.

But he did not find much downstream. After thinking for a while, he decided to look upstream.

This stream is very long, extending from the top of the mountain.

While searching for glazed water jade, Matthew was also constantly adapting to his current cultivation.

The cultivation of everyone in Fuze Cave Heaven will be suppressed, and he is no exception.

Matthew's current cultivation is suppressed to the early stage of the Nascent Soul.

Not only the cultivation, but also the consciousness is also suppressed.

What he needs to do now is to adapt to the state of cultivation back to the early stage of the Nascent Soul.

In searching for glazed water jade, his speed will naturally not be too fast.

As Matthew walked slowly up the stream, a strange snake with skin like bark suddenly rushed out from a tree next to him and ran straight towards Matthew.

This strange snake had many vertical scales on its body and a triangular head.

The speed of the strange snake was very fast, and it rushed to Matthew in a few twists of its body.

Matthew seemed to have not noticed the strange snake at all, and looked down at the stream.

Just when the strange snake opened its mouth to bite Matthew's wrist, Matthew's arm seemed to swing casually.

Then, a sharp sword energy flashed out with the swinging movement.

The sword energy flashed, penetrated through the body of the strange snake, cut off several large trees behind it, and then disappeared.

Matthew did not even look at the body of the strange snake on the ground, and continued to walk up along the stream.

About an hour later, Matthew came to a canyon between two peaks.

This is the end of the stream.

This is a large pool, and the surrounding environment seems to be naturally formed.

The water flows down from the cliffs on both sides and falls into the pool.

The water in the pool overflows and flows down along the mountains to form a stream.

The reason why Matthew came here is that he found more glass water jade along the upstream.

Matthew stood by the pool, with an invisible cover outside his body to block the splashing water droplets.

"Strange, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in Fuze Cave is so rich, why is there not much spiritual energy in these waters. Logically, under such rich spiritual energy, it should become spiritual water." Matthew touched his chin and whispered to himself.

After speaking, he waved his arm, and a strong gust of wind appeared to isolate all the falling water on both sides.

And he landed lightly on the edge of the pool.

The water in the pool is very clear, but the pool is unknown how deep it is, and the bottom cannot be seen.

Just as Matthew was staring at the pool, ripples appeared on the water surface that had just calmed down.

Then small bubbles appeared and burst quickly.

Matthew noticed that when each bubble burst, a wisp of white gas would come out of the bubble.

He reached out and gently touched it, and a wisp of white gas fell in front of Matthew.

Just as Matthew was observing the white gas in front of him, a gurgling sound came from the pool.

It was like the water was boiling.

Suddenly, a water column suddenly shot out from the pool.

This water column was very high, about twenty feet.

Then, the top of the water column exploded, and rain fell from the sky.

Matthew moved his body and disappeared directly on the spot.

When he disappeared, the rain had already fallen to the ground.

But strangely, after the rain fell to the ground, it actually made a sound of metal and stone colliding.

Looking at the ground again, there were countless densely packed small holes at this moment.

Then, the water column completely collapsed, and a pale blue little man appeared on the pool.

At the moment the little man appeared, his back suddenly became blurry, and Matthew, who had just disappeared, appeared behind him.

After Matthew appeared, he slapped the little man's back expressionlessly.


The little man did not react at all, and his body was shattered by Matthew's palm.

It turned into a ball of liquid and fell into the pool.

Seeing this, Matthew smiled.

He turned his wrist and pressed it directly on the surface of the pool.


There was a loud noise.

Huge waves rose and scattered around.

At this time, the water level of the pool dropped a lot.

Just when Matthew was about to continue, the pool began to roll violently.

Thick water columns rose into the sky.

After the water column appeared, the surface was all lit up with blue light.

As the light flashed, huge water balls emerged from the light.

Matthew's eyes were calm, and he flicked his fingers, shooting out purple sword beams.

Originally, according to his expectation, the sword beams could easily break the water ball.

But when the sword beams touched the water ball, they actually embedded directly into the water ball.

As the water ball flashed blue, the purple sword beams turned into blue sword beams and Matthew lost control of the sword beams.

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