The Legend of the Immortal Cauldron

Chapter 563: Infant Formation 2

When Matthew swallowed the Infant Transformation Pill.

His originally straight body trembled slightly.

The two-color light flowing on his body suddenly surged and filled the entire cave.

And Matthew's face also showed a trace of pain.

The medicinal power of this Infant Transformation Pill is really fierce.

At this moment, his whole body is filled with huge medicinal power.

In the Dantian, the Dao base is rotating at a speed that is difficult to see with the naked eye.

The huge medicinal power is constantly absorbed and refined by the Dao base.

And the golden pill on the Dao base is also rotating rapidly at this moment, absorbing the energy spewed by the Dao base.

This golden pill has absorbed a lot of energy in the previous three years.

It is already a little bigger than before.

And at this moment, after absorbing the refined energy.

The golden pill is still growing a little bit.

The energy stored in the golden pill is limited.

If it cannot be absorbed in time, the golden pill will be burst.

At this time, the lotus petals on the Dao base began to unfold one by one.

Suddenly, the speed at which the Dao base absorbs medicinal power suddenly increased several times.


Suddenly, a very slight cracking sound was heard in Matthew's body.

Only Matthew himself could hear this sound.

He knew it was the golden elixir that was shattered.

This was not the golden elixir being stretched and bursting, but the first step of breaking the elixir to form an infant.

When a tiny crack appeared on the golden elixir, its speed of absorbing energy also instantly increased.

The huge medicinal power of the infant-transforming elixir was gradually swallowed up.

There were so many cracks on the golden elixir that they were already countless.

But the golden elixir showed no signs of breaking.

Seeing this, Matthew also smiled helplessly.

Others only needed some simple elixir to help them do this step.

And the elixir he took, such as the infant-transforming elixir, did not reach the stage of breaking the elixir.

He did not take other elixir immediately.

But he grabbed a large bottle and poured the spiritual liquid stored in it into his mouth.

His body was a little uncomfortable with the huge medicinal power of the infant-transforming elixir.

It is not advisable to continue taking powerful elixir now.

He is now in the spiritual vein, and can rely on absorbing spiritual energy to slowly break the golden elixir.

What he doesn't know is that while he is constantly absorbing the spiritual energy of the spiritual vein.

Above the island, white clouds of different sizes are floating around.

After these white clouds condense together, they form a huge cloud.

It looks at least a hundred miles long.

Moreover, there are white clouds around that are slowly approaching this side.

However, after these white clouds condense, there is no abnormality, just floating above the island.

In the cave, Matthew took out the spiritual infant fruit with a solemn face.

After absorbing a large amount of spiritual energy from heaven and earth, the golden elixir finally broke.

It turned into a ball of four-color mist.

The next step is the most critical step of condensing the Nascent Soul.

After crushing the spiritual infant fruit, he opened his mouth and sucked the juice of the liquefied juice into his body.

Suddenly, a sense of coolness filled his body.

The medicinal power of the spiritual infant fruit is very mild. Although it is also huge, it did not cause him much discomfort.

At this moment, Daoji has already spread out sixteen lotus petals.

After absorbing the medicinal power of the Lingying Fruit, the seventeenth lotus petal also slowly spread out.

Daoji spewed out energy into the mist above.

Every time he spewed out a stream of energy, Matthew could sense that the bottleneck of the shackles loosened a little.

After the mist absorbed the energy sprayed by Daoji, it began to roll violently.

But until the medicinal power of the Lingying Fruit was completely absorbed, the mist only became a little more condensed.

There was no sign of condensing the Yuanying.

Seeing this, Matthew took out the Ningying Pill without any hesitation and swallowed it.

The body was once again filled with violent medicinal power.

While Daoji was madly absorbing the medicinal power, the eighteenth lotus petal also spread out.

Then the nineteenth and twentieth lotus petals also spread out one after another.

Twenty lotus petals made Daoji absorb the medicinal power at an unprecedented speed.

At the same time, the spiritual energy in the spiritual veins was also pouring into Matthew's body at an incredible speed.

The mist was madly absorbing the energy spewed out by the Dao base.

After an unknown amount of time, the mist had become very condensed.

The amplitude of the churning on its surface was also getting smaller and smaller.

However, the speed of the churning inside was unprecedentedly strong.

The bottleneck had already loosened significantly at this moment, and it was afraid that it would be broken through in a short time.

"Master, this thunder tribulation may not be that simple."

At this moment, the worried voice of Ding Ling sounded in his mind.

"What's going on?" Matthew frowned and asked.

For the formation of the infant, he was most worried about the thunder tribulation.

He had also read a lot of information before, and had never seen anyone encounter thunder tribulation when forming a pill.

He was unprepared that time.

This time when the infant was formed, he knew that the thunder tribulation was likely to occur.

Therefore, he made a lot of preparations.

But after hearing Ding Ling's words, Matthew still became a little nervous.

This time, Ding Ling did not reply, but a phantom purple mirror appeared in front of Matthew.

After Matthew opened his eyes, he saw a picture on the mirror.

This picture was exactly the island where he was.

A huge white cloud was covering the island.

After comparing the white cloud with the island, Matthew felt a bitter taste in his mouth.

It was estimated that the range of the white cloud was at least five or six hundred miles.

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