The Legend of the Immortal Cauldron

Chapter 928: Fighting the Blood Demon

The blood demon was very fast. As soon as he took action, he had already rushed in front of Matthew.

A blood-red fist hit Matthew on the head.

And it still smells like blood.

When Matthew retreated, a large number of golden arcs lit up on his body.

Follow his finger a little.

Golden arcs of lightning swept out towards the fist.

When the golden arc falls on the fist.

The bloody smell was immediately dissipated.

And after the blood demon ghost let out a slight groan.

He punched hard, ignoring the golden arc, and headed straight for Matthew with his fist.

There was a hint of surprise on Matthew's face.

After the Dharma behind him made a quick seal.

The Hunyuan Black Toad Sword fell into the hands of Fa Xiang.

The moment he held the long sword, Fa Xiang slashed hard at the blood evil ghost in front of him.

An arc of purple light flashed out.

Such a close distance.

In addition, the speed of Hunyuan's Breath Slash is extremely fast.

The blood evil ghost couldn't even dodge it.

The Hunyuan Breath Slash successfully struck the blood demon ghost's fist.

Suddenly, a series of harsh friction sounds sounded.

The fist only lasted a few breaths before the blood demon took it back.

Matthew also took this opportunity to put some distance between himself and the blood demon.

After distance.

Matthew and Fa Ting expressed their secrets at the same time.

The Hunyuan Black Toad Sword began to emit bursts of sword sounds.

At the same time, colorful lights began to flow rapidly on the sword body.


Matthew paused for a moment and pointed at the Hunyuan Black Toad Sword that was ready to go.

Suddenly, a slender stream of colorful light shot out from the sword body.

This streamer is extremely fast.

As soon as he appeared, he appeared in front of the blood evil ghost.


The colorful stream of light hit the blood evil ghost's body firmly.

The body of the blood demon ghost is originally in the state of blood cells.

After being hit, a fist-sized hole was opened directly in the middle.

And there was a lot of blood flowing out.

Despite the injury.

But the blood evil ghost acted like a normal person, completely ignoring the wounds on his body.

After letting out a roar, he waved his arms violently.

Two bloody gusts of wind appeared instantly, sweeping toward Matthew from the left and right.

Seeing this, Matthew immediately ducked to avoid it.

But he just moved.

However, within the two bloody gusts of wind, two big bloody hands immediately appeared and grabbed him.

The big bloody hand was faster than Matthew.

It's too late to escape.

Matthew's eyes froze and his body turned quickly.

Countless rays of sword energy shot out in all directions.

The sword energy is usually extremely sharp.

At this moment, he seemed extremely fragile.

He collapsed instantly after coming into contact with two big bloody hands.

Seeing this, Matthew changed the technique in his hand.

A loud cry sounded.

Then, a purple three-legged Golden Crow appeared.

After the Golden Crow appeared, it immediately rushed towards the big bloody hand on the left.

The Golden Crow is extremely ferocious and has no fear of big hands.

Purple flames continued to spit out from his mouth.

When Matthew used the huge sword shadow to push back the big bloody hand on the right.

A toad cry sounded again from the Hunyuan Black Toad Sword.

Then, a purple toad that looked like a hill appeared.

After the toad came out, it jumped hard and rushed towards the big hand on the right.

The purple toad keeps spitting out purple clouds from its mouth to resist the big hand.

Before Matthew could breathe a sigh of relief.

A strong bloody smell hit his face.

I secretly said something bad.

Matthew didn't have time to escape.

A bloody hand came towards him.

In desperation, Matthew twisted his body.

Avoiding the fatal position of the head.

At the same time, a colorful light flashed across his body.

The Phantom Treasure Armor emerged.


The bloody palm slapped heavily on the Phantom Armor.

A huge force struck, and Matthew let out a muffled groan.

The person was hit to the ground with great force.

Although he was physically strong, this fall still made him feel dizzy.

Even the Dharma image was smashed and became a little blurry.

When the blood demon ghost saw this, a sinister smile appeared on his lips.

As soon as his body moved, he rushed towards Matthew underground.

Just when the blood evil ghost rushed over.

Matthew kicked his legs hard, leaving a long mark on the ground.

After avoiding the attack of the blood demon.

Matthew stood up from the ground in a hurry.

After making the secret with his hands, his body began to change.

Matthew knew that he would not use the method of suppressing the bottom of the box.

I'm afraid I really have to explain it here today.

After casting the secret technique of transformation.

Matthew put away the Dharma sign.

As soon as the magic formula changed, Matthew's body began to glow with yellow light.

Matthew has just used the secret technique of transformation.

The blood evil ghost had already rushed over.

Before he even got close, the blood demon ghost slapped his palm in the air.

A huge bloody palm appeared above Matthew's head.

And quickly pressed down.

Seeing this, Matthew immediately raised one hand, made a fist, and pointed it upward.

A huge yellow fist flashed out.

Go straight to the bloody palm above.

After the two collided, a huge collision sound sounded.

Matthew immediately left the place.

The moment he left, the blood evil ghost followed closely behind.

With one punch, a pit was created on the ground.

Just when the blood demon planned to continue chasing Matthew.

But he saw some blue light spots around his feet.

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