The Legend Of The Kyubi

Chapter 10 - I'm back! Are? (1)

Konohagakure no Sato, a beautiful village surrounded by lush forests, 'natal' village of two of the most powerful Ninjas of the 5 elementary Nations, if not the most powerful, Hashirama Senju and Madara Uchiha.

Two guards discussed nonsense issues but left that aside when they felt the presence of someone approaching.

"STOP!" - One of them said while he realized that the person was a young man who could not see his face because of the Sakkat he was wearing - "Reason for your visit!"

"I have returned from my 2-year training and I want to give the test to be Genin of Konoha" - Said the young redhead while looking at the guards and taking off his hat - "My name is Naruto Uzumaki"

Naruto was now a young man with the physique of a 14-year-old teenager. His reddish-orange hair reached his elbows, his eyes of different colors being blue and the other red showing how mature he had become. His face no longer had traces of baby fat and he was wearing an orange yukata with details of golden foxes with the Uzumaki clan emblem on his back.

The two guards were surprised to hear that name but quickly remembered the boy who left the village two years ago. Seeing great similarity that the young man in front of them had with him, they let him pass almost immediately saying that the Hokage asked to visit him when he returned.

Naruto nodded, then put on his Sakkat again and walked to the Hokage mansion.

Seeing how the redhead walked away, one of the guards could only look at his partner and say - "How has it changed, right?"

"The years were good with him but I don't want to think what Anko will do to him when he knows he came back ..." - the other replied as he trembled in fear as he remembered the woman's reputation - "I hope he had a good life. .. "

* * * * * * * * *

Naruto for some reason had a strong chill as he entered the Hokage building.

"Go ahead" - It was heard from inside the office. Naruto without thinking entered and when he did, he saw on the desk 3 elderly men. Everyone was equal in appearance but what he found funny was to see the 4th sitting on the couch while reading a book that read "Icha Icha Paradise"

"Life has been treating you well since Kaasan told you how to ease your suffering from paperwork, wasn't Ero Jiji?" - Naruto could only see the old man who had a perverted look.

"Hmph! What do you know about the wonders of being a man!" - Hiruzen said without thinking but after a while, he remembered that voice, he looked at it for a few seconds and ran to hug him - "Naruto, son! You're finally back!"

"Of course, Ero Jiji! Didn't I say I would arrive for the Genin test?" - Naruto shook his head when he noticed that the Sandaime had finally remembered - "I think reading that shit is f.u.c.k.i.n.g your memory ... I guess I'll have to tell Biwako Baba what it is you do in the office" (1)

Hiruzen started to sweat cold when he heard the redhead's words since Biwako didn't like him reading at work. The last time she surprised him by doing so, she burned his entire collection.

Hiruzen began to think until after a while he remembered something that brought an evil smile on his face - "Now that I think Naruto, there is someone I want to introduce you. She is called Anko Mitarashi and is a member of IT ... Would you like to know her?"

Now it was time for Naruto to start to sweat although after a few seconds he looked at Sarutobi, extended his hand and said - "Truce?"

Hiruzen looked at him back and replied with his outstretched hand - "Truce ..."

After that, the two began to laugh uneasily.

"Well ... I better go to the Academy to do the test" - Naruto said but before leaving he looked at Sarutobi one last time and said - "If I fall, I will not do it alone"

At that moment Hiruzen felt what true terror was and knew immediately that it was only a matter of time before his paradise was destroyed.

"* Sigh ~ * I'm too old for all this shit ..." - Hiruzen thought as he cursed Naruto - "I'd better find a replacement ..."

* * * * * * *

While approaching the Academy, Naruto made a Kage Bunshin tell his mother that he had returned and that he was going to give the test to be a Ninja.

Slowly the redhead walked to the teacher's room to find the teacher in charge of his class - "Iruka-sensei! Naruto Uzumaki has returned from his training to pass the test to be Genin of Konoha "

"Wow, Naruto, look how you've grown up!" - Iruka said with a smile on his face - "Come on, I'm sure your friends will be happy to see you again"

The two went out together and walked to the classroom while the redhead had a smile on his face as he reminded his friends that he didn't see for so long, especially two girls. Although it disappeared when he remembered what Hiruzen said and began to tremble. This did not go unnoticed by Iruka, who asked curiously - "What happened Naruto? Are you OK? "

"N-It's nothing sensei, it's just that it gave me an air current ..." - The Uzumaki replied with a forced smile. Iruka didn't give it any more important and just shrugged.

The two soon arrived in the room and the first to enter was the c.h.e.s.tnut, who when he saw all the quiet young people said - "Very well, guys, today is the day of the test to be Genin and I know you are excited but first I have to show someone before we start. Come in! "

Upon hearing the order, a handsome young man with reddish-orange hair entered the room. The majority found him familiar but 8 of them identified him immediately.

"Naruto! / Naruto-kun! / Naru-kun!" - they shouted with emotion while he answered them - "I told you that I would return for the Genin exam"

They looked at Iruka, who nodded permitting them and when they reached the front of Naruto everyone thought it would be an emotional meeting but to their surprise, the 8 ... began to beat the redhead mercilessly.

"BASTARD, YOU FINALLY COME BACK! "- Hinata and Ino said.

"Damn annoying Redheads ..." - Shikamaru said.

"Bastard worries friends!" - Kiba said while Akamaru jumped on top of Uzumaki - "Woof ~!"

"..." - Shino said (2)

"Finally you come back, Dobe!" - Sasuke said while laughing.

Sakura .... well, she was just getting even for all the times he told her pink Banshee but she was still happy - "Welcome back, Baka!"

"I hope you can get up because after the test we will go to Ichiraku to celebrate!" - Choji said as he kicked the redhead - "Ayame-san was worried sick about you ..."

"Emm ... Guys" - Iruka said as he watched as his students attacked Naruto - "If you don't stop soon, he won't be able to take the Genin test ..."

"Don't worry sensei! This bastard is super tough ... - Kiba said as he kept hitting Uzumaki.

"No, in fact, I should worry ..." - Iruka replied.

"Calm down sensei! It will only be one more minute ~!" - Sakura said with a refreshing smile.

"I think you have a different motive than the rest, Sakura ..." - Iruka replied with a drop of sweat anime style on his forehead when he saw the expression of the pink girl.

"I think it's enough ..." - Ino said and then looked at Hinata.

"I think so too ..." - Hinata replied.

"This is not the emotional welcome I expected ..." - Naruto said as he stood up as if nothing.

"Damn tough bastard ..." - Shikamaru murmured before returning to his post with an apathetic expression. The others began to retreat to seats leaving only Hinata, Ino and Naruto.

The two girls turned to see the redhead as he dusted off his clothes and told him with a serious look - "When we finish the test, we will have a goooooooood talk... WAS IT CLEAR ?!"

"H-HAI!" - Naruto answered without thinking twice.

After receiving the answer they wanted, they went straight to their posts leaving a classroom thinking if being redheads gave them more luck with the girls.

"W-Well let's start with the test" - Iruka said - "The exam consists of 4 parts .. the first one is Shurikenjutsu, in this part they will have to hit the 10 targets with both shurikens and kunais, being a total of 20 targets, depending on your aim, your score will be higher or lower. The second part is Taijutsu, here we will have a mini-tournament divided between boys and girls, depending on how high you get and how strong your Taijutsu is, your score will be higher, so we will have considering the people who had the bad luck of encountering a very strong opponent. The third part will be Genjutsu, here we will have the help of some Chunin or Jonin who will attack them with a Genjutsu, depending on the time and level of the Genjutsu that escaped, your score will be higher and finally we will have Ninjutsu, here you will use a Jutsu, be it from your clan or general of at least rank D, then use Henge no Jutsu and Bunshin no Jutsu, depending on the quality and control of the Jutsu, s u score will be higher ... that said ... Let's start! "

"Hai!" - Everyone shouted.

"Very good first test" - Iruka said - "Go ahead Sasuke Uchiha!"

And the scores were ...

Sasuke Uchiha 10/10 10/10

Over the years, Itachi trained Sasuke to see that he had no hatred in his eyes. Sasuke suffered for this but the results were obvious, his Sharingan woke up and now he had 2 tomoes.

Shikamaru Nara 6/10 6/10

He managed to hit 6 out of 7 in each one, but he didn't want to continue because he found it too annoying.

Kiba Inuzuka 9/10 8/10

Seeing how his friends took his workouts seriously, a competitive instinct appeared in him and this caused the young Inuzuka to change for good, he stopped joking and dedicated himself 100% to his dream. His mother and sister were grateful although the elders of the clan were upset since they planned to use him as a puppet in their d.e.s.i.r.e for power.

Shino Aburame 7/10 8/10

Despite being quiet, the young Aburame was not lazy, he was meticulous and dedicated. Insect care was a delicate task and with that in mind, he trained as best he could.

Choji Akimichi 8/10 8/10

If you take young Akimichi as a minus, then you are going to have serious problems. Seeing that his ramen friend left to train made Choji decide to train hard, though, he ate as he trained ...

The other teammates did not pass the 6 hits in each type of target. Iruka was finishing writing the data of the first exam, so he looked at the last missing boy - "Naruto, it's your turn"

Naruto advanced to the field, took the 10 shurikens and threw them at the same time, then did the same with the Kunais, all falling in the center of the targets.

"10 out of 10 ..." - the professor nodded as he wrote the Naruto data - "Ok girls, it's your turn"

The girls started throwing the shurikens but like the boys, they could not pass more than 6.

There were only 3 girls left, Hinata, Ino and Sakura.

Iruka looked at them and said - "Ok Sakura, you first, then Hinata and finally Ino"

Sakura Haruno 10/7 8/10

The pink girl had the potential to be a good ninja but because of her fan-girl attitude she didn't train enough since most of her time, she used it to be chasing Sasuke.

Hinata Hyuga 10/10 10/10

Ino Yamanaka 10/10 10/10

Everyone was surprised, even the Haruno, but what more do they want if at the moment Naruto left, the two girls started talking to Kushina. They asked him to train them because they knew that the redhead was a Ninja known as the Red Hot-Blooded Habanero and this was the best opportunity they had to grow as they wanted to be by his side not as flowers, but as his physical and spiritual support.

The two suffered in these two years but now they could see the results of all that pain, sweat and tears.

Naruto seeing his results could only smile at them. He immediately understood that all that result was thanks to the sweat of constant and painful training.

When he finished writing all the data, Iruka called his students and told them - "Now we go with the second part, the fighting will be random so if you face someone very strong you can only curse your luck but keep in mind that you will not know the level of power of your enemies in their missions and if by any chance they had their information, it may be wrong! That said, the girls go first ... Now ... Start! "

The battles were not exciting. Hinata and Ino won easily, although it was a bit complicated for Sakura.

Hinata was lucky to face a weaker girl from the remaining group and the battle lasted 10 minutes, not because it was difficult for the pearl-eyed girl, but because she was giving her rival a chance to show all her movements.

Although Hyuga now only blushes for Naruto, she was still a kind girl. She didn't want her opponent to fail miserably without showing some of her power.

And now it was the turn of Ino vs Sakura.

"Surrender Ino, now I will defeat you and show Sasuke-kun that I am good enough to be by his side!" - said the pink girl to her blonde friend.

The two became friends again in recent years and although they were still arguing, Ino was still worrying about Sakura and more when she saw that she maintained the same attitude with Sasuke. If this continued, Sakura could fall into the hands of the enemies and the unthinkable would happen.

"Sakura! I know you like Sasuke but if you don't train enough, you'll put yourself in the middle of him and his mission! They can even use you as a hostage or something else! - Ino tried to make her friend understand but she made ears deaf to everything she said - "* Sigh ~ * I guess I'll have to use force to make you understand and show you the power I acquired to be next to the one I like and not behind him!"

The battle lasted less than a minute because the levels were very uneven. Ino had trained for love, while Sakura was just chasing him.

Maybe it was because of the blonde's words or because she realized her weakness, but the rose began to wake up. At the end of the fight, if you could say so, I walk towards Ino and said - "I'm sorry Ino ... I know you care about me .... thanks for telling me those words ..."

Then she walked in front of Sasuke - "Sasuke-kun ... I'm sorry it was a nuisance to you, I promise I won't bother you again until I'm strong enough to be by your side and not be a burden ... "

When he finished saying this, he turned around and started walking towards where the girls were but were stopped by Sasuke's hand.

"Sakura, I don't find you at all annoying, I like you a little. When I was alone, you were always there (literally), so, you just have to train and be stronger, you don't need to disappear ... "- Said the raven with a little red face.

"Sasuke-kuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun ~!" - Sakura threw herself to hug Sasuke while she cried - "Buuaa ~ * Snif ~ * Buuaaaa ~ Sasuke-kun ... I promise you that I will be the strongest kunoichi to be by your side but this time it will not be just words... Buaaa~! "

"Ara ~? Teme-chan has a talent for the ladies JAJAJAJA!" - Naruto laughed but was silenced by a blow to the face and another to the stomach. When he got up, he saw two girls with glances saying 'You have no right to speak'.

"Ahem! Ok, let's finish this..." - Iruka said with all sad - "They with 12 already have a girlfriend and me here alone"

Ino vs Hinata.

Ino looked at Hinata and said with a serious face - "Very well, now we will show him how strong we have become"

Hinata smiled and replied - "So it will be, but ... let's use all our power ..."

(1) Biwako is not dead here because Obito was more focused on taking Naruto from Taji.

(2) You don't know how long it took me to write this part.

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