The Legend Of The Kyubi

Chapter 112 - Cap 103: I guess that was the signal

Quickly, Gaara's appearance began to change as he was surrounded by a sand cocoon. Kurama only waited silently as he glared at his opponent, paying no attention to the terror that those present were experiencing. Each of the spectators could feel the dark Aura of Gaara growing.

"I think we had better evacuate them," Kakashi said seriously. "If there are civilians in the arena, Kurama will not be able to fight with all he has"

"I agree with my youthful rival" - Gai nodded - "Not to mention that the population shouldn't know his true identity"

"Then let us do it at once," Kurenai replied as she looked worriedly at the arena but quickly shook her head to put her thoughts aside.

* * * * *

Hiruzen frowned when he noticed the change in the mood while pretending to be upset - "What does this mean?"

"I don't know what you are talking about, Hiruzen-dono" - said Orochimaru as he hid his smile with the veil that covered much of his face - "This is just a misunderstanding"

"I hope so because if not, Suna won't be able to handle the consequences," Hiruzen said coolly.

"Take it easy..." - said the Snake Summoner as he gave the signal to begin - "Suna will fix this."

* * * * *

"You know what to do," said Kabuto as he sent a mental message to his allies.

"Hai!" - they all responded as they activated the Dream Genjutsu, only to notice how it was destroyed - "Huh?"

"What's going on?!" - Kabuto exclaimed as he noticed his plans were not progressing as planned.

"Kabuto-sama... the Genjutsu was destroyed..." - said one of the shinobis, only to let out a shriek of pain after a few seconds.

"What is happening?!" - exclaimed the right hand of the Sannin Renegade.

"Sir! A group of Konoha shinobis is attacking us!" - exclaimed one of Oto's shinobis - "ARGH!"

"Shit! Start the attack! Now!" - roared Kabuto as he retreated because he felt an enemy attack. Slowly he looked in his direction and noticed a man with brown hair and pupilless eyes - "Yamato..."

". . ." - the Mokuton expert, just gave him a neutral look as a large number of branches came out of the ground.

"As communicative as ever..." - Kabuto snorted as he stood on guard - "I don't know how you found out we'd attack this day... but this doesn't change the fact that Orochimaru will accomplish his goal."

"I'm sure things won't go as planned," Yamato said neutrally as he summoned a Moku Bunshin.

* * * * *

"How?!" - exclaimed the Renegade Sannin as he saw how the civilians had been escorted out of place - "This shouldn't be happening!"

"I'm sorry, Rasa-dono," said Hiruzen with a small smile - "Let's just say that we already knew of your plans in conjunction with Oto"

". . ." - Orochimaru was only silent, although, after a few seconds, he began to laugh madly.

"What's so funny?" - Hiruzen asked with a scowl.

"That it doesn't make much difference," Orochimaru said as he removed his disguise, revealing his pale face. "'My goal was not the destruction of Konoha... My real mission... was to kill you, Sensei... Konoha was just a bonus I would have liked to get..."

"Orochimaru?" - said the Sandaime in surprise - "Where is Rasa-dono?"

"Dead... as you will soon be, sensei" - said Orochimaru coldly but his expression was distorted when he noticed Hiruzen's sigh of relief - "Why do you have that expression..."

"Because I thought I'd have to face you and Rasha..." - Hiruzen replied seriously - "Now that I know you killed him, I'm relieved."

Orochimaru's expression became increasingly grim but quickly calmed down - "I am more than enough to send you to the next world... Sensei"

"We shall see about that," replied Hiruzen as he took off his suit, showing that he was now wearing his armor, the same one he wore during the attack of the Kyubi and the wars of the past.

Orochimaru said no more, he just took a small sphere and threw it into the sky. When it was a good distance away, it exploded in a thousand colors, giving the start of the invasion, though the results would not be as he had planned.

* * * [At Konoha's Entrance] * * *

"That's the signal!" - said a Sunanin as he watched the explosion of multiple colors - "Start!"

But to his surprise, none of the shinobis followed his instructions.

"What are you doing?!" - exclaimed the Sunanin in fury - "Are you refusing to follow orders?!"

". . ." - the Suna shinobis continued without saying a word.

"If you do not attack now... you will be considered a traitor..." - said the mission leader coolly, but before he could say anything else, he felt something penetrate his c.h.e.s.t. Slowly he looked down and felt a sword piercing his back - "Why..."

"Because we cannot allow Suna to fall because of Rasa's foolish decisions" - said the Suna shinobi who had pierced him from behind - "Everyone here understands that we are only sacrifices to keep Oto out of danger... everyone here understands the consequences of attacking Konoha at this time... that is why we decided to follow Kankuro-sama..."

". . ." - The squad leader only fell to the ground inert after he finished listening to the words of the shinobi who killed him.

"You know what to do, men" - said the Sunanin seriously - "It's time we helped our ally with the little pest problem they have in their backyard"

"Hai!" - exclaimed the Suna shinobis loudly. The group quickly marched to the entrance, seeing two Konoha shinobis waiting for them.

"We welcome you, friends of Suna," said Kotetsu as he looked at the shinobis in front of him. "Hiruzen-sama informed us of your arrival"

"I'm sorry I can't stay and talk to you more... but we have to go in and help our Konoha allies," said the Suna shinobis standing in front of the group.

"Come in," Izumo nodded as he heard explosions begin to appear inside the village.

The Suna shinobis only nodded as they ran into the interior of the allied village.

"Are you sure about all this?" - Kotetsu asked as he looked at his friend.

"Those are Hiruzen-sama's orders," Izumo said gravely.

"I have no problem following them," Kotetsu said. "I do not want to die so young, much less when I have a date tonight"

"Date? With whom?" - Izumo asked in surprise.

"Your sister," answered Kotetsu as he walked to the booth but stopped when he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"I think you're going to need to take a medical leave, my friend," said Izumo with a cold smile on his face.

"Wait, Izumo! We've been friends since childhood!" - Kotetsu exclaimed in fear.

"That is why you will only need a medical leave and not a coffin," Izumo replied, only to have his friend's cries of pain heard after a few minutes.

* * * [Inside Konoha] * * *

"That is the sign of Orochimaru-sama," said one Oto shinobi seriously as he watched the fireworks in the sky.

"Really? I thought it was the screams," said another Oto shinobi as the others nodded. They knew that Orochimaru loved to hear screams of pain, especially when... Well, I don't think we need to explain it any further.

"No... it's the explosion in the sky..." - said the leader in annoyance - "Didn't you read the instructions? You know what? Just attack..."

At his signal, all the Otonin ran to the Konoha residential area while they were taking out scrolls - "Kuchiyose no Jutsu!"

A large number of explosions were heard in the area as curtains of smoke appeared everywhere along with the Siseo of multiple snakes.

"The party is much livelier than I thought" - said Jiraiya as he watched a large number of snakes appear in his viewing area - "Kuchiyose no Jutsu!"

"Jiraiya..." - mumbled Gamabunta with annoyance but his expression changed when he felt the smell of snakes - "Ok... I won't bother to claim you this time"

"That's good to hear," Jiraiya nodded.

"I feel that there is a much more interesting battle going on elsewhere in Konoha," said Gamabunta as he drew his weapon and threw himself at the snakes.

* * * [Another side of Konoha] * * *

"Get ready because here they come" - said Shikaku seriously. His plan was simple, to report the attack only to the leaders of the Konoha clans and have them disperse their troops throughout the village on the excuse that they were looking for Orochimaru, and when they saw the signal, to gather and receive further instructions.

"Hai!" - the shinobis exclaimed in earnest.

"Here they come, sir!" - exclaimed a Yamanaka shinobi as he saw a large group of silhouettes running in his direction.

"Attack! Remember that the Suna shinobis are our allies!" - Shikaku exclaimed seriously as he made clear Suna's position - "Only attack those Suna shinobis who try something against us!"

"Hai!" - the shinobis exclaimed again as they threw themselves at the invaders.

"No mercy on those who try anything against our family!" - roared Shikaku - "Show that the will of Fire burns within us!"

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