The Legend Of The Kyubi

Chapter 124 - Cap 112: Let's just say he enjoyed the Wonders of Oto.

"Where am I?" - Hashirama asked himself, only to fly away because a fist hit him right in the face.

"Oops?" - Kurama only scratched his cheek when he noticed that the Shodaime Hokage had finally come to his senses, that meant one thing, that Orochimaru had been defeated.

* * * * *

"I have to admit, that would have hurt like hell if I could feel anything but discomfort for this body that isn't mine..." - said Hashirama as he appeared again in front of the young redhead - "As far as I can see, the battle is over and we lost... honestly it doesn't bother me in the least"

"Could you help me with something?" - Kurama asked as he looked at the former Hokage.

"What do you need, young Uzumaki?" - Hashirama asked curiously.

"I would like you to give me your method for practicing Senjutsu" - said the young redheaded man seriously.

"Hmm... I have no problem giving it to you, after all, you possess Mokuton... but I have to warn you that you will have to go to one of the three Sages lands in order to practice Senjutsu because those places are where that special chakra is most concentrated" - said Hashirama seriously - "I recommend Mount Myoboku... they are more sociable..."

"Ok" - Kurama nodded as he watched Hashirama place his hand on his forehead.

"Relax, I will only send you the information through my chakra... by the way I will leave a little bit of my chakra inside you so that your body gets used to the sensation of Senjutsu" - said Hashirama while his hand shone with an intense green color - "Done... you will feel uncomfortable for a few days but that sensation will soon disappear"

"Thank you," Kurama muttered as he felt new information inside him.

"You don't have to give it..." - Hashirama sighed as he regretfully denied - "Consider it an apology for all the trouble and suffering I caused you..."

". . ." - Kurama gave him a glance as he nodded calmly, only to put his hand on Hashirama's head while making a stamp with the other - "Kai"

"Thank you again..." - said Hashirama before he disappeared.

"He's not a bad guy when you know him..." - murmured Kurama as he looked up at the sky.

* * * * *

It had been two days since the invasion of Konoha and things were returning to normal.

Temari had awakened and the first thing she did was give Kankuro the thrashing of his life.

Gaara was still sleeping, though this was because Kushina was preparing to modify, no, it was better to say that she was going to remake the seal from scratch because she was cursing the stupidity of the person who created such an aberration.

Hiruzen was also unconscious thanks to the poison of the Orochimaru blade. Suna had sent an expert on the subject immediately so that he could try to help, but to the misfortune of those involved, he was unable to accomplish anything because it appears that Orochimaru had created a new toxic substance.

Kurama was walking to Hokage mansion because he had been summoned by Shikaku, the person who had been assigned to replace Hiruzen while he was indisposed.

"Did you call me, Shikaku-dono?" - Kurama asked seriously.

"Yes...first of all, I want to congratulate you for being promoted to Chunin" - said Shikaku as the boy nodded - "Well, enough of the formalities...I called you to receive a mission of the utmost importance"

Kurama frowned but still nodded. He was not bound to accept Konoha's orders but he could at least give them a hand at a time like this.

"As you know, Hiruzen-sama is still unconscious thanks to Orochimaru's poison and our Ally Suna has no way of identifying it, much less getting a cure for the poison," Shikaku said seriously. "That is why I wish you to find Senju Tsunade and bring her to Konoha so that she can cure our leader"

"Why me?" - Kurama asked seriously. He was sure it was easier to send a group of Inuzuka along with his Ninken or even Ero Sennin who was her former teammate.

"Because she wears a special 'perfume' that makes her scent undetectable to the Ninken of the Inuzuka clan and Jiraiya-sama... is Jiraiya-sama..." - said Shikaku as he sighed with regret as he saw the surprised expression of the young Uzumaki - "I only answered you because it was obvious that this was your line of thought..."

". . ." - Kurama only shook his head, though he had to admit that he was impressed by Shikaku's ability to read people. As expected of a member of the Nara clan.

"As I was saying, I called you here because let's say you have certain... qualities that might make it easier to convince her," Shikaku said seriously.

Kurama's eyebrow trembled slightly at the sound of this but he let it go... for now.

"But the most important reason is the 'Resonance' among the members of the Uzumaki Clan" - said the commander Jonin - "As you know, Tsunade-sama is the granddaughter of Hashirama-sama and Mito-sama, the princess of Uzu and by default, a member of the Uzumaki clan... that makes it much easier for you to detect her if she's in the area."

"I see..." - the redheaded man nodded - "What if she doesn't want to come along?"

"You can use any method to bring her in, be it force or other conventional means," Shikaku said seriously. "We cannot allow her to continue her games, not to mention that Orochimaru is likely to try something on her, after all, Hiruzen-sama managed to damage his hands as well as his Tenketsu"

"Okay... I have no problem with that" - said Kurama while nodding - "Shall I go alone?"

"No..." - said Shikaku as he shook his head - "You'll go with..."

"With me!" - exclaimed Jiraiya as he appeared with a small curtain of smoke - "With the great Jiraiya-sama!"

"Can I go alone?" - asked Kurama seriously.

"I was thinking of giving you the same proposal," Shikaku nodded.

"I am still here!" - exclaimed Jiraiya angrily as he watched him ignored.

"You leave first thing tomorrow morning," said Shikaku as he sighed with regret. "'And you are taking Jiraiya-sama"

"Ok..." - sighed the redhead.

"I'm not the dead weight!" - roared the Sannin in fury as the two involved again sighed with regret.

* * * * *

Itachi was walking home after spending some time with his girlfriend Ayame, when he felt someone watching him silently from the shadows - "Come out, whoever you are..."

"Not bad... as you'd expect from the prodigy Uchiha..." - said Tobi as he appeared in front of the young man.

"Akatsuki..." - Itachi muttered with a scowl, only to be surprised to notice that the masked man was not alone, but had been dragging a completely devastated Minato, even though he was still alive, to his disgrace.

"Well... that again saves me the trouble of extending my presentation," the masked man nodded, "My name is Tobi"

"Tobi Uchiha..." - said Itachi coldly.

"You could say that" - Tobi nodded - "But let's stop playing games, I have come to offer you a position in our organization, Uchiha Itachi"

"Do you really think I would betray Konoha and join a terrorist organization?" - Itachi asked as his eyes changed, showing his Mangekyo Sharingan - "If so, then that stupidity you show, is 100% real"

"That was cruel... Tobi is not stupid..." - snorted the masked man as he kicked the old Hokage Room, who could only whimper in pain - "Here"

Itachi was surprised to see the man in front of him throw a scroll at him.

"Open it and read it, I am sure your world will change greatly," Tobi said as he burst out laughing. "I will return tomorrow night to hear your answer... though I sincerely hope it will be a satisfactory one..."

"Wait! What happened to Minato" - asked Itachi with a scowl. He had not only seen a prisoner outside the prison, but he had also seen him in such a deplorable state that he seemed more dead than alive.

"Minato?" - Tobi asked - "Ah! You mean our little whore, Mina-chan?"

Itachi's brow shook when he heard this but he made no move because he felt that the man in front of him was far more dangerous than he appeared. If he made one wrong move, he could endanger all the people around him.

"Let's just say he was the beneficiary of enjoying the wonders of Oto" - said Tobi as he burst out laughing madly - "I have to admit it was fun to see the result... that kid is a genius when it comes to breaking others... I guess he has a talent for being a Rogue..."

"Anyway, see you tomorrow, Itachi" - said Tobi as he disappeared with Minato - "I'm looking forward to your answer"

". . ." - Itachi was silent as he felt everything return to normal. The masked man had retreated and he could now finally breathe a sigh of relief that he didn't have to fight in such a busy area.

Slowly he put the scroll in his pocket and walked home again, because he felt a bad feeling coming from him, even though the words Tobi said were still haunting his thoughts - "Change my world..."

Itachi only shook his head to try and push those thoughts away, though he could not deny that he was curious as to what sort of information made Tobi so confident that he would betray his beloved Konoha.

"I'd better get back quickly..." - Itachi muttured as he disappeared from the scene in one quick motion.

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