The Legend Of The Kyubi

Chapter 15 - Pain and Truth

"YOU DID WHAT?!" - Kushina's scream was heard all over Konoha and it wasn't in the least, after all, she never thought her best friend would do something like that to her son - "HOW DID YOU DO THAT ?!"

"C-Calm down Kushi-chan! L-Let me explain!" - Mikoto was trembling when she felt the chilling aura of her redhead friend.

"HOW DO YOU WANT ME TO BE CALM WITH WHAT YOU'RE TELLING ME ?!" - Kushina was starting to lose control of her emotions - "DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU SAY ?!"

"She did that with my Kuro-chan!" - the redhead shouted in her mind as she took her imaginary hair - "How did she do something like that with MI Sochi ?!"

Kushina did not understand how possessive and overprotective she was being with her son.

"YOU WANT TO STEAL MY BABY!" - Kushina shouted with an expression on the edge of the break.

"Isn't that Kushina!" - Mikoto shouted as he tried to defend herself - "It was something that flourished at the time!"

Mikoto tried to explain himself but Kushina turned a deaf ear - "How did she do something even I haven't done ?!"

"Wait! Why am I thinking that ?!" - The redhead mentally shouted while trying to discover why she thought of something so improper with her baby - "They have to be my nerves! Yes, that!"

Kushina could only try to excuse herself from those inappropriate thoughts.

"Kushi-chan?" - asked the brunette - "Kushi-chan ?!"

"What?!" - shouted the redhead.

"I ..." - muttered the Uchiha - "I'm sorry Kushina ... I'm really sorry ..."

"An apology does not fix things, Mikoto" - sighed the Uzumaki.

"I know ..." - the Uchiha matriarch murmured again - "But you know how my relationship with Fugaku was! You know how much I wanted to be loved!"

"But my son ?!" - exclaimed the redhead - "You have many men who would do anything to be in his place! Then why does it have to be him ?!"

"Because they are all bastards who just want my body!" - Mikoto shouted while crying - "You think I don't realize their looks!"

"Those motherf.u.c.kers just want to get in my pants and shout proudly" I slept with the Uchiha Matriarch! " - the woman exclaimed as she gave her friend a look - "He, despite being a young man who is just going to take his first step in this shinobi world, understood me when I told him about my true self! I showed my most defenseless side and he hugged me, comforted me, made me feel that someone loved me. There I knew that he had stolen my heart! "

"..." - Kushina was silent.

"I tried! I really tried!" - the woman shouted - "But now I can't do anything!"

Kushina just sighed as she watched as Mikoto's mask of happiness fell little by little.

"You may not know it, but before the Kyubi incident happened, you had a happy family ..." - said the woman with much jealousy - "Your husband was by your side at all times but I was always alone... "

She knew about the situation of the brunette but had not done much to help her. At the most, it was to get together with her and thus help her not to think about that but nothing more than that - "I have not been the best friend ... I guess chasing my happiness made me not see others ..."

"My only company was Itachi and after a while it was Sasuke but I know they would one day leave me ..." - Mikoto was kneeling on the floor covering her eyes with her hands while talking - "To Fugaku... I was just a genius machine! He wanted the entire clan elite to use me to leave offspring with better genes!"

Kushina opened her eyes when she heard Mikoto. She never imagined that Fugaku's bastard would try to use her friend as if she were a p.r.o.s.t.i.t.u.t.e.

Kushina was feeling contradictory feelings right now. On the one hand, she was still upset about what her best friend did with HER Kuro-chan but she could see that she had a serious case of emotional instability that the brunette had, although she had no right to speak since she was in a similar situation.

Mikoto right now was a woman who needed someone who loved her and that someone was Kurama. The matriarch Uchiha felt that she had found an oasis in the middle of the desert, but this was being protected by a great wall.

"He is the first man who has fallen in love with me!" - continued the Uchiha, you could feel the pain and loneliness in her words - "He ... was the first to warm my lonely heart ..."

Kushina bit her lip as she tried not to hear the woman's heartbreaking words.

"18 years of solitude Kushi-chan ..." - Mikoto said with red eyes for so many tears - "18 years where the only moments of happiness were when I saw my children grow up but they spent all their time training..."

"The more they grew, the less time they spent with me" - Mikoto said - "Since Sasuke turned 5, Fugaku took him to train and Itachi spends it on Anbu missions ..."

"That's why ... please Kushi-chan ... please ... Don't take away this happiness I'm finding!" - Mikoto said as she took the redhead's hands.

"Miko-chan ... I ..." - Kushina was about to speak but was silenced by a painful groan.

"Ugh! What happened ...?" - Kurama said feeling a sharp pain throughout his body.

"Kuro-chan / Kurama-kun!" - The two women said when they heard the redhead speak.

"Kaasan ... Mikoto-chan ..." - said Uzumaki weakly as he began to remember what happened before he lost consciousness.

"ARGGGGGHHHHHHH!" - Kurama began to feel a pain in his head again as if someone was opening his skull. He knew something had happened but subconsciously he tried not to remember it.

"Please stop, Kuro-chan!" - Kushina said with a look full of pain as she took his right hand.

"Don't try to remember anything Kurama-kun!" - Mikoto said while taking his other hand.

"ARGHHHHHHH!" - Kurama paid no attention. He knew it was something important.

After a few painful seconds, the redhead began to remember everything. From the persecution of Anko to the point where he began to transform into the Kyubi.

"I see" - Said the redhead with a sad look and a laugh full of pain - "It was all my fault ... if it wasn't because ..."

Kushina didn't know why but the pain in her heart was greater when she heard Kurama's words. She didn't know what was happening, only that her Kuro-chan was suffering and she wasn't doing anything to help him - "Sochi ..."

"..." - Kurama stared at him for a few seconds without saying a word.

"Kuro-chan! Please tell me what's going on!" - Kushina shouted with tears in her eyes - "How do you want me to help you if you don't tell me what happens ?!"

Kurama bit his lip as he fought to try to speak.

"I think I better retire ..." - sighed the matriarch Uchiha - "I don't think it's right for me to stay"

Kurama gave her a grateful look - "I'm sorry ..."

"Don't worry ..." - the woman smiled weakly, then looked at her friend - "Later we will continue with what we were talking about"

Mikoto was about to leave but was grabbed by the hand by her friend. The redhead's look said, please support me.

Kurama bit his lip even harder, to the point that he was starting to bleed when he saw the redhead's expression.

Perhaps it is the feminine instinct that told her that his words would not be beautiful or she simply understood that something strange had happened from the beginning.

"Kuro-chan ...." - Kushina murmured as she looked at him with an expression that looked like she was barely holding back tears - "Please start ..."

Kurama took a small breath to relax his tension a little. Slowly he closed his eyes for a few seconds not to look at the woman's expression - "Ok ..."

The young redhead slowly opened his eyes and Kushina noticed that it was no longer the happy eyes that always looked at her, but ones that showed a clear seriousness and pain.

"Kushina-san ..." - Kurama said in a tone full of sadness - "I ... I never wanted to tell you this because I knew it would cause you too much pain"

Kushina was silent while feeling her heart pounding.

"During the time I lived with you in Uzu ..." - continued the boy - "I saw you as the most important person in my life ..."

Kushina was a little pale while her mind thought about the multiple reasons that could make sense of her son's words but each one of them was more terrifying than the last.

Mikoto was taking her friend's hand with all her strength because she felt that if she didn't do this, then she wouldn't have the strength to continue.

"Do you remember that when I was a baby, I understood everything you said?" - Kurama said while looking at the redhead - "The truth is that when it was the attack of the Kyubi by the masked Uchiha, I ..."

Kurama told him all the events that had happened at the time of the sealing, who he really was and how because of that evil Jutsu, her son's soul had disappeared.

Kushina felt her world shatter. She had lost her family long before she thought.

Tears were running uncontrollably not only on the redhead's cheeks but also on those of the Uchiha matriarch. She could only watch as Kushina fell to the ground on her knees while crying heartbreakingly.

Kurama could only see in pain as the woman who had raised him since he was a baby was suffering because of his words. He knew that neither he nor Kushina was to blame for this whole situation but this did not change that he had destroyed reality for this kind and affectionate woman.

"I'm sorry, Kushina-san ..." - murmured the redhead while he was c.h.e.s.t right where the heart was - "I'm really sorry ..."

"If I could go back to the past and try to talk to God ... so that this never happened ... then I would do it with p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e ..." - continued the young man as tears dripped from his eyes - "I just wanted a normal life, a life where I could be happy ... not one where I would destroy a family ... not one where I would be responsible for causing so much pain to such an important person for me ... "

Kushina wanted to blame the boy in front of her but it was unfair. He was not to blame for all this happening.

"I'm sorry I had been pretending to be your son for so long ... but I couldn't tell you the truth ... not when you had lost everything by getting me out of Konoha ..." - Kurama said as he continued crying - "If I told you that I wasn't really your son ... it would only make you suffer worse than you are suffering now ... "

Kushina just bit her lip because she knew it was true. If she had learned that she had lost her baby as soon as he was born, then she would have gone completely crazy.

Her husband had abandoned her and cheated, although at that time she did not know, and her son had disappeared. Those were more than enough reasons to think about the option of suicide.

Mikoto could only see how the two Uzumaki were suffering.

"I ... need some time to think ..." - Kushina said as she left the room, leaving Kurama and Mikoto alone.

* * * * * * * * * * *

A few minutes of awkward silence had passed inside the room when Kushina returned with a sheet in her hands.

Kurama slowly looked up and noticed that the woman was a little better but that did not relieve the pain he felt.

"Kurama ..." - the redhead murmured - "I ... want to thank you ..."

"?" - The young redhead gave her a surprised look.

"I want to thank you not only for telling me the truth ... but also for all the years, you protected me from this pain ..." - continued the Uzumaki woman - "That's why I thank you"

"..." - Kurama just kept silent while watching the woman.

"But ..." - Kushina said - "I don't think everything may be as it was before ..."

Kurama bit his lip hard but still nodded weakly. He knew this would happen, after all, he was not really her son.

"I ... I'll leave when I become a shinobi ..." - Kurama murmured as he gave a sad smile to the red-haired woman.

Kushina felt a pain in her heart but this was for the good of both of them. She had to clarify things.

"It was not what he meant" - replied the redhead.

"What do you mean then?" - the boy asked with a frown.

"I meant that I don't think I can treat you like my son ..." - replied Uzumaki - "Look ..."

Kurama took the sheet the woman was carrying and was surprised to see that the two were not related at all - "How is that possible?"

"I don't know" - the redhead denied with a frown - "But according to the medical report they just gave me, we both technically are not mother and son ... which is strange because it hurt like hell to bring the world to my baby..."

Kurama didn't know how to react right now - "So ... now what?"

"I don't know ..." - the redhead murmured - "But I feel that a weight was taken off me ..."

"?" - Kurama looked at her with confusion.

"Let's say what Mikoto-chan had just said" - Kushina said with a little shame - "It made me realize how possessive and overprotective I was with you"

"And I thought you hadn't noticed" - the Uchiha Matriarch turned her eyes.

"Ahem! As I said, I realized that this kind of attention was too much for a mother" - Kushina continued - "I even felt a little upset when you brought Ino-chan and Hinata-chan two years ago"

"Okay?" - Kurama still didn't understand what he was trying to say.

"I think she tries to say that she was developing improper for you" - Mikoto said while putting her grain of sand - "But unconsciously she had ignored it because you were her son"

Kushina just looked aside in embarrassment but that summed things up quite well.

"Oh ~" - the blond nodded.

The two women only gave him a blank look when they heard the boy's generic response.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The chapter brought thanks to the support of my new patron, shaei-phet. I honestly do not know if I can upload chapters every time something like this happens because I do not know if I will endure my translation speed since I am rewriting chaps.

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