The Legend Of The Kyubi

Chapter 160 - Cap 147: Kurenai (+18) 14

Two days had passed since the incident with Jiraiya and everything had returned to normal.

"You'll never take me alive!" - shouted the white-haired Sannin.

"We just want to talk to you!" - exclaimed one of the Anbu who was chasing him.

"You can kiss my ass!" - roared Jiraiya - "I will never become Hokage! Never!"

Yep, everything was normal.

"What's up, Nai-chan?" - Kurama asked as he noticed Kurenai approaching his location at great speed.

"I need to talk to you about something important," said the red-eyed woman as she looked at the redhead seriously.

"Okay, let's go," Kurama nodded as the two of them disappeared from the scene.

* * * * *

"Okay, we've arrived at a place where no one will listen to us as you asked," said Kurama. " It's also hard to find... what's going on?"

The two were in the Forest of Death, more precisely speaking his special training site, although in hindsight this place has seen other things besides training.

" You see..." - Kurenai replied as her words stuck in his throat.

Kurama was silent as he slowly closed his eyes, only to feel the levels of excitement from the woman in front of him grow with every second. He tried to open his eyes, but when he was about to do so, he felt soft lips pressed against his own - ". . ."

"I-I got it!" - Kurenai exclaimed with emotion as she kissed the redhead again - "I'm finally completely cured!"

"That's good to hear... but I think you should stop kissing me or I'm gonna start losing control..." - Kurama said seriously. He hadn't had s.e.x in over a week and after an active s.e.x life, it was hard to control yourself when a beautiful woman was practically s.u.c.k.i.n.g the life out of you with her kisses.

Kurenai blushed when she heard this, but quickly kissed the redhead again. It was better to hit the iron while it was still hot, and there was no better time to advance their stagnant relationship with the boy in front of her, than this specific moment where they were alone and he was starting to 'cheer up'.

"Kurenai..." - Kurama muttered as he looked at the woman, who shivered slightly as she felt the redhead's hot gaze.

"K-Kurama-kun... I-I'm ready for this..." - Kurenai said with a red face. She wouldn't admit it but she was jealous of the others because she, like Kushina, Mikoto and Anko, loved the redhead but because of her problems and fears, she couldn't share intimate moments without remembering those events, which is why now that she could finally say that that wound was closed, she wouldn't go back.

Kurama stared at him for a few seconds to make sure he felt her emotions, then nodded - "Okay..."

Kurenai breathed a sigh of relief as she watched the redhead accept because it would be devastating if, after making it clear what she wanted, he ignored her or simply refused. That would be a real blow to her pride as a woman.

The two of them started kissing again while Kurenai started m.o.a.ning as she felt the redhead's hands on her b.r.e.a.s.ts - "Hmph~!"

"You know, Nai-chan?" - asked Kurama with a small smile as he recalled an event from the past - "You always come upstairs to hide behind the door so you can spy on us while we are having s.e.x"

"!" - Kurenai blushed when she heard this and was about to defend herself, but she could only m.o.a.n as she felt the redhead destroy her clothes and leave her completely n.a.k.e.d - ". . ."

"Too rough?" - Kurama asked as he scratched his cheek.

"It was my favorite outfit..." - Kurenai muttered as she shook her head, "It doesn't matter, I have about 20 more, although now I feel it's unfair that I'm like this and you're still wearing clothes.

Kurama nodded, then began to undress, only to notice how the woman seemed to have her eyes straight to his crotch - ". . ."

". . ." - Kurenai was silent as she watched the ginger's masculinity in silence.

"Okay, this is awkward..." - Kurama muttered as he shook his head.

"I-I'm sorry!" - exclaimed Kurenai as he listened to the ginger's words and noted what she had done - "I'm just curious to know what it's like..."

Kurama rolled his eyes at the woman as he released some blankets from his seal, then knelt in front of the woman and began to lick her intimacy.

"Huh? Aaaaaaaaaah~!" - Kurenai didn't think this would start it all, but the p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e she was feeling was increasing with every touch Kurama gave to her v.a.g.i.n.a.l lips - "Hmmmmm~!"

"You don't have to drown out your m.o.a.ning, Nai-chan" - said Kurama as he returned to his work - "Just let them go"

"Ok~!Ah~!" - Kurenai began to scream in ecstasy as Kurama's tongue meticulously probed all her intimacy. She could feel the soft, wet feeling moving through each of her folds - "AAAAAAAAAAH~!"

The red-eyed kunoichi had to admit, Kurama was experienced enough to give her p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e, because not only had he had s.e.x countless times, but he was attentive to her reactions and was discovering her every s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e spot.

* * * * *

The minutes passed and Kurenai was stretched out on top of the sheet because her legs could no longer resist the p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e.

Kurama continued to lick the woman's v.a.g.i.n.a, who could only m.o.a.n in ecstasy as she came for the first time - "Ah~!"

"I guess I did a good job," nodded the ginger as he saw the woman's lovely expression. Her cheeks were completely pink, her eyes were a little cloudy with l.u.s.t and her irregular breathing was making her b.r.e.a.s.ts move constantly - "Do you want to take a break?"

"N-No~!" - exclaimed Kurenai - "Let's keep going!"

Kurama nodded as he settled back in front of the woman and looked at her carefully. He knew Kurenai was a v.i.r.g.i.n, so he would be very careful with her.

Gently, he invaded the inside of the woman, who could feel something hot enter her v.a.g.i.n.a - "Ah~!"

Although her expression changed when she felt resistance to her invader's attack.

"Relax, Nai-chan... I'll be careful" - said Kurama when he noticed how the woman started to feel fear - "I'm not going to do anything you don't want"

". . ." - Kurenai took a big breath as she nodded - "Y-you can do it..."

Kurama nodded as he prepared to break through Kurenai's last line of defense with a single assault because he felt that if he did so slowly, it would only cause the poor woman more fear.

"Ah!" - Kurenai's cry of pain echoed through the place as a tear ran down her cheek. She could feel how Kurama's p.e.n.i.s was reaching deep after breaking his h.y.m.e.n but decided to ignore all this because the pain was too big to think about other things.

"Don't worry... the pain will go away quickly" - said Kurama while trying to calm her down. He was aware that the first time a kunoichi was used, it was not as bad as the civilian women because one, they were used to pain from their training, and two, because the large amount of chakra it had, helped to reduce pain unconsciously thanks to the increased regenerative factor.

Kurenai nodded weakly as she let out a m.o.a.n of p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e as she felt Kurama pinch her and move carefully - "Hyah!"

The pain slowly disappeared while the p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e increased, it was something strange but not badly received because she was finally fulfilling her dream of having s.e.x with the man she loved - "Y-You can move faster, Kurama-kun..."

"Ok," nodded the redheaded man as his movements became bolder and bolder.

"Ah~!" - Kurenai's m.o.a.ns grew louder and louder as she moved in time.

Kurama was enjoying the innocent gaze of Kurenai as she fell deeper and deeper into the p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e of her first time. For some strange reason, he liked to watch the 'innocent' Kurenai fall deeper and deeper into 'depravity', though he attributed this to his Bijuu half that was responsible for corrupting his human half.

"Ah~" - Kurenai continued to m.o.a.n more and more sharply as a smile appeared on her face. She'd never felt anything like this, even when she was masturbating when she was spying on Kurama and Kushina having s.e.x - "Th-This feels good~!"

"My work is to please," smiled the redhead as he grabbed Kurenai by the h.i.p.s and began to move faster.

"Oh, Kami-sama~!" - g.r.o.a.n.e.d Kurenai as she bit her lip to keep her sanity because she felt that if she let herself go, she wouldn't be able to come to her senses, not when it felt so good what she was doing - "If you keep f.u.c.k.i.n.g me like this, I won't be able to live without this~!"

"You don't have to, you can always ask me to repeat this," said Kurama as he felt himself approaching his zenith.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH~!" - Kurenai couldn't take it anymore, she again, but to her dismay, Kurama kept moving - "Wait, please! I'm still c.u.m.m.i.n.g!"

"I'm sorry, Nai-chan... but I..." - g.r.o.a.n.e.d the ginger as he moved his h.i.p.s.

"I know! I can feel it!" - g.r.o.a.n.e.d Kurenai as she bit her lip as she felt Kurama's p.e.n.i.s begin to grow - "Do it~!"

"Okay!" - Kurama nodded as he took one last thrust at her.

"Ah~!" - the red-eyed woman's m.o.a.n didn't wait as she felt the warm liquid of Kurama begin to invade her interior - "Hyaaaaaaaaaaaaaan~!"

* * * * *

"Th-That was..." - Kurenai muttered, who was exhausted on top of the sheet.

"Nai-chan..." - Kurama said as he scratched his cheek.

"What's going on?" - Kurenai asked, but her reaction changed when she felt that Kurama was still hard - ". . ."

"I'm sorry..." - the ginger muttered.

"Wait! Hyaan~!" - and before she could say anything else, her m.o.a.ns were heard again on the place.

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