The Legend Of The Kyubi

Chapter 167 - Cap 154: Rebellion (1)

"The 'Mind Herb', will help you during your training, with it you will be able to identify the small mistakes and unnecessary movements you made during your training, making it much more effective" - added Fukasaku while he nodded - "Now come with me, we have to start with your real physical conditioning so that your success rates when practicing Senjutsu, increase exponentially".

"Ok" - the redheaded man nodded firmly. This suited him because at least this way, he would not have to leave his training at Senjutsu in the middle to see the birth of his children.

"All right, that's the answer I was looking for," the old toad smiled. " We'll start right away but eat this first"

". . ." - Kurama stared at him for a few seconds because he didn't know how to react when he saw the huge worm the toad was carrying.

"Don't give me that look, this is the first step in your training" - said Fukasaku seriously - "The insects of Mount Myoboku, have the particularity of having small concentrations of Nature's Energy. We consume them in order to increase our affinity with Senjutsu, so eat"

"Ok," Kurama nodded as he swallowed the worm without a second thought, only to feel the Senjutsu Chakra Hashirama had left inside him begin to move slowly.

"Okay, now we'll start with the exercises..." - Fukasaku said as he pulled out a broomstick.

"You're enjoying this..." - said Kurama as he frowned.

"If I'm going to do a job, I have to at least enjoy it... don't I?" - smiled the toad. "Now let's continue."

* * * * *

Weeks passed and the day for Kushina's birth was getting closer. The woman had been feeling the kicks of her baby more regularly, but none of that mattered at the moment, as she and Mikoto, Tsunade, and Tsume were gathered alongside Hiruzen and the other clan leaders, as well as Homura and Koharu.

"Old man... why did you call us here?" - Kushina asked irritably, With the mood swings of pregnancy, her attitude was increasingly explosive, although she was not the only one because Mikoto had a cold look on her face, one that could only appear on an Uchiha.

"Me? My Anbu told me you wanted to talk to me," Hiruzen said as he frowned.

Those present began to look at each other in silence because they did not understand what was happening.

"We can answer that," said Homura as a small smile appeared on his face.

"You will know in a few moments," replied Koharu.

"Homura... Koharu..." - said Hiruzen coldly as he began to release his chakra - "I hope you will speak immediately or I will be in the painful position of sending you to the IT for exceeding your limits of your authority"

"That won't be necessary, Hiruzen" - said a voice that everyone knew very well.

"Danzo..." - said Kushina coolly as Mikoto activated her Sharingan.

"It's good to see you, Uzumaki Kushina... and I see you've taken good care of Uchiha Mikoto... not bad..." - smiled the old war hawk - "Hmm... even Tsunade is with you... what a terrific combination of clans"

"Kushina... Mikoto... you'd better relax... it's not good for you to get upset with your current situation" - said Tsunade seriously as she watched the two women calm down a bit.

"Exactly... it would be a shame for them to lose the babies inside them" - added Danzo and in the process, surprising everyone present, even Hiruzen - "Those little ones will have the talent to destroy everything in their path knowing who the father is"

". . ."- Kushina and Mikoto were angry again but a look from Tsunade calmed them down again.

"Danzo... I never thought you'd show up in front of us," Hiruzen said coolly as a large amount of Anbu appeared around him.

"You insult me, Hiruzen... you know very well that I would never appear in this place if I was not sure of my safety" - smiled the old War Hawk as half of the Anbu started to fight with the others.

"That doesn't change anything, old friend," said the Sandaime as he looked at his old teammate, "You're still at a total disadvantage"

"No..." - smiled Danzo as a loud shout was heard from outside the building.

"Hiruzen-sama..." - said Hiashi coldly - "Shinobis, civilians, a lot of them are coming to the Hokage Mansion... but the problem is... that among those shinobis, there are a lot of members of our clans"

"You see, Hiruzen? I always have one more move," the old shinobi smiled. "I've been busy all this time, taking shinobis slowly so you wouldn't notice. Slowly my forces expanded until I covered half of Konoha's military power"

"Danzo... even if you manage to win, it will all be for nothing" - said Hiruzen coldly - "What you are about to do will destroy the village and leave us vulnerable"

"That's what makes us different, Hiruzen" - answered Danzo - "While you thought that a fight between the two would cause this scenario, I was thinking about how to solve things after being victorious... and now that those two are pregnant with the Kyubi no Yoko, I have the necessary method to fulfill my goal! Konoha will rise up against the other Elemental nations!"

"Don't even think I'm going to let you have my baby!" - Kushina roared as she released her chains, only to vomit with nausea and in the process undo her Henge. Mikoto was in a similar situation, so I couldn't do anything either.

"You'd better not try anything stupid, you two" - snorted Danzo as he looked at the two women - "I don't want to lose my new tools, let alone two good soldier-making machines"

"Kushina, Mikoto... behind me" - said Tsunade as her trusted assistant stood guard beside her. The two matriarchs nodded as they hid behind the large-b.r.e.a.s.ted blonde, though one could see the anger and hatred they felt for Danzo at this moment.

"Senju Tsunade... I honestly never considered you in my plan," Danzo said coolly. "After all, I never thought the prodigal daughter would return to Konoha after all that happened... even to make sure you never intervened again, that's why I sent Kato Dan to a maximum risk area..."

"!" - Tsunade and Shizune opened their eyes when they heard this because they couldn't believe their ears. They knew that there was something strange about Dan's death, but it never crossed their minds that the man in front of them was responsible.

"Yes... I was the one who sent your boyfriend to that front..." - Danzo smiled - "Even in the death of your little brother I was present... I only had to send a shinobi as a scout to be captured by the hostile forces and they did the dirty work"

The fury of Tsunade and Shizune grew with every word Danzo said.

"Danzo... I won't forgive you for this..." - said Tsunade as she threw herself at Danzo with all her might and grabbed him by the neck.

"Heh" - Danzo just gave him a disdainful smile as he felt his head explode from the impact of Tsunade's thrashing.

"Asshole..." - Tsunade muttered as she returned to her place in silence. She wanted to give a slow, painful death to the bastard who was responsible for the death of her loved ones, but she could not risk the safety of Mikoto and Kushina for a petty revenge.

"Tsunade-sama! Look out!" - Shizune exclaimed in terror.

"Huh?" - Tsunade did not know what she was trying to say, but her sense as a shinobi told her to move as quickly as possible. She took a small leap to the side, only to feel her shoulder being pierced.

"Tch... as expected from a kunoichi with years of experience... one slight sign and you could be saved from a lethal wound" - said Danzo as he pulled the sword from the woman's body.

". . ." - Tsunade gritted her teeth as she used her Mystic Hand Jutsu to heal the wound she received - "How?"

"Where would the fun be if I told you?" - Danzo smiled as the people outside fought among themselves - "It's a shame I didn't get to kill you right away though... I lost a lot from that attack and got nothing"

Those present were silent as they watched Danzo as if he were a monster. He had managed to rise as if nothing had happened after Tsunade had blown his head into a thousand pieces.

"I know what you did, you bastard..." - Mikoto said coolly - "I know that technique very well"

"It would be an insult to your clan if you did not, Mikoto," Danzo said as he burst out laughing madly and removed the patch that covered his eyes, revealing a familiar eye.

"That proves my guess... the eye of Fugaku... you can use the Izanagi..." - Mikoto said coolly as she watched the man in front of her - "The forbidden technique of the Uchiha clan that makes all wounds, death, and even reality itself, nothing more than an illusion..."

"How can there be such a powerful technique?!" - Hiashi exclaimed as he felt a headache as he looked at Danzo's arm- "What is that on your arm?! How can I feel so many chakra signatures on it?!"

Hiashi could not believe how he had not noticed such an important detail before.

"As you would expect from the Byakugan" - said Danzo as he removed the bandages from his arm, showing an image that made those present feel disgusted.

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