The Legend Of The Kyubi

Chapter 184 - Cap 170: Most Wanted

"And what happened next?" - Kiba asked curiously. He had to admit that the story was interesting.

"That's what I'm going for" - snorted the ginger as he continued his story.

* * * [Flashback Continues] * * *

Kurama was walking towards the outskirts of the village when he noticed how the woman who had slept in his room was following him - "Do you need anything?"

"I've come to thank you for helping me" - said Mei as she gave him a flirtatious smile, only to notice how the redhead seemed to be immune to her charms because he only gave her a neutral glance - "Ok..."

"Are you gay?" - asked Mei seriously.

"No... I have wives and children" - answered the redhead as he turned around.

"Oh... I see... Wait! Did you say wives in the plural?!" - exclaimed Mei in surprise as she ran after the redhead - "How can you do that to those women?! I thought you were a good guy!"

"First, I am under a law that allows me to take more than one wife because I am the last male of my clan, second, what I do with my life is none of your business, now if you'll excuse me, I have to get on with my journey to Kodama Village" - said Kurama as she walked back.

"Wait! I am sorry!" - exclaimed the woman with embarrassment as she ran after the redheaded man. "Let me come with you, I have some business to attend to in that village"

". . ." - Kurama frowned when he heard this as he glanced at the woman, only to sigh with regret because he noticed how determined she was to accompany him - "Do what you want... just don't waste my time..."

"You're not the most social person in the world... are you?" - snorted Mei as she walked past the redhead, who just ignored her - "Hey! A beautiful, s.e.xy woman is talking to you!"

"And a handsome, manly man is ignoring her," replied the ginger with disdain.

"Hmph!" - The woman snorted back, although she had to admit he was right, the boy was handsome - "Not bad... too bad he's a jerk"

* * *

The duo continued to move toward Kodama Village as the woman asked Kurama questions from time to time, who could only answer them because he understood that if he did not, she would not stop until she got the answer she sought.

"It is a surprise that you are from the Uzumaki clan," Mei said calmly. "Although that explains the crimson hair, it also explains the fact that you are in that law that allows you to have more than one wife"

"It's not like it's a secret," replied the redhead.

"Then why didn't you answer me earlier?" - asked Mei in annoyance.

"Because you are annoying," answered Kurama seriously.

"And I thought that the Uzumaki was a kind and loving people... but from what I see, you are as much an Emo as an Uchiha" - snorted Mei with disdain.

"I could say the same about you, Terumi-san..." - replied the redheaded man as he stopped his steps - "I had heard that your clan was one that was analytical and insightful"

"Hey! Are you calling me an idiot?!" exclaimed the woman in irritation.

"No? What made you think that?" - asked Kurama innocently.

"Tch" - Mei clicked her tongue in annoyance as the two continued on their way.

* * *

"Which way do we go now?"- Kurama asked as he looked at the woman.

"A little further north and we will reach Kodama Village" - Mei answered calmly, though one could see the pain in her eyes, after all, Kodama Village was her home village, as well as that of the now almost extinct Terumi clan - ". . ."

Kurama sighed ruefully as he noticed the woman's expression. She was annoying, irritating, and conceited, but she was not a bad woman, she had good points too, though she was not showing it much - "Are you sure you want to continue?"

"Yes... I have to go back and tell them that their deaths have been avenged..." - replied Mei as she shook her head - "It took years but they can finally rest in peace"

"I see..." - muttered the ginger as he looked up at the sky.

"Tell me... haven't you thought of avenging the Uzumaki clan?" - Mei asked as she looked up at the ginger.

"No..." - denied Kurama - "I will not risk the lives of the people around me, as well as my descendants to bring more hate into the world... I have had enough of that..."

". . ." - Mei gave the boy a look as a small smile appeared on her face - "I see... I guess that makes you better than me"

A small silence fell over the place as the two continued to move toward their destination.

"Tell me... how does it feel to be a father?" - Mei asked as she looked at the redhead.

"The emotion cannot be explained in words" - answered Kurama as he gave her a look next to a smile she had never seen before. This one was full of happiness and love - "It's as if your whole world is focused on them, your happiness, your love, your dreams, your concern, that's the best way I can explain it..."

"I see..." - murmured the woman as she looked away because she had to admit her heart was pounding when she saw the ginger's smile - "You love your children"

"With all my heart... I would do anything for them or to protect them, even give my life" - answered Kurama with conviction.

"You are a fantastic father..." - Mei murmured as she remembered how much her father loved her.

"No..." - denied the redheaded man. "If I were a good father, I would be by my children's side right now..."

* * * [Ends Flashback] * * *

"That's all I'm going to say," said Kurama as he shook his head. "If you want to know more, Terumi-san has to go on.

"I told you to call me Mei-chan," replied the reddish-brown-haired woman in annoyance. "While I appreciate the gesture, I suppose that is why you are one of the most wanted men in the Elemental Nations"

"What did you do, Kuro-chan?" - Kushina asked with a cold smile as he heard this.

"I have done nothing," the red-haired man replied as he shrugged. "I have only killed a few bastards here and there, saved a few people, including many nobles"

"That's why you're wanted" - answered Mei as she noticed how everyone looked at her with confusion on their faces, so she took out a sign - "See it for yourselves"

"?" - those present took the poster and saw it, only to notice something curious.

[Wanted: Uzumaki Kurama]

[Alias: Jigoku no Kitsune (Elemental Nations) / Sekkusu Kami-sama (Konoha)]

[Danger Level: ??? (Presumed Kage Level)]

[Additional Information: Responsible for the death of more than 500,000 criminals, assassins and corrupt politicians, as well as the saving of hundreds of lives at the hands of the aforementioned]

[Recommendation: If you are his target, escape as quickly as possible]

[Reward in Kumo: 50,000,000 (Alive)]

[Reward in Kiri: 10,000,000 (Alive) (Handing over to the Daimyo)]

[Reward at Iwa: 100,000,000 (Alive) (Handing over Tsuchikage's granddaughter)]

[Reward in Suna: 10,000,000 (Alive) (Handing over the Daimyo)]

[. . .]

[Reward in Kiri: 1,000,000 (Alive) (Deliver to the Mizukage)]

". . ." - the women of the Uzumaki clan took one look at the woman.

"What? A woman has to do, what a woman has to do" - answered the s.e.xy reddish-brown-haired woman.

"Why does everyone ask you alive?" - Kiba asked as he frowned.

"The question is why 90% of the people who seek you out are women," answered Shikamaru neutrally.

"It is simple" - answered Mei with a smile on her face - "Kurama-kun is one of the most sought-after men in the Elemental Nations because of his strength and sense of morality"

"This has got to be a f.u.c.k.i.n.g joke!" - exclaimed Kiba as he looked at the redhead, who also had a surprised expression - "Didn't you know?"

"No" - the Uzumaki denied - "To tell you the truth, I only go into the villages to get some information and supplies... although that explains why 90% of the bounty hunters coming after me, were women..."

"And the other 10%?" - Choji asked curiously.

"It's better that you don't know..." - replied the redhead with an empty look - "Let's just say they died in a way that was pleasant for them..."

"Brr!" - The boys trembled when they understood that they should have been part of the Orochimaru faction.

"Mei-sama... we have to return to Kiri so that you can take control again" - said Chojuro seriously after recovering from his suffering state in the face of a possible lonely future.

"I'm sorry but I don't plan to return" - answered Mei with a scowl - "I didn't only come to Konoha to pursue Kurama-kun, I also came as a diplomat so that we could ally, although we will talk about that in a more private place"

"As you would expect from Mei-sama," Chojuro nodded as he looked at the woman with a twinkle in his eye.

"Chojuro... you have to stop looking at me as if I were your idol," sighed the reddish-brown-haired woman. "The War against Yagura is over and now you do not need to follow me around, it is time for you to start your life and decide what to do from now on"

". . ." - Chojuro was silent when he heard this as he nodded weakly - "If you say so. . ."

"We'll have to work on your dependence on me, Chojuro" - sighed the woman of Kiri as she shook her head.

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