The Legend Of The Kyubi

Chapter 191 - Cap 177: The Passing of Time and the Mission Begins

"Thank you for being our witness, Kakashi-dono," Mei said as she smiled at him.

"It sounds like we are getting married, which we are not," said Kurama as she rolled her eyes.

"It's not much different with this alliance contract between us," replied the reddish-brown-haired woman as she winked at her. "Well, now that my business is over, I want to talk about an alliance between Konoha and Kiri"

"Don't you even know about Konoha's current situation?" - Kakashi asked in surprise. He was certain that all the villages knew about how Konoha was still recovering from the attack on Danzo a little less than three years ago.

"We know, that's why we want the alliance" - said Mei seriously - "Remember that we in Kiri go through a similar situation, so our two nations can sympathize with each other, creating an even stronger alliance"

"I understand," Kakashi nodded as he pondered, "what are the benefits and your wishes to be fulfilled?"

"First, our two villages will be able to buy products at market prices, we will offer a wider variety of seafood while you will deliver vegetables and other livestock products in exchange," Mei answered seriously, "Selling and buying weapons will be forbidden, so we will save ourselves the trouble if other villages think we are arming for a possible war"

"I have no problem at the moment" - Kakashi nodded - "What else?"

"Kiri will create an embassy in Konoha while you will do the same, the ambassador will be chosen after making some tests to check that they are in the capacity to exercise the position, in the case of Kiri, I will be the responsible one" - answered Mei calmly - "In the case of Konoha, well, that you will have to check it"

"Neko... I want you to call Shisui" - said Kakashi seriously.

"As you command," Yugao nodded as she left.

"Shisui?" - Mei asked curiously.

"Uchiha Shisui, one of the last Uchiha," Kakashi answered calmly. "If Kiri is sending a kunoichi who not only has Kage rank but also has two Kekkei Genkai as ambassadors, then we cannot be left behind.

"The Sharingan... I see..." - Mei nodded calmly. To be an ambassador in another village was practically a prisoner at worst.

"Besides, I'm sure he won't go alone," said Kakashi as a small smile appeared on his face. " After all, his girlfriend wouldn't allow it"

"Did you need me, Kakashi?" - asked Shisui, who was accompanied by Karin.

"Kurama?" - asked the two of them when they saw the red-headed man with surprise.

Karin had been informed of her clan leader's new appearance but you were still surprised to see him up close.

"Hello Karin, I see Shisui is treating you well" - smiled Kurama as he glanced at his cousin.

"Another Uzumaki?" - Mei asked in surprise.

"Right, meet Shisui's girlfriend, Uzumaki Karin," Kakashi said calmly. "She will serve as Uzu's ambassador if Kurama does not mind"

"In the least" - Kurama calmly denied - "In fact, this also works as proof that Uzu no Kuni is allied with Konoha"

After spending some time away from the village, Kurama realized that as much as Konoha had managed to get a small place in his heart, he had, after all, lived through countless situations in this place.

"Ambassador?" - Karin asked in surprise.

"Exactly, I called Shisui to be Konoha's ambassador to Kiri and knowing that you would not leave him behind, I thought it would be a good idea for you to be the ambassador of Uzu no Kuni" - answered Kakashi calmly as he explained the situation to the couple - "What do you say?

"I have no problem" - answered the Uchiha young man - "What do you say, Karin?"

"I have no problem either" - answered Karin calmly.

"It seems that there you have your answer" - answered the Godaime Hokage.

"That was easier than I thought," Mei nodded as she looked at the couple. "It is interesting that the Uchiha and Uzumaki clan are closer than I thought"

The couple blushed, though they had to admit that they were both surprised as well. Their relationship began in a strange twist, and yet it was a fairly strong, almost indestructible one.

"I suppose that would be all for now," said Kakashi as he shook his head, "I will wait for Kiri's doc.u.ment to be signed"

"Thank you very much, I'll send Chojuro to inform Ao" - nodded the reddish brown-haired woman as she went out, but not before taking one last look at the redhead - "You wait for me at home~"

Kurama only shook his head as he watched the woman leave.

"Who was she?" - Karin asked with a scowl as she watched the woman flirt with her cousin.

"She is Terumi Mei, former Mizukage of Kiri" - answered Kurama - "And one of my fiancées... at least now... I will explain it to you later"

"Ok" - nodded the red-haired girl.

"Now if you will excuse me, I have to go back to the mansion, see you later Karin because I am sure Kakashi will want to talk to you more" - said Kurama as he disappeared in a red flash.

"You have to admit that Hiraishin is a great Jutsu" - said Shisui while whistling - "Now you tell us the situation"

"Ok," Kakashi nodded as he spoke to his friend and his girlfriend.

* * * * *

A little over a month had passed and Sakura and the others had returned to Konoha.

Temari had brought a doc.u.ment informing him of the decision to ally with the Uzumaki clan through marriage between the two parties, which was discussed with Kurama to prevent the last time from happening.

After a long conversation and seeing the old relationship between the two parties, Kurama accepted for the happiness of the girl that if the redheaded man continued to refuse, she would end up crying.

Sakura had moved to Uzumaki Mansion with her parents to prevent any complications, which did not bother the Haruno family because Mebuki was an old friend of Kushina and Mikoto.

Mei had been living in the Uzumaki Manor since this was already foreign territory to Konoha, not to mention that she was considered a fiancee of the clan leader. She had also received a letter from a desperate Ao begging to take control again because, in his own words, he could no longer resist the paperwork.

Kurama had already adapted completely to his new energy and his body had returned to normal, no, that was wrong, Kurama was far more monstrous than before. Both his vitality and his stamina were now much stronger than before, to the point that not even Kushina could resist a night with him. The women of the clan had to use the time seal and take turns to wear him down.

The little heirs of the clan were now much happier as their father was now always with them.

And that left us with the current situation...

* * * * *

Kurama stood at Kakashi's desk next to the Gai Team.

"Are you sure?" - Kurama asked in surprise.

"Of course," Kakashi nodded normally, "he has done more than enough and I do not think I can get any more information from the way he has been dragging things out"

"I guess you're right," nodded the redhead. "Sasuke has done more than enough for these three years."

"That's why I want you to go 'capture' him and bring him to Konoha for his 'Righteous Judgment'" - ordered the Godaime Hokage.

"I understand," Kurama nodded calmly. "Did he inform you where I was so that I could move with the Hiraishin?"

"Here are his last coordinates... delivered by Itachi's raven three days ago" - said Kakashi seriously as he handed him a small scroll - "I guess it doesn't have to be very far from that place"

"Hmm... I don't have any Hiraishin seals in that area... I guess we'll have to go on foot..." - said Kurama while frowning - "A little exercise isn't bad"

"Why are we going?" - Tenten asked, feeling that they were not needed for the operation.

"For two reasons," said Kakashi calmly, "in case the 'capture' goes wrong and Kurama has to fight, you are responsible for bringing the target in"

"We understand," Neji nodded calmly. "We'll go and get our things ready and meet at the entrance in 15 minutes.

"Is there anything else I need to know about this collection mission?" - Kurama asked calmly.

"Namikaze Menma will be at the site," Kakashi answered seriously. "According to Sasuke, he has acquired an unknown, dark power after investigating what appeared to be the remains of Sora no Kuni..."

Kurama frowned when he heard that because something told him that the power his old 'friend' had acquired was far more dangerous than he thought, though nothing that would get out of control.

"I think I had better go inform the others about the mission because I am sure Miko-chan and Izumi-chan will be happy to know that Sasuke is coming back," the ginger smiled as he watched Kakashi nod.

That said, Kurama disappeared from the office of the Godaime Hokage in a flash of red.

"I hope nothing strange happens during the mission..." - Kakashi muttered as he looked out the window - "Kami knows that whenever Kurama is in the middle of something, strange things happen..."

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