The Legend Of The Kyubi

Chapter 24 - Konohagakure no Kijin

It didn't take Sasuke a long time to react and understand that those mirrors were not simple decoration - "Hinata! Ino! I want you to do everything you can to get Kiba and Sakura-chan out of those ice cubes while I entertain Haku! "

"Okay!" - the two girls from Team 8 shouted as they checked their friends.

"I don't think it's possible" - Haku said from inside one of the mirrors - "It may not seem like it but my Jutsus are much more resistant than they can be seen with the n.a.k.e.d eye"

"Let's see if you can resist this! Katon: Goukakyuu no Jutsu!" - roared the raven while throwing a large fireball against the mirrors but had no result.

"I told you ..." - Haku calmly denied as he pulled out some Senbon needles - "You let your anger consume you and you fell into my trap without even thinking twice ... well, I better end up with you quickly ..."

"Tch!" - Sasuke clicked his tongue as he tried his best to dodge but Haku's speed and accuracy were impressive.

"What's up, Uchiha-san?" - Haku commented as he continued throwing needles at the poor boy - "What happened to all those spirits you had so recently?"

Sasuke's anger burned again when he heard the disdain in Haku's voice - "Katon: Housenka no Jutsu!"

Sasuke threw small fireballs against the mirrors but they did not change. Haku's reflection remained stoic within the crystals - "Is that all?"

"If that doesn't work ..." - Sasuke said while narrowing his eyes - "Then I just have to concentrate more power on a single flame! Katon: Goukakyuu no Jutsu!"

The fireball hit the mirror that slowly began to crush but after a few seconds, it was as if nothing else.

"Impressive" - Haku nodded as he looked at the Uchiha - "Not even Zabuza-sama had been able to damage my mirrors ..."

"I just scratched him ..." - Sasuke muttered wearily. The consumption of his new Sharingan, as well as the continuous launch of Jutsus, was depleting him at great speed. The only thing that kept him standing was the d.e.s.i.r.e to save his two companions.

"I congratulate you on your efforts, Uchiha-san ... but it is time to finish this ..." - congratulated the user of the Ice Element as he retired from the mirrors. That Jutsu was not as simple as it showed. Haku had to use much of his Chakra not only to maintain it but also to repair it when they were attacked - "Hyoton: Tsurara Tsubame!"

"Goodbye Uchiha-san" - Haku said as he moved his arms as if they were wings, producing a dozen needles of ice that directed at high speed against the tired black-haired - "I regret that everything ended like this but Zabuza-sama's orders are absolute "

"Sasuke-san!" - the girls shouted to see how their shinobi companion was about to be killed by the enemy.

"It's too early to give up ..." - Kurama's voice was heard as a tree appeared in front of Sasuke, blocking all the ice needles - "I expected more from you, Teme-chan ~"

"Kurama-kun / Kuro-kun!" - Hinata and Ino said happily as they watched the young redhead appear with his ears and foxtail.

Kurama saw the status of his teammates and then looked at Haku - "I think it's time to stop"

"..." - Haku just looked at him in silence as he stood guard. He felt that the boy in front of him was much more dangerous than he was at first sight.

"Kuro-kun! They attacked us and left our companions in very bad shape!" - Ino exclaimed while giving an annoyed look to the redhead who had arrived late.

"If he wanted you dead, you would already be" - the redhead sighed when he noticed that all the attacks that were going towards his companions, were not lethal.

"..." - Haku kept his silence while slowly recovering his chakra.

"Quiet ... I just want to talk to you about a possible deal" - Kurama said calmly while looking at his enemy - "I'm sure you've detected something while working with the Dwarf, so I'll just say that I got some information about how Gatou will not pay you, in fact, he will bring a larger group of mercenaries to be able to kill you with the money he promised you"

Haku began to analyze the words the redhead said as he tried to find out if there were lies but the more he thought about it, the more certain they seemed.

"What do you propose ..." - said the ice boy.

"How about ... if you join Konoha?" - Kurama asked with a half-smile.

"Eh?" - not only Haku was surprised, but also Hinata and Ino.

"As I said ... how about joining Konoha as shinobis?" - he asked again - "But before we continue .. What do you think if you release my teammates?"

"..." - Haku thought about it for a few seconds and nodded. The boy in front of him was much stronger than him, so why not give a sign of good faith and fulfill his request? Having hostages would be useful in other situations, but he understood that the red-haired boy was not only stronger but had the ability not only to kill him but also to break his Jutsu.

"Ara? Why don't we keep fighting?" - The pink-haired girl asked as she looked around. On the other hand, Kiba was shaking his head - "Now I understand how the squirrel of the Ice Age movie felt ..."

"Move your a.s.s full of fleas!" - Sakura said annoyed to see that his partner did not react.

"Don't order me pink!" - Kiba said with annoyance - "And don't tell me a.s.s with fleas, pink board!"

Seeing that his girlfriend and friend were fighting normally, Sasuke was finally able to take a break.

"I already did it ... although I have to tell you that I can't decide on this" - Haku just gave the red-haired boy a look - "Zabuza-sama is the one who decides what we do ..."

"I understand" - Kurama nodded - "I'll talk to him in a moment ... but first, let's give some support to Kurenai Sensei ... Mokuton: Jukai Kotan!"

"Mokuton!" - Haku thought with surprise and fear as he watched as a lot of trees began to sprout from the bridge. Thank God this was made of concrete.

"I just hope everything goes well ..." - Haku muttered while shaking his head - "Because otherwise ... we are dead ..."

* * * [Meanwhile with the Jonin] * * *

The battle between Kakashi and Zabuza was at its highest point. The two were engaged in a battle of steel against steel. The sparks came out with the clash of the sword and the kunai. On the other hand, the battle between Yuto and Kurenai was in favor of the Nukenin - "What happened Akai Sakushi! Where is all the energy you had ?! Ora ~ Ora ~!"

But before he could continue with his mockery, a lot of trees began to emerge from the ground.

"What the f.u.c.k ?!" - exclaimed the Nukenin as he looked around - "Where did so many trees come from ?!"

"I think it's time for Round 2" - Said the red-eyed kunoichi while running with a kunai in hand.

"Do you plan on giving away your life like this?! Then I'll give you what you like so much!" - Yuto said while making combinations of vertical, horizontal and diagonal cuts - "Ora! Ora! Ora!"

"..." - Kurenai was using all his concentration to block and dodge his opponent's attacks while it seemed as if he were dancing. Gradually cherry blossom petals began to flood the battlefield - "You fell! Kaki Buyo!"

The petals made a whirlpool that hit Yuto against a tree, but the damage wasn't much so it didn't take long to recover - "That won't stop me, bitch!"

When he looked straight ahead, he saw that the Kurenai in front of him was a clone of flower petals - "What the f.u.c.k ?!"

"You know? It's rude to tell a lady a bitch ..." - Kurenai's voice was heard near him while he was caught by vines - "But I don't think that information will help you ... not when you're ready to die"

"How ... How did you catch me so fast in this ...?!" - Yuto exclaimed but before he could complete his question, Kurenai had beheaded him with his kunai - "I'm sorry ... but I didn't like what you called me not when I haven't yet given my first time to my boyfriend ... Magen: Jubaku Satsu "

"And I'm sure that perverted idiot won't want me to help him ..." - the red-eyed kunoichi sighed as he looked in the direction of Kakashi - "I guess I'll go see how the boys are ..."

"You don't have to, Kurenai-sensei ... we are fine" - said Kurama while he and the others were walking in her direction. But what surprised her, was not to see that everyone was safe, but that Haku was walking with them.

"I must ask?" - Kurenai said with a frown.

"I will answer while they fight" - the redhead nodded as he pointed to the two Jonin who were still facing each other.

The battle of Zabuza and Kakashi was its climax and at the moment the two were breathing erratically.

"How about we end this?! Kakashi!" - Zabuza roared as he infused his sword with Chakra Suiton - "Come on Kubikiribocho!"

"So be it ..." - Kakashi said while concentrating Raiton chakra in his hand- "Raikiri!



The clash of the two attacks had been heartbreaking. The area where they were fighting was completely cracked and showed symptoms that it would break in any second.

A large layer of dust was produced during the attack and worked as a curtain for the people who were watching them.

"Hahaha!" - Zabuza's laugh echoed in the place but when everyone thought he had won, the smokescreen began to disappear, showing that not only was he on the ground with his sword split in half but had a slight wound in his shoulder. Kakashi was with his right arm completely bloody and breathing irregularly because of the lack of Chakra.

"I guess it's a draw ..." - Zabuza just took a look at his rival - "But in general view ... it's a defeat ... Ha ... Haha ... Hahaha!"

Kakashi was calm, he was using this time to recover some of his Chakra.

"What's going on Kakashi? Are you so exhausted that you can't talk?" - Zabuza continued while making fun of Jonin - "It is a pity that our battle ended in this way ... I would have liked to continue fighting with you ..."

"What if I told you that you can do it?" - asked a voice that Kakashi knew quite well - "Kurama?"

"You've seen better days, Kakashi" - Kurama said with a half-smile.

"Haku? What are you doing with them?" - Zabuza asked when he saw that his 'son' was next to Konoha's group.

"Let's say he told me something hard not to accept" - the user of Ice element sighed.

"..." - Zabuza was silent while giving the boy a look. At least I could give him the chance to talk. It wasn't as if he could do anything else, after all, his life was in the hands of the Konoha shinobis.

* * * * *

After 15 minutes, Zabuza decided to accept the proposal of the redhead. He had given her more than enough reasons. First, he would have a stable base, as well as a good source of income. Second, it would no longer be hunted by one of the 5 great Shinobi villages. Not to mention that if what he said was true, then his work was over since Gatou wanted them dead.

"Although you will be in a trial period" - Kurenai added - "Although I am sure that it is the same for all Shinobis who want to take asylum in another village"

"Yes ... Kiri had something similar" - Zabuza nodded as he sat down, although he had to admit, his body ached like hell.

Kakashi, on the other hand, was surprised that Kurama managed to recruit not only a former Kiri no Shinobigatana Shichinin Shu but also a Ninja with Kekkei Genkai Hyoton.

"The only bad side of all this is that Hiruzen-sama will have a hell of paperwork" - Kurenai denied as a small smile appeared on his beautiful face.

Kakashi nodded weakly. He had great respect for the old Hokage not only for his power but also because he was a member of his same club "Icha Icha Para-Desu ~".

* * * * *

In Konoha, Hiruzen had a bad feeling. A slight chill ran down his back, causing a sneeze that knocked down all the paperwork in front of him - "F.u.c.k!!!!"

The clones were laughing out loud at the misfortune of their original. Since the council passed the law on the protection of rights for clones, they have a more relaxed job.

"If you had enough fun, you should all go back to work and help me finish all this!" - Hiruzen said to his clones, who only responded - "Hai ~ Hai ~"

The Hokage felt a bit of sadness and thought again what he always thinks at times like these - "I'm too old for all this shit ..."

* * * * * * * * * * *

Soon chapter 32 available in Pa-treon next to Interlude 2

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