The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 122: Transformation.

The temperature in the room dropped as Haru's hair grew down to his waist. His eyes turned blue, his skin had gotten a few shades lighter. Giving him a now pale complexion and he grew a few inches in height. 

Both Old man Zhu and Tengfei noticed the change and became nervous as the boy in front of them seemingly turned into another person. 

Li Jun remained still for a few minutes as he took in everything. He could feel the gentle feeling of air filling his lungs with each breath and the feeling of touch. He felt incredible coldness all across his body. 'I can't believe I used to enjoy having a body. This feels so strange to me.' He thought before making his way to the old man.

Tengfei watched nervously as what he thought to be Haru moved closer to his father. 

Li Jun then brushed the hair out of his face and leaned over to take a better look at the old man laying on the bed.

'Hmm… Why are there also signs of poisoning?' He thought before holding his hand over the old man's belly. As he did so, Tengfei interrupted him.

"What are you doing? And what happened to you? You changed…" He asked confused by everything that he had seen.

"I'm going to heal your father's injuries." Li Jun stated, Not really recalling how he should talk to elders. He was now in Haru's body and the way he spoke to Tengfei was like how an old man would talk to a toddler. It was unsettling for both Tengfei and Old man Zhu but they didn't seem to question it.

The coldness still filled the room and it seemed to suppress both of their abilities to think properly. It was unlike anything that they had felt before. It was like they had both died and become ghosts.

"Then what about the changes? Why is your hair longer? And your eyes…" Tengfei stopped himself as Li Jun looked over at him. 

"It's just a medical technique. There is no need to worry." Li Jun said in the same tone as his eyes narrowed in on him.

Tengfei gulped and then slowly nodded his head.

"Okay…" He said, His voice sounding scratchy and weak. With each breath making his heartbeat speed up more and more. Just a few words from Li Jun were enough to activate his fight or flight response.

Li Jun looked back at the old man striking fear into him as well. 

"I need you to lift up your shirt." He said bluntly and then waited for him to do as he was told. 

Old man Zhu nodded and then lifted up his shirt and tried not to make eye contact with the boy in front of him. He felt an unknown power coursing through the body and with each word the feeling of death lingered. The feeling of fear that he felt was so intense that he didn't even know he was afraid.

Li Jun then used a bit of Qi to make a solidified blade-like point on his fingertip and then used it to cut a small slash in the old man's belly. 

A small trail of blood was released from his body before dropping on to the bed. Li Jun then held his hand over the insertion he had made and then began to press down. 

He put just enough pressure to hold his hand steady and then started injecting his Qi into the old man's belly. He used to Qi to hold the dantian together before putting pressure on it, causing the shattered pieces to line up once again.

A flash of light appeared from the old man's mouth and then a stream of blue made it's way into the air above his head as he screamed in pain. A deep burning sensation made it's way over his whole body before quickly stopping with a cracking sound.

"Is it finally over?" Old man Zhu asked whilst panting. Steam came from his mouth with each breath and his body was covered in a cold sweat. He lay back now trying to calm down. His heart was beating dangerously fast but a throbbing pain still remained in his stomach.

With one last scream of pain emerging from the old man, Li Jun removed his hand. Tengfei looked over at Haru seeing that he was holding something. 

"What is that?" He asked when he saw the black powder in the centre of his palm. Li Jun then walked over to the bedside table and tipped the powder onto it.

"It wasn't an accident your father was injured. Someone poisoned him. And this is a very rare poison called bloodroot poison." Li Jun then took a few steps back. 

"Okay, I'm done now. You can have your body back now." Li Jun said to Haru using spiritual sense to communicate and then left his body to enter the dragon emperor ring once more.

But during the time that Li Jun had been in control of Haru's body. Haru had decided to practice the technique to open void corridors that he had been shown by the shadow. to pass the time. Not hearing Li Jun's warning his body dropped to the floor lifelessly.


"What the?" Tengfei said before rushing over to Haru. 

"Are you okay? What happened?" He asked as panic set in.

"He was fine just a second ago… What happened? Hey dad… This is bad he passed out. We need to call an ambulance." Tengfei said before running to the office to search for his phone but it was nowhere to be seen. 

"Liqin! Have you seen my phone!?" He shouted down to the bottom of the stairs. A few seconds went by before running footsteps echoed out through the hallway bellow.

"No. Why? what is it?" She asked confused. She hadn't heard her dad panic like this in a while so she knew it was something serious and ran upstairs to meet him in the office.

"The boy who I took up to heal your grandfather just passed out suddenly. I need to call an ambulance." Tengfei said with a look of panic on his face.

Liqin looked back in shock. 

"He came here to heal grandpa? Where is he?" She asked with concern before handing her phone to her father. 

"Thanks, He is in your grandpa's room. I will go out front to open the gates for the ambulance. So stay here and make sure nothing happens okay?" Tengfei said and then went outside while making a phone call. 

Once he was out of sight Liqin made her way towards her grandpa's room to see what was happening. She quickly ran to his room and pushed open the door.

"Grandpa? What are you doing out of bed?" She asked, seeing old man Zhu sat on the floor next to Haru with his hand over his chest. 

"I am transferring some Qi to his body to wake him up but I am too weak. Come here and help me." Old man Zhu explained to her. 

"But you should be in bed. You are sick, You might make your injuries worse." She stated. 

"What injuries? He already healed me. That is why he is like this in the first place. I can't let him die so easily. Now come and help me." Old man Zhu demanded. 

Liqin stood in place not knowing what to do. 'He really healed grandpa? How I thought he just knew escape techniques... Did I really underestimate him so much?' She thought to herself before deciding to listen to her grandfather.

She might have been a bit hot-tempered but her whole family now owed Haru a huge favour. She wasn't going to just stand by when he needed help.

She ran over and kneeled down beside her grandfather as he instructed her how to transfer her Qi. 

Fifteen minutes went by before an ambulance turned up and the paramedics rushed upstairs with a stretcher and made their diagnosis. 

It was unlike anything they had seen. He didn't appear to have any injuries but he had somehow gone unconscious. His body looked to be perfectly healthy so the assumed it must have been something internal and rushed him to the hospital as fast as they could.

A blacked out car made it's way down the driveway and stopped. A woman with long blond hair stepped out before making her way toward Tengfei.

She looked around for a few minutes before initiating a conversation by fashing a badge at him.

"Captain Chen Cui. I'm with Shenzhen crime investigation unit. Now tell me what happened to the boy. If you try to bullshit me I will see that your whole family is destroyed. He is very important. So I swear if you tried to cause him any harm…" She stopped herself, realising the man in front of her was in fact much stronger than she was.

"You're a cultivator too right? Come with me and I will tell you what really happened." Tengfei replied before they both went inside to talk in private. He explained what had happened to Haru as best as he could but Cui also couldn't make sense of what happened.

Meanwhile, at the hospital, Haru had already been rushed for a brain scan despite the protest of old man Zhu. But they found nothing. They decided to put him in a private ward so he wouldn't be disturbed while they figured out what was wrong with him.

After his brain scan old man Zhu managed to bribe his way into Haru's ward to carry on giving him Qi as he lay in the hospital bed. 

Not long after Zen made his way in with Suyin. They looked around for a moment before spotting Haru lying in the bed with the old man stood above him with his hand outstretched.

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