The Legendary Master’s Wife

Chapter 165: Destroy mouth

Hearing this, even if the following words are not spoken, everyone present will understand.

What will be related to the magic word is not what the devil will be. Moreover, in the recent period, the forces of the Tianxin sent to the devil are like water and fire. The performance of Xing Luomen is indeed strange.

As for the sneak attack on the Jilelou disciple, I'm afraid it was Xing Luomen's fine work.

The reason why he slashed Mu Sheng before he finished speaking was because Mu Sheng deliberately spoke loudly, so he worried that there would be someone nearby. If he was heard and told the Qingcheng and Tianxin factions, Xing Rohm would be really troublesome.

Therefore, in order to complete the project of Xing Luomen, the disciples of Xiaoyaomen and Jilelou must die.

When the last disciple of Xiaoyaomen fell, there was already an extremely thick blood around him, and the dead person's body was not beyond recognition.

Just then, five men in black robes appeared beside the bodies.

The robes of the Heipao people are very tall, more than two meters close to three meters in height, and the already very large star eleven is much shorter than them.

After the two sides said a few words, five people in the black robe suddenly squatted next to the eleven corpses, a dark hand extended from under the black robe, grabbed one of them and dragged it into the black robe, then for a while The sound of '哧哧' suddenly sounded like a cheekbone, bright red blood flowed from their feet, and one suddenly fell out of the black robe and kept his arm broken ...


Someone sickened and this person ...

"Who!" Xing Yi's expression changed suddenly, and his sharp eyes looked in the direction of making vomiting sounds.

Which direction happened to be in the direction of You Xiaomo and Ling Xiao, and the person who was vomiting was You Xiaomo. The five people in the black robes who ate the corpse spit him out disgustingly, and he had to adapt to the **** picture. .

The people who heard the voice were not only Star Eleven, but also the five men in black robes. They stopped eating immediately, and some of them just ate half of them and threw the bodies directly.

Some corpses were eaten at the upper body, some were eaten at the lower body, and some only had limbs left ...

All kinds of misery, extremely bloody, extremely disgusting, white flowers, brains, etc., all flowed out, so ...

"Gag !!!" You Xiaomo couldn't help it anymore, the empty stomach vomited even the acid water.

As soon as he spoke, the person in Star Eleven knew exactly where he was, and soon found You Xiaomo and Ling Xiao. When Ling Xiao saw them found, he didn't hide again deliberately and hugged him. You kept swimming Xiaomo on a huge vine.

Ling Xiao's face, Star Eleven, is no stranger. When he saw him, Star Eleven's expression suddenly became weird. "Heaven sent Lin Shaw?" With that, his astute eyesight locked them immediately. It seems to want to see how many people are hiding.

But what surprised him was that he didn't find anyone else except the two of them. On the surface, it seemed as if they were the same, but Xing Yi did not immediately relax, looking at Ling Xiao and You Xiaomo's eyes. Extremely vigilant, with a few traces of yin.

Ling Xiao gave them a playful glance, collusion between Xing Luomen and the Devil? It really surprised him.

However, thinking of Xing Luomen's actions over the years, there are indeed clues to show that Xing Luomen does have the possibility of colluding with the devil. He had never seen what he wanted to do, but it was a shame.

Ling Xiao looked down at the vomiting You Xiaomo again, and gently patted his back. "Little brother, are you okay?"

You Xiaomo didn't answer his question, but one hand reached in front of him, pulled his clothes, and saw him as if he was fine? God, this is the first time he has seen a cannibalistic monster.

Of course, this is not the first time he has seen such a **** picture. He used to have a picture of limbs all over the **** plain outside the city of Qiji. The impact on him at that time was not small, but that was after all a time comparison. Short and no monster cannibalism.

Although he has seen a lot of horror movies in the past, some of them are doomsday eaters, but they are all acting, separated by a piece of glass, knowing in the heart that it is fake. How could he have ‘watched’ so positively? And it's still a live-action version. The impact on her is not small. He didn't vomit the stomach.

Xiao Ling patted his back with a smile, "It's good to get used to it."

Learn your sister! You Xiaomo rolled her eyes and said the same thing.

"Lin Xiao, the genius of the Tianxin faction, appeared here alone? Hahaha, even if you are out of luck, it seems that today is a bumper harvest, killing you, the Tianxin faction is equivalent to missing one arm, I believe that the master and young master must be Will be happy. "

Star Eleven observed for a long time, and finally determined that there were no other disciples in Tianxin except the two of them. Then he laughed loudly, his expression turned dark, as if he had just seen the reward given by the doorkeeper. .

You know, although Lin Xiao of the Tianxin School is only a two-star practitioner, he is only thirty years old this year, and his age is similar to that of Luoshu River in Qingcheng School. At this age, few people can reach the star. Situation, such as their young master Tiantian.

The young master of Xing Luomen is now forty-one years old. His cultivation is two stars higher than Lin Shao and Luo Shuhe.

However, when the young master was thirty years old, his cultivation was just one star. Although he was one star lower than the two, the proud young master thought it was a shame, so he always regarded them as enemies.

Their hosts also felt that if Lin Xiao and Luo Shuhe were to grow up, they would one day become the biggest obstacle to the Solomon. Therefore, a death order was issued long ago. This time the paradise is opened. If there is a chance, they will surely kill both .

Xing Shiyi didn't expect that he had even come to them before he went to find them, and Lin Xiao had only one person beside him, or a little Dan teacher who would only drag his legs. Is n’t God helping him?

"Star Eleven, I want Lin Xiao's body."

At this moment, one of the five men in black robes suddenly said.

The devil's voice was a little hoarse, like the rusty machine's difficult rotation, and there was a vaguely unsustainable excitement, as if Lin Xiao was already in his pocket.

Xing Shiyi laughed immediately, "No problem, but I will take his head back to our young master. If he knows that Lin Xiao is dead, he will be very happy."

"So, do you shoot, or let my men do it?" The man in black robes gave a chuckling laugh.

"Come on, there are two stars in a star field, and I can take him down with one finger." Xing Shiyi said madly, his eyes filled with strong **** killing, raised his right hand and waved the sword. Throw the blood off the sword.

At this moment, Xiaoxiao, who had been soothing You Xiaomo, laughed.

Ling Xiao's laughter has a slight sense of depression, but in the ears of everyone, it has a little strange feeling. Under this contrast of ordinary strength, shouldn't most people have escaped long ago, but they haven't, more There was no sign of worry.

Star Eleven and others finally found this sense of disagreement, "What are you laughing at?"

Ling Xiaozheng stopped the laughter, and looked at Xing Yiyi with an interest, then looked down at You Xiaomo who was almost vomiting, and stroked his hair with one hand and said with a grin, "Little brother, although my brother and I Forgive you for the first time to see such a disgusting picture, but you also saw that they discovered our secrets, so Brother I was forced to kill them in front of you. You must also be considerate its me!"

You Xiao murmured him a glance. Why didn't he know what secrets these people found out? It's a grandiose one. It's not just about killing people, but also making so many excuses.

For a few days, he encountered various **** and cruel things, and with such **** and disgusting pictures today, he felt that his mental capacity was moving in the direction of solidity and even abnormality. He also now knows a truth. There is no such thing in this world. Most disgusting, only more disgusting!

However, Xing Shiyi and others who heard Ling Xiao's remarks felt that they heard the funniest joke in the world.

Lin Xiao alone wanted to kill everyone here? It's a joke, and his position is probably wrong. They should be the ones who really want to die.

Since Lin Xiao broke their affairs, knowing that Xing Luomen was collusion with the demon, then they could not let him and that little Dan division anyway.

Ling Xiao stood up, touched his head and said intimately, "Little brother, you vomit first, and when it's done, I should be finished."

You Xiaomo couldn't speak, and had to continue to respond to him with white eyes. He found that Ling Xiao had no lower limit at all.

Then he jumped off the vine, the white coat fluttered in the wind, and there was a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, which was quite elegant and elegant, who would have thought that he was going to kill at this moment.

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