The Legendary Mech Army

Chapter 602: 20000

   "Although the Space Teleportation Array can immediately teleport you back to the west of San'an State, it cannot accurately teleport you to the'Ten Wing Continent'."

   Moherin said.

   "I know it alone."

   The Ten Wing Demon King nodded, "But the lone must go back immediately."

   "Ten Wing Demon King, don't worry, listen to me and finish."

   Fu Tianqing smiled, and said: "I just said that this time I will borrow the power of the Book of the Earth, because the Book of the Earth can monitor the changes in San Anzhou."

   "There is another strongest function."

   "That is ‘Transport’."

   "Using the ‘Space Rock’ and the ‘High Grade Spirit Crystal’, a one-time ‘Space Tunnel’ can be opened up. Because the ‘Space Tunnel’ is not stable enough, it can only transmit no more than a hundred creatures at a time."


   The demon kings were surprised.

   "There is such a function!"

   "In this way, can we not use the ‘Book from the Ground’ to appear anywhere in St. Anzhou, and even directly transmit it to the imperial capital of the human race or the monster race.”


   "Beheading can be implemented!"

   The demon kings talked and discussed.

   "The two vice-chamber masters, without further ado, please activate the function of ‘Book from the Ground’ as soon as possible to send the loneliness back to the Ten Wing Continent."

   The Ten Wing Demon Emperor took a deep breath, suppressed the excitement in his heart, and said to Mohelin and Fu Tianqing: "Gu is now very worried that the lonely demon army will suffer heavy losses."

   "After all, the enemy will choose to attack the Ten Winged Imperial Capital at this time. They must be fully prepared."


   Fu Tianqing and Moherin looked at each other, nodded, and said, "So this time we are going to send all the Demon Kings to Ten Wing Continent at once."

   "Nine Demon Kings joined forces, I believe it will be enough to destroy the enemy forces that invaded the Ten Wing Dynasty."

"it is good!"

   The Wind Demon King nodded.

   "Then go there."

   "I also want to feel the power of the book from the earth."


   "Haha..., nine demon kings joined forces, this is a great event."

   "This emperor estimates that if the enemy troops who invaded the Ten Wing Dynasty suddenly saw nine demon emperors coming at the same time, they would probably be frightened."

   "That's right!"

   Thousand Volt Demon Emperor, Qilian Demon Emperor and so on laughed.

   "This is really troublesome."

   No. ZH0214 lowered his head slightly, his expression serious.

   Because the situation has changed beyond his expectations.

   He also did not expect that the monster clan’s trump card ‘Earth Book’ would have such an ability, although compared to the ‘Mechanical Space Station Base’, the transmission of the ‘Earth Book’ is very simple and completely incomparable.

To know.

   ‘Book on the Ground’ can only build an unstable space tunnel and can only transport no more than a hundred creatures at a time, while Jiangli’s mechanical space station base can transport tens of billions of mechanical soldiers at one time.

   The gap is huge.


   If the nine demon emperors brought the subjects around them directly to the Ten Wing Continent, and Jiang Li did not evacuate in time, it would be a big crisis.

the most important is.

   The modified "Super Information Soldier" brought by ZH0214 has been scrapped. He cannot notify Jiang Li through the Super Information Soldier.


   The nine demon emperors directly descended on the Ten Wing Continent, and ZH0214 had no time to inform Jiang Li.

"let's start."

   Fu Tianqing Road.


brush! brush!

   With a wave of his right hand, he took out a ‘Space Rock’ from the low-grade space ring he was wearing on his finger. It was a diamond-shaped stone, only the size of a thumb, and shone with white silver luster.


   Then took out a large number of high-grade spirit crystals.

  The number is unclear.


   The high-grade spirit crystal fell to the ground and merged into the ground of the hall silently and disappeared, as if it had been swallowed by something.


   The body of the "Book of the Earth" was hidden by Fu Tianqing somewhere in the "Demon Race Chamber Bloodline Main Hall".

At last.

   The white and silver ‘Space Rock’ is also integrated into it.

   hum! Hum!


   The ground of the main hall appeared a series of white and silver patterns, which continuously emerged, densely intertwined, and full of mysterious aura.

   Glorious and surging.

   The space of the main hall is shaking.


   The space is torn apart.

   A huge hole appeared, presenting a vortex shape, continuously rotating, but exuding extremely unstable spatial fluctuations.

   Click! Click!

Not only that.

   There are still irregular cracks around the whirlpool.

   is very scary.

   As if it would be torn apart by the cracks when approaching.


   The demon emperors felt this extremely unstable space tunnel, and suddenly felt a little frustrated, some did not dare to approach, for fear that they would be torn apart by the space.


   This is also the first time Fu Tianqing and Mohelin have used the Earth Book's ‘teleport’ ability. They can’t guarantee what the situation will be.

Of course.

   They didn't say these.

   So he said that he was helping the Ten Wing Demon King, rather than experimenting with the power of the Book of the Earth.

   There is more.

   The power of the ‘Book from the Ground’ is by no means the only two, Fu Tianqing and the others have concealed a lot.

   "Who will come first?"

   Fu Tianqing looked at the demon emperors.

"This one……"

   The demon emperors looked at each other a few times.

   "Lonely come first."

   After a while.

   The Ten Wing Demon Emperor took a deep breath, made up his mind, and walked towards the spatial vortex.

   "Wait a minute."

   At this time.

   ZH0214 stood up resolutely, stopped the Ten Wing Demon Emperor, and shouted: "Your Majesty, you can't take risks easily. Let your ministers come first."

   "Please let the minister test the risks for you."

   "Xie Aiqing!"

   The Ten Wing Demon King saw the sincerity on ZH0214's face and the generous application, his heart was instantly moved.


  The other demon kings also looked at ZH0214 with complicated eyes.


   The gray-robed trial Morty also looked at him wrong, thinking in his heart: "Am I really wrong to blame Xie Ling? After all, the realm of space is full of unknowns, and Xie Ling is actually willing to try for the Ten Wing Demon Emperor."

   "The exit of the'Teleport' is determined to be outside of the Ten Wing Continent."

   Fu Tianqing said: "Don't waste time, lest the space tunnel is discovered by the enemy."


   No. ZH0214 nodded, took a deep breath, first showed anxiety and tension on his face, clenched his fists, his expression gradually became firm.


   Three steps and two steps.

   walked towards the space vortex and entered it.

   hum! ! !

   There was a flash of light.

   ZH0214 disappeared.

   Many demons in the hall were silent, waiting quietly.

the other side.

   Ten Wings Imperial Capital.

   hum! Hum! !

   white lights flickered.

   Jiangli has converted all the medicinal materials and elixir that can be searched by the Ten Wings Imperial Capital into energy points, and has harvested a total of 3,200 trillion energy points.

   The harvest is neither too much nor too little.

of course.

  The harvest of medicinal materials and elixir is only small.

   The real big head is Lingjing.

   Jiangli put all the spiritual crystals found in the search into the best space storage bag, and prepared to return to Daxia Huangdu to convert the spiritual crystals into energy points.


Roar! ! !

   Dragon chants sounded.

   Great Xia Qinglong has swallowed up all the fortunes of the Ten Wing Dynasty's collapsed nation, and the dragon's body has directly grown from 12,000 meters to 20,000 meters.

   deserves to be a dominant dynasty.

   Just absorbed a part of the imperial national fortune, and the Great Xia Qinglong can improve so much.

  The national fortune of the dynasty improved.

   Jiang Li naturally sensed the call of the "Qianlong List", because he is still in the Ten Wings Imperial Capital, so Jiang Li did not rush to the Qianlong List to receive rewards.

   "At present, all kinds of resources and materials are almost searched."

   Jiangli secretly said: "It's time to take away the Lingjing mineral vein."

   "The imperial fate of the Ten Wing Dynasty is now collapsed, and it has been swallowed by the Great Xia Qinglong."

   Jiang meditation, "I guess that even if the Ten Winged Demon Emperor is in the'Monster Chamber', he can learn about the dramatic changes and turbulence of the'Ten Wing Dynasty' through the changes in the dynasty and the real dragon."

   "So you may not succeed in ambushing in Ten Wing Continent."


   Jiangli groaned for a while, "Be cautious, I still get everything I can get first. The spirit crystal veins of the Ten Wing Dynasty must be taken away as soon as possible."


   Jiangli's figure soared into the sky and left the Demon Emperor Hall.

   half a minute later.

   He arrived at the location of the Lingjing mine.

   condescendingly looked down at the peaks and mountains.

   "Spirit pulse control dragon technique!"

   hum! Hum!

   Jiangli displayed his abilities, the energy in his body was surging, his hands were pinched, and countless dragon-shaped runes appeared, intertwined.

   formed a vast array.

   shrouded the mountain range facing forward.

   "Get up!"

Roar! Roar! !


   The small ling crystal veins were pulled out by Jiang Li using the'Spirit Vein Control Dragon Technique', and the small ling crystal veins seemed to be turned into real dragons.

   There were waves of dragons.


   In the surrounding air, Jiang Li sent a famous super transporter, which turned into a large military transport plane, and the door of the cabin opened.

"go with!"

brush! brush! brush!

   Jiangli waved his right hand, and it seemed to have turned into a small crystal vein of real dragons, like streams of light, all flying towards the super transporters.

   are all installed in the cabin.

   "Come again!"


   Jiangli continued to perform the'Spirit Vein Controlling Dragon Technique' and took away the medium-sized Lingjing veins, all of which were loaded into a large military transport plane.

   Even the Lingjing mineral veins whose psionic radiation had exceeded the standard, Jiang Li took away all.

   Goose has been plucked.

   Leave no one.

At last.

   Six large-scale Lingjing mineral veins were also taken away by Jiang Li.

   If it weren't for Jiang Li's "Spirit Vein Controlling Dragon Technique" that he had cultivated to the perfect level during this period of time, Jiang Li would really not be able to take away the large spirit crystal veins.

  The large-scale Lingjing veins are more than ten times that of the medium-sized Lingjing veins, so Jiang Li had to gather hundreds of super transporters together to take away the large-scale Lingjing veins.

"nailed it."

   Jiangli breathed a sigh of relief and clapped his hands, feeling quite good.

at the same time.

   The southeast position of the Ten Wing Continent.

   Outer areas.

   Click! Click!

   space cracks.

   A space whirlpool crack appeared.

   Because Jiang Li sent 30 billion mechanical soldiers to patrol and monitor the Ten Wing Continent, it was almost a few seconds after the space vortex crack appeared.

  The mechanical soldiers discovered the "Space Vortex Crack".

Information transfer.



   Wang Gang came to report, "A ‘spatial vortex crack’ was found in the southeast of Ten Wings Continent. After inference, it is very likely that it is a ‘space tunnel’.”

   "Oh ~ Jiang Li's expression changed slightly, "He actually landed on the Ten Wing Continent directly through the'space tunnel'. "

   "The monster clan actually has such a method."

   hum! ! !

   The space vortex is over there.

   There are spatial fluctuations.

brush! brush! brush!

   A large number of mechanical soldiers gathered around.

   formed a circle.


  ZH0214 walked out of the space vortex.


   The mechanical soldiers around couldn't help but stop.


not far away.

  The commanders of the battlefield became strange and came forward.

What is    doing?

   Didn’t you say that there will be a demon king?

   How is ZH0214 number?

   "Go and inform the ruler, the nine demon kings will soon bring their subjects to the Ten Wing Continent through this ‘space tunnel’, let the ruler retreat quickly!"

   ZH0214 yelled loudly: "It is even possible that the strong from the Monster Race Chamber will also come."

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