The Legendary Mech Army

Chapter 608: 0 billion

   almost at the same time.

   across San Anzhou.

  Wu Dynasty, Sword Dynasty, Tianzong Dynasty, Chongwu Dynasty, Mobei Dynasty, Lianzhen Dynasty, all the emperors, all have received specific news about the "Demon Clan Book".

   All the emperors looked solemn.

   They worry that the demon emperor of the demon clan and the demon court powerhouses will come to their imperial capital together.

   If so.

   Face the demon king and the demon court powerhouse together.

   Even with the help of a large army, it is not necessarily an opponent.

   St. Anzhou Zhongyu.

   Demonic Chamber Bloodline Main Hall.

  In the hall.

   hum! ! !

   Fu Tianqing mobilized the ‘Book from the Ground’ to form a map of ‘San Anzhou’, which was clearly presented in front of the demon emperors and the masters of the demon court.

   Ten Wing Demon Emperor's eyes fixed on one place.

   is the northern border of San Anju.

   looked straight at Daxia Imperial Capital.

   "Jiang Li!"

   The ten-winged demon king clenched his fists.

   "Now you all feel the changes in the'Qianlong Ranking'."

   Qilian Demon Emperor said in a deep voice: "The ranking of the Daxia Dynasty has been directly promoted from the 27th to the 20th."

   "20th place!"

   The Wind Demon Emperor was stunned, "Isn't this more than the emperor."


   The demon kings were silent.

   After a while.

   "Everyone, let's talk about it, how do you plan to use the ability of the book to create an advantage?"

   One of the Demon Court Palace Master said.


   The demons were silent.

   "Of course, the'Daxia Dynasty' was destroyed first."

   The Ten Wing Demon Emperor said directly: "The geographical location of the Great Xia Dynasty is in the northern border of St. Anzhou, and there is only the Great Xia Dynasty in the northern border of St. Anzhou."

   "In other words."

   "The Great Xia Dynasty is'isolated and helpless'."

   "We can send out the demon coalition from three positions to attack the Great Xia Dynasty from the west of St. Anzhou, the middle of St. Anzhou, and the east of St. Anzhou."

   "When the demon coalition troops approached the imperial capital of Daxia, we then borrowed the ability of the "Book of the Earth" to directly descend to the imperial capital of Daxia and destroy the imperial capital of Daxia and Jiangli."

   "The lonely disagree."

   The Wind Demon Emperor shook his head and said: "The Emperor Wu Dynasty is in the east of St. Anzhou, and the demon coalition forces in the east of St. Anzhou must pass through the Wu Dynasty if they want to enter the north of St. Anzhou."

   "The Emperor Wu Dynasty can't let us pass."

   "That's right."

   The newly appointed demon emperor of Dongyue Dynasty nodded in agreement.

   "Ten Wing Demon King."

   The demon emperor "Mo Long" of the "Black Dragon Dynasty" also said: "Gu knows your hatred for Emperor Xia, and I can't wait to smash Emperor Xia."

   "But your plan seems too hasty, and I don't agree with it."


   The Ten Wing Demon Emperor snorted coldly.


time flies.

   The demon emperors and the masters of the demon court are arguing endlessly.

"be quiet!"

   Fu Tianqing shouted in a deep voice.


   So the hall fell silent.

   "Listen to my opinion."

   Moherin said: "Every demon emperor, you can order all demon dynasties to start a war at the same time and launch a war against any neighboring dynasty."

   "Then we will create space tunnels based on the specific situation of each battlefield and through the ability of the ‘Book from the Earth’, and send the strong from the monster clan chambers to support each battlefield.”

   "Do you want to fight separately?"


   "Should we not concentrate our forces?"

   The demon king.

   "Just do that."

   Wutian Demon Emperor suddenly got up and said in a deep voice: "It is just a waste of time to continue arguing. The orphans led the imperial coalition forces in the central area of ​​St. Anzhou and completely captured the entire central area of ​​St. Anzhou."

   after speaking.

   Wutian Demon Emperor left directly.


"Ha ha."

   Thousand Volt Demon Emperor and Qilian Demon Emperor also left with Wutian Demon Emperor.

   "There is no demon king."

   Fu Tianqing shouted in a deep voice: "Remember, it will be action in three days."


   The Wutian Demon Emperor paused, just nodded, saying nothing.


   "Never mind."

   "I hope the support of the'Monster Chamber' can arrive in time."


   The expressions of the demon kings are solemn.


   The ability of "Book from the Ground" did not give the demon kings much confidence.

To know.

   When in the Ten Wing Continent.

Their nine demon emperors and a dozen of their ministers descended on the Ten Wing Continent through the "Book from the Ground" and jointly dealt with Jiang Li. In the end, they failed to keep Xia Huang Jiangli behind, and they even took away the Heart of the Continent by Jiang Li. .

and so.

   The demon emperors were greatly disappointed with the "Book of the Earth", and completely lost the excitement and excitement at the beginning.

   The so-called surveillance of San Anzhou and precise transmission are not as powerful as they imagined. The final result still depends on their own strength.

  After the discussion is over.

   The demon emperors left one after another. They returned to their respective dynasties through the teleportation array of the demon clan chamber. The Ten Wing Demon Emperor returned to the Shi Yi Dynasty with Shi Quanlin and ZH0214.

   Shi Wing Dynasty was hit hard.

   The Ten Wings Continent was sunk, and 50 billion demon soldiers, princes, kings, etc., all died. It can be said that the foundation was completely destroyed. Therefore, it is quite difficult for the Ten Wing Demon Emperor to rebuild the demon army.


After the Ten Wings Demon Emperor returned to the territory of the Ten Wings Dynasty, he clearly felt the continual decline of the national fortune of the dynasty. His heart was extremely angry, roaring up to the sky, and his eyes were scarlet, "Jiang Li!!! The lonely will definitely kill you." !!!"

   "Your Majesty."

   Shi Quanlin comforted and said: "Although the 50 billion demon army is gone, I believe that as long as your Majesty orders the nationwide recruitment of soldiers, you will definitely be able to form another demon army."

   "As long as your Majesty is here, we can make a comeback."

   "Yes, your Majesty, Prince Shiquan Rin is right."

   ZH0214 stood behind the Ten Wings Demon Emperor with an expression of concern on his face, but secretly tried to contact the ‘Super Information Soldier’ troops in the Ten Wings Dynasty.


   The Ten Wing Demon Emperor calmed down, "In three days, we only have three days now, even though the demon soldiers from the counties and princes were almost recruited the last time they recruited."

   "But Gu believes that we can still recruit some more soldiers."

   "It doesn't need to be too much. As long as you can recruit 100 million monster soldiers to form a monster army army, even if it is a refill, as long as it is led by Gu himself, you can win the Mobei Dynasty!"


   The Ten Wing Demon Emperor intends to attack the Mobei Dynasty.

   Great Xia Huangdu.

   Green Dragon Hall.

   Jiangli invited Crimson Lord to come to the Qinglong Temple to talk. There were only Jiang Li and Crimson Lord in the palace. Wang Gang and WMS01 stood beside Jiang Li.


   Crimson Lord said: "I won't be oblivious. This time, apart from thanking you for telling the'Monster Clan Book', it's mainly for the'Space Teleportation' that Emperor Wu said last time."

   "Red Lord."

   Jiangli waved his hand, interrupted Chizu's words, and said directly: "The Emperor Wu is right. Gu has indeed mastered the ability of'spatial teleportation', and Qu can also perform'fixed-point teleportation'."

   "That is to say."

   "As long as the lone wishes, it can be teleported to any place in San Anzhou."


   The Scarlet Lord opened his eyes wide, and said in shock: "Really?"

   "That's right."

   Jiangli nodded, "As for this matter, Chizu can tell all the Emperors, and, if possible, I hope I can hold an alliance meeting again."

   "The specific situation will be discussed at the next alliance meeting."

"it is good!"

   The Scarlet Lord came back to his senses, nodded, and then took a deep look at Jiang Li.

   half an hour later.

   The Red Lord left.


   He used the space transfer token and returned to the chamber.

   Jiangli walked out of the Qinglong Palace.

   came to the base.

   enter the dominate hub room.


   Jiangli commanded: "Turn on the'Mechanical Arsenal' at full power, and I want to fight again."



   Qianlong appeared, "Please give orders from the master."


   Jiangli nodded, pondered for a while, and issued an order, "To create a second-tier elite fusion arms hydro-electric mechanical unit, a super transport unit, a mechanical super artillery unit, and a 100 billion amphibious tank unit."

   "Making 10 billion dominating dragon soldiers, 10 billion amphibious armored soldiers, 10 billion laser annihilators, and 10 billion stealth energy soldiers."

   "To make one billion superconducting war **** soldiers, one billion super energy soldiers, one billion infinite super soldiers, one billion super missile soldiers, and one billion storm giants."

   "Making 10 million super fort soldiers, 10 million super warriors, 10 million super obliteration soldiers, and 10 million super dragon soldiers."

   "Finally, one million mechanically controllable nuclear fusion super soldiers were produced."


   Qianlong responded, "To dominate, to manufacture one million Tier 6 elite fusion mechanical soldiers, it takes 10 billion tons of steel materials and 10,000 trillion energy points."

   "To make 40 million Tier 5 elite fusion mechanical soldiers requires 40 billion tons of steel materials and 8 gigabit energy points."

   "To produce 5 billion Tier 4 elite fusion mechanical soldiers requires 500 billion tons of steel materials and 10,000 trillion energy points."

   "It takes 200 billion tons of steel materials and 800 trillion energy points to manufacture 40 billion Tier 3 elite fusion mechanical soldiers."

   "It takes 200 billion tons of steel materials and 80 trillion energy points to produce 400 billion Tier 2 elite fusion mechanical soldiers."

   "A total of 445,041 million mechanical soldiers were manufactured, a total of 950 billion tons of steel materials were consumed, and 28,880 trillion energy points."

   "Qianlong, is the steel material enough?"

   Jiangli asked.

   "Return to the master."

   Qianlong said: "The steel materials are completely enough, because the super transport troops sent to the various human dynasties have all returned, and all the steel materials obtained from the previous transaction have been shipped back."

   "So, you don't have to worry about insufficient steel materials."

"it is good."

   Jiangli nodded in satisfaction, and asked again: "How long will it take to make all these mechanical soldiers?"

   "It takes twenty days!"

   Qianlong answered.


   Jiang was more than 40 billion soldiers from the last riot, and it took nearly two days to complete the production.

   This time there are more than 400 billion violent soldiers.

   is ten times as much as the last riot.

and so.

   takes nearly twenty days.

   "It’s too long."

   Jiangli frowned.


   Qianlong suggested: "You can promote all other sub-bases to Tier 6, and there are a total of 36 sub-bases. If they are all promoted to Tier 6, 37 Tier 6 mechanical arsenals will be manufactured at the same time."

   "It only takes a day to complete."

"it is good!"

   Jiangli's eyes lit up, "This is a way."

   "Just do it."


   Jiangli went to the other sub-bases through the ‘Transport Room’ and moved the 02 Army Base to the 037 Army Base, consuming energy points for promotion.


   Jiangli happened to be not in the Imperial Capital of Daxia

   took nearly a day.

   are all promoted to the sixth rank.

   Use energy points for promotion.


   Jiangli also fully equipped the production mechanics of the Tier VI mechanical arsenal. Including the promoted legion base, it consumed a total of 66,363,360 million energy points.

   "It's done."

   The dominating hub room of the 01th Army base.

brush! brush! brush!

   in front of Jiang Li's eyes.

  There are a series of virtual There are 36 channels in total, which are the other 36 sub-bases. In the virtual screens, it is the "heart of the base" of the major bases.

   are all humanoids.

   From Qianlong 02 to Qianlong 037.

   rumbling! ! !

   in the screen.

   came the roar of the ‘production line’ work.

   "The mechanical arsenal of the 02 Army base is operating at full power and began to manufacture elite fusion mechanical soldiers."


   "The mechanical arsenal of the 021 Corps base was operating at full power and began to manufacture elite fusion mechanical soldiers.


   Each base began to report the specific situation to Jiang Li.

   ‘Mechanical Production Corps’ can be directly transported from the major army bases to the treasury of the Great Xia Dynasty, creating a temporary ‘wormhole tunnel’ and transporting steel materials directly into the black furnace.

   Manufacturing mechanical soldiers.


   Qianlong said: "Now there are 37 Tier 6 mechanical arsenals manufacturing mechanical soldiers. It is estimated that tomorrow, 445,041 million mechanical soldiers can be manufactured."

"it is good."

   Jiangli nodded in satisfaction.

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