The Legendary Mech Army

Chapter 621: 60000

   "Promoted to ML01 and SSTS01."

   hum! Hum!

   Jiangli immediately consumed two gigabytes of energy points and promoted ML01 and SSTS01 to the ranks, and the gleaming light on ML01 and SSTS01 disappeared.

   a few seconds later.

  The promotion of the two special mechanics is completed.

   has been promoted to the early stage of the eighth stage.

   "Thank you, Lord."

   ML01 and SSTS01 salute Jiang Li.

brush! brush!

   Jiangli check the basic information of two special mechanical soldiers.

  【Special arms: Holy Angel Fighter】

  【Stage position: Early stage of the eighth stage】

  【Number: SSTS01号】

   [Skill 1: Seventh-tier Supreme Sword Mastery]

   [Skill 2: The Seventh-Order Divine Power]

   [Skill 3: The Seventh-Order Sacred Domain]

   [Skill 4: The Seventh-Order Sacred Angel]

   [Skill 5: Seventh-order best sacred funeral]

  [Skill 6: The Seventh-Order Sacred Beam Cannon]

   [Skill 7: The Blade of the Seventh-Order Supreme Judgment]

   [Skill 8: The power of the eighth-level low-grade purification law]

   [Equipment: Tier 8 low-grade mechanical holy energy particle beam sword]

  【Angel Machinery:……(omitted)】

  【Mechanical Holy Power:……(omitted)】

   [Evolution degree: 0%]

  【Promotion Conditions: Unable to be promoted! 】



   after being promoted to the early stage of the eighth level.

  SSTS01 also mastered the power and skills of the ‘law field’.

   The combat effectiveness has greatly increased.

  【Special Arms: Mechanical Demon】

  【Stage position: Early stage of the eighth stage】

  【Number: ML01号】

   [Skill 1: The Seventh-Rank Supreme Nether Energy Master]

   [Skill 2: The Seventh-Order Soul Master]

   [Skill 3: Seventh-order super star ghost]

   [Skill 4: Seven-Rank Supreme Demon Domain]

  【Skill 5: Seventh-order Demon Body】

  [Skill 6: The Seventh-Order Ultimate Destruction Storm]

   [Skill 7: The 7th-order Ultimate Blade of Nirvana]

   [Skill 8: High-energy particle cannon of the seventh-order superb monster]

   [Skill 9: The power of the eighth-level low-grade destruction law]

  【Demon Machinery:……(omitted)】

   [Evolution degree: 0%]

  【Promotion Conditions: Unable to be promoted! 】


   ML01, like SSTS01, has mastered the power of the "law field".


   The eighth-tier mechanical soldiers under Jiangli's hand have reached four positions, namely Wang Gang, WMS01, ML01, and SSTS01.

among them.

   Wang Gang is the eighth-order perfection.

   The other three are special arms.

   is only the beginning of the eighth stage.


   Annihilated Qianshou Manchao.

   The evolution of WMS01 has reached 20%.

   is still 80% short of being promoted again.


   Dominate the panel expansion.

   Jiangli check the number of soul fire.

[Soul fire: 9.8 billion Tier 1 soul fires, 830 million Tier 2 soul fires, 60 million Tier 3 soul fires, 700,000 Tier 4 soul fires, and 7,000 Tier 5 soul fires , Fifty rank 6 soul fires, and 3 rank 7 soul fires. 】


   hum! Hum!

   Jiangli activated the ‘soul fire fusion function’, fused all the first-order soul fires, and obtained 330 million second-order soul fires.

"carry on."


   Jiangli then merged all 1,160 million Tier 2 soul fires, and this time obtained 19.4 million Tier 3 soul fires


   Jiangli quickly merged 79.4 million Tier 3 soul fires, and then obtained 883,000 Tier 4 soul fires.


   Jiangli merged 1,583,300 Tier 4 soul fires with one key, and harvested 15,830 Tier 5 soul fires.

   "One-click fusion."


   Jiangli manipulated the fusion interface, fused all 22,830 Tier 5 soul fires, and obtained 230 Tier 6 soul fires.

At last.

   Jiangli successively integrated 280 sixth-order soul fires, and obtained three seventh-order soul fires.


   The number of Tier 7 soul fires in Jiangli's hand reached six.


  The interface is closed.


Lianzhen, the Mobei emperor flew across the sky. They stood in front of Jiang Li, saluted Jiang Li respectfully, and then glanced at ML01 and SSTS01 standing behind Jiang Li, with awe in their eyes. look.


  Lianzhen and Mobei Renhuang saw that ML01 and SSTS01 had reached the early stage of the eighth stage.


   Jiangli nodded.


   Mobei Emperor said: "This time, our Mobei Dynasty dispatched a total of nearly 30 billion troops. It was led by Gu himself. This is nearly 90% of the Mobei Dynasty's combat power."

"among them."

   "Gu's cultivation base is the seventh-order consummation. With the increase of the seventh-order army formation, the dynasty's national fortune, and the sacred artifacts of the national fortune, Gu may be able to exert combat effectiveness close to the early stage of the eighth stage."

   "In addition."

   "The Mobei Dynasty Legion, in addition to solitary, there are five seventh-tier, five hundred sixth-tier."

"it is good."

   Jiangli nodded.

   Through the introduction of the Mobei Emperor, he has an understanding of the strength of the army of the Mobei Dynasty.

   "Emperor Xia, the Lianzhen Dynasty dispatched 50 billion troops."

   Lianzhen then said to Jiangli: "Gu also dispatched nearly 90% of the Lianzhen dynasty's army combat power. In addition, the Mobei dynasty has only one in the early eighth stage."

   "There are fifteen people with seven ranks, and five thousand with six ranks."


   Jiangli said: "The emperor knows."


  The overall strength of the Lianzhen Dynasty is at least five times that of the Mobei Dynasty.

It is clear.

   The fighting power of the Ten Wing Dynasty is not as good as that of the Lianzhen Dynasty.

   "Meet the Emperor Xia."


   The two military marshals of the Sword Dynasty and the Tianzong Dynasty came, and they bowed and saluted Jiang Li, with a respectful tone, and introduced the details of their army to Jiang Li.

   The army marshal of the Sword Dynasty is a burly middle-aged man with a rough face.

   is not Xiao Linlin.

   is another one.

   Full name: Lin Tianhe.

   is only one word from Lin Tianjian's name.


Lin Tianhe introduced: "According to your orders and instructions, the Sword Dynasty dispatched 100 million soldiers, of which there is only one subordinate of the seventh rank, ten of the sixth rank, and there are also 10,000'nuclear energy troops'. "

   "Your Majesty Xia Huang."


The military marshal of the Tianzong Dynasty then reported to Jiang Lihui: "The Tianzong Dynasty also dispatched an army of 100 million soldiers, of which only one subordinate was in the seventh rank, only five were in the sixth rank, and the ten thousand people formed last night. 'Nuclear Force'."


   Jiangli nodded, without saying much, his gaze swept across the army of the Sword Dynasty and the Tianzong Dynasty, stayed on the ‘nuclear force’ for a while, and then looked away.


   Tianzong Dynasty’s military marshal’s cultivation base is only in the early stage of the seventh stage.

   Full name: Kong Kui.

   "Clean up the battlefield."

   Jiangli gave the order.


   hum! Hum!

First of all.

   You Lianzhen, Mobei Renhuang dispatched the ‘Mage Array Troop’. They arranged not the ‘Blood Refining Array’, but the more advanced ‘Ten Thousand Blood Refining Array’.

can be seen.

   After the formation is set up successfully.

   The vast array map appeared high in the sky, covering almost half of the battlefield, showing a blood red like crystal, refining the corpses on the battlefield.

   The corpses are like **** streamers, pouring into the array of the ‘Ten Thousand Refining Blood Array,’ condensing one after another ‘Ten Thousand Blood Refining Pill’.

huge amount of.


   Jiangli dispatched mechanical troops to clean up the battlefield, search for resources, and transport the scrapped iron remains of the mechanical soldiers, the armor of the monster race, weapons, etc., all to the cabin of the super transporter.



   Jiangli contacted the mechanical space station base and transported the super transport force back to the No. 01 Corps base to carry a large amount of supplies.

   in half an hour.

   the entire battlefield.

   All the corpses were refined, and the extremely strong smell of blood in the air gradually faded, and it was no longer smellable, the corpses on the battlefield.

   came with a breeze.

   all turned into fly ash.

   All the essences have been refined into a piece of "Ten Thousand Blood Pills".

   The **** scene of the corpse mountain disappeared.


  Because the ‘Ten Thousand Blood Refining Array’ is more advanced than the ‘Blood Refining Method Array’, the refined “Ten Thousand Blood Refining Pill” has higher quality and better effect than the ‘Blood Refining Pill’.

At last.

   I have harvested a total of about 30 billion'Ten Thousand Blood Pills'.

   Jiangli didn't keep it.

   Instead, they were all distributed and rewarded to the soldiers.

Of course.

   Mechanical soldiers don’t need medicine. These ‘ten thousand blood refining pills’ are awarded to Terran soldiers.


   Lianzhen came, holding a jade bottle in her hand, handing it to Jiang Li, and said: "This is a seventh-order Wan blood refining pill made from the corpses of the seventh-order barbarians."

   "One piece of the 7th-level top grade, which is refined with the essence of the Thousand-Hand Barbarians."

   "In addition."

   "One high-rank 7th grade, two middle-rank 7th grade, three low-rank 7th grade."

"it is good."

   Jiangli nodded, and reached out to take it.

even though.

  Jiang Li doesn't need these medicines, but Jiang Li's subjects do, such as Yue Fengji, Hong Tianqi, President Wu, Xu Ya and others.

   I really need these pills.

   Jiangli stayed.

   can be used as a reward in the future, reward Yue Feng Ji to them.


   Only Xu Ya, Hong Tianqi and their cultivation bases have improved, their strength has become stronger, they can do more for Jiang Li.

at this time.

   The Great Xia Qinglong from the river has absorbed all the national fortunes of the Qianshou Man Dynasty. The length of the dragon's body has increased from 50,000 meters to 60,000 meters.

   has improved a lot.


   Jiangli issued an order, saying: "Leave 10 billion super transport troops and search for the spirit crystals, medicinal materials, and elixir of the Qianshou Man Dynasty."

   "All the remaining mechanical soldiers, continue to march."


   ZH0214 responded.


  According to Jiang Li's instructions, he issued an order, and from the mechanical army corps, 10 billion super transport troops were separated.


   Lianzhen and Mobei Renhuang didn't say anything. They obviously acquiesced that all the spoils belonged to the Daxia Dynasty, and they did not dare to fight.


  The war with the Senshou Man Dynasty.

   Mobei Dynasty and Lianzhen Dynasty did not contribute much.

"KJZJD04 and KJZJD05 were activated immediately, and the transmission targets: Mechanical Legion, Mobei Dynasty Legion, Lianzhen Dynasty Legion, Sword Dynasty and Tianzong Dynasty Jiangli contacted two mechanical space station bases in the west. , "Transfer location: Moro Dynasty-Moro Continent. "

   hum! ! !

   The voice fell off.

   The fixed-point teleportation started.

   The invisible space beam came across time and space, enveloped the mechanical legion, transported a large number of mechanical forces away, and left Qianshou Manchao.

   Go to the ‘Moro Dynasty’.

   hum! Hum!


   Mobei Dynasty Legion and Lianzhen Dynasty Legion were also sent away one after another.


   At this time.

   The super holographic soldier No. CJQX01 came and reported to Jiang Lihui: “The QX01 stationed at the base of the No. 01 Army is requesting communication.”


   The river leaves the road.


(PS: In Chapter 618, after the Great Xia Qinglong of the Great Xia Dynasty grew to 50,000 meters, the National Fortune Ranking rose to tenth, and the first reward was promoted to the "Great Xia Qinglong Gong", which should be from 7. The best grade was upgraded to the eighth grade. Lu Qiu made a mistake in his memory last time. It has been revised and does not affect reading. Thank you readers for reminding me in the book friends group.)

   Please remember the domain name of this book’s first publication:. The fastest mobile version update URL:

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