The area of ​​the Moro Continent is very large, about five times the size of the Ten Wing Continent, Jiang Li's eyes are looking around the entire battlefield.

   Look around.

   Fierce fighting has spread to every corner of the Moro continent.

   There are countless mechanical soldiers fighting with the barbarians of the Moro Dynasty, shouting and killing, and horrible energy fluctuations raging, shaking the sky.

To know.

  Moro Dynasty is one of the five overlord dynasties of the barbarians.

among them.

  Manhuang Emperor'Molo' is the cultivation base of the middle eighth stage.

   The total force reached 80 billion.

Roar! Roar! !

   The roar resounded throughout the four directions, and the sound wave was like a substance, forming an invisible ripple and spreading, and a giant 7th-order army formation was condensed.

   Every seventh-order military formation behemoth has reached the level of ten million meters.

   is as vast as a star.

   is fighting with all his strength on the battlefield.

   rumbling! ! !

   Countless artillery fires bombed the Moro Continent, and the giant beasts of the army slaughtered them, and the vast and endless mist of the army was surging, blocking a lot of artillery.

   The flames are raging, extremely gorgeous.

   Click! Click!

   Under such fierce war, a large number of mountains collapsed on the Moro Continent, the river fell, and the ground cracked, just like a magnitude 15 earthquake.

   "The army formation!"


   Lianzhen, Mobei Renhuang took a deep breath, and then shouted loudly.

   hum! Hum! Hum!


   Human Race Array Mage began to operate the Array Secret Art, mobilizing the endless evil spirits of the Legion, merged with the aura of heaven and earth, and arranged them into a seventh-order army formation.

To know.

   The Lianzhen Dynasty sent a 50 billion Lianzhen Dynasty Legion, and the Mobei Dynasty sent a nearly 30 billion Mobei Dynasty Legion. The two human dynasties added up.

  The force is close to 80 billion.

   is almost the same as the strength of the Moro Dynasty.

this moment.

   The seventh-order army formation was successfully deployed.

   also condensed eight 7th-order behemoths of the army, as if an endless army of evil spirits were filled with mist, covering most of the battlefield.

   resisted the suppression of the Moro Dynasty army.


   The army groups of the Mobei Dynasty and the Lianzhen Dynasty are still very useful. They can set up a seventh-order army formation to offset the suppression of the army formation of the Moro Dynasty.


   Jiangli’s mechanical legion, with the assistance and protection of the Human Empire Army Formation, has no worries, and can exert its full combat effectiveness without being suppressed by the army formation.



   "The major mechanical armies prepare to blockade the entire Moro continent and carry out fire coverage attacks!"



   Boom! boom! boom! ! !

can be seen.

   The mechanical corps composed of more than 400 billion mechanical soldiers from Jiangli, the elongated overall front, trapped the entire Moro Continent in the middle.

   All blocked.

To know.

   The area of ​​the Moro Continent is five times that of the Ten Wing Continent. The area of ​​the Ten Wing Continent is equivalent to the size of a planet, almost the same as the area of ​​the Earth.

   can be seen from this.

   How vast the Moro Continent is.


   Even so.

   Jiangli’s mechanical army still surrounded the entire Moro Continent.

  The sky full of artillery shells, missiles, lasers, and nuclear explosion light groups, densely packed, enveloped almost the entire Moro continent and carried out carpet bombing.

   bang bang bang! ! !

   Jiangli's ear heard the explosion.

   can see huge mushroom clouds rising up.


  The Barbarian Legion of the Moro Dynasty began to counterattack, and the Barbarian Airborne Battleship, like moths to the fire, resolutely rushed to Jiang Li's Mechanical Legion.

   Array picture appears.

   Totem condenses.

   Various totems appeared.

Roar! Roar!


   "Fight with them."


   rumbling! ! !

   Faced with such a suicidal attack by the barbarians, Jiang Li's mechanical soldiers finally suffered losses, causing some of the mechanical soldiers to be scrapped, turning into scrap iron and falling to the ground on the Moro continent.


   Jiangli saw only the tip of the iceberg on the entire battlefield. The flames of war spread to the entire Moro Continent, and he could not see the entire battlefield at a glance.

   A place on the battlefield.

   A mechanical unit composed of millions of ‘mechanical controllable nuclear fusion super combat soldiers,’ each of which is a Tier VI elite unit.

   The combat effectiveness is strong.

   millions of people.

After    entered the battlefield, it was invincible, coupled with the 7th-order human army formation and the 7th-order barbarian army counteracting each other, so that all mechanical soldiers can exert their full strength.

   Millions of'mechanical controllable nuclear fusion super fighters' are like an extremely sharp blade, cutting the battlefield, horizontally and horizontally, and killing a large number of barbarians.

   A Tier 6 barbarian died bitterly under the siege of a group of Tier 6 mechanical soldiers.


   The screams of the barbarians resounded across the battlefield.


  Four 10,000 Tier 5 warriors were equipped with ‘controllable nuclear fission control generators’ to form four ‘nuclear forces’, and they also entered the battlefield to harvest the lives of the barbarians.

   hum! Hum!

   Jiangli stood on the edge of the battlefield.

   Visible to the naked eye.

   Countless soul fires flew out of the corpses, forming a colorful torrent, all rushing to Jiang Li, and they were all captured.

   Get a lot of soul fire.

brush! brush! brush! ! !

   in front of my eyes.

   keeps refreshing the capture prompt.

   densely packed.

   Jiangli will prompt to close.

"it is good!"

   Jiang's eccentricity is very good.

the other side.

   On the Tri-Clan battlefield in the Middle Territory of St. Anzhou and the Tri-Clan battlefield in the east of St. Anzhou, Qin Qipo and Wu Wuji used atomic bombs and hydrogen bombs one after another.

   The nuclear warheads were thrown into the Yaozu and Barbarian army by the fifth-order warriors with all their strength.

   Boom! boom! boom! ! !


   Numerous nuclear explosions occurred, shaking the earth.

   The power of nuclear explosion spreads.

   killed a large number of monsters and barbarians.

   has achieved great results.


   also captured a lot of soul fire for Jiang Li.

   "Good, good!"

   Wu was not overjoyed, a smile appeared on his face, looking at the scene of the battlefield, "Nuclear weapons are really easy to use, powerful, and extremely wide-ranging."

   "Only a large-scale round of bombing killed tens of billions of monsters and barbarians."


   Wu Wuji smiled, "I gave so many spirit crystals, I didn't disappoint the emperor."

   in the Central Plains.


The Barbarian Emperor Great Witch and the others took a breath, staring at the huge mushroom cloud that hadn't dispersed for a long time, and there was a hint of shock in their eyes, "Is this the Human Race's'nuclear weapon'? I have only heard of it before. See, I didn't expect the power to be stronger than the rumors."

   "If this round of bombing continues, the Yaozu has suffered a lot, and even our barbarians have been hit by the fish."

   "Damn it!"

   Qianfu Demon Emperor's face was gloomy, "It turned out to be this kind of weapon again. When the Dayan Dynasty was destroyed last time, the Imperial Guard was ambushed by this kind of weapon, and this has lost a lot."

   "Damn it!"

   Qilian Demon Emperor's expression is also not pretty.

   "Soul Emperor."

   Wutian Demon Emperor looked calm, facing the bombardment of nuclear weapons, he was still very calm, his eyes fixed on Qin Qipu in the distance.

   "Although'nuclear weapons' are strong, they are limited in the end."

   Wutian Demon Emperor singlely said: "Moreover, in order to deal with the "Puppet Legion" of the Soul Martial Dynasty, the emperor has left behind, and the emperor will win this battle."

   "The Central Region of St. Anzhou will be owned by the emperor."


   Qiu Wanlian wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, and sighed: "Although I don't want to admit it, I have to say that the'nuclear weapons' that Jiang Li sold to us are really easy to use, but the price is a bit too expensive."

   "However, there are not so many spirit crystals in vain."


   Qin Qibo nodded.


  Qin Qipu's mood is very heavy. Although nuclear weapons are strong, they are also limited. Not only are they limited in number, atomic bombs and hydrogen bombs below 10,000-ton level only have Tier 5 power.

To know.

   This is the war of the top overlord dynasty.

from the beginning till now.

   is just a tentative offense.

after all.

   The sixth-order and seventh-order powerhouses of the three clans have not yet ended.

   The eighth-tier powerhouses also did not make a move.

and also.

   The eighth-order army formation is also not arranged.

   is different from the situation in the middle area of ​​San Anzhou.

   in the east of San Anju.

   Wu Wuji led the Terran army, invincible and invincible, fighting with all strength, with the help of nuclear weapons, occupying an absolute advantage.

  In addition.

   South of St. Anju.

  The war also broke out.

   Three races melee.

  The human army led by Lin Tianjian is at a great disadvantage.

   is supported by nuclear weapons.

   Great Xia Dynasty.

   The red master and the brown old besieged Fu Tianqing, ten demon palace masters fought with ten human palace masters, and the remaining power of the battle split the mountains and rivers of the Great Xia Dynasty.

   It's like a terrifying earthquake of magnitude fifteen.

   "Letter from the earth!"


   Fu Tianqing was forced by the Scarlet Lord and Old Brown to have no other way. He had no choice but to summon the power of the ‘Book from the Ground’ to form a projection, and the illusory projection from the Book from the ground appeared and suppressed.


   Boom! boom!

   Two loud noises.

   Chi Zhu and Old Brown were shaken out.

   "Teleport! Withdraw!"


   took advantage of this opportunity.

   Fu Tianqing immediately took out the'Transport Token', activated the token, and the spatial array appeared. With a flash of light, Fu Tianqing disappeared out of thin air.

   Teleported away.


At the same time.

   The ten monster hall masters broke out with all their strength, repelled Xia Miao, Xing Lingqi and the others, took out the ‘transport token’, the light flickered, and they all evacuated.

   "I want to escape!"


   Chizhu and Old Brown reacted and immediately shot, "How easy is it."

   "Space ban!"

   hum! ! !

   The Scarlet Lord waved his right hand and took out a silver diamond-shaped decree from the lower-grade space ring, on which was engraved with the word'forbidden' in a mysterious space law pattern.

   Energy injection.

   The decree inspired.

   formed a silver ripple and spread out, confining the surrounding! ! "

  噗! puff!


   Two demon palace masters failed to escape in time, and the space transmission failed. Their figures were squeezed out by the space, screaming vomiting blood.

   "Space banned!"

"Do not!!"

   The two monster hall masters looked in shock.


   Boom! boom!

   The ten human palace masters glanced at each other, roared, and quickly siege.

  噗! puff! ! !

   Blood splashes.

   The two demon palace masters who failed to escape were besieged by Xing Lingqi and the others, but they persisted for less than half a minute before they were killed.

   "It's a pity."

   Scarlet Master shook his head, "It's just that two demon clan palace masters are left behind, and they are only the seventh-order perfect cultivation base."

   "Let’s inform Emperor Xia, that the crisis in the capital of Great Xia has been resolved."

   Old Man Brown said: "By the way, how is the progress on his side? Has the Qianshou Barbarian Dynasty and the Moro Dynasty been won?"

   "The Moluo Dynasty is a domineering dynasty after all, I am afraid it will not be so easy."

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