The Legendary Mech Army

Chapter 628: support

   "In that case, if the monsters want to retreat, let them retreat."

   "No need to chase."

   After understanding.

   Wu Wuji immediately issued an order, "The whole army obeyed the order and immediately gathered the battlefield to destroy all the six-winged barbarian dynasty and the Teng snake dynasty."



   "Arrange an array!"

   "The whole army charged!!!"

   rumbling! !

   Wu Wuji rushed to the forefront and laid out the Tier 8 army formation. More than 200 billion Terran soldiers fought with the Barbarian army.

  The war broke out.

   After the demon legions of the Dongyue Demon Dynasty and the Xuanfeng Dynasty evacuated, the Six-winged Barbarian Dynasty and the Teng Snake Dynasty faced the attacks of Wu Wuji and the Human Legion alone.



   There were countless barbarian soldiers screaming.

  The barbarians retreated steadily.

   Failure is only a matter of time.

   "The monster race in the East actually retreated like this, giving up the dynasty and territory."

   Jiangli groaned, "From this point of view, the Yaozu intends to concentrate all of its forces and completely occupy the Central Region after converging in the Central Region."


  SSTS01 is hidden on the edge of the battlefield, absorbing the remnants of souls after death, and using them to improve their own evolution, which is slowly increasing.


   Jiangli currently has no idea of ​​intervening in the realm and the eastern battlefield.

   is just watching.

   in the battlefield in the middle.

   Wutian is still talking with Fu Tianqing and the others.

   "What do you want to do now?"

   Wutian asked in a deep voice after pondering for a while.

   "We are going to concentrate the forces of the monster race."

   Moherin said in a deep voice: "The only situation now is to concentrate all the forces of the Yaozu Dynasty, and then occupy the middle area of ​​San Anzhou."

   "Based on the Central Territory of St. Anzhou, against the human race and the barbarians."


   Fu Tianqing nodded and continued: "We have used the ability of the Book of the Earth to send the Demon Race Hall Master to the southern border of St. Anzhou and the eastern border of St. Anzhou."

   "They will notify all the demon kings in the southern and eastern borders, and ask them to evacuate the battlefields in the southern and eastern borders as soon as possible, and then rush to the middle of St.'an State to converge as quickly as possible."

   "No sky."

   Moherin said again: "The Terran is now under the leadership of the Great Xia Dynasty, and has already taken the western boundary of San Anzhou, and now the Terran has occupied the western and northern boundaries."

   "No accident, the East will also fall into the hands of the human race."

   "If you say that, the southern border will be taken by the barbarians."

   There is no way of heaven.


   Moherine nodded.

   "Wu Tian, ​​next we will personally take action to help you completely win the Central Territory of San An State, and repel all the barbarians and human races in the Central Territory."

   Fu Tianqing Road.


   Wutian did not directly agree, but was thinking.

"Do not worry."

   Fu Tianqing continued: "At that time, all the demon dynasties will be headed by the Wutian Demon Dynasty, and the Wutian Demon Emperor will become the Supreme Demon Emperor with the help of our Demon Chamber."

"it is good."

   Wutian quickly raised his head, his eyes flickered, no longer hesitating, "Then do it."

   Boom! boom! ! !

   The voice fell off.

Roar! !

   Energy burst.

   The sound of the dragon's roar was earth-shaking.

   A horrible and powerful innocent dragon appeared.


   Boom! !

   Wutian shot, the purple thunder shining, like a thunder **** descending, the thunder dragon destroys the world, he dropped his palm and blasted towards the battlefield ahead.

   "No sky!"

   hum! !

   Qin Qipu made a long roar, and all the powers were released. There was an incomparably vast soul energy flooding the surroundings, and a full five eighth-order puppet warriors appeared beside him.

   This is the true strength of Qin Qipu.


   bang bang bang! !

   Five eighth-order puppet warriors came out, attacked with all their strength, punched out extremely powerful fist marks, and blocked Wutian's attack.



   The explosion sounded.

   Fu Tianqing and Moherin followed closely behind the Wutian Demon Emperor, and quickly entered the battlefield, the power of the eighth-order consummation was released, suppressing the audience.

   mighty power.

   "Monster Chamber!!!"

   "They are the deputy chamber masters of the Yaozu."

   "Damn it!"

   "Why are the two of them here?!"

this moment.

  Qin Qipu, Qiu Wanlian, and the three barbarians of the barbarian tribe, all looked shocked, and there was a look of horror on their faces, and they felt fear.

   "Hehe, the two deputy chamber masters of the Monster Race Chamber have personally left."

   Jiangli put his hands on his chest, staring at the screen of the battlefield in the middle area, his expression was calm, he did not send a mechanical army to support the middle area.

if we assume.

   Qin Qipu did not withdraw from the'Human Dynasty Alliance', but agreed with Jiang Li to become the'Lord of the Alliance' and pay 30% of the royal fortune.

   Jiangli might still reluctantly send a mechanical army to support.

just now.

   Jiangli can only stand by.

   It's pretty good without falling into trouble.


   Qianlong said: "There is a situation in the southern border."


   Qianlong waved his right hand.

   The purple light intertwined, forming a virtual screen.

   in the screen picture.

   is exactly the situation in the south of San Anju.

   Boom! boom! boom! !

   Jiangli heard the explosion.

can be seen.

  The two vice-chamber masters of the barbarian chamber led ten barbarian palace masters to the southern border of San Anzhou, and then directly rushed into the battlefield.

   rumbling! ! !

  The top powerhouse of the barbarians is like a tiger entering a flock.

   Even the eighth rank army formation can't suppress them.



   The screams of the human and monster soldiers sounded.

   There were heavy casualties.

   "It's the Barbarian Chamber!"

   "Don't leave soon!"

   The pupils of the four monster hall masters shrank, and then shouted loudly.


   "The whole army retreat!"

   "Quick! Retreat to the middle of San Anzhou!"

   the three demon kings shouted loudly.


   Lin Tianjian vomited blood, he was backlashed by the eighth-order army, and his face was pale. After seeing the strong from the barbarian chamber, his expression was a little desperate.

   "It's over!"

   Jing Yueke's pupils contracted.

   "Your Majesty, run away!"

   Xiao Linlin roared: "Your Majesty, quickly hand over the Tier 8 army formation to your subordinates to preside over. After the subordinates and the Imperial Legion will break them off, you go away!!!"

   "Your Majesty!"

   "Go away!!!"

   "It's too late anymore!"


   The princes of the human race, King Hou, and the generals shouted loudly.


   Savage Emperor Ti Long laughed loudly, killing intent, controlling the eighth-order army, powerful, waved his hand, and roared: "The whole army listens to the order, charge the emperor!!!"


   "Don't let them go."

   "Human race and monster race, don't let go of either!"

  The barbarians roared again and again.

  噗! puff! puff!

   Blood splashes.

   is scattered with the earth and sky.

  The Hallmaster-level powerhouse of the Barbarian Chamber straddled the battlefield and was extremely powerful. With the increase of the Tier 8 army formation, the power also increased greatly, and many human and monster powerhouses were pinched to death.

   The situation on the battlefield changed suddenly.

  The Barbarian Legion suppressed the Human Legion and the Demon Legion in a destructive posture.

   "Damn it!"

   One of the eighth-tier demon clan masters had a gloomy face and shouted loudly: "If you had listened to the orders of the deputy chamber master to evacuate directly from the southern border, the current situation would not be like this."

   "Damn it."

   "What's the use of such nonsense?"

"What should we do now?"

   "You can't do it if you want to."

   The three demon kings also looked ugly.


   The four hall masters of the demon clan followed Fu Tianqing's instructions and came to the southern border through the earth script, and then notified the three demon emperors in the southern border and asked them to evacuate to the middle field to join Wutian.


   The three demon emperors in the southern border are obviously reluctant to bear down on their hard work, and they have to drag on and not leave.


   Now the two deputy chamber masters of the barbarian chamber and ten barbarian chamber hall masters descended.

   are all in danger.


   The situation of the Southern Realm Monster Race is much better than that of Lin Tianjian. After all, the Southern Realm Monster Race still has the support and help of four Monster Race Chamber Hall Masters.

   Two eighth-tier palace masters and two seventh-tier palace masters.

   "QX01, immediately call the Red Lord Brown and the others."

   Jiangli ordered immediately.


   QX01 nodded and left the dominance hub room.

   Jiangli could not have watched the Sword Dynasty and Tianzong Dynasty collapse.


   Jiangli needs their power.

  The total strength of the Lianzhen Dynasty and Mobei Dynasty did not even reach 100 billion.

   Jiangli needs the strength of the Sword Dynasty and the Tianzong Dynasty, they need to arrange the eighth army formation, and they need Lin Tianjian to use the human race's eighth army formation against the demons and barbarians.

Only in this way.

   The advantage of Jiangli’s mechanical corps can only be used.

   half a minute later.

   Scarlet Lord and Old Brown came, QX01 led them into the Domination Hub room.

   "Red Lord, brown old."

   Jiangli said, "If you don't say much, please see for yourself."


   Jiangli waved his right hand.

   The three battlefields projected by Qianlong were displayed in front of the red master and the old man.


   Chi Zhu and Old Brown were taken aback for a moment, then their faces were shocked.

   "Crimson Lord, Old Brown, Gu now needs to teleport you and the ten demon clan masters directly to the southern border to assist Lin Tianjian and the others to evacuate the southern border."

   Jiangli said.

"it is good."


   The red master nodded directly and agreed.

"no problem."

   Brown old also said.


   hum! ! !

   Jiangli waved his right hand and activated the'fixed-point teleportation', which directly teleported the Red Lord and Old Brown, as well as the ten Human Chamber Hall Masters, to the southern battlefield.



   Countless screams were heard from the screen projection of the battlefield in the middle.

   Jiang looked away.

   Fu Tianqing and Moherin, two tier 8 consummated powerful combat powers, after joining the battlefield, immediately suppressed the barbarian and human legions in the Central Territory.

   is simply invincible.

   "Arrange an array!"

   Qin Qipo's pupils contracted and gave the order very decisively.

   hum! Hum! !

   Array Masters displayed the Array Seal Technique, and the arrays flew up, hovering in the air, united with each other, and gathered endless evil spirits.


  The eighth-order army formation was successfully deployed.

   a third of the battlefield.

   There are silver textures, intertwined, forming an extremely vast ‘military formation’, covering one third of the battlefield.

   The eighth-order army formation-the soul law domain.

   "Arrange an array!"


  The three barbarians of the barbarian clan.

  , that is, the Barbarian Emperor Great Witch, they also immediately issued an order to arrange the Barbarian's Tier 8 army.

   hum! Hum! ! !

  The lacquered black totem textures are intertwined in the surrounding space forming a black ‘military formation’, which also covers one third of the battlefield.

   Eighth-order army formation-totem field.

   "The Eighth Order Army Formation."

   Wutian's expression was indifferent, and he looked at the ‘Military Array Field’ of the two eighth-order army formations.

   "Set up immediately."

   Qilian Demon Emperor roared and gave the order.

   hum! Hum!

  The evil spirits of the army gathered.

   There are countless textures intertwined, rubbed on the surrounding space, forming a "Military Array Field" in this side.

   There is thunder shining.

   is like a thunder dragon.

   The eighth-order army formation-Thunder law domain.




   Boom! boom! boom! ! !

   Three loud noises.

   The three eighth-order army formations collided head-on, and the aura exploded, as if the mountains and rivers were rolled back, the sun and the moon were shattered, and the space seemed to be torn apart under this collision.

this moment.

  The war of the three clans in the Central Territory has entered a white-hot state.

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