The Legendary Mech Army

Chapter 631: Fall

   Qin Qipu turned around and saw Wutian’s blow to destroy one of the eighth-order puppet warriors, and the other four were also shaken out.

   Only relying on five eighth-order puppet warriors can't stop Wutian at all.

   "Damn it."

   Qin Qipu's face was heavy, "The five eighth-tier puppet warriors can only delay Wutian for a moment."

   "Thunder Escape God Light."


  Wutian raised his head and saw that Qin Qipu had escaped a very long distance, and he immediately displayed extreme speed. He turned into a purple thunder and crossed the void like lightning.

   chased Qin Qipu at extremely fast speed.

   gradually narrowed the distance.

the other side.

   ML01, under Jiang Li's order, also displayed the imaginary skill, and then turned into a black illusory shadow, like a black descent behind.

   Both sides chased and fled.

   flew a distance of tens of millions of meters in a blink of an eye.

   As fast as the speed of light.

   In the sky.

KJZJD02 and KJZJD01, which were arranged by Jiangli in the middle area of ​​San Anzhou, flew at a fast speed, had left the middle area battlefield, and followed ML01 to shoot Wutian and Qin Qipu's battle.


   Jiangli can be transmitted from the base of the mechanical space station, and the battle scene between Wutian and Qin Qipu can be clearly seen.

   "The location of Qin Qipu's escape, it seems that he wants to escape to the north, to the lonely Great Xia Dynasty."

   Jiangli pondered and thought to himself: "Maybe we can set up an ambush in Fengjihou."

   Jiangliji comes from the heart.


   He called WMS01 and SSTS01.


   WMS01 and SSTS01 saluted Jiang Li at the same time after arriving.


   Jiangli nodded slightly.


   hum! Hum!

   Jiangli immediately activated the transmission function of the mechanical space station base, "Transmission target: WMS01, SSTS01, transmission destination: Fengjihou border."

brush! brush!

  The invisible space beam descended.

   covered WMS01 and SSTS01.

next moment.

   WMS01 and SSTS01 disappeared from the dominating hub room, teleported to the territory of Fengjihou, and came to the border of the Great Xia Dynasty.


   Under Jiang Li's order, WMS01 and SSTS01 hide their whereabouts.

   wait here for the rabbits.


   Jiangli’s plan is very simple. It is to keep WMS01 and SSTS01 at the border of Fengjihou, and then wait until Qin Qipu and Wutian arrive.

At last.

   Then, ML01, SSTS01, WMS01, three Tier 8 mechanical soldiers joined forces to find opportunities to besiege Wutian and Qin Qipu.

Of course.

   Jiangli didn't think about directly transmitting SSTS01 and WMS01 to ML01's side, but the space transmission will have obvious spatial fluctuations, and will be discovered by Wutian and Qin Qipu, and thus stuns the snake.


   If the distance is too close.

   Fu Tianqing and Moherin will also rush to support in time.

and so.

The best way.

   is just waiting for the rabbit on the border of Feng Jihou.

  Wait for them to arrive.

   because of the distance.

By the time.

   Fu Tianqing, even if they want to support, they will be too late.


   In the end, it depends on whether Qin Qipu has the strength to escape to Feng Jihou, maybe he can't even reach Feng Jihou, so he will be overtaken by Wutian.

   Boom! boom! boom! ! !

can be seen.

   Wutian pursued and killed all the way, Qin Qipu also tried his best to get rid of Wutian's pursuit again and again, but his eighth-order puppet warriors had already scrapped three, and only two remained.

at this time.

   Qin Qipu and Wutian have already left the battlefield one after another.

   has already left the Central Plains.


   has crossed several dynasties.

   They came to the border of the Soul Wu Dynasty.


   Qin Qipo coughed up blood, his face was pale.

   He has been overtaken by Wu Tian.

   hum! Hum!

   The national fortune of the whole body was turbulent, and the three Kowloon-class imperial national fortune sacred body guards formed three barriers, which blocked several attacks by the sky.

"sucker Punch."

   Wutian looked indifferent, as if looking at a dead person.

   "No sky."

   Qin Qipu's eyes were cold, and his mood was extremely solemn.


   Wutian's strength far exceeds Qin Qipu's estimate.

   keep going like this.

   is almost certain to die.

   Boom! boom! boom! ! !

   Wutian shot one after another, and there was a wave of thunder falling, one move followed by another, blasting Qin Qipu, Qin Qipu confronted one after another, blocking Wutian's attack.



   Qin Qipo screamed vomiting blood, and his body flew out.


   Although Qin Qipu's strength is not weak, he possesses ancient puppet skills, masters the laws of soul, possesses the profound meanings of martial arts, and cultivates martial arts techniques.

It can be said.

  Qin Qipu is also at the top level in the eighth rank.


   His opponent is Wutian.

   The strongest of the monster clan.

  The blood and the law merge.

   Combat power can reach the limit of Tier 8.

and so.

   Qin Qipo was still injured by Wutian after blocking a dozen moves.

   "No sky."

   Qin Qipo stared at Wutian tightly, and shouted loudly, "Don't you be afraid that the lonely fish will die with you?"

   "The fish died and the net broke?"

   Wutian sneered, and said in a disdainful tone: "Does it depend on your level 8 late-stage cultivation base? You value yourself too much. If it is Wu Wuji, maybe the emperor should be more cautious."


   The voice fell off.


   Wutian body shuddered, and it was like thunder shining in an instant, as if tearing the space apart, like teleporting, rushing towards Qin Qipu.

  嘭! Bang!

   Two eighth-order puppet warriors from Qin Qipu rushed up, but they were directly shocked.

   Click! Click!

   There were cracks on the bodies of the two eighth-tier puppet warriors.

   The damage is not light.

   "If this situation continues, Qin Qipu will not be able to escape Wutian's pursuit, and even Feng Jihou will be killed by Wutian if he cannot escape."

   Jiangli looked at the scene of the battle, and said in a deep voice: "It seems that I still overestimate the strength of Qin Qipu, or that I underestimate Wutian's combat power."


   Qin Qipo coughed up blood again.

  The eighth-order puppet warriors were damaged and scrapped one after another, causing Qin Qipu to be backlashed.

   The injury is getting worse.

   "No sky."

   Qin Qipu raised his head, his eyes were scarlet, and his face revealed madness, "This is what you forced the emperor. If you want the emperor's life, you will have to pay a heavy price."

Roar! ! !

   The voice fell off.

   Qin Qipo made a long roar.


   The fortune of the country shook up.


   There is a real dragon of national fortune with a body length of 80,000 meters manifested, and the dragons are bursting with power, and then the real dragon of national fortune burns.


   Qin Qibo is desperate.

   He burned the fortune of the dynasty in exchange for a powerful force.

brush! brush! brush!


   Three pieces of the sacred artifacts of the Kowloon-class dynasty's national destiny were manifested, the imperial decree turned into a defensive mask to protect the whole body, and the jade seal turned into a slender spear.

  Feng Hou Ling melted into the body.


   "It's useless if you burn the national fortune."

   Wutian shouted: "Thunderland."

   rumbling! ! !

   Wutian let out a long scream, unleashing extremely powerful moves. In the center of his position, countless purple thunders rushed out, forming a terrifying sea of ​​thunder.

   In an instant.

   covers the surrounding area and space.

   envelops Qin Qipu.

   Click! Click!

   Every purple thunder is like a thunder dragon, slashing towards Qin Qipu, Qin Qipu screams, the vast energy is released, the power of the soul law is blessed.

   blocked the thunder that slashed and killed.

   "Thunder destroys the world, nine days of thunder dragon formation!"

brush! brush! brush!

   Wutian waved his hands and manipulated the'Thunder Law Realm', and the power of blood surging, countless ray of thunder condensed together, and finally turned into a nine-headed four-clawed thunder dragon.

   The size of each four-clawed brontosaurus has reached ten million meters.

   is as vast as a star.

   is flooded in this sky.

   Cover the sky and cover the sun.

   shook the sky.

   As if the space was torn apart by the power of Thunder.


   Qin Qipu raised his head and roared, his eyes turned silver, the laws of the soul were intertwined, and he roared, "The profound meaning of martial arts, the spirit killing!"

  咻! ! !

   Qin Qipu stabbed this shot hard.


   After the spear was pierced, it burst into bright silver, like a white silver scorching sun rising, as if piercing the space, and the silver spear light penetrated the sky.


   bang bang bang! ! !

   Wutian pressed his hands downwards, and nine four-clawed thunder dragons circled to form a ‘Magic Array’, which fell from the sky and directly collided with Qin Qipu’s spear light.

   There were countless explosions.

  The Law of Soul and the Law of Thunder collide and confront each other.

   Glory blooms.


   screaming sounded.

   In the dazzling white light, the white silver spear light shattered, and Qin Qipai vomited blood, his body flew upside down and was seriously injured.


   Qin Qipo kept coughing up blood.

   Even the blood coughed up still contained internal organ fragments.

   The light faded.

   Wutian figure appeared.

can be seen.

   Wutian's face was slightly pale.

   can be seen from this.

   The move just now consumes a lot of Wutian's blood.



   Wutian turned into thunder extremely fast.

   waved his right hand.

   The Nine Dragons-class imperial weapon'Wu Tian's imperial edict' appeared, turned into a purple long knife in Wu Tian's hand, and slashed towards Qin Qipu.


   Thunder Blade slashed at Qin Qipu's head.

   moments of crisis.

   An eighth-order puppet warrior that Qin Qipu immediately controlled rushed over and stood in front of him. With a ‘click’, an eighth-order puppet warrior was cut in half by Wutian.

   directly scrapped.


   Qin Qipo retreated extremely quickly and opened a distance.


   Wutian chased after him.

   At the same time Wutian manipulated Thunder, and there were waves of lightning struck Qin Qipu, blocking Qin Qipu's retreat, and Qin Qipu had no way to escape.


   Qin Qipu screamed again.


   Blood splashes.

   Qin Qipu's left arm was cut off.



   Qin Qipu roared, he exploded the sacred artifact of the Kowloon-class imperial national destiny, produced a terrifying explosive power, and shook Wutian flying out.


  Qin Qipu burned the national fortune and exploded the sacred artifact, but it was only delayed for a while.

   can't escape death.

  嘭! !

   The last eighth-order puppet warrior of Qin Qipu was also shattered by Wutian.


  噗! ! !

   Blood splattered, flesh and blood flew across.


   Wutian smashed Qin Qipo's head with a punch, killing Qin Qipo.

   Wutian fought with Qin Qipo up to now, and finally killed Qin Qipo.


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