The Legendary Mech Army

Chapter 638: concise

  ‘Reward 2: The Crown of the Emperor. ’


   The second purple-golden light group merged into the original "Crown of the Alliance" and carried out a series of transformations and upgrades to the "Crown of the Alliance", brilliantly bursting.

   In a blink of an eye.

   "Crown of Alliance" becomes "Crown of Emperors".

   has become a more powerful treasure.

   The ability of the original "Crown of the Alliance" was able to use the power of the true dragon of the alliance dynasty to obtain a powerful increase. Now that the four major dynasties have been annexed by Jiang Li, the ability of the "Crown of the Alliance" is naturally useless.

just now.

   has advanced to become the ‘Crown of the King’.

   The original ability disappeared.

   Gain new abilities.

   Name: the power of the emperor.

   after being excited.

  The crown of the emperor will allow Jiang Li to obtain the qualification to perform the'power of the emperor', but there is only one chance. After being stimulated, the crown of the emperor will disappear and collapse.

   "The power of the emperor."

   Jiangli murmured, "This ability is pretty good."

   "Can be used as a hole card."

   Consciousness returns.

   Jiangli opened his eyes.

   "Qingdi Jue."


   Jiangli first took half an hour, adjusted his state, reached the peak, and then began to operate the "Qingdi Jue", the whole body shook, and the cyan haze filled.

   covered the whole body.

Roar! Roar!

  The dragons chanted.

  A green dragon appeared, hovering over Jiang Li's body.

   Jiangli started to practice exercises.

   this time.

   Jiangli did not use the energy feedback from the national movement, but relied on his own perception and practice to transform the Great Xia Qinglong Gong into the Qingdi Jue.

time flies.

   One night passed.

the next day.

   The morning has come.



   The No. 01 Legion Base above the Imperial Capital of Great Xia rushed out with a terrifying aura, and there was a blue beam of light running through the sky, straight into the sky.

   hum! Hum!

   The extremely vast coercion spreads.

   covers the entire imperial capital.

this moment.

  Countless subjects looked up.

"this is……"

   Lin Tianjian, Lianzhen, Scarlet Lord, they were all startled, and they walked out of their respective residences and residences, looking up at the vision in the sky.

   "Is Jiang Li finally this far?"

   Lin Tianjian took a deep breath, he looked at the cyan light beam, which penetrated the sky, and in the cyan light beam, a huge phantom was slowly born.

   Except for Chi Zhu and Hu Laowai.

It can be said.

   Lin Tianjian's cultivation base and strength are considered to be the strongest. Lin Tianjian's cultivation is at the late stage of the eighth stage. Even if the chamber Lord Sheng Baochen, who is also the late stage eighth stage, is weaker than Lin Tianjian in terms of combat effectiveness.

   At the beginning.

   Sword Dynasty’s real dragon of national fortune reached 80,000 meters, and ranked eighth on the sub-list of Qianlong – Sheng’anzhou. The national fortune exercise he practiced is the eighth-level best.

and so.

   He is very clear.

   Jiangli's state at this time.

   wants to establish an imperial dynasty and become the ‘sovereign of emperors’.

  The first step.

   It is necessary to upgrade the national movement exercise method to the ninth level to achieve a qualitative change and promotion.

It is clear.

   Jiangli has now taken the first step.

   hum! Hum!

time flies.

   The cyan beam dispersed.

   A blue figure with a dragon robe and a body came out from the inside. The majestic and majestic, 90,000-meter-long big Xia Qinglong appeared, wrapped around this figure.

   eyes narrowed,

   take a closer look.

   This cyan figure is similar to Jiang Li, as if carved out of a mold.


   There was a dragon chant, resounding everywhere.

   Plop! thump!

   Countless subjects knelt on the ground, kowtow to the cyan figure.

   "Wanmin sees Emperor Xia!!!"

   The people shouted in unison.

   After a while.

   The vision disappeared.

   Big Xia Qinglong and the cyan figure disappeared.

   calmed down.

   dominates the hub room.


   Jiangli opened his eyes, the light in them flashed away.

just now.

   He has already switched to the exercises successfully.


   The true spirit of Jiangli sits cross-legged on the 16th grade green lotus. There are two flowers on the left and right sides of the true spirit. The left side is the 12th grade'Human Flower', and the right is the 12th grade Earth Flower'.

   exudes brilliance.

  In addition.

The true spirit of    Jiangli also changed.


   The true spirit's body is empty, a bare piece, but now it transmits an illusory cyan dragon robe, on which is a four-clawed blue dragon.

   go up.

   is the circling Daxia Qinglong.

   and the "Crown of the King" worn on the head of the Daxia Qinglong Dragon.

  In addition.

   There are also three sacred artifacts of the national destiny of the dynasty, which are like three cyan light groups, revolving around the true spirit, and the force of national destiny falls from the dragon's body of Daxia Qinglong.

   nourish the sacred artifacts and true spirits of the nation.

   "Very good."

   Jiangli was extremely satisfied with the state at this time, "It took one night to successfully convert Daxia Qinglong Gong to Qingdi Jue."

   "Besides, after the successful transfer, I immediately mastered a powerful martial arts."

   "Named: The Nine Seals of the Qing Emperor."


   Qing Emperor Jiu Yin is only a martial arts, but there are nine different moves, defense, attack, speed three types, Jiang Li is just a beginner, not yet proficient, let alone complete cultivation.

   There is the "Nine Seals of the Qing Emperor".

   The various martial arts cultivated in the past are basically out of use, and Jiang Li is integrated into the Qingdi Seal to strengthen the power of the Qingdi Seal.

the other side.

   After Jiang Li successfully transferred the "Qingdi Jue".

  Lin Tianjian, Lianzhen, Mobei, Jingyueke, Fengyueji, Hong Tianqi, Xu Ya, Pangkui, etc., all the princes of the Great Xia Dynasty also felt immediately.

To know.

   Hou Wang of the Great Xia Dynasty.

  The national movement exercises they practiced are all born out of the ‘Great Xia Qinglong Gong’ practiced by Jiang Li, and they have a certain connection through the Great Xia Fenghou Ling.

   Generally speaking.

   As long as the Daxia Qinglong Gong practiced by Jiang Li is promoted, and Jiang Li is successfully transferred to practice again, then the subsidiary exercises practiced by the Kings of Daxia Dynasty will be promoted independently.

   just like now.

   The moment when Jiang Li transferred to the "Qingdi Jue" and succeeded.

   All the Great Xiahou Kings.

   The "Great Xia Qing Jiao Gong" they practiced has all been promoted to the level of the ninth rank, and they have advanced into the "Blue King Jue", born out of the "Blue Emperor Jue".

"this is……"

   After Lin Tianjian sensed the information of inheritance techniques that appeared out of thin air in his mind, an expression of ecstasy appeared on his face, very surprised, "Unexpectedly, His Majesty Xia didn't limit the inheritance of techniques."


   As long as Jiang Li is willing.

   Jiangli can restrict the inheritance of the exercises through the "Daxia Fenghou Order".

  , for example.

   Jiangli can impose a kind of restriction, unless he obtains his consent, otherwise, Hou Wang's exercises cannot be promoted voluntarily, and Jiang Li must agree personally before he can be promoted.


   Jiangli personally promoted the exercises of the king, and rewarded the promotion of the exercises.


   Jiangli did not make this restriction.

   Because in Jiang Li's view, this restriction is not necessary at all.

   As long as you practice the'Houwang Gongfa', you will be restrained and restricted by Jiang Li from the innate, limiting the inheritance and promotion of the practice, but it is a kind of self-restraint.

   completely unnecessary.

  Only when the subordinates are stronger, can they do more for themselves.

   After getting the brand new "Qing Wang Jue".

  Lin Tianjian, Lianzhen and other Daxiahou kings did not waste time, but all went to the retreat room to retreat and practice the exercises, and they all practiced.

   dominates the hub room.


   Jiangli waved his right hand.

   He took out the purple wooden box containing the'source of heavenly veins'.

   prepare to condense the "Flower of Heaven".


   stimulates the seal formation on the wooden box.

  The purple light blooms.


   The wooden box opened automatically.


   flew out a gray ball of light from inside, like a chaotic color, about the size of a baby's fist, as if it had life.

   wanted to escape from Jiang Li's control.

   "Qingdi Jue."


  Jiangli revolving technique, opened his mouth and sucked, and there was a terrible suction. The cyan haze enveloped the ‘small source of the sky vein’ and swallowed it directly.


Behind    Jiangli, a cyan phantom appeared, coiling around Daxia Qinglong.

   Gongfa works.

   Jiangli began to refine the ‘source of small spiritual veins’ and condense the ‘flower of the sky’.

First of all.

  The flower of man and the flower of the earth emerged.

   appeared beside Jiang Li.

After    the energy of the source of the sky veins was gradually refined, they gathered above the head, trying to condense the'flower of the sky', but there were many obstacles.

   There is no increase or help from the feedback from the National Games.

   It is very difficult for Jiangli to break through.

time flies.

   The phantom of ‘Heaven’s Flower’ appeared and then shattered and disappeared. After repeated several times, the energy of the ‘Small Sky Vein Source’ was gradually consumed.

   If all the energy is exhausted, there is still no success.

   means that Jiang Li failed to break through.

By the time.

   Jiangli not only wastes a small source of the heavenly veins, because when condensing the ‘flower of the sky’, it also consumes the energy of the ‘flower of man’ and the ‘flower of the earth’.

and so.

  'Human Flower' and'Earth Flower' will also be damaged.



   Jiangli yelled, mobilizing the "human emperor status" and at the same time mobilizing the imperial fortune of the Great Xia Dynasty, and the 90,000-meter-long Great Xia Qinglong appeared.

   at the center of the eyebrows.

   A green dragon mark appeared, shining with light.


   Da Xia Qinglong vomited out the origin of national luck.

   cyan light group.

   is like a dragon ball.

   fell from the sky.

   poured into Jiang Li's body.

   and merge with the mark of the green dragon.

   this time.

   Qinglong Yin Jue seems to have become a living thing.


   Since Jiangli chose not to use the "energy of the feedback from the national movement" to make breakthroughs, he was certain to use the ‘source of heaven’s veins’ as well as the emperor’s personality and dynasty’s national fortune.

   Make a breakthrough.

of course.

   Even so.

   The two complement each other.

   is not necessarily 100% successful.

brush! brush!

   Jiangli waved his right hand.

He took out the eighth-rank middle-grade'Malming Blood This Wan Pill of Blood Refining was originally used after the destruction of the Moro Dynasty, using the life essence of the barbarian emperor'Molo' Array' refined.


   Jiangli Zhangkou took this'Ten Thousand Blood Pill'.


   The vast energy exploded in the body, Jiang Li used the exercise technique to refine the energy and transform it into his own power, restoring the consumption of the "Human Flower" and "Earth Flower".

   This energy seems to flow continuously.

time flies.

   Jiangli failed again and again, again and again, the phantom of the'Flower of Heaven' appeared and disappeared, and the energy of the vast and small source of the sky veins was almost exhausted.



   Jiangli didn't know how many times he had failed.

at last.

   The ‘Flower of Heaven’ appeared on the top of his head, the source of the veins of the sky, the mark of the green dragon, and the energy of the ten thousand blood refining pills merged into one at this moment.

   turns into a dazzling ‘Flower of Heaven’.

   The cyan light is intertwined with the gray haze.

   take a closer look.

   "Heaven's Flower" also has a green dragon mark.

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