The Legendary Mech Army

Chapter 666: Desperately

   hum! Hum! ! Hum! ! !

   The movement after the launch of the "Emperor's Crown" was really not small. The resulting vision was as if the world was pale, the sun and the moon were dark, the space was almost torn apart, and it oscillated into ripples like water waves.

   Boom! !

next moment.

   Behind Jiang Li, there appeared an incomparably majestic body, vast like stars, straight into the sky, cyan brilliant bursts, like a vast galaxy.

  The mysterious face is hidden in the clouds.

   ‘Emperor’s Power’ blessing.

   Jiangli’s power has directly risen to several levels.


  Countless creatures looked at with extremely shocking gazes, looking up at the incomparably majestic body behind Jiang Li, wearing a dragon robe with a five-claw dragon, and a crown on his head.

   "Emperor Xiang!"

   Luo Yinsha's eyes were startled, "This is the'Emperor'!"

"how come?"

   Prisoner Wu also looked astonished, and was extremely shocked, "How could Jiang Li condense the'dimension'? He is just a human emperor, not a human emperor!"

   "Know that the emperor's appearance is the symbol of the emperor!"

   "I really didn't expect that the human emperor of this human race would even keep such a hand."

   Lan Lan said in surprise.

   "It's really amazing."

   The innate ghost clan also nodded.

   hum! ! !

   At this time.

  The demon's arrival has gradually returned to normal, and he has come out of the fear of the purple shirt woman.

   The demonic energy around the body disappeared.

   showed his true face.

   This is a demon with a young face.


   The young Demon Race figure broke through the air and flew towards the direction where the purple shirt woman was.

   "What is he going to do?"

   Lan Lan and the innate ghost clan were seeing them, their expressions were stunned, and they whispered in their mouths, while secretly guessing in their hearts, and then followed.



After    Di Long broke out with all his strength, he blew up his totem and gained extremely terrifying and powerful blessings, which greatly increased his aura and strength.

   "Di Long, come back soon!"

   Luo Yinsha shouted.


  Di Lung had fallen into a state of madness, and he had only one thought in his mind, which was to kill Jiang Li and break Jiang into pieces.

   "Speed ​​sword style!"

  锵! !

   Di Long slayed at extreme speed, and the extreme sword light was like a shimmering light of fear, approaching a limit, and instantly smashed in front of Jiang Li.

   "Yin sword style."

After    Jiangli received the blessing of ‘Emperor’s Power’, his combat effectiveness was significantly improved by several levels, directly leaping to the ninth level.

   in the dark.

   Jiangli sensed the incredible power of ‘the emperor’s throne’.


  'Emperor's Crown' only gives temporary imperial power, so Jiang Li can only feel it vaguely, separated by a deep layer.


   Jiangli was also slashed down with a single sword, all the energies he had mastered were all combined together, commanded by the power of the emperor, that black handleless sword slashed out, like a black dragon-shaped sword light piercing the sky.

when! ! !

   The two swords clashed, producing a huge explosion.

   bang bang bang! ! !

   Sword Qi burst open.

   "Yang Sword Style!"


   Jiangli took the initiative to attack, and the white sessile sword cut through the air, containing the terrifying power of the Yang, possessing extreme temperatures, as if the space was burning and distorted.

   "Split sword style!"


   Di Long roared, fighting with all his might, the sharp sword light swept forward, cutting forward, blocking Jiang Li's Yang sword pose.

   Boom! boom! boom! ! !


   Jiangli collided with Di Long's sword style with Yin Yang sword style, and the strength of the two sides was almost the same, and it was difficult to distinguish the winner or the loser by paying the fees again and again.

   "Get out!!"

   rumbling! !

   The explosion sounded.

   Yinsha roared, and a terrifying and extremely powerful force erupted from him, and he directly blasted them all out of WMS01.

   The situation became critical.

  Because of WMS01, they couldn't stop Luo Yinsha at all, Chizhu and Elder Hu also tried their best, Luo Yinsha's strength was too strong.

It can be said.

   If Yinsha and Dillon converge.

   Jiangli is about to face two ninth-tier powerhouses with powerful combat effectiveness.


   Di Long had scarlet eyes, holding the'Emperor's Long Sword', turned into a sword light, and attacked Jiang Li.

   "Space control."


   Jiangli started the ‘Interstellar Dominate Space Soldier’, mastered the space, carried out a space teleport, avoided Dillon’s attack, and at the same time opened up the distance.


   Jiangli raised his hand and cut it down with a sword, the bright sword light leaned down like a waterfall, and all fell towards Di Long, who swept across with a sword, blocking Jiang Li's attack.

   bang bang bang! ! !

   In an instant.

   Jiangli fought with Di Long dozens of strokes, the two swords were matched against each other, there were countless sword lights colliding together, bursts of sword energy exploded, and the scene was extremely shocking.

   "Miss Palm!"


   Luo Yinsha broke through the numerous blockades and had already killed him. Condescendingly, facing Jiang Li, he fell with a palm. The vast palm prints covered the sky, like countless totem patterns intertwined.

   implies the annihilation of all things.


   Jiangli retreated extremely quickly, quickly opened the distance, and dodge the attack of Luo Yinsha dangerously and dangerously, and left the battlefield in an instant.

   "The whole army listens to orders."

   Jiangli stood in the distance, looked at Luo Yinsha and Dillon with cold eyes, waved his right hand, and gave the order, "All attack, lock the target, fire coverage, kill!!!"

   rumbling! !

   in an instant.

   The roar of the engine resounded throughout the middle area.

can be seen.

   The vast mechanical legion, under Jiang Li's order, directly launched an attack, like a mechanical star sea surging, countless artillery fire fell from the sky.


   Di Long raised his head, roared, and swept across a sword. The incomparably vast sword light burst out, directly blocking all the overwhelming artillery fire.

   The scene is vast.


   Dillon soared into the sky and directly rushed into the mechanical army. The whole body released endless brilliance, forming a defensive light curtain, covering the whole body.

   bang bang bang! ! !

   Countless explosions sounded.

   Dillon ran rampant among the mechanical army, countless sword lights cut down, swept across the sky, and a large number of mechanical soldiers were scrapped and fell.


   The strength of Jiangli’s mechanical corps has exceeded one trillion.

and so.

   The mechanical soldiers destroyed by Dillon were just a drop in the bucket.

   "Nuclear explosion! Launch!"

   Boom! boom! boom! ! !

   "Energy beam!!!"

  咻! call out! call out! ! !

next moment.

   Millions of Tier 6 mechanically controllable nuclear fusion super-combat soldiers and more than 100,000 planet-class space combat ships directly locked onto the network and opened fire.

   The overwhelming nuclear explosion and energy beams shrouded from all directions toward the silver sand.



   Luo Yinsha raised his head, his eyes were cold, the power of the totem exploded, and the cultivation base of the late ninth stage was released, forming a huge black sphere.


   The black sphere exploded.

   The terrifying power clashes with the nuclear explosion and the energy beam.

   rumbling! ! !

   The sound of the explosion spread all around.

   only has a dazzling light.


   Luo Yinsha rushed out of the dazzling light unscathed, and millions of Tier 6 mechanically controllable nuclear fusion super soldiers on the planet-class space combat ship did not give Luo Yinsha any chance to breathe.

   Numerous nuclear explosions and beams came again.

Not only that.

   There are more mechanical armies forming an encirclement, besieging Luo Yinsha, but the missile and artillery attacks of mechanical soldiers lower than Tier 6 cannot break the defense of Luo Yinsha.


   can bring a lot of interference to Luo Yinsha.

   High above the battlefield.

 The trillion-level mechanical legion, after spreading out, covered thousands of miles around, and Luo Yinsha and Dillon were trapped in the mechanical legion.

   bang bang bang! ! !

   Countless artillery bombing.

this moment.

   The mechanical corps exerted a very powerful force.

of course.

   With the combat power of Dillon and Luo Yinsha, although there are a large number of trillion-level mechanical corps, but the ranks are insufficient, it is difficult to cause too much damage to them.

   can only be entangled.

can be seen.

   There are the wreckage of mechanical soldiers falling from the air.

   Many scrapped.



   The silver sand of the network broke out, and the force of the totem directly tore the encirclement of the mechanical legion, and shouted at Ti Lung: "Withdraw from the encirclement of the legion!"

   "I will kill Jiang Li alone!"

   Dillon roared.

   His eyes are scarlet, which contains extreme killing intent.

To know.

   Di Lung blew his totem and had already damaged the foundation. It would take a long, long time to recover, and he might even regress.

   "Emperor Sword Art!"


   Di Long screamed, he displayed the strongest sword and summoned a huge sword like a star to drop from the sky, directly destroying hundreds of millions of mechanical soldiers.


   He rushed out of the encirclement of the mechanical army.


   The Di Long Sword pointed at the hilt of the giant sword, drove the giant sword straight towards Jiang Li, and the huge giant sword pierced straight towards Jiang Li, containing extremely powerful power.

   "The Emperor's Yin and Yang Sword!"

   hum! Hum! Hum! ! !

next moment.

   Jiangli had already condensed the strongest move, the "dimension" behind him disappeared, turned into a five-clawed blue dragon, and merged into Jiang Li's sword.


   The power of the Yin-Yang Emperor Sword has exploded.

brush! ! !

The sword of    Jiangli slashed down, combining the strongest blow of the vast emperor's power. The sword light of yin and yang fell from the sky and slashed straight to Di Long.

Roar! Roar!

   There are waves of dragons.

   boom! !

   There was an explosion.

   The Emperor Yin Yang Sword shredded Di Long's Emperor Sword Art, and the huge star-like sword exploded directly, unable to hold on for long.


   Di Long screamed vomiting The Emperor's Long Sword in his hand was almost shaken and dropped out.



   The river teleported away from the space and slammed straight towards Ti Long.

   "Stop this seat!"


   Luo Yinsha shouted angrily, and came quickly.

brush! brush! brush!

at the same time.

   WMS01, which had all recovered, rushed over, once again blocked in front of Luo Yinsha, but was blasted out by Luo Yinsha with all his strength.

   Jiangli killed in front of Ti Long, and with a wave of his right hand, the Yin-Yang Emperor Sword fell into his hand, and it had merged with the Dragon Scale Long Sword that had been transformed from the Dominating Dragon God.


   Jiangli stabbed out with this sword.

   "The sky is overwhelmed!"

   Boom! boom!

  Luo Yinsha's pupils contracted, and he slapped Jiang Li with his palm prints, revealing an upside-down scene vision, and blasted Jiang Li.

  Intent to stop Jiang Li.

   "Wu Tian, ​​do it!"

at the same time.

   Prisoner Wu shouted loudly.

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