The Legendary Mech Army

Chapter 673: coordinate

   The voice fell off.

   The woman in purple shirt stretched out Qianqianyu's hand, her white fingers were as white as jade, crystal clear, but she was entwined with purple inflammation, like a pattern of law intertwined.

   "It's... it's you!"

   Seagod’s pupils contracted, his calm expression suddenly changed, and his tone of voice was filled with horror and horror, "You... why are you here?"


   in an instant.

   accompanied by a phoenix sound.

   The palm print of the woman in purple shirt faces the sea god, and purple flames entangled her. From her palm, a purple phoenix condensed into the sky.

   The phoenix soars for nine days.

   The space was directly distorted and shattered, continuously cracking like a shattered mirror, and there were countless cracks, and the space could not withstand this power at all.

"not good!"

   Seagod screamed, his expression horrified, and with a wave of his hands, countless divine texts were intertwined, forming a chain of the most profound gods, "Supreme divine art—the kingdom of the sea!"

   hum! Hum! Hum! ! !

   The ‘chains of the gods’ are intertwined and gathered together, eventually forming an independent space, manifesting as a space god.

  God's country.


   set off endless sea water, endless, with no end in sight.

To know.

   These "sea waters" are all "water of the gods" condensed by the power of gods.

   Boom! ! !

   The ‘Divine Kingdom of the Sea’ fell and collided with the purple flame phoenix out of thin air. Such a scene really seemed like the destruction of the world, the sky collapsed, the laws collapsed, and the rhyme of the Tao was worn away.

   Click! Click! Click! ! !

   The space is broken directly.

   became countless fragments, the exploded space formed a dark vortex, the space shattered into dust, swallowing the aftermath and energy of the explosion.


   The purple flame burned, and the phoenix rushed into the "Divine Kingdom of the Sea", and countless seawater evaporated and turned into mist in the sky, and the Kingdom of God shattered.



   The seagod who did not show up screamed, vomiting blood, the blue blood filled the sky, and the blue haze waved and collapsed, making the seagod reveal his true face.

   looked closer.

   Poseidon is just a handsome young man with blue hair. There does not seem to be any special place, as if he has returned to the basics, and there is no angel-like wings behind him.

   The only characteristic.

   just has a blue trident mark on the center of his brow.

   "White Purple Phoenix."

   Poseidon roared, he coughed up blood in his mouth and his injuries were serious. The purple flame followed the connection between the Sea God and the Sea God, not only destroyed the Sea God Nation, but also spread to the Sea God.

  The purple flame burned on the sea god.


   Poseidon vomited blood again.

   hum! ! !


   without any hesitation.

   Space tears.

   Seagod wrapped Lan Lan and traveled directly through time and space. His figure disappeared in an instant. He didn't dare to fight with the purple-shirted woman at all, because he was very aware of the gap between him and the opponent.

It can be said.

   Unless it is the ‘Supreme God’ coming from the line of the Water God.

if not.

   With the strength of the "Poseidon", I am afraid that he can't even get through three moves in the hands of the purple shirt woman.


   The Mistress and the supreme ghost of the ghost clan looked dignified. After seeing the Seagod retreating, they were frightened and did not hesitate for too long. They also took their subordinates to evacuate.

   hum! Hum!

   Tearing time and space.

   disappeared in the blink of an eye.

   "We withdraw!"


   The supreme monster of the demon clan waved his right hand, the power of the bloodline fell, grabbed Prison Wu, and left Prison Wu directly with him.


  The supreme powerhouse of the barbarian also left with Luo Yinsha.

   less than a minute before and after.

   God, devil, ghost.

   Demons, barbarians.

   First, the ‘Supreme Power’ of the five races descended, stunned the audience, and directly trapped the mainland origin of San Anzhou with supreme means, and the Poseidon wanted to obliterate Jiang Li.


   The woman in the purple shirt made a move, but it severely damaged the Seagod with just one move, frightening and forcing the ‘Supreme Power’ of the five races back, revealing unparalleled strength and might.

   is extremely powerful.

   is already invincible.


   The purple-shirted woman waved her right hand, and the ‘Essence’ of the light ball entwined with the nine-color light fell into her hand. She stretched out her hand and pointed out that a chaotic color mark came out of the nine-color light ball.


   This chaotic mark fell into the hands of the woman in purple shirt.


   The woman in purple shirt frowned slightly, and said, "The imprint of the universe has been copied by the sea god."


   Jiangli stood aside, silent.

to be frank.

   Jiang Li didn't know the many secrets of this world. As his strength increased, Jiang Li felt that the world was unfathomable and difficult to fathom.

   "Universal Imprint" thing.

   Jiangli is also a little unpredictable.

   dare not.

   Jiang Li faintly felt that this ‘universe imprint’ might have something to do with him.

   This is an instinctive feeling.

   "This is your thing."


   The purple-shirted woman waved her jade hand, and the light group "Essence" wrapped in nine-colored rays flew towards Jiang Li. Jiang Li immediately reached out and caught it and looked at the purple-shirted woman.

   "It's just the'source' of a source continent."

   The woman in purple shirt waved her hand and said: "Although it is precious, it will not attract the supreme powers above the ‘Tao level’ of the five races. What they are after is the ‘Universe Mark’ attached to the ‘Essence’."

   "Although they could not obtain the body of this'Universal Seal', the coordinates on it have been copied by Poseidon."

   "If I didn't guess wrong."

   "Poseidon will continue to copy the'coordinates' and then sell them to the miserable master."

   "This..., what is the ‘universe imprint’? What is the ‘coordinate’ again?"

   Jiangli asked the doubt in his heart.

"Ha ha."

   The woman in purple shirt chuckled lightly, her appearance was exquisite, her beautiful face, with the appearance of this smile, turned all beings upside down, "'Universal Imprint' is'coordinates', and the meaning of the two is almost the same."

   "'Universal Imprint" is the information of other universes captured by the'primitive continent' of the'Main World'. Collecting all the captured information together can form the'Universal Imprint'."

   "'Coordinates' are the specific positions derived from the'Universal Imprint', that is, the coordinates of the'other universe'."

   "With this ‘coordinate’, we will be able to lock onto other universes, thereby opening up and establishing a ‘universe channel’ and descending to other universes.”

   "Then this ‘universe imprint’?"

   Jiangli's pupils contracted, and he faintly guessed something in his heart, but he couldn't believe it.


   The woman in purple shirt nodded, already guessing what Jiang Qizhong was thinking, she said: "If no surprise, this ‘universe imprint’ represents the universe where you were originally located."


  Jiang was shocked in his eccentricity, and some couldn't believe it, ""

   "Are you surprised?"

   The woman in purple shirt said faintly: "The first time you hear this news, you should really be surprised, but I have seen many creatures from other worlds or universes like you."

   "Some were discovered by us, but they didn't report any value, so we killed them directly, some died halfway through, and some, like you, were able to establish an extremely powerful dynasty."

   "But I lost in the last dynasty war."

   "Only a very small part."

   "I ruled an entire big state, established a godless dynasty, and even used the power of Xian Ting to open up the ‘universe channel’ with the original world or universe."

   "I remember there was one who was promoted from the imperial dynasty to a holy place."

   "Well, if I remember correctly, it came from a universe of comprehension."

   "You just need to know."

   "The existence and power of Xian Ting is far beyond the limit you can imagine now, and the meaning of existence is not something you can arbitrarily guess now."

   "Jiang Li."

   The woman in purple shirt said again: "There are so many things you still need to know."


   The voice fell off.

   The woman in purple shirt waved her right hand and took out the nuclear warhead again. Ziyan burned and gradually covered the nuclear warhead.

   Click! Click! !


   There are countless data streams of ‘0’ and ‘1’ intertwined on top of the nuclear warhead, forming a chain and locking the entire ‘nuclear warhead’.


  嘭! Bang!

   The woman in the purple shirt screamed, the phoenix mark on her eyebrows was shining, and a purple light was shot out, which landed on the nuclear warhead.

   In an instant.

   The chain formed by the data broke directly.


   The light flickered.

   ‘Heavenly Level Encryption’ was unblocked by the purple shirt woman with brute force.

   is really scary.


   The ‘nuclear warhead’ was broken down into countless parts in the hands of the woman in purple shirt, and the whole secret of the nuclear warhead was presented to the woman in purple shirt.


   Jiangli looked a little surprised.

   "For example, this ‘nuclear warhead’ you said has ‘Heaven’s Dao’ encryption on it. It is not impossible to crack, but it’s unnecessary."

   The woman in purple shirt said: "Compared with the resources consumed by cracking the ‘Heaven’s Dao’ encryption, the mystery of this nuclear warhead is not worth mentioning. After all, the most powerful nuclear warhead is only six or seven."


   Jiangli took a deep breath and asked, "What are you trying to say?"

"this is for you."


   The woman in purple shirt took out a token out of thin air, the whole presenting a snow-white, diamond-shaped token, with nine lifelike nine-clawed ancestors carved on the back.

   are entangled with each other.

   is engraved with the word ‘白’ on the front.


   doesn't have much is this? "

   Jiangli asked after catching it.

   "The Order of the Fairy Court."

   The woman in purple shirt said: "With the'Order of the Fairy Court', when you successfully establish an emperor, you are inspired by the power of the real dragon, and you are one of the official members of Fairy Court."

   "Official members..."

   Jiang Li was a little bit wrong, because he didn't know the true value of Xian Ting, so he couldn't understand the true value of it, but Chi Zhu and Hu Lao knew something, and looked at Jiang Li with incomparable envy.

   The woman in purple shirt said again: "My name is'White Purple Phoenix'. You are now qualified to know my name. Remember this name. I hope you can improve your strength a bit next time you meet."

   "At the very least, it must reach the twelfth level."


   The voice fell off.

   The woman in purple shirt stopped talking, she moved lightly, and in a blink of an eye, she gradually lifted into the air and disappeared, but there was a voice.

   "Establish an emperor as soon as possible."

   The voice of the woman in purple shirt came, "Not surprisingly, the gods, demons, ghosts, but also the monsters and barbarians. After they get the ‘cosmic coordinates’, they will soon open up the passage of the universe."

   "I hope you can make it in time."

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