The Legendary Mech Army

Chapter 675: Level 9

  The time is noon.

   happened to be when the sun was shining.

   St. Anzhou Zhongyu.

   In the tens of thousands of meters in the sky, there is an extremely huge floating continent, which is formed by the fusion of the original three floating continents.


   Jiangli renamed this continent: Azure Dragon Continent.

   The center of the Blue Dragon Continent.

   What you see is an extremely large imperial palace, which was built by the mechanical engineers of the 01 interstellar base.

   The area is vast, magnificent and magnificent.

Not only that.

   Jiangli also consumed a lot of resources, and a lot of eighth-order human race array mages jointly established an eighth-order array that enveloped the entire palace.

   his eyes gradually narrowed.

   The central location of the Great Summer Palace.

  Using black iron, fine iron and other materials, a 100,000-meter-high dragon platform was built. The main body of this dragon platform is actually the dragon platform built by the last promotion dynasty.

   this time.

   is better optimized and improved on the original basis.

   step on...

  Clear footsteps.

   Jiang Lizheng walked up the stairs of the dragon platform step by step and climbed to the top of the dragon platform, standing high, holding his hands on his back, and looking down at the surroundings.

   "The officials wait to see your majesty!"


   Around the dragon platform.

   Hong Tianqi, Xu Ya, Wu Zong, Pang Kui, Lin Tianjian, Wu Wuji, Lianzhen, Mobei, Yuefengji, Wei Lin, etc., there are many great Xiahou kings and important officials.

   They all knelt on their knees, kowtow to Jiang Li, shouting in unison.

   Look around.

   Around the bottom of the dragon platform are all figures kneeling on the ground.

Not only that.

   Even Crimson Lord, Old Brown and the others knelt on the ground.


   Jiangli nodded slightly, took a deep breath, and looked at the courtiers who were kneeling on the ground. There was some exclamation and excitement in his heart, and the mood gradually calmed down.

To know.

In the past three years, many, many things have happened. First of all, Lin Tianjian, Wu Wuji, and Hong Tianqi led the Daxia Legion, and with the help of the Mechanical Legion, it took more than two years to complete it. Unification of the mainland.

   St. Ann State.

   The remaining monsters and barbarians were either all beheaded, or they were rubbed with the'slave contract charm', and they all became the monster slaves and barbarians of the Great Xia Dynasty.


   and those heterogeneous alien races, have been eliminated and surrendered.

At last.

   There are also fierce beasts, etc., and they have also been cleaned up.


   Jiangli once again harvested a batch of soul fire.

  In addition.

Has been calculated.

   There are currently 23 billion demon slaves, 25 billion barbarian slaves, and 37 billion heterogeneous slaves in the Daxia Dynasty.

The total population of    Daxiahuangchao.

   does not include the Great Xia Corps.

   ordinary people.

   There are about 28,000 billion in total.

   Great Summer Legion.

   The total force is 200 billion.


   This two hundred billion is completely different from the two hundred billion three years ago. The two hundred billion soldiers three years ago have varying strengths, and there are many influential quasi-war fighters.


   The Daxia soldiers swallowed ten thousand blood refining pills, and their strength has risen one after another. The current 200 billion Daxia Legion has the lowest threshold for first-order consummation.

of course.

   does not include the mechanical legion.

   The Great Xia Legion is the main force of the Great Xia Dynasty.

   In addition to the Great Xia Legion, Wu Wuji, Lin Tianjian, and Hong Tianqi have discussed the formation of the Great Xia Eastern Army, Great Xia Western Army, Great Xia Southern Army, and Great Xia Northern Army.

   A total of four legions.

   is still being formed.

   It takes a lot of time to do it.

Of course.

   These are not the most important.

  Jiangli collected all the resources of San Anzhou. More than 90% of the resources such as spiritual veins, spiritual stones, elixir, medicinal materials were converted into energy points by Jiangli.


   Jiang thought with a heartbeat.

   The dominate panel expands, Jiang Li checks the number of energy points.

   [Energy point: 11.2 million trillion energy points! 】


   The number of energy points in Jiangli has broken ten million trillions.

   "Your Majesty."

   The Scarlet Lord bowed and saluted, and said respectfully: "The time has come to 12 noon. It is the best time for your Majesty to proclaim the emperor, ascend to the throne, and promote to the imperial court."



   Everyone on the dragon stage looked up at Jiang Li, their faces full of expectation and excitement.

"it is good."

   Jiangli nodded and took a deep breath. Because I remembered a lot just now, he was a little dazed, which caused a lot of time delay.


   Chizhu and Brown Lao.

   Because of the victory of the dynasty war for hegemony, their contribution was not small, so after the war, Jiang Li rewarded each of them with a Tier 6 genetic enhancement liquid.

   after the injection.

   Chi Zhu and Hu Lao have been in retreat for more than two years. They left the customs a month ago. They broke through at the same time, igniting the'heart fire', and began to gather the five qi in their chests, successfully breaking through to the early stage of the ninth stage.

   Strength greatly increased.

Of course.

   Although the strength of the red master and the old man had improved, their attitude towards Jiang Li became more respectful.

   Because they knew very well that they were able to break through to the ninth rank, all thanks to Jiang Li.

   "Please come to the throne of your majesty!"

   "Please be the emperor, your majesty!"



   Wu Wuji, Lin Tianjian, Hong Tianqi and so on, all the Daxia Hou Wangs and Daxia's important ministers on the dragon stage shouted in unison, and the tone was extremely respectful.

"it is good."

   Jiangli laughed, and with a wave of his right hand, the exercises turned, "Qingdi Jue."

   hum! Hum! Hum! ! !

   In an instant.

   Jiangli's body shone brightly, countless cyan brilliance shining, and every ray of light appeared in the shape of a dragon, covering the whole body.


   Dragon Yin is shaking the sky.

   The big Xia Qinglong appeared and rushed straight into the sky. The huge 90,000-meter-long dragon body was winding and circling, lifelike, and the cyan dragon scales were clearly visible.

  Countless people looked up.

   Very respectful.

can be seen.

   In the huge dragon mouth of the Great Xia Qinglong, there is a light group entwined with nine-colored rays of light, which is the mainland origin of San Anzhou.


   Boom! boom!

   Jiangli operation technique, countless azure rays are injected into the origin of the mainland, and the dragons and dragons of the Great Xia form a burst of energy, gradually refining the origin.


   The origin of San Anju is as solid as a rock, and it is difficult to refine.

   "National Fortune Release!"


   Jiangli yelled and released all the national fortunes of the Great Xia Dynasty. The endless blue light shone, overwhelming the sky, flooding the sky.

this moment.

  The blue light gathered, and gradually formed a huge three-dimensional map, it was the shrinking manifestation of the entire San Anzhou that appeared in the sight of countless people.

   hum! Hum! !

   The vast invisible national destiny converged from all directions in San Anzhou, and the intangible national destiny became tangible, forming a sky full of blue brilliance.



   Jiangli pointed to his right hand, and the Qingdi Jue turned around, manipulating the sky full of cyan national destiny, and poured it into the source of the nine-color San Anzhou.

   rumbling! ! !

   Like a flood impact, unstoppable, the original source of San Anzhou, which was difficult to refining, was as solid as a rock. Under the impact of the vast national fortune, it collapsed step by step.

time flies.

   One hour passed.

   St. Anzhou’s original source was successfully refined, and the nine-colored light dissipated and turned into a crystal-clear cyan orb, which Daxia Qinglong swallowed in one bite.

   Dragon Ball made!

   "Success, Dragon Ball is made!"



   Scarlet Lord, Old Brown, they shouted excitedly, their expressions were extremely excited, they felt the more powerful and majestic Dragon Power of the country, their expressions became more respectful.

   "Dragon Ball has become."

   Jiangli raised his head, sensing the changes of Daxia Qinglong, and said in a deep voice: "Next is the time for Daxia Qinglong to transform and promote."

   "Qingdi Jue!"

   Jiangli's operation technique, manipulating the Great Xia Qinglong, swallowing the endless cyan national destiny, merged into the huge dragon body.

   Daxia Qinglong became more and more solid.

   turns into substance.

the most important is.

  Because of the Dragon Ball refining, the collisions and restrictions that hindered the promotion of Daxia Qinglong have completely disappeared. As Daxia Qinglong has swallowed more and more national fortunes.

   The 90,000-meter-long dragon body began to grow.

brush! brush! brush!

   Three Kowloon-class sacred artifacts of the Dynasty's national destiny flew out of Jiang Li's body, like three blue dragon shadows, all of them merged into the body of Daxia Qinglong.

   The dragon body of Daxia Qinglong began to grow slowly.

   90,100 meters...91 thousand meters...91,500 meters...92,000 kilometers...

time flies.

   Jiangli sat cross-legged on the dragon platform, closed his eyes, and when Daxia Qinglong was promoted, there was an immense amount of national movement feedback energy pouring into Jiang Li's body.


   Jiangli runs the exercises, absorbs the energy feedback from the national movement, catches this energy, and floods into the part of the heart, starting to ignite the heart.

   The cultivation base is slowly increasing.

   This situation lasted three days and three nights.

   Wu Wuji, Lin Tianjian, Hong Tianqi, Scarlet Lord, and Old Brown all knelt on the ground, looking up at Jiang Li and Daxia Qinglong.

   knelt for three days and three nights.

   and did not move at all.

at last.

   Daxia Qinglong has grown to one hundred thousand meters.



   Da Xia Qinglong slowly opened his dragon eyes, shining brightly, and full of agility, as if wisdom had been born out of thin air.

Roar! ! !

   The earth-shattering dragon roar, the dragon roar of Daxia Qinglong, with the blessing of the vast Weili, spread throughout St. Anzhou and even affected the surrounding waters.

   Click! Click!

   Daxia Qinglong’s abdomen position.

  The fifth claw was just like that, it grew out of thin air.

   Five-clawed real dragon.

   The emperor is the real dragon.

   The promotion was successful.

   Great Xia Qinglong broke through the last barrier and refined the Dragon Ball. With the support of the vast national fortune, the fifth claw was born, and he was promoted to the five claw true dragon.

at the same time.

   "Heart fire! Success!"


The heart of    Jiangli ignited the flames out of thin air. It was a flame that beats like a twelfth lotus, showing the color of purple and gold.

   contains an indescribable temperature.

   half an hour later.

   Jiangli absorbed the energy feedback from the national movement, and gradually stabilized his cultivation base, and the purple-golden heart fire gradually concealed into his heart.

   The breath rose.

   successfully broke through to the early stage of the ninth stage.

   "Congratulations to your majesty, your cultivation base has been greatly increased, you can light your heart, and be promoted to the ninth rank!"

   "Congratulations on your Majesty's promotion to the ninth rank!"

   "Congratulations, Your Majesty..."


   Everyone shouted in unison, excited.

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