The Legendary Mech Army

Chapter 677: Settle in

   The purple-golden heart fire was burning, and as the "emperor personality" tempered Jiang Li's body and soul more and more deeply, the heart fire like a twelfth lotus flower grew stronger.

   The twelfth-rank lotus gradually splits into more petals, from the twelfth stage to the thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth grade...


   The vast heart was cremated into the form of a twenty-fourth lotus flower.


   The true spirit of Jiangli sat cross-legged on the green lotus. On top of the true spirit's head, there was a three-flower cluster, and a twenty-four lotus-shaped purple-gold heart fire was lit on his chest.


   The Qinglian seated by the true spirit also split from the 16th-rank petals into the 24th-rank form, and each petal has the mark of a five-clawed blue dragon.


   Jiangli's whole body was shocked. When the tempering was completed, Jiangli's aura rose, his aura strength increased many times, and his strength was greatly improved.

   is the evolution and progression of life levels.

   Personal promotion.

   Jiangli has inherent oppression for the existence of the lower person.

   "Qingdi Jue!"

   hum! Hum!

   After completion of personal promotion.

   Jiangli began to cultivate the tenth-order low-grade ‘Qingdi Jue’. The technique was running, the whole body was shining with blue light, surrounded by dragon shadows, and he was powerful.

  In addition.

   board the dragon stage.

Roar! Roar! Roar! ! !

  Lin Tianjian, Wu Wuji, Lianzhen, Mobei, Hong Tianqi, Xu Ya, Yuefengji, etc., the princes of the original Daxia Dynasty were successfully promoted to the emperor.


   They also got huge benefits.

  The dragons chanted.

   From the bodies of the marquis kings, the original four-clawed blue water bird appeared, looking up to the dragon, the vast emperor's national fortunes gathered and merged into the body of the four-claw blue water bird.

   It didn’t take long.

   The size of all the four-clawed green waterbirds soared, all reaching the level of 10,000 meters, and they were able to draw on the power of the emperor’s kingdom and the emperor’s true dragon.

   successively condensed one after another ‘Dragon Ball’.


   The mark of the "Five-Clawed Dragon" appeared on the center of their eyebrows, and they were blessed with the personality of the "Emperor King," and the level of personality is comparable to the "human throne."

   hum! Hum!

   Gongfa works.

   Wu Wuji and they also started to practice the tenth-order low-grade ‘Blue King Jue’, using the feedback from the national movement to practice exercises and improve their cultivation.

among them.

   Lin Tianjian has successfully improved towards the eighth level, Wu Wuji's original cultivation base is half a step up to the ninth level, although his cultivation level has dropped once because of the loss of the human throne.


   Wu Wuji's foundation and perception are still there.

and so.

   Wu Wuji took advantage of this imperial promotion, with the help of the energy of feedback, he began to feel the five qi in his chest and the power of the fire.

   intends to ignite the fire, and enter the early stage of the ninth stage.

   half an hour later.

   Jiangli was transferred to the Qingdi Jue of the tenth-level lower grade and completed.

brush! brush!

   opened his eyes.

   Jiangli waved his right hand, and three blue dragon shadows appeared out of thin air, suspended in front of Jiangli, and gradually solidified.

   formed three sacred artifacts for the emperor's kingdom.

   Qinglong imperial edict, Qinglong Yuxi, Great Xia Fenghou order.

   Three emperor pilgrimage artifacts.

   Each one is just a shadow of a five-clawed blue dragon, which represents a dragon-level sacred artifact of the emperor's national transport, and it is only the lowest level.

Of course.

   Even if it is only a dragon-level emperor's national destiny artifact, in terms of power, it is many times that of the Kowloon-level emperor's national destiny artifact, which can be described as a great increase in power.

   With the power of the emperor's national transport sacred device, even if it is only a dragon level, it can also easily suppress the existence of the ninth order with the help of the power of the emperor's national transport.


   Jiang thought of centrifugation, and controlled the three sacred artifacts of a dragon-level emperor's national destiny. With a wave of his right hand, the three sacred artifacts turned into three dragon-shaped streamers and escaped into Jiang Li's body.


   The five-clawed blue dragon hovered above the true spirit's head. Three holy artifacts surrounded the five-clawed blue dragon. The five-clawed blue dragon descended to the azure national destiny, merged into the true spirit, and slowly tempered the true spirit.


   The three one-dragon-class emperor's national destiny sacred artifacts are also nourished by the emperor's national destiny at all times.

   "Congratulations on the promotion of Emperor Xia, congratulations on the promotion of the Great Xia Dynasty to the Great Xia Dynasty, Xia Dishou and Tian Qi, eternal life, heaven and earth, invincible in the universe!"

   Around the dragon platform.

   The ministers shouted in unison, the tone was extremely respectful, and it was full of excitement and excitement.


   Jiangli got up, he carried both sides on his back, condescending, looking down at all the Daxia officials around him.


   In addition to the dozens of princes that Jiang Li personally named, there are nearly tens of thousands of Daxia ministers, who have their own positions and responsibilities, and they can be regarded as talented.

and so.

   The nine-rank official system that Jiangli used to borrow from the earth is no longer practical. Hong Tianqi, Xu Ya, Pang Kui, Wu Zong, and many other kings have spent a lot of time discussing a brand new Daxia official system.

Of course.

   Xu Ya and the others formulated a detailed plan, and then handed it to Jiang Li. After Jiang Li looked at it, he got Jiang Li’s approval and it was gradually promoted.

  In addition.

   Shangshu Bai Zhanbo and Xu Ya of the Criminal Ministry also formulated a brand-new ‘Daxia Law’, which was also implemented after Jiang Li’s approval.

  In addition.

   in the territory of the Great Xia Dynasty.

   The policy of ‘Medicinal Pavilion’ is still being implemented and is the top priority.

of course.

  Because the entire St. Anzhou has been unified by the Great Xia Dynasty, it is necessary to ensure the cultivation of sufficient food crops before reclaiming medicinal fields and planting medicinal materials.

   Wu Wuji and Lin Tianjian and other Great Xiahou kings have received a lot of benefits due to the promotion of the national fortune, so Jiang Li is also waiting in silence while practicing in retreat.

   After half a day.

   Boom! boom!

First of all.

   Hong Tianqi, Xu Ya, Pang Kui, Wu Zong, Ma Heng, Feng Chenzi, Wu Changding, Luo Tianshui, Luo Yilin, etc., a total of twenty-six Great Xiahou kings.

   Their cultivation base broke through successively.

   all reached the seventh step.

Roar! Roar!

   The dragon chant resounded across the sky.

   "The minister waits to see your majesty."

   Hong Tianqi and other twenty-six kings bowed their heads, bowed to their knees and saluted, and then shouted in unison: "Thank your majesty for the gift, the ministers are grateful."


   Jiangli waved, "Wait by the side."



   Hong Tianqi and they responded.

  Night is coming.


   Jiaolong’s roar resounded across the sky.

   Yue Fengji, Yuelin, Yue Dingdong, Mobei, Duan Qilin, Jing Yueke six marquis, their cultivation base breakthrough, reached the eighth level.

   half an hour later.

   is stable.

   They all opened their eyes, and their momentum was reduced.

   "The minister waits to thank your majesty!"

   Yue Fengji They knelt on their knees, bowing and saluting.


   Jiangli nodded, "You are also waiting by the side."


   Yue Fengji and they responded.

   in the middle of the night.

   It was about the early hours of the morning.

  Lotus’ true cultivation base breakthrough, from the middle stage of the eighth stage to the late stage of the eighth stage, only one step can reach the eighth stage of consummation, and the strength has improved a lot.

   It didn’t take long.

   Lin Tianjian also broke through.

  His cultivation base reached half-step 9th, and he completed the three-flower gathering. He was only half a step away from igniting the "heart fire", but he still failed to break through.

At last.

the next morning.

   hum! Hum!

Roar! !

   Wu Wuji's five-clawed blue water dragon rose into the sky, and the huge water dragon's body increased from 10,000 meters to 20,000 meters, which directly doubled.

   The flame burns.

   Wu Wuji's heart.

   ignited a purple flame in the shape of a nine-pin lotus.

   momentum climbed one after another.

   successfully broke through to the beginning of the ninth stage.

   Come like this.

   Wu Wuji became the second place after Jiang Li to break through to Tier 9.

after an hour.

   Wu Wuji stabilized his cultivation.

   "Your Majesty!"

  Wu Wuji woke up, he bowed to Jiang Li, his tone and attitude were extremely respectful.

   "Not bad."

   Jiangli looked at Wu Wuji and nodded in satisfaction.

   "Thank your majesty for the gift."

   Wu Jidao.


   Jiangli took a deep breath, and the majesty of the emperor's personality spread, and in line with the real dragon's national destiny, Longwei, enveloped the entire Great Xia Imperial Capital.


   Around the dragon platform.

   The ministers squatted on the ground, in awe.

   "The Great Xia Dynasty was successfully promoted to the Great Xia Dynasty and the reunification of St. Anzhou was completed. Our human race also paid a huge price for this."

   Jiangli said in a low tone, and said slowly: "Qin Qipu, Qiu Wanlian and other emperors have fallen, and they even sacrificed the lives of nearly one trillion human warriors."


   "Under the leadership of the Great Xia Dynasty, it integrated all the strengths of the human race, and finally fought against the monsters and the barbarians, and completely destroyed the army of the monsters and the barbarians, successively the barbaric emperor Ti Long and the demon emperor Wutian."

   "The Protoss, Demons, and Ghosts descended one after another, and the supreme existence beyond imagination and dimension appeared.


   "We have overcome many difficulties and passed through one difficulty after another."

   "Won the final victory."



   "Thinking about it carefully, it's so thrilling."


   Everyone hushed.

"of course."

   Jiangli continued: "We can win the final victory in the decisive battle of the dynasty. You and others have all contributed, and the Terran Chamber is even more credited."

   "Xia Di praised."

  Red Lord responded.

   "If the human race can win, it is Xia Di you who turned the tide."

   Brown old also said.

"Yeah yeah."

   Xia Miao, He Qingshu and other Chamber Lords also nodded.

   "Red Lord, brown old."

   Jiangli shouted.

   "The minister is here."

   Chi Zhu and Old Brown were agitated, and immediately took a step forward and knelt on both knees.


   Jiangli waved his right hand.


   The Great Xia Fenghou Ling separated, the cyan brilliance shone, spread out, and gradually condensed, forming a huge shrinking map.

   take a closer look.

   is the map of the entire San Anzhou.

   The entire San Jiang Li ordered Hong Tianqi and Xu Ya to make careful calculations. A total of ninety-nine fiefs were divided evenly, completely breaking up the territory of the previous dynasty.


   There were a total of thirty-two kings in the Great Xia Dynasty.

   According to the divided Hou Wang fief.

   Jiangli can also entrust sixty-seven kings.

of course.

   Because of the population, most of the fiefs are desolate, and it is temporarily impossible to move the population over, so they can only be left.

   When the population increases in the future, the remaining 67 kings can be entrusted one after another.


   Jiangli said: "According to the original agreement, the Human Race Chamber assisted the Emperor in destroying the Monster Race and the Barbarian Race, uniting Sheng'an Zhou, and establishing the Godless Dynasty."

  "The emperor agreed that the ‘Human Chamber’ was settled in ‘San Anzhou’.”

   "Today, in the name of the emperor of the Great Xia Dynasty, I formally agreed that the'Human Martial Dao Fairy Court-Sheng'anzhou Chamber' will be stationed in'Sheng'anzhou' and the Great Xia Dynasty.

   "Thank you, Your Majesty!"


   Chi Zhu and Fu Lao looked at each other, excited expressions appeared on their faces, and they bowed their heads in salute.

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