The Legendary Mech Army

Chapter 679: Prince

   Jiangli calmed his mind, and no longer thought about Xian Ting, because things had not been completed after the promotion of the Great Xia Emperor.

   I'd better do the things in front of me first.


   Jiangli waved his right hand.

   The dragon-level Great Xia Fenghou Ling exudes a dazzling brilliance, and the cyan national movement is surging, forming a cyan sun, shining on everyone in the imperial capital.

   "Wu Wuji."

   Jiangli shouted.

   "The minister is here."

   Wu Wuji kowtow to Jiang Li.


   Jiangli nodded in satisfaction, looked at Wu Wuji condescendingly, and said, "Today, in the name of the Emperor of Great Xia, I named'Wu Wuji' the'Prince of Great Xia'."

   "Your Majesty, thank you!"

   Wu Wuji looked overjoyed, once again bowed his head to Jiang Li, and worshiped three times.

   hum! Hum!


   The light flickered.



  The dragons chanted.

   The big Xia Qinglong appeared, and the huge dragon body of one hundred thousand meters long formed a huge shadow, covering everyone around the dragon platform.

   National Fortune Longwei released.

   Everyone looked in awe.

   After Jiang Li's will was issued, the "Great Xia Fenghou Order" had the induction, and the vast light fell down, covering Wu Wuji.

  The brilliance gradually condenses.

   formed a cyan ‘Jade Seal’ carved like a gemstone. Upon closer inspection, the ‘Jade Seal’ was engraved with a five-clawed green dragon, surrounded by the shadow of a five-clawed green dragon.


   Great Xia Qinglong roared out a blue dragon breath, which was formed by the gathering of the emperor's national fortune, and it poured into Wu Wuji's body like a divine initiation.

   Boom! boom!


   Wu Ji's exercises are operating, and the cultivation base that has just broken through is completely stabilized. The original 20,000-meter-long Great Xia Qingjiao manifested, and it grew to 30,000 meters.

   The five-clawed green dragon uttered a dragon chant, and bowed to the big summer green dragon.


  Wu Wuji revolves the Azure King Jue. With a wave of his right hand, the ‘Green Dragon Prince Yuxi’ turned into a cyan streamer and flew into Wu Wuji’s hand, floating above the palm of his hand.

   "The minister thanked your majesty."

   Wu Wuji once again bowed his bow and saluted, "Thank you for the gift."


   Jiangli nodded in satisfaction.


   The position of ‘Prince’ is higher than that of ‘Prince King’, and only the ‘Emperor’ can truly grant the position of ‘Prince’, and after granting it, the prince will be able to obtain the sacred device of the nation, the ‘Prince Jade Seal’.


   is stronger than King Hou in terms of status and enjoys more support for national movement.

   The princes of the dynasty that Jiangli met before were only in the name of the prince, and without the fact of the prince, he was not a real prince at all.

   Because the dynasty is not qualified to be named "Prince".


   Jiangli successively named the eight princes of Yuefengji, Yuelin, Yuedingdong, Mobei, Duan Qilin, Jing Yueke, Lianzhen, and Lin Tianjian, whose cultivation bases reached the eighth level.

Roar! Roar!

   Jiaolong Yin bursts.

   Yue Feng Ji They all bowed and saluted Jiang Li, and they were naturally grateful. With the promotion of the Great Xia Dynasty to the Great Xia Dynasty, they also made it to the sky.

   Their five-clawed green waterbirds have grown from 10,000 meters to 20,000 meters, and they have enjoyed stronger protection of the emperor's national destiny. In addition, they have also received the national destiny sacred "Prince Yuxi".

among them.

   Except Wu Wuji.

   Lin Tianjian has the greatest gain.

  Because Lin Tianjian's original cultivation base was promoted in the imperial dynasty, he had reached the half-step ninth step when the national destiny gave feedback.

   Lin Tianjian became the third after Wu Wuji and entered the early stage of the ninth stage.

   There is more.

  Lian's real gain is not small, and his cultivation base has made a breakthrough, and the three flowers have officially gathered to the top, reaching the level of the eighth level of consummation, and the strength is naturally improved.


   Their cultivation bases have just broken through, and they need time to stabilize.

   Other people's gains are just so-so, no breakthrough in cultivation.

At last.

   Although Hong Tianqi and Xu Ya's cultivation level did not reach the eighth stage, or even the initial stage of the seventh stage, Jiang Li still named them ‘princes’.

after all.

   Hong Tianqi and Xu Ya are the first "old people" to follow Jiang Li, and Hong Tianqi and Xu Ya have been loyal to Jiang Li from the beginning.

   "The old minister thanks your majesty for the gift."

   Hong Tianqi was extremely excited, and then shouted loudly: "The old minister is willing to go up and down the fire for your majesty."


   Jiangli just nodded without saying much.

   "Prince Hong, you are not an ‘veteran’, you really want to say that you are young. We live hundreds of times as long as you."

   Lin Tianjian smiled.

   "It's the extreme, the extreme."

   Mobei they also nodded with a smile.

   "Thank you, Your Majesty."

   After Xu Ya saluted, he didn't say much else.

brush! brush! brush!


   Jiangli waved his right hand.

   took out the small iron boxes and opened them to see that they were neatly arranged, one by one small syringes, and the syringes contained liquids of different colors.

   is exactly ‘Gene Enhancing Liquid’.

  All princes.

   Jiangli rewarded each of them with a complete set of ‘Gene Enhancing Liquid’, from Tier 1 to Tier 6.

  All the kings rewarded the gene enhancement liquid of rank one to five.

  In addition.

   Daxia ministers and generals.

   The rewards are all grade 1 to 4 gene enhancement liquid.

   As for.

  Lingshi, exercises, pill, and other rewards, Jiang Li doesn't have to worry about it, and will be handled by Xu Ya and others. After all, Xu Ya and others are in control of the financial power of the Great Xia Dynasty.

   "The minister waits to thank your majesty."

   The ministers bowed and saluted again, and they became more respectful.

in this way.

   The promotion ceremony of the Great Xia Dynasty has come to a successful conclusion. Jiang Li has gained a lot. Not only has his own cultivation level made a great breakthrough, but many of his subordinates have also greatly increased.

It can be said.

   After this promotion.

   The high-end combat power of the Great Xia Dynasty has greatly improved.

  In addition.

   Because of Tu Qianqiu's appearance, Jiang Li learned a lot of information that he couldn't access before, and even got a ninth-order complete ‘thunder dragon’, and a ‘thunder dragon’ from the plane of magic.

at dusk.

   All the officials gathered in the imperial court have dispersed, and all the kings have left and went to their respective fiefs. They need them to sit in the fiefs.

   Except for some imperial capital officials.

   Other officials all went to various places in the Great Xia Dynasty, performing their duties.

   "Your Majesty Xia."

   Red Lord and Elder Hu saluted Jiang Li, in a very respectful tone, and said: "Xianting projection has come, and the projection has condensed to form the "Xiandian"."

   "We need to sit in the fairy hall, and at the same time, in order to understand the situation in the fairy hall, we will leave first."


   Jiangli nodded.

brush! brush!

   Red Lord and Elder Hu left, and also took away the original ten Chamber Lords, as well as many chamber members, and entered the fairy hall.


   Jiangli watched them leave. He didn't plan to go to the Immortal Palace for the time being, so he let Scarlet Lord and the others explore the way first, and Jiang Li still had a lot of things to deal with.

of course.

   A decision has already been made in Jiang Zhongli.

When the situation of the Great Xia Dynasty is completely stabilized, Jiang Li will prepare to go to the'plane universe' opened up by the Six Nations Xian Ting three years ago. As for the'lower' and'inferior' and'spaces' that Tu Qianqiu said Jiang Li planned to put it aside for the time being in the'medium' world.

  Night is coming.

   01 Interstellar Base.

   Jiangli stood on the clearing ground, behind him was the Interstellar Domination Hub room, Qianlong stood beside Jiang Li, his whole body exuding a faint purple light.


   waved his right hand.

   The gift that I received from Tu Qianqiu, that is, the transparent ‘glass ball’, flew out, and instantly magnified many times in the air.

   became a giant sphere with a diameter of 100 meters.


   is a giant dragon with a body length close to 100 meters, with thunder and lightning entwined all over its body, shaking its wings, as if the **** of thunder had descended.

   roared again and again, but the sound could not be heard, completely isolated.



  Jiang moved his centrifugal thoughts, and the mark of ‘Emperor’s Personality’ appeared on the center of his eyebrows. The mark of the five-clawed blue dragon was vivid and exuding a terrifying coercion.


   Gongfa works.

   Jiangli condensed a ‘core slave charm’, which fell on the palm of Jiang Li’s right hand. It was in the form of a five-clawed dragon, which was lifelike.


   When Jiang Li became a human emperor and possessed the status of emperor, and the Great Xia Dynasty was promoted to the Great Xia Dynasty, there were no restrictions on the'slave charm'.

   That is to say.

  Whether it is the'ordinary slave charm' or the'core slave charm', as long as Jiang Li is willing to consume a certain amount of imperial state, it can be condensed, and there is no limit to the number.

"go with!"

   waved his right hand.

   Jiangli then squeezed out the Dao Dao Yin tactics. With the tactics that Tu Qianqiu gave to Jiang Li, Jiang Li completely controlled the sphere that looked like a transparent glass bead.

   This sphere, which is like a transparent glass ball, is the ‘Beast Pet Ball’ from the ‘Beast Pet World’, capable of conquering powerful creatures and becoming a ‘Beast Pet’.


   This "petted beast ball" is still an improved version.

   That is to say.

   Jiangli can control this thunder dragon with the help of this ‘petting beast ball’, but to be on the safe side, it’s also the first time Jiang Li has met Tu Qianqiu.

   is the so-called defensive heart is indispensable.

and so.

   Jiangli is going to add another insurance, which is the ‘core slave charm’.

   hum! ! !

The    amulet is like a cyan streamer that escapes into the pet beast ball, like a five-clawed blue dragon, escapes from the center of the thunder dragon's eyebrows into the body.

   In the end,, with the help of the pet beast ball, successfully rubbed into the depths of the thunder dragon's soul, and it was indelible.

"it is good."

   Jiangli looked happy.

"Come out."


  Jiang made a centrifugal thought and manipulated the pet beast ball. The pet beast ball split into two halves. The thunder dragon uttered an earth-shaking dragon roar, and countless thunders shone.

   The huge dragon body that is one hundred meters long rises in the wind.

   in an instant.

   was magnified a hundred times, reaching 10,000 meters, and even getting bigger. With the power of the Thunder Dragon, it was estimated that it would not be a problem to become the size of a planet.


   Jiangli frowned and immediately shouted.


   The Thunder Dragon trembled, and immediately reacted. With the restrained power, the Thunder disappeared, and he was as cleverly as a puppy, and immediately changed back to the original state. He didn't dare to continue to be presumptuous.

   Purple light shines.

   The Thunder Dragon changed into a human form. His appearance was a burly, muscular boy with purple hair and purple eyes, wearing a purple robe and windbreaker.

"the host."

   A young boy transformed from a thunder dragon knelt on his knees.

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