The Legendary Mech Army

Chapter 685: trial

   Jiangli had just arrived on the earth, he heard the explosion and roar of cheat books coming from the surrounding area before he knew exactly where he was.

at this time.

   The hot sun shines in the sky, and the temperature is extremely high.

   It is noon here.

   Jiangli looked around.

Da da da……

   is straight ahead.

   There are two ‘troops’ fighting head-on, and it can be seen that they are fighting each other in two positions. The slightly backward mortars and other artillery weapons are blasting.

   Each muzzle spewed out tongues of fire, forming a rain of bullets.

   "All black people."

   Jiangli frowned and saw clearly the origins and races of both sides. If nothing else, it should be two black troops fighting each other.

   That is to say.

   This is "Industry".

   As for the reason for these two black troops fighting.

   Jiangli is not clear.

   One of the troops on the left is wearing a standard uniform, the other is slightly messy, but the firepower is not weak at all.

   At this time.

   Among the two forces, several blacks found Jiang Li and them. Jiang Li appeared very suddenly, and they were very close to their battlefield, less than ten meters apart.

   "Unidentified personnel were found near the battlefield."

   "Yellow race!"



   "No matter who they are, suddenly approach the battlefield and kill them!"


   did not hesitate for too long.

   The troops on both sides had already gotten red eyes, and Jiang Li's appearance was too sudden, which stirred their sensitive nerves.


   The gun was aimed at Jiang Li and them, and they fired quickly.

   Firepower coverage.

Da da da……

  The bullets shot out like a series of firelights, forming a rain of bullets, and they became a piece, covering Jiangli and them, and the air emitted a burning smell of gunpowder.



   Wick quickly took a step forward, and yelled: "A thing like an ant, dare to attack a great master, it is really a crime."

   Click! Click!

Thunder and lightning.

Lightning formed in front of    Wick, which turned into a net of heaven and earth, blocking all the bullets, and the terrifying thunder and lightning extinguished the bullets to ashes.


   "The bullet...the bullet turned into ashes."


   "He...they are superpowers."

   Everyone was horrified.

Roar! ! !

   Dragon chants sounded.

   Wick roared, his head turned into a huge dragon head, purple dragon head, extremely ferocious, just like a messenger from hell.

   "Thunder breath!"


   Wick roared a breath of dragon, surrounded by lightning, thunder overflowing, and blasted into the battlefield, under the horrified eyes of the two troops.

   bang bang bang! ! !

   The thunder's breath runs through everything and destroys everything.

   The explosion sounded one after another.

   the entire battlefield.

   became a huge scorched pit, with wisps of black smoke rising, everything was wiped out, and the two troops were wiped out.


   The thunder subsided slowly, and Wick's dragon head changed back to its original shape.

"the host."

   Wick lowered his head, "Please forgive the slave servants for taking their own initiative and killing these offending ants."

   "Kill it, kill it."

   Jiangli waved his hand, glanced at the middle-aged elf held by SSTS01, and said faintly: "First find a quiet place, and interrogate well."


brush! brush!

   The figure flickered.

   Jiangli left them here.

   half an hour later.


   There was the roar of tanks, and a fighter plane flew from a distance, hovering in the air, taking pictures of the surrounding scenes.

   "It's those'super powers' again."

   "It's a terrible force, it razed the entire battlefield to the ground, and it left such a huge pit, directly reaching the level of 10,000 meters."

"too strong."

   "In the face of such a horrible existence, can we really have a chance of winning?"


   Everyone was filled with doubts and fears.

the other side.

   Jiangli did not enter the city. Instead, he came to a dense forest and found an empty place. SSTS01 dropped the middle-aged elf man, Randy Sinkel, to the ground.

   "You...who are you?"

   There was fear on Randy's face.

To know.

   He had seen with his own eyes that the ‘causal life and death arrow’ was smashed by one of these people. That was Marshal Yavin’s unique trick.

   was so easily resolved.

   "Now, if I ask you one sentence, you will answer one sentence."

   Jiangli looked at Randy indifferently.

   "You...what do you want to ask?"

   Randy couldn't calm down.

"your name."

   Jiangli asked.

   "Randy Schinkel."

   Randy replied.

   "In the entire solar system, besides the'Starfall Emperor Dynasty', what other dynasties are there?"

   Jiangli asked again.

"This this……"

   Randy didn't want to answer.


   Jiangli pointed out with indifferent eyes.



   Randy screamed, Jiang Li's finger light penetrated Randy's thigh, and green blood splashed out and fell on the surroundings, causing the surrounding plants to grow wildly.

   just in an instant.

   Ordinary weeds have grown to a full ten meters.

   "Answer my question well, and it will give you a happy way to die. Otherwise, I will let you endure endless pain and die in despair and wailing."

   The river leaves the road.

"you you……"

   Randy was shaking all over and his face was pale.


   Jiangli said coldly.

"In addition to...In addition to the Starfall Emperor Dynasty, there are also the Barbarians' Emperor Qiwu Dynasty, the Silver Moon Emperor Dynasty of the Human Race, and the Emperor Qiwu Emperor Dynasty occupied Venus, preparing to transform Venus into a'barracks base', and the Silver Moon Dynasty would occupy "Pluto"."

   Randy quickly returned: "The Silver Moon Emperor Dynasty has begun to expand beyond the solar system."

   "What about the gods, demons, and ghosts?"

   Jiangli asked.


   Randy said: "The whereabouts of the three tribes of gods and demons have always been elusive. We Xingluo Emperor did not find them at all, so I don't know."

   "How many troops does the Starfall Emperor have stationed on Mars?"

   Jiangli asked in a deep voice.

   "No... I don't know."

   Randy gritted his teeth.


   Jiangli pointed out, Randy's left five fingers were crushed into mashed flesh, but Randy gritted his teeth, unwilling to say more.

   "Wick, leave it to you."

   Jiangli waved his hand.


   Wick nodded and walked towards Randy.

   "Ah ah ah!!!"


   Randy's screams resounded through the forest.

   Jiangli turned his back, with his hands on his back, looking up at the sky. Because it was daytime, I couldn't see the stars in the sky, only the blue sky, white clouds, and the hot sun.

   Scream at Randy.

   Jiangli seems to be unknown.

   half an hour later.

"the host."

   Wick came, his face was stained with green blood, "The subordinates have exhausted all means and failed to let Randy confide in the slightest information about the Xingluo Emperor."


   "I have said a lot about Yinyue Emperor Dynasty and Emperor Qiwu Dynasty."


   Jiangli turned around and glanced behind Wick. The trees and weeds were many times larger, and the giant trees reached a height of one thousand meters.

   Among the weeds.

   can vaguely see the **** corpse.


   Wick reported to Jiang Li in detail the specific information he interrogated.

   "Master, Emperor Qiwu has occupied Venus for three years, and has almost completed the transformation of Venus. Qiwu has sent a total of three legions."

   Wick said: "Respectively: Giant Legion, Blood Legion, Third Barbarian Legion."

   "The three marshals are all powerhouses of the ninth rank, and the specific cultivation base is unknown."

   "In addition."

  ‘There is also a prince from the Qiwu Dynasty as the general marshal. The opponent is extremely powerful. Randy doesn’t know the specific information of the opponent, but only knows that there is such a prince. "


   Jiangli nodded, "Where is the Yinyue Emperor?"

"the host."

Wick replied: "The Silver Moon Dynasty is already an eighth-tier imperial dynasty, and its national power is far stronger than that of the Qiwu Dynasty and the Xingluo Dynasty, except that the Silver Moon Dynasty has not found'resources' in the solar system. A planet of life, so Silver Moon Emperor Dynasty is ready to explore the entire galaxy."

   "In this way, on the bright side, there are only two enemies in the solar system, namely the ‘Starfall Emperor Dynasty’ and the ‘Emperor Qi Witch’ Dynasty. Of course, the three tribes of gods and ghosts whose movements are erratic cannot be ignored."

  Jiang contemplation in the centrifugal, "In addition, beware of the Yinyue Emperor."


Jiang Li was silent for a while, and murmured: "It is reasonable to say that after being promoted to the emperor, you will be able to master the power of the'space domain'. Why did the Great Xia Dynasty be promoted to the Great Xia Dynasty, but I did not get the same' 'Relevant capabilities in the space field?'


   The military camp of the Emperor Dynasty.

   Right in the center.

   built a huge palace, with a height of one hundred meters, numerous stars dotted, forming a beautiful star map, many soldiers from the Starfall Emperor patrolling around.

  In the palace.

   The magnificent hall.

In front of.

   The "Prince Fox" of the Starfall Emperor was in the highest position, and the three marshals of Fox Yehuo, Yawen, and Lanti were seated in the second stage below, followed by six deputy marshals and numerous generals.

   The high ranks of the Legion gather.

   "My prince."

  Fox Yehuo first spoke: "Not long ago, several powerful men of Tier 9 suddenly came to our rule and killed seven patrol soldiers of Tier 7."

   "Marshal Yawen had fought with the opponent, and even used the'causal life and death arrow', but failed to hurt the opponent the slightest. The opponent is powerful and has a mysterious origin."

   "Subordinates guess that other dynasties may have come to the solar system."


  Prince Fox’s sight fell on'Yavin Kellanmir', "Can't your'causal life and death arrows' hurt the opponent?"

   "Yes, my honorable prince."

   Yawen saluted, Miao Man's figure showed a very beautiful arc.


Prince Fox pondered for a while, "Being able to have this level of strength is definitely the top powerhouse in Tier Nine, and he is still a number, but he did not send an Lord Prince. After the opponent arrived, he directly faced the earth. Going forward."

  Fox Yehuo said again: "The subordinates feel that the other party may know some secret information, otherwise, they will not arrive here and go to the earth with such a clear goal."

"what do y'all think?"

  The prince fox looked at the marshals and generals.

   "Everything is determined by the prince, and all ministers and others follow the orders of the prince."

   In the hall.

   The marshals and generals said in unison.

"it is good."

   The prince fox stood up and said in a deep voice: "No matter who the opponent is and what is its origin, if you dare to kill your prince’s soldiers within the scope of the prince’s command, you will be blamed.

   "Fox Yehuo, Yawen, Lanti."

   The prince fox shouted loudly: "Er and others led half of the soldiers in their respective armies to form the'Vengeance Legion' and go to'Earth' to punish the enemy. If you have the opportunity, you can also capture them alive."

   "This prince sits on Mars, so as not to pray for the emperor to come."

   "The minister obeys!"


   "Subordinates take orders!"

   Fox Yehuo, Yawen, and Lanti responded in unison.

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