The Legendary Mechanic

Chapter 1072: Milestone [Void Conqueror]

The void dimension is a chaotic and fascinating world. The hue is dominated by gray and blue, and the space is filled with thick and viscous void energy.

Suddenly, the two were thrown into the blender, and the void energy around them formed a whirlpool, while Han Xiao and Amers were at the center of the whirlpool.

Han Xiao raised vigilance and made a fighting stance, and in the next moment, a spiritual wave suddenly spread out, sweeping through the bodies of the two, and a solemn voice was heard in his mind.

"Where did the different dimension creatures dare to invade my site?!"

As the voice fell, a strong breath of the stock emerged out of the air of the two, and the light shone in all directions, and numerous figures appeared out of thin air, surrounded by two.

The appearance of these creatures is strange, but all with the characteristics of the Void species, while wearing a special armor.

Han Xiao glanced at it and suddenly felt a bit cordial.

These strange creatures are not strangers.

Acting as a scouting sneak stalker and chaotic observer, a vain hunter, a void steeder, a vain rambler, a sturdy vain disciple, a vain executioner, a blade of Margomodo, acting as a whisperer of a long-range force , Void Witch, Chaos Ao Neng... These are all race options that he encountered when he advanced.

In the center of the Legion is a giant beast army, there are ten large-scale Martila virtual beasts, covered with armor, carrying countless empty creatures, including three young dragons of the young body, three powerful The Void creature rides.

For the first time is a void lord, about a few hundred meters tall, the body seems to be a materialized blue-violet energy, wearing a black lacquered giant heavy armor, one hand holding the reins of the hollow dragon, a huge hand The mysterious black long knife, full of momentum... The void lord can change the body shape, at this time the dimension is holding the humanoid form.

This is a virtual air force group!

"It seems that we accidentally broke into a virtual lord's territory."

Seeing the visitor, Emerson brows slightly.

She is the old driver of the secondary dimension, and it is not the first time she has encountered such a scene.

The void dimension is a secondary dimension formed by nature. The area is extremely wide. The dimensional attributes that are different from the main universe breed a myriad of void species. In addition to natural growth, they can also enhance themselves by engulfing each other, thus forming a weak meat smash. The endless situation, one by one, the high-altitude virtual creatures divide the site, form a legion, and fight each other.

The vain lord is one of the top emptiness creatures. Every emptiness lord has a strong army. The goal of the war is to devour other emptiness monarchs or lords, not only to fight warfare, but also to build, using the unique dimensions of the void dimension. Nature, developed a special technique applied to the void dimension.

The Void creatures not only kill each other, but also hostile to foreign creatures. On the one hand, there are occasional intruders killing them to collect materials, on the other hand, they can use the empty blood to corrode foreigners to supplement the source of the soldiers, so they generally encounter different dimensions of visitors, and the Nether creatures do not. Will be soft.

"They regard us as prey."

Numerous unscrupulous malices shrouded the two men. Han Xiao blinked and suddenly released a super-a-level energy fluctuation, which suddenly swept through.

boom! !

The tyrannical gas field broke out, and the emptiness of the surrounding turmoil was a stagnation.

The head of the emptiness of the lord has a long knives, releasing a horrifying mental message:

"Super a-class creature in the main universe?!"

The super-a-level reputation is also resounding in the secondary dimension world.

Han Xiao self-reported the door: "I am a red empire ally, the leader of the Black Star Army, nicknamed the black star."

"Black Star? I have never heard of this name."

The information exchange between the main universe and the void dimension is limited. Most of the void creatures don't care about the news of the main universe. However, the name of the red empire, this vain lord still knows. The prestige of the three civilizations spreads across the secondary dimension world, the void dimension. Higher life has considerable wisdom, even if it is a void lord, it is not willing to provoke three major civilizations.

"External, I am the empty lord Kirkmund, and immediately leave my site." He pointed a knife and said the meaning of the expulsion.

The super a-level creatures from the main universe are not easy to provoke. Although the void dimension has successfully killed some invading super-a grades, it was the most powerful virtual air force valve at that time. The casualties were equally heavy, and they were all followed by Other emptiness lords defeated the eclipse, and Kirkmund was only a medium-level warlord, and he did not want to conflict with the super-a level of the main universe.

Seeing it, Ames did not want to make extra-budgets and patted Han Xiao’s waist: "Let's go, don't entangle with them."

Han Xiao glanced at Moyang, who was surrounded by the empty army, and suddenly gave birth to an idea, switching to a void form, and the whole person’s breath suddenly changed.

Upon seeing it, Kirkmund was shocked.

"You are also a void?!"

"Oh, I am not a heterogeneous creature, but your kind."

After Han Xiao entered the super a level, he has become an exclusive race, but the blood of the void has not disappeared, but it is integrated with it.

According to the degree of evolution, Han Xiao’s current virtual creatures are very high, and they have reached the level of the emptiness of the gods, and the level is equivalent to the emptiness of the lord.

Kirkmond's attitude changed in time, both taboo and greed, as well as pleasing.

If you encounter a general super a level, even if you kill the other party, it will not be good for him. If it is a void creature, he can devour the blood of the other party and evolve again.

However, this also means that the difficulty of killing is greatly increased. The void dimension is the home of the void creature. The higher the niche creature, the higher the degree of control of the void energy. He is here to get the water, and he can suppress the opponent with the endless void energy. Now that the other party is also a void life, the advantages of the environment no longer exist.

The power system of the void dimension is different from the main universe. The void creatures have various talents. They develop their powerful capabilities by continually evolving and stimulating their own species. They belong to types that cannot be copied by other species. Therefore, it can not be said that the superpower can only be regarded as a powerful special creature, and is not included in the five superpower systems.

However, the void creature can actively learn the superpower system of the main universe, and the representative figures are well known...

"Do you know Kesuye?" Kirkmond couldn't help but ask.

"I am familiar with him." Han Xiao nodded.

It is said that Kirkmund’s spirit has been alive.

Ksuye is a super celebrity in the void dimension. He is recognized as the most powerful virtual creature. He has created a lot of amazing achievements here, and has conquered a large number of Void Lords, Nether Kings, and ruled the vast territory of the Void Dimension Center. No one can Confrontation, although he is generally active in the main universe, but the prestige in the void dimension is unparalleled.

Now, he has encountered a new super-a class of Nether creatures, and he also knows with Kesuye that Kirkmund immediately gave birth to a acquaintance, after all, he could not reach Kesuye.

"Black Star, go to me to be a guest." Kirkmund directly issued an invitation, not so much in the void dimension, talking straight and straight.

"Well, just go and see." Han Xiao also has the same meaning. Since he has encountered this empty lord, he just exchanged some information. Anyway, this trip has the goal of tourism. It is not afraid to delay this half-time.

Moreover, there is also a good thing in the void dimension. At the core of the Nether King of Austin, he has purified his blood. Although he is already a super-a level, there may be something that can strengthen the void talent and try his luck. .

When it comes to luck, Han Xiao can't help but think of the aura of the stars.

Although there is no Fuding, but Emerson's luck does not seem to be bad, you can be embarrassed.

"This is a road sign, come with me."

Kirkmond shook his fingers and shot a burst of empty energy, which contained coordinate information and sent it to Han Xiao.

The next moment, the surrounding Nether King flashed into the void dimension, but no creatures normally flew, all mastering the traditional craft of the void shuttle.

Upon seeing it, Ames shook his head. "You actually exposed the identity of the Nether creature. When I and Hella were in the secondary dimension, I dare not do this, or I will not come back."

"Yi Gao people are daring." Han Xiao hit a haha.

The secondary dimension is still dangerous for normal super a level, and the peak level is not too afraid.

The two followed the road sign and ran through the air, and soon came to the base camp of Kirkmund.

This is a magnificent giant city suspended in space. The whole body has a crystal texture. The base is translucent, and the inner core of the energy is visible. The surrounding area is surrounded by rich gray-blue void energy.

In the void dimension, natural materials are scarce goods. Generally, the crystals are extracted through special techniques to transform crystals. To create such a city, the cost is enormous.

The giant city is full of bases, not so much a city, more like a large barracks, the two came to the main hall of the city, Kirkmund greeted the two.

He narrowed his body and became the same size as Han Xiao. After sitting down, he couldn't wait to ask: "Black Star, where were you born?"

This is the way of the road, he thought that Han Xiao is a born and empty life, Han Xiao is not concealed, explaining that he is a void species that has changed afterwards, and has been active in the main universe.

The two of you talked about me and exchanged information with each other. Han Xiao introduced the situation of the main universe, and Kirkmond told the situation of the void dimension.

In the past life, the player's understanding of the secondary dimension was relatively limited. In the later period, the player was exposed to this situation, and many secondary dimensions did not record the habit of history. Han Xiao also lacked the information of the void dimension of the present era.

After some exchanges, Han Xiao has a general understanding of the current pattern of the void dimension, which can be referred to as a super-strong.

The Ksuye family is the only one who occupies the central area, but has no intention of unifying the void dimension, nor does it have this ability. The rest of the powerful vain lords are constantly popping up like mushrooms, killing each other according to the site. In addition to this, there are a lot of chaotic areas, just like wild forests, no order, constantly breeding new emptiness creatures, and hunting each other freely.

After a chat, Kirkmund finally asked Han Xiao’s intentions.

"There is no goal. I am only planning to travel in the secondary dimension world. The first stop is the void dimension. I happened to meet you." Han Xiao spread his hand.

Wen Ming, Kirkmond thought for a moment and said: "Since you have nothing to do, then do me a favor."

The void dimension does not pay attention to the guest, although it is the first time to meet, but Kirkmund is not welcome.

"What do you want me to do for you?" Han Xiao curious.

"I always wanted to kill Bagdola. He is also a vain lord. The site is glaring at me. I have played hundreds of wars with him. If you have your help, I can completely solve him, devour his core, receive. His army."

Han Xiao picked up his eyebrows: "What reward can you give me?"

"The core of the void life left on the battlefield, I divide you half, you want the special product of the void dimension, I will find it for you." Kirkmond waved a big hand, here is not paying attention to the negotiation skills, he directly gave the bottom line price code "And, you can get my friendship. If you need help in the main universe, you can open the void passage, and I will take my army to fight for you."

Wen Yan, Han Xiao eyes a move.

When he evolved into a [Voidal Extradition], he got a talent called [Void Channel], and the effect was to temporarily open the door to the void dimension.

He has rarely used this ability all the time, because the summoned creatures of the Nether creatures are not divided. If you reach an agreement with Kirkmund, you can use this ability to summon the virtual air force group that fights for yourself.

The same is true of Kesuye. He can use his talents to call out the virtual air force. His nickname "Void Lord" comes from this, but he rarely uses this ability now, because the body is too strong, most of them. In the circumstances, he did not have the need to summon the younger brother.

Although he is not a summoner, this talent can achieve the effect of summoning.

At this moment, Han Xiao’s panel popped up a prompt.

[You trigger the mission [Walk Employer's War Employment]! ]

[Task introduction: The emptiness of the Lord Kirkmond has taken a fancy to your strength, hoping to hire you to fight for him and eradicate the enemy]

[Task Requirements: Defeat the Legion of the Void Lord Bagdola]

[Reward: 120e experience, camp - Kirkmond goodness +3000, character card x1]

[Additional Reward: Start Milestone Mission - [Void Conqueror]]

[[Void Conqueror]: Milestones are completed, destroying 8 Void Lords (the same level of Nether creatures are available), and at least 4 Void Lords have a good sense of respect (3000 camps), and receive rewards upon completion]

[Milestone reward: If you have the ability of the void class, the basic effect will rise slightly, you get 500~2000 free attribute points, the legendary +1, the virtual creature has a good impression on you +20, divine metamorphosis points +1 (activated [Divine Metamorphosis] Expertise can be triggered)]

Han Xiao’s eyes are bright.

Hey, this reward can be ah, you can take a divine metamorphosis point, I thought that after the creation of the universe treasure, you have to wait until you can get new points.

Looking at this introduction, only the super a level that has reached the divine metamorphosis level will trigger this extra point reward. If other people accept this task, they can't see this information.

Han Xiao is in a good mood.

Not only the mission, but also a large number of void specialties promised by Kirkmund, this sale can be done, for Han Xiao, but it is to set off the old line and act as a war mercenary.

"Yes, I promise you." Han Xiao nodded and smiled. "But don't do it now, I still have some things to do, wait for me to come back and act."

He decided to accept the employment, but the focus of this trip is the Holy Light Particles. He intends to get it first. After he has finished the business, he will come back to help Kirkmund. This is not a matter of discussion. In his eyes, he has a clear distinction.

"No problem!" Kirkmond was overjoyed and immediately agreed.

Anyway, he has been playing for so many years, and he is not in a hurry.

On the other hand, Emerson was not interested in the topic of the two, listening to it, taking out the resurrection coin and playing it in her hand. She also got this gift from Hella.

At this moment, Kirkmond subconsciously glanced at her, suddenly a meal, his eyes fixed on the resurrection currency.

“Hmmm?” Emerson brows, picks up the five fingers and grabs the resurrection coin. “What are you looking at?”

"Hey, can you show me the things in your hand? I feel the familiar atmosphere." Kirkmund is not at all polite, with a confused tone.

Han Xiao’s heart moved and took out his resurrection coin and asked, “I have exactly the same thing. Is there a familiar atmosphere above?”

"Yes, but it's very weak. Can you show it to me? Let me check it out carefully." Kirkmond nodded.

Han Xiao thought about it and threw the resurrection coin to Kirkmund.

Kirkmond’s palm deformed and turned into energy to wrap the resurrection coin. He perceived it for a while and was uncertain: “I seem to have experienced similar energy in a secondary dimension...”

Han Xiao’s face changed.

The Resurrection Coin solidifies the effect of [Death Resist Resuscitation]. According to his inference, this is a new ability developed by Hella, with her delicate power of manipulation, combining the energy of Aurora with the power of her own dead. New energy formed together.

Hella once said that when she established a life-free connection with Aurora, the difficulties she encountered came from a special secondary dimension, which sucked away most of the energy transmitted between the two. Hella originally intended A field trip, but this time I did not come over.

So, this is my coincidence that I met Haila’s goal?

Han Xiao couldn't help but turned to look at Ames.

It feels good to touch you compared to touching it.

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