The Legendary Mechanic

Chapter 1084: Association influence and light host

"Is it heard? Hundreds of super a-levels have jointly established a new organization in the world of shining..."

In the sergeant's bar of a military closed base of the empire, there was no warm atmosphere in the past. Some people had a glass of wine hanging over their mouths, forgot to drink, some people covered their hands with the cups, their fingers subconsciously rubbed the cups, and some people glared at the thick cigarettes. The smoke is lingering and let it burn.

Everyone has different postures. The only thing in common is that everyone's heads are twisted in the same direction, and their eyes are gathered on the virtual screen on the bar wall. At this moment, there is a political talk show on the top.

In the picture is a studio, a host is guiding several guests to talk about, the issues being discussed are related to the recent big news.

In the quiet bar, only the guests of the show are excited to speak.

"I know that Shining World Super A-level Development Association, just recently established, they invited a large number of interstellar media, released a draft, and now the whole universe spread."

"Almost all of the universe's super-a high-profile join, hey, these big guys are really unwilling to be lonely."

Moderator: "The information shows that the purpose of this organization is to mediate more and more frequent super-a-level armed conflicts. On the day of its establishment, they held a plenary meeting and publicly conducted more than a dozen mediations under the watch of the interstellar media. In the way of peaceful negotiations, the contradictions between dozens of super-a levels have been resolved. The facts prove to be very effective. These people have stopped the dispute. The recent frequent super-a-level conflicts have been effectively curbed. Someone is unlucky to be involved in the conflict."

“It seems that this organization is still very useful.” A guest who served as a consortium executive complained: “The destructive power of the super-a level is too great, and the dispute between them often brings huge public losses, not Which planet was blown up, that is, the onlookers were killed by the aftermath, and it is rare that there is an organization now that can manage this group of people."

"Yeah, yeah, I have a friend who lives in the broken star ring. He ran to watch the battle between the black star and the tyrants decades ago. Because he was too close, he died unfortunately and there was no compensation afterwards. "Someone spit out. "I don't know what people think about the crowd. Do they think it is a concert?"

"Is there a small number of ordinary people who accidentally killed the superpower? This is a social contradiction that has existed for a long time. According to research, the number of ordinary people who die directly or indirectly from the superpower every day is about 10 Seven times, you think about how terrible this data is. This is a big problem that is closely related to our lives."

A guest is indignant. He is a representative of an ordinary person and a superpower affirmative organization.

"So I think this organization is of extraordinary significance. Super a grade is worthy of the identity of their super-class, and has made a good example for the superpowers of the universe. It is very responsible." The host smiled and avoided this. The sharp topic, behind the screen shows the virtual avatars of Munison and Han Xiao, said: "The two main initiators are the armed state and the black star. They served as the president and vice president of the development federation. long."

"Hey, these two are big men in the big guys!"

A socialite woman made an exaggerated gesture: "Minison doesn't need to say it. He is a veteran super a class. Everyone is familiar. He sits in the position of the president. No one is surprised. Instead, he is a black star. He It’s a figure that has only risen in recent decades, and it has pressed down on other old qualifications and took the second spot.”

"Super a level is a bunch of strength-oriented guys. Not long ago, the black star was an enemy 12, playing a historical record. Qualification is not a factor limiting him." A star-loving Slim family danced.

"Speaking of it, Black Star proposed the idea of ​​a development federation. It seems that the fuse is the battle. Manison is only his partner."

"Is not right, I want to see it. In fact, there is a clue to the talks between the gods. They have premeditated. It is the black star in which they match, because they have the greatest contribution, and they have the position of the vice president. As for the purpose of these super a-levels, Who knows? Perhaps it is also the time to shine in the development of the world. I want to shuffle it together. Anyway, everyone is the same."

"I checked the information. Black Star was very active recently. He not only led the establishment of the Development Federation, but also became the new shareholder of the unlimited consortium. The Empire officially sold the evolutionary totem and put it on the agenda, and even he entered the entertainment industry. In the archives of the Film Association, the film adapted from the Black Stars has been officially established. The director is the well-known producer Benny Travor. Perhaps we will soon be able to witness the rise of the Black Star on the screen."

The host and the guests talked.


At this time, an Imperial officer replayed the wine glass and grinned. He dismissed: "What **** mediation, a group of super-a-level acting, really can be done, I believe they are a bunch of idiots."

The crowd in the bar suddenly laughed.

They were all discerning people and soldiers of the empire. They stood in the position of the empire and could not help but open their voices.

"This is an official association of super a level. It seems that they finally want to regain some rights from the three civilizations."

"I didn't expect the black star to be the main leader. Oh, it's true that outsiders can't believe it. I have worshipped him for a while before."

"Nothing strange, he is not an imperial person after all, there is no reason to ask for his absolute loyalty."

"The future of the three major civilizations is difficult, and there is another competitor that cannot be ignored by the forces."

Listening to the discussion of his peers, Gao De swayed the wine glass with amber liquor and stared silently at the virtual avatar of Han Xiao on the show. His eyes were meaningful.

"Your status is getting higher and higher..."

Because chaos secrets can be robbed, Gao De has always maintained a focus on Han Xiao, watching Han Xiao continue to acquire capital, and his position in the universe is getting higher and higher.

The Hella rescue battle some time ago also made him once again surprised at the growth rate of Han Xiao.

When Gao De's wrist stopped, the liquor continued to sway in the glass with inertia. He lowered his head and looked at the vortex in the cup, and the corner of his mouth caught the arc of play.

"Minneson had this idea before. Now I finally waited for the opportunity. It is a good excuse to develop the federation. When I become a super-a, 80% will join the meeting. I just didn't expect you to support this practice. What are you? Agree with the theory of the super a-level united front of Monizon, or say... you found out that?"


Black Star Palace, the head of the army.

“It seems that the first appearance of the Development Federation was very successful...”

After Han Xiao, he leaned back on the chair and put his legs on the table. He quickly watched the news of various media in the quantum network and showed satisfaction.

Not long ago, the Development Federation officially announced its establishment to the outside world, and as a vice president, it also appeared at the ceremony.

For the general public, there is no sign of the establishment of the Development Federation. Nearly one hundred super a-level trends are attracting attention. Therefore, once the news was released, it caused extensive discussions in all walks of life in the universe.

The most shocking thing is to shine in the world. The vast majority of the forces in the free competition zone were shocked by this unexpected incident.

There are many forces to explore the shining world, but in the view of these organizations, the real situation of the current free-competition zone is actually three-legged. The empire is alone, the glory and the virtual spirit are united, and the super-star alliance is the last side.

In contrast, other free-exploring forces are only economic issues, and they are all a group of stragglers, and these three parties are political confrontations, and they are the top-level giant disputes, just like the gap between corporate struggles and national struggles.

Although there are many super a-level forces, but each has its own affiliation, it can now hold a group. If it forms a consortium of interests, then there will be a huge behemoth. The situation may be changed from three to four.

However, this is only speculation from the outside world. No matter whether it is Manison or Han Xiao, it is not intended to carry out drastic actions. In the negotiation of the ultimate knowledge, the three major civilizations tried to let them deal with the Superstar League. Even if Han Xiaozhen wanted to take the opportunity to target the Modo civilization, he could only refuse to take care of the overall situation.

In planning, the biggest role of the Development Federation is to provide a communication platform. The first task is to gradually integrate the resources of each member through the platform, and try to form a super-a-level interest consortium. The network, the foundation of solid foundation, has the meaning of a united front, otherwise the development federation is just an empty shell.

"It takes a long time to do this, and the three civilizations will continue to obstruct, so before the completion, the development federation has no energy to do other things... even those super a grades have ideas, and they will not Showing it will only support such resource integration and achieve a win-win situation."

Han Xiao scratched his chin with his thumb and talked to himself.

The super a-level association has just been established. There is still a long way to go, whether it is from McNeason or its own ideas. This is a long-term career. The time unit is at least ten years based, and it is urgent not to come. Always on the mind.

It is worth mentioning that as the only different kind, Sorokin used the money and the network to open the way and squeezed into the board of directors of the peak of the super a level.

After Han Xiao learned about Sorokin’s attitude from the travellers, it was superficial and actually focused on this guy. Now that the situation has changed, it has become a dark enemy. Han Xiao, as a consortium shareholder, has not crowded out Sorokin, which will only alert the other party.

However, as the saying goes, the rehearsal of Ma Zhe’s family is getting rich, and nothing else, Sorokin’s money is quite a set.

"In this way, my goal is reached. When the super disaster occurs, I can intervene in a high position and even guide the main line of this version..." Han Xiao exhaled and relaxed his mind.

Super a grade is the ideological power of the individual, but it is the idol of countless superpowers. The super a-level group can guide the movement of the entire super-class class to a certain extent. This is also the influence of the super-energy disaster. important reason.

Putting this down for a while, Han Xiao opened the forum and looked at the players' views on the matter.

Unsurprisingly, the focus of the player's attention is not on the significance of the development of the federation, but on the number of super-a-levels, which are relished by these top npcs.

He even saw a post from a Chinese player, putting Liang Shanbo's painting style on the super-a-level association, and ranking each super-a-level member:

Ho Baoyi, Maison, Yulin, Black Star, Zhiduo Xing, Susie, Into Yunlong, Milizaus, Flower, and Sérion, Little Whirlwind, Sorojin, Nine Dragons...

Seeing that one of the acquaintances was seated in the right place, Han Xiao’s mouth was rising wildly.

When he saw the Hella nickname, he finally couldn’t help himself, and he laughed at the table.

"Mother-in-law Hella?! Hahahahaha"

"What are you laughing at?"

At this time, Aurora came in and saw Han Xiao’s unspeakable appearance, and he was shocked.

"Cough, nothing."

Han Xiao smiled and wiped his eyes and waved at Aurora. "Come on."

Aurora heard that she went to Han Xiao and she was suddenly summoned to the office.

Han Xiao suddenly raised his hand and grabbed Aurora's arm, pinched it and pinched it to her shoulder.

Aurora was a stiff body, standing in the same place without hiding, and curious and embarrassed.

"You...what are you doing?"

Han Xiao looked up and down, took back his hand, and said: "I am amazed by your bones, even if you are backed up."

"What, what?"


Wen Yan said that Han Xiao took out the containment device of the light particles and took it on the table. He smiled:

"I went to the secondary dimension this time and touched a new primitive power. I want to inject it into your body. What do you think?"

Han Xiao explained it again. After some consideration, he decided to find a host for the Light Particle.

He pays more attention to the new power system brought by the seeds of Light, and this will consume the essence of the source, so it is more useful to find a host that can use the life medicine to cure the kidney deficiency.

And Aurora, who has her own life ability, is the first choice. Let her be the host, basically eliminate the kidney deficiency.

If it does not match, Han Xiao will consider Evans, the host of the previous life.

"Original abilities?" Aurora's eyes widened and he looked at the golden energy in the containment device.

The Holy Light particles are not happy, and they send out unrelenting spiritual fluctuations: "Hey, this is the host you have found for me? She is too tender!"

"When it is tender, she is about ten years younger than me." Han Xiao secretly turned a blind eye.

"What! You are super a-level, at least a few hundred years old!" The light particles are even more angry. "So she is not a few hundred years old? Really shameless, still still tender!"

"... can I pinch it?"

Aurora has a black line.

Lao Niang... Hey, my sister is very energetic, I am so tender, I am wearing you!

The sacred particles are still not ruthless, and said: "I want a strong male host, that is worthy of my strength!"

Han Xiao had already figured out its temperament, and did not have a good air: "Where are you so much nonsense, and then forced, I will hand you over to the secret of chaos, let it play with you."

The light particles instantly shut up and become very efficient.

Han Xiao pressed the containment device and ejected the needle. Aurora saw it and reluctantly reached out and bit his lip, letting Han Xiao put a needle on her body.


The next moment, the glare suddenly exploded in front of Han Xiao, as if the flare broke out!

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