The Legendary Mechanic

Chapter 1087: Found the organization

"What about my power?!"

In the panel, a lot of skills become gray frozen, and even the passive attribute bonus brought by the power is gone. The bliss disco is in a hurry and struggles to leave the fixed compartment.

At this time, the cold metal palm held his chest and held him dead, apparently the mechanical soldiers were stopping him from moving. The bliss disco wore a mask that masked the senses. At this time, there was only a darkness in front of the eyes. I couldn’t see what was happening in the outside world. I barely dispelled the intention of struggling, lying unconsciously in the field waiting for the end of the experiment.

I don't know how long it took. The bliss disco felt that the device that was banned from the hands and feet suddenly loosened. He couldn't wait to stand up. He took off the hood and looked around nervously. He found that the scene was the same as before. The mechanical guard seemed to be standing there. Moved.

"I have no power, are you the same?" Another player who participated in the experiment was liberated and looked surprised.

"Yes, mys is gone."

The two quickly exchanged the situation and found that they were all in a state of unlimited capacity, and they were in a state of panic.

The bliss disco hurriedly asked the mechanical soldiers on the side: "What did you do to us just now?"

In accordance with Han Xiao’s presupposed answer, the mechanical soldiers looked at each other: “It’s just an experiment. The Legion is developing a special device to suppress the genes of the abilities, which may be popularized in the future.”

Sure enough, it is developing secret weapons!

The two looked at each other and saw the color in each other's eyes. The bliss disco couldn't wait to ask the two people's most concerned questions:

"Can our ability recover?"

"Of course, in the R&D plan, the immortal is the best experimental target. According to the logistics department's inference, the immortal only needs to die and resurrect once, you can refresh your physical state and regain your ability. In the future, you may give The destroyers are equipped with such weapons on a large scale." The mechanical soldiers are expressionless.

Hearing ability can be restored, and the two people’s hanging hearts suddenly let go, and they are relieved.

For this explanation, the two have no doubt about authenticity. After all, there are examples of the "Black Star Legion Badge and Evolution". The development of secret weapons sounds like the Legion will do.

- In the eyes of the players, the style of this evil organization is exactly the same as the Black Star Legion!

"This is the secret plan of the Legion. You have signed a confidentiality agreement and remember that you cannot tell anyone what happened here."

The mechanical soldiers spoke, and returned the communication equipment confiscated before the experiment to the two people, which was quite serious.

The bliss disco took back the communication device and looked at the player next to it, and they all saw a hilarious expression from the other's face.

Confidentiality agreement? Hey, that can't help us, thinking that we can prevent leaks by taking away our communication equipment? How is it possible that the Legion can't manage the forum.

Let's post a message, can the Legion still find it?

The two were secretly excited and had thought about sharing this secret in the forum. It was not to destroy the interests of the legion, but the impulsive impulse could not stop.

Didn’t listen to the mechanical soldiers, the Legion may spread this kind of weapon on a large scale in the future. Isn’t that another suicide attack weapon that is behind the nuclear explosion backpack and the evolutionary badge? We know that it is earlier than anyone, just to blow to others.

The two naturally did not know that this was an excuse for Han Xiao to find out. He did not want to expose the existence of Evans, so he thought of a reason to conceal the past and not to be suspicious.

Deliberately let the mechanical soldiers tell the two men, in order to use them to spread misleading information, let the player think that this is a secret weapon research and development project, so that after absorbing other players, you don’t have to think of other excuses, you can Push it on.

The panel pops up the task to complete the prompt, the two people take things together, too lazy to return the original way, simply ask the mechanical soldiers to take their hands to send them to live bliss.

The white light flashed, and the two resurrected people appeared in the base hall where people came and went, and the first time to check the status.

"The ability has really recovered."

The bliss disco completely let go of the heart, immediately opened the forum, and eagerly recorded the previous thing and wrote the title "Shock! The secret weapon of the Legion was actually..." and sent it out.

Facts have proved that it is reasonable to shock the minister. This post quickly caught the attention of some players. Some people started to reply in the following building:

"Is it true? I have never seen this mission before."

"Suppressing the analogous genes? I remember that Black Star himself had not had a happy hut before, specifically to extract the genetic agents of Star Pirates, fearing that it was not improved?"

"If we have configured such a weapon, is it possible to play other players in the camp? Is it like killing a chicken?"

"Can you be a little imaginative, this kind of baby may be able to upset npc, let those powerful characters lose their resistance and let others handle it."

"Don't tell me, there are already 10 g pictures in my mind..."

"It is said that the secret weapon developed by the Legion is becoming more and more evil. The distortion has been over-extended. Now it is also developing the ten-scented soft-skins dedicated to the abilities. Are we really serious?"

"It looks like the deputy head of the army is the versatile person. Will it be that the squad leader’s unspoken rules are not met, so secretly research and develop this kind of equipment, do you want to use it?"

"The husband's party is angry!! (▼ dish▼#)"

"The black star thief is mourning, and I live with Hella! (╬◣д◢)"


Just when the player on the forum wanted to have him, the depth of the base, the secret door of a secret training room opened, and a black hooded man came out. He took off his clothes and showed his face. It was Evans.

This training room has a secret passage that leads directly to the laboratory. According to Han Xiao’s embarrassment, Mimi quietly sucked two players’ abilities. Before that, he confirmed to Han Xiao repeatedly. The incapacity of the destroyer is only temporary.

"This is the feeling of extraordinary power..."

Evans raised his right arm and slammed his fist. A tiny force flowed out of the cell and poured into the muscles and bones of the arm.


The next moment, the arm swelled in a circle, like gas, and the muscles became tougher and the strength soared.

In his hands, the ability can only play the e-level for the time being, and with his meager strength, he can't even support the consumption of body aeration. He waved his arm a few times and made a rumbling sound. The light was an inflated arm, which was nearly twice as powerful as his original strength.

The abilities have a potential rating. Generally speaking, the rating represents the upper limit of the level that the abilities can finally reach. Although the player does not apply this rule, the rating also represents the growth and rarity of the abilities. The rarer the more powerful, some The player does not disconnect the new gilt brush ability, just to brush out the rare ability.

**Enhanced classes are a big branch of power. There are many variants of the same type of abilities. Some ordinary ** enhancement ability, perhaps only d-level, c-level evaluation, and [** strengthening musculoskeletal inflation] has a b+ level evaluation, which represents this is the quality ability under the classification.

This abilities are still semi-transformed. Once activated, the thin bamboo stalks can immediately expand into muscles.

The other psychic abilities that are absorbed also have a potential evaluation of b-level, and the quality is excellent.

In the player group, the a-level evaluation is already a rare top-level ability, and the b-level potential is a good one, but it is good enough.

Han Xiao specializes in planning, and choosing these two high-quality abilities to give Evans will not waste his ability slot - the combination of ** and mind will help to improve the basic attributes, as long as their own order is improved, These two abilities continue to provide additional strength, agility, and mental resistance.

Evans loved these two new abilities and played with it. Until the exhaustion of his strength, he panted and stopped, his eyes brightened.

Ordinary for decades, today is the first time to enjoy the satisfaction of strength, the shortcut to take power from others exudes an unparalleled temptation, as if to seduce a person's hidden greed. Evans felt that every cell in the body had a sense of hunger, and the instinct was eager to absorb new abilities, like the gluttony of gluttony.

"Hey, Lord Black Star said that changes in the body will also bring about a change in thought. This should be the change that the power has brought me..."

Evans was thoughtful, and the toughness he developed in his suffering made him suppress the hunger brought by his power.

He is not an insatiable person. Black Star has changed his life and arranged a strong road to him. All he thinks is hard work and hard work. In the future, he will repay this life-changing grace and only hope to live up to the black star. Expectation.


In recent months, it has been an eventful autumn. First, the radiant and imaginary spirits joined forces to attack the Black Star Corps stronghold, and were repelled by the Black Star. Then it was established by the Super A-level Association. The three major civilizations stood at the forefront and have been the focus of countless citizens and forces.

Today, the Glorious Federation and the Ethical Church have finally made an official positive response to the Hella rescue operation a few months ago.

The two press releases have different wordings, but the content is the same, claiming that the joint efforts of a few months ago was a "misunder of impulsiveness" and publicly apologized to the Black Star Corps, saying that they would bear the loss and make additional compensation.

In fact, as early as a few months ago, when the incident broke out, the black market in various places opened a gambling gamble. The gambling-class civilization will not bow to the Black Star Army. The odds are disparity. Most interstellar citizens think that the cosmic civilization is even wrong. It will also harden the mouth, do not feel that the Black Star Legion can get a apology of glory and emptiness, at most private compensation.

Therefore, this statement has caused a lot of influence, and most interstellar citizens are surprised.

Throughout the history of the three major civilizations, only a few cases will softly bow down to the civil organizations. After all, public apologies undermine the authority of the cosmic civilization, but the glory and the virtual spirit chose to soften this time, let the Black Stars It has become a very small number of private forces to enjoy this honor.

The empire was also unwilling to be lonely. After the announcement of Guanghui and the virtual spirit, the evolutionary totem business was officially opened, and the product was declared to be no longer subject to quota control. It officially entered the free market and was free to buy and sell.

Countless civilizations have been waiting for this for a long time. They raised their hands and feet and praised them. At one time, a large number of orders were packed with the Black Star Legion. The backlog of the Legion’s inventory began to be transported out. The cash flow of the rushing river was like a big river. The same, flooding into the Legion account.

And everyone with a discerning eye knows that the red empire is close to the black star. At the same time, the three major civilizations expressed goodwill to one person. In the hearts of others, the prestige and status of the black star were once again elevated. Even the super a-level circle is the same.

Do not say anything else, at least Han Xiao’s right to speak in the vice president of the Development Federation is more consolidated.

Today's players naturally don't miss this kind of current event, and they don't stop talking about the forum's shining world:

[Qingningzi: The head of the army still has a row (?`▽'?)?]

[Unseen first name: There are still old players remember 1.0, then who can guess that the black star is such an important npc, you see the protagonist of the former novice planet, how can there be a mixed black star, It is a younger brother. 】

[Heji: Suddenly a little moved is how it happened, four versions of it, it feels like watching your own baby grow up (p'(‵.)]

[The head of the army's big machine: my child's black star has a big emperor! 】

[More important things: Upstairs, life 8 is going to be? 】

The player has already been surprised when Han Xiao repels the 12 super a grades. He has seen the big world, and now he has calmed down a lot. At most, he feels a few variations of several versions of the black star.

With the glory and the virtual spirit fulfilling the deal, Han Xiao also abides by the promise and puts Tolle and Heidis out.


The portal of Gaoluxing Group, Black Gate Star, a closed airport terminal.

The official staff of Glorious and Ethereal are waiting here, and the two teams are distinct and do not care for each other.

This group of people came to pick up their respective prisoners and came to the site of the Black Star Legion.

After waiting for a while, a black star fleet came from a distance and stopped at the pier.

Brush - the main ship door opened, a group of mechanical soldiers holding Tolan and Heidis's amber specimens off the spaceship, put the two artworks on the ground, and Han Xiao came out behind.

Seeing, the glory and the emptiness of the welcoming team immediately before, surrounded by Han Xiao, respectfully say hello.

"His star."

"Yeah." Han Xiao glanced at the crowd at random, and he was not arbitrarily set. He said: "Since all are here, let's take the people away."

Saying, he signaled everyone to step back, and then the nanoparticles isolated the line of sight and honed for a few minutes, which broke the amber bubble wrapped around Toline and Heidis.


The two regained their freedom, one by one, and almost fell to the ground.

Upon seeing it, Han Xiao snorted and said coldly: "Glory and emptiness have redeemed you back. After that, be careful. If you come to trouble again and fall into my hands, don't blame me for removing parts from you. ”

Tolaen shuddered and couldn't help but step back. He looked at his heart and looked at Han Xiao's eyes full of fear, his mouth could not stand up.

These months are a hellish experience. He feels that if he goes on like this, he will be driven crazy by the life in amber sooner or later. He doesn't want to feel this feeling anymore. Now he just wants to stay far away from the black star.

Heidis is also the same taboo, but he can barely control his expression.

It was only in his heart that he was extremely lost. He thought that this action would at least get a reputation. I didn’t expect it to be planted.

Although being defeated by a black star is not a shameful thing, this label is probably going to follow you for a long time.

I didn’t even play the nickname. I didn’t have any deeds worth mentioning. If someone asked him about his famous deeds, how should he answer? Can't you be proud to say that I was shut down by a black star before...

Seeing that the two men were not moving in the same place, Han Xiao browed and tasted: "How come, can't bear to go? Do you want to live more than me for a few months?"

It was said that when the two men arrived at the time, they were excited. They didn’t even dare to let go, and they rushed back to their own welcoming team and hurriedly set foot on the spacecraft.

Officials took off quickly and rode their respective allies away.

In the emptiness of the spaceship, Toline was stunned.

"The virtual spirit has come six, only one has been caught, why is it that I am so unlucky..."

Just as he complained about himself, the spacecraft accessed several communications, namely Saruman, Taylor, and Moses, who participated in the Battle of Hella, and the remote projection appeared in front of him.

"Oh, are you okay?" Saruman smiled.

"I am not good." Tolle was depressed.

"Don't be so pessimistic, we have been shut down by the black star before, and now it is not the same." Taylory smiled and comforted.

" are really big."

"After returning, let's find a place to gather." Motos snorted.

Tolaen looked at the three smiling faces with a close color in front of him, suddenly realized.

Yes, everyone is sitting in prison, there is a common topic, is this the tacit understanding between the prisoners?

His time to join the imaginary spirit is not long. His predecessor was a wanted criminal, and he couldn’t squeeze into the super-a-level circle of the imaginary spirit, like a marginal person.

I didn't expect to be shut down by the black star. Instead, I was blessed by misfortune and got a group of "former prisoners".

Toline’s mood suddenly improved.

I finally found the organization...


Ps: (Brothers often give Han Daji a little praise, do you have a chance to get a first-class star (??????)

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