The Legendary Mechanic

Chapter 1107: No science, metaphysics

The Black Code's branch in Qijinxing controls the employment and capital flow of the half-interstellar black market in the ancient Star Desert, which controls it, which means that the movement of the half-black market is being monitored.

In the main control room, the third Codex commander instructed the operator to unlock the firewall, let Han Xiao insert a data probe, inject a large number of surveillance programs, and by the way call the recent black market anonymous employment, and view the backstage files.

The Black Code's internal database records the true identities of some anonymous employers, most of which are obtained through investigations ... As an intermediary guarantor, the remuneration for employment will be transferred to the mercenary after a match in the Black Code, so according to the funds Source and flow, it is not difficult to trace the identity of the anonymous employer.

Han Xiao quickly copied the massive files accumulated by the Black Code in the quantum network for a long time, and by the way smiled and glanced at the third Code leader who was trembling beside him, jokingly:

"You are not as reliable as you say. You have been secretly investigating the identity of anonymous employers. The accumulated files are the employer's handles and chips. Don't say you just check it out for fun."

The third Codex wiped his sweat: "Just reviewing the reliability of the transaction and assessing the creditworthiness of the employer, but we just keep the file and never leak it. As for the chips or whatever ... Oh, we do business on the black market, after all, Always stay a little backward. "

"I know, I know, the black market, everyone is not clean." Han Xiao laughed twice.

The third Codex chief can only accompany him with a laugh, bowing his eyes and lowering his posture extremely low.

No way, people had to bow their heads under the eaves, the Empire fleet was on standby on the planet, he could only soften to the end.

At this moment, Han Xiaomo rubbed his chin and said:

"Speaking of which I remember, I came here with the Empire Fleet in a big way, and you came out to greet this planet man with many eyes and sooner or later the news will spread. Then there will be rumors on the black market that you are being The three civilizations threatened to cause mercenaries and employers to choose to dormant. As a result, the plans of the three civilizations to induce instability will be greatly reduced. "

"Yes, yeah." The third Codex chief did not know how to answer.

"But I think you should be lucky." Han Xiao laughed. "Maybe you will send someone to spread it on the black market intentionally, saying that the black code is subject to others, so as to alert other black market members and warn them not to Use black market platforms to hire and try to stop your organization's word of mouth. "

The third Codex had a bitter mouth. He did have such an idea. Although he was forced to compromise, he still wanted to stop the loss.

"Relax, I won't stop you from doing this."

Hearing that the third Codex was puzzled and could not help asking:

"Don't you control us just to secretly monitor the movement of the black market and catch the restless factors? If the black market knows that we are unreliable and do not use our guarantee platform, then what use are you in controlling us?"

"Oh, it seems that you are very comfortable with the change of identity. So soon you entered the role of a collaborator and started thinking about us." Han Xiaoha laughed and clapped his hands.

The third Codex had a stubborn complexion and was afraid to let it go.

Han Xiao raised a brow, turned to call the emperor officer, and laughed: "When you will let the Imperial Fleet divide the troops, go to each of the gray transit stations in the ancient Xingmo where there are black market organizations, remember to make some big fanfare, let Everyone sees you. "

Hearing that the third Codex had a movement in his heart and roughly understood the intention of Hei Xing.

"You deliberately fight grass and snakes, let the black market know the black code compromise, and then pretend to go to each black market organization to negotiate, make the illusion that the three civilizations controlled the entire black market of ancient Xingmo, and implanted the seeds of suspicion in most people's hearts? "

In this way, even if other black market organizations have not fallen into the hands of the Black Star, there can be a lesson from the black code. Those employers who seek privacy and security are naturally afraid to take risks at this time, for fear of exposure.

Black Star can force all the black market organizations of the ancient Star Desert to compromise, but now chooses a different path. From the perspective of the Third Codex Commander, Black Star's move is to leave a back road for himself. This method is not so tough and will not Offended the black market organization like today, and did not marry the three major civilizations.

Maybe, some black market organizations will still feel that this is a sympathy for the black stars.

"I see." The third Codex hesitated: "This method is softer, but there are advantages and disadvantages ..."

Han Xiao did not answer and knew what the other party meant.

Tough control of all black market organizations is the most conducive to fishing law enforcement. It can catch a lot of guys who are trying to get things done. Although this method is now easy, it can be used to scare the snakes and cause many people to stay alert.

It was only in his opinion that the instability factors could not be grasped, just like leeks, Karma grew batch after batch and banned repeatedly.

Under the so-called reward, there must be brave men. If the minds of the mercenaries in the black market are not lost, there will always be people taking risks for huge benefits, and the ancient Xingmo border will be chaotic. The three civilizations will have to pay a lot of energy to hunt down. This is The disadvantages of phishing enforcement.

Moreover, there are many people caught by fishing law enforcement, and they can't hide it. It is better to let the ancient Xingmo know that the three civilizations controlled the black market channels and set up the Tianluodi network to eliminate the fluke of unsettling factors and make them afraid of liquidation after the fact. In this way, the effectiveness of the plan has changed from phishing enforcement to risk prevention, reducing the risk of guys from the root.

The law enforcement of phishing is indeed effective, but it has also caused more instability factors. As the rulers of the three civilizations, it is more suitable for a little tactics of righteousness. The use of this law of phishing law is occasional and not suitable for long-term maintenance.

Putting down all kinds of thoughts, Han Xiao turned his head and glanced at the appearance of the third Codex vino, and said:

"You are good. I thought you would only compromise if you had to kill and give up. I didn't expect to be like this and didn't give me a chance."

"... You're satisfied." The third Codex chief was helpless.

"Well, I still like your unruly look, you recover." Han Xiao couldn't help but quipped.

When did I stumble ...

The third Codex secretly slandered Han Xiao's bad taste, but on the surface still obediently straightened his back.

At this point, Philip screened the files and locked down a large number of employers who requested the smuggling of viruses.

"Report this list and let the forces of the three civilizations cooperate to destroy these forces."

Han Xiao glanced.

The data is very detailed and involves all walks of life. He is not going to be soft to deal with these people. Besides killing chickens and tamarins, by the way, brush up on the task evaluation of [Smart Plague].

He searched for a while and found a force that repeatedly hired the undead. They were also hired by the melancholic prince, a black market arms dealer named Kepel Consortium.

"This organization is my own hands, remember to publicize the execution pictures online."


Somewhere in the ancient Star Desert, the Keppel Consortium Fortress.

At the dock, cargo boxes were being loaded on board, and Keppel V took his men around to inspect.

"How long can we set sail?"

"It's about two hours."

"Accelerate as soon as possible."

Kepel V was a little impatient.

Seventy-eight days ago, the Empire Fleet settled in the Black Code, and news spread only yesterday. All anonymous employers who posted virus smuggling missions were frightened and everyone was in danger.

Keppel V was equally uneasy, so he decided to abandon the fortress and speed up the transfer of assets.

At this time he was organizing a manual evacuation of the fort.

While he was waiting anxiously, a detective suddenly sent an urgent summons.

"Alert, the outer fleet found that a small red empire fleet was approaching. We sent a communication request, and the other party did not respond."

"Here are the three major civilizations?"

Keppel V felt a little in his heart, hurried to a viewing window with a group of cadres, and looked at the starry sky in the distance, and saw a few lonely imperial ships approaching slowly.

"Not many people seem to be here?"

"It doesn't look like it came to fight."

Seeing this, Keppel V was slightly relieved.

He just came to such a spaceship, he felt more like a negotiation and questioning.

Thinking of this, Keppel V sorted out his clothes to make him look more formal, and Shen Shen ordered:

"Don't falter, send invitations for newsletters in my name. I'll talk to them and see where they come from."

But as soon as his words fell, the Empire spacecraft suddenly stopped in the distance, motionless.

"Well, why did they stop?"

Kepel V froze, wondering.

However, in the next moment, countless machines suddenly emerged from afar, quickly assembled into a huge humanoid mechanical structure, wearing a large robe, holding a long knife, and a clear shape, which was larger than the entire fortress.

"That is……"

Before waiting for Kepel V and others to return from the shock, I saw this huge mechanical body throwing a long knife suddenly, like a hot knife to cut the butter, and cut all the blocks without hindrance. The front Keppel's convoy, headed straight for the fortress.

At this moment, all members of the dock, including Keppel V, stopped their work and stared blankly at the huge blade of the mountain approaching fast.

Everyone's brain was blank.



The thrown star blade easily passed through Keppel Fortress, and the blue psionic storm entangled on the blade instantly stirred the debris of the fortified fortress into powder and exploded a bright firework in the air.

The blade is endless and unshakable. It is inserted directly into the barren planet below, penetrates the formation, and drills out from the other side of the planet, leaving a gap that runs through the planet directly.

The large amount of peculiar energy left by the Xingxing Blade had an irreversible high-level chain reaction with the interior of the planet, magma surged, and the surface cracked red hot lava cracks.

The next moment, the dazzling white light suddenly lit up, and the entire barren planet swelled from the inside, bursting into pieces instantly.

The explosive energy shock wave spreads abruptly, the mechanical gods pull up the emperor's robe, and the layers of honeycomb-shaped high-density psionic energy shields isolate the impact from the outside.

At the same time, he raised his hand, and the Xingxing Blade automatically circled an arc, passing the storm of energy of the planet explosion, and returned to his hand.

"This thing is pretty powerful."

Han Xiao somewhat understands why the Telks are keen to make special equipment for mechanical gods.

For no other reason, it is really handsome.

I couldn't help but play with the Star Blade, and then the technician Han Han lifted the mechanical **** and returned to the ship.

"Check to see if there are any live ones."

Does this need to be checked ...

The strong light of the planet explosion will make the face of the imperial soldiers pale, and the needles in the cabin can be heard, as if they could hear the voice of everyone spitting.

"Philip, has the video been taken?"

"It's ready to hum."

"Then go online and deter the group of ulterior motives and let them see what's going on."

Han Xiao waved casually.

He didn't plan to talk to this power at all. The evidence was conclusive and there was nothing to talk about. He went straight and showed a determined attitude.

After dealing with this small matter, Han Xiaochao and others trembling with sieve-like trembling Harrison and others beckoned, begging them to come over.

Harrison just watched Han Xiao smash a planet with a smile. The impact of this scene directly shattered his mental preparation. Even if he knew that Black Star was the top power in the universe, he was still scared.

This is the super power of the peak super a level, so terrible, is this still human ...

Harrison's teeth trembled, carefully approached Han Xiao, and stuttered: "Hey black black ... Hey black star, do you have any instructions?"

"Why are you so nervous, I won't eat you again."

Han Xiao grinned and patted Harrison on the shoulder.

"The layout of cracking down on illegal employment is almost done, and finding the core of the virus must be on the agenda. I want to ask you, where do you think the core of the virus will be hidden?"

"This ... how can I know this?"

"Don't be nervous, just talk about it. Where do you think it will hide?"

Harrison settled down, carefully: "You said that the core of the virus is just a set program to monitor the overall virus infection, then it must exchange data with the virus information package, and it is in order to disguise itself , It should not be an interactive terminal, otherwise it would have been found long ago. So I think, statistics on the route of the nodes that the data sent by each virus information packet passes, and after comparison, find the intersection point, maybe they can be found ... "

Han Xiao interrupted him and said: "Three major civilizations have long thought about this and have been doing this. Each virus packet regularly sends a large amount of fake data that confuses audiovisual use. The lines are very complicated and the data intersection is too It ’s too many and can only be screened one by one. But the core of the virus is not only very secretive, it also seems to change position at any time, so the three major civilizations have never found its trace. ”

"So, then I don't have any idea. I can't help you."

"No, I don't need your thoughts." Han Xiao said with a grin, "The next time the three major civilizations count the intersections of the new period, I need you to help select some nodes. Maybe you are lucky. I found it. "

"Stop joking ..." Harrison panicked.

"I'm not kidding. If you think about it, an antique you dug out is the source of such a dangerous disaster. In a sense, this luck is terrible."

Harrison scratched his head and found it seemed reasonable.

Indeed, my luck seems to have been good since I was a child. No matter what kind of investment projects I help my family's consortium, I seem to be able to make money in the end. If it was not difficult to make money, I would not have run out of archeological pursuits ...

Han Xiao didn't know what he was thinking. When he saw that he was in a daze, he encouraged him casually, and then he looked back and thought about it.

He believes that the effect of the advanced lucky aura, even if he can't find it once, makes Harrison find it several times, the chance is greater than others.

Moreover, Han Xiao also intends to ask for help outside the court, apply to the three major civilizations to contact the outside world, and find the old Aesop of Longtan to count.

No matter how good the virus core is, everyone is equal before luck and prophecy.

——Science is not good, metaphysics will come together!


On March 9, 731, Xinghai Calendar, Hei Xing served as the messenger of the Red Empire, and visited the black code organization that controlled the black market network.

The two sides held cordial and friendly talks in support of the three major civilizations in controlling the disaster, fully exchanged views, and finally reached a consensus happily.

The head of Codex III, the head of the ancient black desert region, said that no matter whether the camp is black or white, every strong civil society should have a sense of historical responsibility. It is the duty of every interstellar citizen to prevent the intelligent plague disaster. Willing to fully support the actions of the three civilizations.

On March 17, the Black Star claimed that the Keppel Consortium secretly hid the virus, smashed it in one shot, and deterred the stars.

Using this as a signal, the three civilizations cooperated to destroy a large number of private organizations suspected of harboring viruses within a month.

In April of the same year, the Red Empire Fleet visited all the black market organizations of the ancient Xingmo, and suspected to control all the black market channels of the ancient Xingmo.

Adhering to the principles of non-negotiation and uncompromising, the Black Star led the fleet to attack frequently. The ancient Star deserted everyone from self-danger and the number of stowaways decreased significantly.

On June 25, the R & D team headed by Manison produced the first version of a dedicated anti-virus and scanning tool, which was put into large-scale use.

In July of the same year, the smart plague was under initial control, and the three major civilizations began to trace the source of the virus on a large scale.

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