The Legendary Mechanic

Chapter 1118: More help

The flames of war are burning in the outer space of the cloud magneto star, one black and one white, two mechanical gods, you come and fight together in a group, the weapon clashes constantly explode an area of ​​amazing energy shock waves.

Phantom bombards Phantom, metal collides with metal!

Surrounded by crow-like mechanical armies, they are fighting tirelessly and frantically. The molten metal melted by high-energy rays is constantly ejected in the field, rapidly cooling and condensing into irregularly shaped metal blocks. Some of them fall to the surface of the planet and some of them turn into Space junk moves around the orbit of a cloud magnetar.

This scene, like two gods who lead the world, led their respective legion of soldiers to engage in a divine battle between the stars of the universe.

The outbreak of Han Xiao, the combat power bonus is extremely significant, and the intelligence is suddenly increased by about two-fifths, and the range of mechanical affinity has skyrocketed, and the [old] character card brings a 20% intelligence bonus. , It is amplifying the lifting effect.

According to calculations, these tens of thousands of attribute points are invested in intelligence, and the strengthening of mechanical capabilities is much higher than during the rescue of Haila. It can be said that the current state is the peak level of Han Xiao so far.

Because he did n’t have time to familiarize himself with the soaring combat power, Han Xiao's control of power was not so fine, but he also developed a strong confidence. In the so-called drumming style, he took advantage of the sense of power to fill his whole body and adopted a wide-open strategy. .

The blade of light rolled, and the blade of Xing Xing revolved in his hands. Every chop was vigorous and intensive, and a fierce character was highlighted. It really had a little style of Er Ye, and he went all out to kill it.

The sudden rise of mechanical power controls the **** body, and the action of the mechanical **** is more agile and flexible. The star blade in the hand has greatly increased its power, breaking through the upper limit of the white shield and hitting the blue again and again, and the sweeping knife light remains in the opponent's mechanical body. The next gaping gap.

Although Madison was surprised that Han Xiao's combat power after the outbreak did not affect his performance, under the blessing of the Six Gods, the Trident kept on fighting back, and he also continuously poke holes in the body of Han Xiao's mechanical gods.

Both sides were damaged, and they were evenly matched. I saw two figures across the starry sky roaming in the universe. The sword and the trident fought dozens and hundreds of times in an instant, overflowing with lightning.

It looks like it is just a simple melee attack. In fact, the two offensives are mixed with a large number of advanced weapon technologies. Force fields, electromagnetics, energy conversion, and other means are constantly emerging. Not only attacks, but also countless control-type mechanical equipment has been exerting effects. Various invisible force fields and radiation have always covered the opponent's huge body, like a spider web to restrain the opponent's actions.

At the same time, the two sides maintained long-range bombardment at all times, and countless muzzles emerged from the surface of the body, spraying high-energy beams like a heavy rain, blasting each other's shields with arcs and flashes, like clusters of fireworks. .

On the other side, while the mechanical forces were fighting, they poured firepower on the hostile behemoth. The colorful beams of light formed a mesh-shaped light curtain. After the fire hit the shield, it turned into a large piece of light debris, as if a dim light dust floated in the battlefield.

The picture is beautiful, but it is full of energy that destroys the world.

The dozens of apostolic weapons of the Weapon State are powerful and have a great advantage in the legion battlefield. Han Xiao is entangled by Manison and can only continuously pull a supporter from the secondary dimension barracks to fill the high-level war with the number of people. Force gap.

The battle was fierce in the field. Every minute, a large number of mechanical bodies were turned into scraps, and countless parts were reorganized under the traction of ubiquitous mechanical forces, and they continued to enter the battle.

With the battle approaching fierce heat, with countless channels or excited or shocking eyes watching, the two have fought in the star space for a long time and are inextricably linked.


The sword shone, Ning Xingblade swept across, split into Mannison's neck, cut straight to three-quarters depth, and nearly slashed his opponent.

The halberd was swift and violent, and the trident came out of his head, knocking Han Xiao's head into a pair, and numerous broken mechanical parts were scattered.

If the two mechanical gods are not aware of the injury, they raise their hands to grab the blade of the opponent's body stuck in their own body, pull apart, and then raise their legs at the same time in the artillery fire, kicking one leg to the other's crotch, The synchronization rate is at least 90%!

The huge force shook a white noise-like energy response on the shields of the two human bodies and flew out together.

On the way back, both sides raised their hands and threw weapons in their hands.

Two huge weapons burst into the air, as if two traversing mountains flew up, collided in the middle, and bounced together.

The trident tumbled and fell towards the surface of the planet, and thumped in the wilderness with a deep outline on the ground.

The Xingxing Blade circled and smashed into the battlefield of the Mechanical Corps, crushing numerous mechanical warriors regardless of the enemy and sweeping out a blank area.

At this moment, Madison's figure flickered and disappeared, the space changed, and the next moment appeared behind Han Xiao, a clear light suddenly flew from the waist and abdomen.

A silver short knife emerged from the sheath, and a circular arc was drawn obliquely from bottom to top. The knife light swept across Han Xiao's waist and instantly cut the mechanical god's waist, and the cross section was extremely smooth.

Han Xiao responded quickly and immediately turned his upper body. The arm wrapped with Psionic Energy and Force Field was thrown out like a whip, breaking the shield and triggering a large arc. His fist remained intact, and he slammed heavily on Manison's head. He was cut off most of his head and flew directly, like a baseball shooting at the fleet of the three major civilizations in the distance, and was broken into pieces by the fleet set fire halfway.

At the same time, Han Xiao's cut lower body immediately disintegrated, turned into countless mechanical warfare soldiers, dispersed, and reintegrated into the body of the mechanical god.

He raised his hand, and the star blade that flew out stopped in midair, flying backwards as if pulled by an invisible rope, circled for a week to retreat and take advantage of Mannison, and returned to Han Xiao's hands.

"Another cosmic treasure."

Seeing Madison bring up a new weapon, Han Xiao had a lemon in his heart.

His emperor's robe strengthened the internal structure of the mechanical deities, but this short knife cut him off in two pieces, apparently a gold-level mechanical deity's special equipment.

Fighting against the family is not enough for the opponents, but after playing for so long, the machine country is still fierce, seeing no signs of weakness, unpredictable strength, and endurance also makes Han Xiao surprised.

Theoretically, as long as a lot of strength is consumed, the number of layers of strength bonus will drop, resulting in a temporary decline in status and attributes.

Because he has the blood-blue swap, he has been able to maintain his peak, and the old wheat head can maintain the same status as the spring.

Although the old Maitou developed the armor that was beaten back to blue, after some fighting, Han Xiao slightly understood the limitations of this golden equipment. Each absorption requires a certain cooling time, not like his expertise at any time. Effective everywhere, imitation is still not as good as the original.

So ... maybe it is the old wheat head that has some kind of strength reduction without affecting the bonus feat? This ability is relatively rare, but Han Xiao has seen it in previous lives.

However, this is not the point. Han Xiao was surprised to realize that not only did Madison's power not decay, but it also slowly increased.

"It is estimated that he, like me, has the expertise to continuously gain bonuses in battle ... It is indeed the best power in the universe, and it is just as difficult as me."

Han Xiao secretly grinds his teeth.

After playing for such a long time, I can only maintain a close balance at most. I want to further expand the advantage many times, but it seems to have hit an indestructible wall, and was blocked by the machine country again and again, as if the opponent was pressed to the extreme spring. Can't hold it down.

Fortunately, it was the same for Madison, and he couldn't continue to suppress him.

The front line at the virtual level is very stable. It has [intelligent affinity], and the opponent's ai's full attributes are reduced by 5%. Although the amplitude is not large, it is considered as a weakening of the foundation. Assuming that the original attribute is 1, the reduction becomes 0.95, and the bonus is a hundred times, so the gap is also enlarged by a hundred times. The larger the bonus, the more significant this gap is.

"The time of the character card is limited, I ca n’t keep it like this, and the attributes of Manison are slowly climbing, and we continue to fight. The situation that is difficult to stabilize will be reversed by him ... Hey, usually It was I who used the protracted battle to kill the enemy, and now I finally meet a guy who is more protracted than me. "

Han Xiao analyzed the situation and felt relaxed.

Finding an opponent is a lonely thing. Rarely against the last powerful enemy that needs to be shot with all his strength, he also played well and relaxed, anxious to vent all his energy to the country.

Moreover, this time when I saw the positive combat power of Mannison, I found out the gap and gained a lot.

In fact, the beheading tactic is still effective for Mannison. Although the counterpart's avatar is a little harder, the flesh is still not as good as his own. The problem is that people hide in the body of the mechanical god, and do not break the mechanical god. Separation, next time we should pay attention to this aspect ... In other words, this can be regarded as accumulating experience in dealing with the weapon country.

All kinds of thoughts flashed through his mind, and Han Xiao said in the wide area channel:

"Gun country, we meet each other, so playing for ten days and a half months will have no results. Do you want to continue?"

"Thinking more, you can't last that long." Madison responded lightly. "This should be your current peak level, but it can also be tied with me at most, and how long can your outbreak last?"

"No, but it should be fine until the end of the battle."

Anyway, he didn't know his details, and Han Xiao opened his mouth.

"So you want to play a protracted battle with me?" Madison gave out an emotionless laugh, as if lamenting Han Xiao's uncontrollable power. "How many mechanical troops can you consume, enough for my fraction?"

"Well, look at what you can do, isn't it money, as if no one has it."

Han Xiao poked his lips.

But having said that, the technician of Han University still admits that it is now the old wheat head that has a relatively strong banknote ability.

He wanted to rub his wrists with Mannison, but didn't plan to confess his family here.

And Han Xiao hasn't forgotten that there are some super-A-level "collectibles" in Mannison's hands, which are not used now. It is estimated that the occasion is not right and I don't want to take them out in front of the three civilizations.

In other words, I'm afraid it's not the full strength of Madison right now.

Although the growth model is very different, there is a sentence Han Xiao agrees with, that is, the influence of the details on the mechanic is really too great.

How many grades does the property of the machine country surpass me? That's not necessarily true, it's just that the other party's machinery is too much and too strong, all good things accumulated over the years.

After all, the mechanical department is different from other professions. When everyone has grown to a bottleneck, the mechanics can continue to ignore the bottlenecks to improve their combat power through manufacturing and research and development of machinery-so that gold is the strong source of the mechanics!

The gap is still not small ...

Han Xiao shook his head secretly.

He was also considered to be rich, but compared with a man in a divine costume, he suddenly looked shabby.

'In this way, I want to win Manison now. The difficulty factor is still too high. Manison wants to beat me to find a place. At least I must fight with him. I'm afraid it's a bit ugly ... '

Han Xiao's mind was on the line, thinking about what cards he still had. Just then, the situation in the field suddenly changed.

Suddenly, different mechanical troops broke into the battlefield, attacking the forces of the machine nation, separating the battlefield, and preventing the killing of the troops on both sides.

More than a dozen streamers flew from a distance, stopped between the two, facing Menison, and protecting Han Xiao behind him.

Han Xiao and Manison stopped for a moment, looking at these dozen figures, which are other super-A-class mechanical avatars watching the show.

"Gun country, stop there," Kant said.

Madison glanced at the crowd, speaking slowly: "Do you want to help him?"

"Black Star doesn't need us to help. He and you can win or lose. Even if you fight for a month, the battle between you won't end." It ’s impossible for your fleet to watch you play for a month here, so count today as a tie. "

"A tie?" Madison's tone sank slightly.

"Isn't it?" Kant asked with a grin.

Madison glanced at everyone: "What if I want to continue?"

"We are also face-saving people. If you say it, you will always achieve it." Kant smiled. "If you don't give face, then I'm sorry, we can only play with you a few hands."

The words fell, and all the super-A avatars on the scene took a step forward. Although it was not stated, the meaning of protection to Han Xiao was already beyond words.

Want to move Black Star?

Then we have to come to a just fight!

Seeing this, Madison fell into silence.

The battlefield is a mechanical god. He naturally wants to overpower Han Xiao. Although the outbreak pattern of the black star is powerful, it is only temporary. As long as he continues to fight, he is confident to win.

But this battle has frustrated his plan.

The battle between the two was stopped by a group of people. Why didn't Madison understand the meaning of this group of super-A levels? It was to create a tie and not give him a chance to win alone, forcing him to accept this fact.

After thinking a little, he understood the reason.

Madison looked up at Han Xiao, his tone was somewhat complicated:

"You really ... can help me a lot."

After all, Madison didn't hesitate at all. He threw his troops back to the barracks, said nothing about recovering the avatar, lifted the dominance, and left.

——Even if he is confident, he has no plans to challenge all the super-A players present.

Seeing this, Kant laughed twice and looked back at Han Xiao.

"Okay, things are resolved."

Han Xiao was a little surprised: "I thought you would go to the theater all the time, why suddenly help me?"

The Imperial Allies helped, he was understandable, but how did the brilliant and ethereal mechanic stand up?

Could it be that the heroine when I destroyed the core of the virus, convinced these guys who have grudges?

Alas, blame me, blame me, I was too careless and did not tie in my inner personality charm.

"Don't be affectionate, we're not here to help you."

Francesco hummed:

"You have to fight for at least ten days and a half months. How could the leaders of the three major civilizations keep staring at each other, so they ordered us to step in and end the fighting."

"That's weird, haven't you guys been able to do this long since we had to hit halfway?" Han Xiaoxuan wondered.

"Oh, it's not just the order, we're all happy to see Ji Guo eating."

Kant replied, tone of glee.

OK, I get it ...

Han Xiao suddenly felt in his heart and came to understand.

Most of the people present have been bullied by the Machine Country before. People are not as good as people and can only swallow their voices, but now seeing the stark performance of the Black Star, they feel that they can take the opportunity to attack the Machine Country, so they decide to step in.

The result of deliberately preaching the tie is precisely the small revenge of this group of people, who let the weapon country always hold the position of the main **** of the mechanical gods and not give up. This move is to build momentum for the black star and please the weapon country.

As long as the record becomes a foregone conclusion, Heixing will be able to disperse the belief in Mechanism and let the machine nation suffer losses ... Of course, the premise of doing so is that Heixing can withstand the machine nation. Choose this best time to help him.

Intervening in the battle is not only because of the order, but also from everyone's inner decision. He recommended the Black Star and the Nation of Fighters to add a block to Manison.

...... As for whether there is any factor in admiring Black Star for destroying the core of the virus, only everyone can understand it.

Wanting to understand this, Han Xiao was relieved and relieved.

To be honest, if these people who eat melon raised their hands, he would have no way to force the retreat of the weapon country, and the result would be difficult to say.

Sure enough, there are a lot of people who have more benefits.

Don't look at Manison who has lived for so long and has made extensive contacts, but in the eyes of the same super-a-level mechanics, the image of the machine country is not bad-he has offended too many industry peers in the super-a level!

This is how helpless and helpless!

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