The Legendary Mechanic

Chapter 1124: Superimposed inner ghost

The drawing of the domino virus rewarded by the mission is an incomplete version. Many key contents are missing and must be deduced before it can be manufactured. The result of the deduction is not necessarily the same as the original, and the technology may be different.

"This level of residual image is very troublesome to deduce. It can be quickly exchanged for R & D progress, but it seems a bit wasteful. It is better for me to slowly develop it myself ..."

Han Xiao secretly thought.

He made people think that the domino virus was destroyed. I did not expect that the technology was in his hands. Now the outside world thinks that the virus was destroyed by him. Naturally, Han Xiao could not expose himself to own this technology, and then he was unthinkable. A bipolar inversion is formed.

Besides, the core material requires a thousand distorted intelligent lives, which is hard to find. There is no shortage of stocks at Mannison, but he finished the bayonet with him. It is unrealistic to buy resources from him, and Lao Mai The head may be aware of what he bought.

Therefore, this technology will not be available for a long time, and maybe only in the face of public enemies such as the World Tree, can it be used by itself.

"Thinking about it this way, it seems that there was some reason why the former state did not use domino virus in the World Tree War."

Han Xiao suddenly understood something.

When the war situation is not irreparable, even if you can get an advantage with this weapon, you will have trouble after victory.

Perhaps, the former world ’s machine nation regarded the domino virus as something like a dead-hand system. The authorities could not clean it up. When the three major civilizations were really unable to return to heaven, he might release the domino virus, and then rely on his own large number to control the avatars and machinery. Troops and World Tree fight.

Han Xiao couldn't help but chain up one thing. The three major civilizations of the previous life considered the possibility of war failure, implemented the Tinder Plan, sent a large number of homeless fleets away from the explored universe, and at the same time established a large number of refuges in the depths of the secondary world. It contains samples of all intelligent creatures, crops, animals and plants that have explored the universe, ensuring that civilization can be restarted after the defeat.

The parliament will not focus on these refuges. Maybe his plan is to break through and stand up, and walk away to rebuild a world that respects himself as the God of Creation?

If his ultimate goal is to reach the top and dominate, this seems to be the most feasible way.

Han Xiaofu thought for a while, and guessed for a while, then settled down, put away the introduction of [drawings-domino virus (residual)], turned around to open the relevant special expertise generated, and browsed.

The effect of [virtual purification and recovery] is to purify the intelligent target of virus infection. For example, the effect of virtual betrayal virus is to rewrite the underlying logic of the mechanical body and distort it to kill the organic life. The function of this feat is to eliminate the rewriting of the virus. Restore the original normal underlying logic.

In simple terms, assuming that the intelligence of the rewritten logic is equal to the hypnotized creature, this ability is the effect of dispelling hypnosis.

At the same time, the scope of application of this capability is not limited to domino virus, any virtual type of virus can be corrected.

"This thing is very useful for fighting on a virtual level. With this thing, the machine country is afraid to cry." Han Xiao's eyes brightened.

If the mechanical force is taken away by others, this feat can be used to directly expel the enemy's authority and regain it.

But ... at his current level, there are almost no people who can resist taking control of the mechanical forces from him. Han Xiao can only think of a weapon country.

"In other words, the way in which Mannison mastered the AI ​​civilization was also to rewrite the underlying logic of the other side, just like the encounter of the ancestor of the AI ​​civilization, Finite, which was simply his nemesis."

Han Xiao scratched his head and thought of the [Restart] series of tasks that had been at the bottom of the task list for a long time.

Seems like I got the key to liberation of the AI ​​civilization? !!

If he finds a chance to give Madison ai civilization, his undefeated country may be out of control, and the backyard will catch fire.

Also, since his prisoner is ** reconstructed, he may use virtual means to distort his mind. [Virtual Purification · Restoration] may also take effect to a certain level. The virtual means acting on ** have actually been related to soul magic. There are many similarities.

Moreover, this trick may be effective for the world tree, but it is more targeted at the world tree than domino virus ...

Thinking back to the mechanism of the world tree, Han Xiao thoughtfully.

Drawings and expertise are the biggest gains of this trip, and the universe-wide s-class mission rewards are indeed generous.

This wave also received a total of 4 political assets, all of which belong to the three major civilizations, which means that through this **, he also has a certain right to speak in glory and virtual spirits, and at the same time, the efficiency gain from political assets is a bonus It will also act on itself, and increase the output of vegetable fields.

Han Xiao glanced at the generated copy [Smart Plague (simulated disaster)], this is an alternative form of copy, the generation method is no longer to intercept the clip of this **, but to select an area, the copy will automatically simulate In the case of an intelligent plague, the difficulty and challenge levels depend on the level of the selected area.

For example, if you choose the headquarters of the Black Star Corps as a simulation target, the difficulty can skyrocket to the level of plot killing, choose an ordinary galaxy-level civilization colony star, and the challenge threshold is about c-b level. Choose a closed warship. It is estimated Will turn into science fiction horror.

"This copy should be very marketable, especially suitable for mechanics." Han Xiao saw good business prospects.

In addition, a large amount of experience rewarded him with a spit of blood, and a total of 6w5 points of the three major civilizations' contribution, not only can be used for the ultimate knowledge, but also for golden drawings, the three major civilizations have opened channels for purchase.

Speaking of golden drawings, Han Xiao suddenly thought of the covenant and glory. These two were doing transactions with themselves. Because the smart plague broke out suddenly, the transaction was temporarily suspended.

Glorious doesn't care, he must not rely on his account. He was mainly concerned with the covenant organization. The previous transaction date was abolished. The oath did not leave contact information, so he could only come to the door.

After finishing the harvest, Han Xiao closed the panel and took out the communicator to contact the headquarters.

Now that the fleet is away from the ancient Xingmo, he is free to communicate with the outside world. He has been out for a few months, and I do n’t know what happened to the army.

The communication was quickly connected, and Xi Weiya's projection appeared in front of her. She had exquisite makeup, beautiful facial features, and was dressed in a smart business attire, and she outlined an amazing curve. She seemed to be attending a meeting. At this time, she saw Han Xiao, and she was surprised Color.

"Teacher, are you finally released?"

"Uh, yeah."

Han Xiao had a weird expression, which sounded like I was in prison.

"I saw the news. Your decision this time is really beautiful." Xi Weiya admired. "Now the whole army is praising you as a person. The cohesion has never been higher. Last time, the director wanted to sign another follow-up five. The movie agreement, you weren't there, I didn't reply to him. "

"Promise him, starring or Fording, find him something to do."

Han Xiao waved his hand, and suddenly found that Xi Weiya was wearing rimless glasses, and the whole person had a kind of intellectual lady's scroll, and could not help wondering: "What do you wear glasses?"

Xi Weiya blushed, took off her glasses and showed it. The inside of the lens was a single-sided screen. I was embarrassed and said, "Sometimes the meeting is boring. I used to watch the show in a daze ..."

"... Did you come close to Raki recently?"

"Speak nonsense, I hate him the most!" Sylvia denied firmly.

Han Xiao didn't intend to tangle with his subordinates' laziness, and then Feng Feng asked: "Yes, how's the Black Star Cup?"

"Yes, because of the impact of the smart plague, the ratings of the Black Star Cup have declined to a certain extent in the entire universe, but it has remained hot. Most of the secondary events have now been completed, and they have been selected for the Legion. Elites in various fields ... Uh, playing cards is not counted. "Xi Wei Ya paused," Now there are only a few key events in the finals, which are the battles of each stage group ... "

While listening to Xi Weiya's return, Han Xiao nodded and said, "Nice."

He didn't have much entertainment in ancient Xingmo. He watched the player forum every day and paid attention to the Black Star Cup. As the tournament continues to progress, the rest are elites. The players have established their fame in front of the NP and have a sense of accomplishment, so they are very enthusiastic, and the discussion is high, no less than the official professional league.

The absence of himself does not affect the progress of the Black Star Cup, but only makes some players who have encountered key matches and want to touch his character card miss the hope.

"Teacher, you need a speech at the closing ceremony of the Black Star Cup. Don't forget, will you be back by then?"

"Well, I must be able to go back." Han Xiao answered, then moved away from the topic and asked, "Is there anything important about the Legion recently, how is the situation shining in the world?"

"There are more and more people in the new star domain. The explored area of ​​the free competition zone has gradually spread to the centers of various star clusters. The area occupied by the super star alliance has become larger and larger, and nothing else has changed. Explore ... By the way, she took a leave some time ago, saying that she would go to the secondary dimension world and let me tell you the news. "

"got it."

Han Xiao nodded, and since Hella inherited the earthen dimension, she ran to the secondary dimension world for three days and two heads.

Now a few months have passed, it is estimated that the dimension of the earth has stabilized, just do not know if Hella has been squeezed out.

When mentioning Hella, Han Xiao remembered another crop.

"How's the messenger of light planned?"

"It's going very well. In addition to the normal recruits, we have recruited many people to cultivate the seeds of Holy Light, and wait for them to be harvested by Aurora after they have matured. They have already signed work contracts with these people before working. accident."

"Very good. Try to expand the size of the breeder."

Han Xiao gave a cry. He counted on Aurora to grow leeks, and the bigger the vegetable field, the better.

As he said, he paused and said: "This time I have made great achievements. The three civilizations intend to cooperate with me in depth and vigorously support the branches in the major star fields ..."

Han Xiao explained in detail the support of the three major civilizations, and Xi Weiya's face suddenly collapsed.

"So has my workload increased again?"

"Well, you little comrade, you ca n’t think well." Han Xiao criticized seriously: "Without guts, there is no output. Your ideas should be more positive, and the scope of work is increased, which means that your power is expanded."

I believe in your evil!

Xi Weiya hesitated twice without feeling.

Hearing laughter, Han Xiao nodded with satisfaction.

Look, she laughs more happily, and her face is full of joy.

Taking a moment to glance at Sylvia's hairline, Han Xiao breathed a sigh of relief.

After many years of summary, his hairline = durability, it seems that this student has not yet scrapped, and can continue to use it.

The two spoke a few words, and suddenly Sylvia remembered something.

"By the way, there was a current affairs talk show yesterday. I would like to invite you as a guest to discuss the ** of this smart plague. Would you like to agree?"

"What program?"

"It's the‘ Luden has an appointment ’that is quite famous in the whole Xinghai.”

"Don't go, don't go." Han Xiao waved.

There are three major civilizations to help propagate, he does not need to go to the battlefield in person, properly maintaining a sense of mystery and distance can make the reputation even higher.

"Well, then I rejected him."

After urging a few words, Han Xiao hung up the communication and groaned.

The smart plague is an emergency situation. If it is not an outbreak, the three civilizations are now preparing to deal with the super cluster civilization. At this time, this stage has been postponed. The smart plague has given the super cluster alliance a certain respite.

When the three major civilizations have completely completed the end of the intelligent plague, they will be able to free up their hands and start a confrontation with the Super Cluster Alliance as in previous lives. The Super Cluster Alliance has more preparations, and the competition between the two sides will become fiercer. As a result, the situation of the universe is determined.

As a semi-independent existence of the development federation, it will certainly be involved in this storm by fighting with the factions of the Nation, and preparations should be made early.


While he was thinking about it, the sound of abnormal air flow suddenly came to his ears.

Han Xiao lifted his eyes and saw that the black flames converged in a vacuum to form a black-robed man who could not see clearly, and suddenly appeared in front of him, which was the spiritual projection of the swearing covenant.

I glanced left and right, and I saw all the crew members in the bridge command room, including Harrison, all turned a blind eye to the swearing film and television, as if invisible.

"Meet the Black Star again." The oath opened his mouth, and his voice sounded directly in Han Xiao's heart, establishing a spiritual connection.

"You were on time. As soon as I left the ancient Star Desert, you found it. Why did you directly project my mind? Do you know where I am?"

Han Xiaomo leaned on his chin and asked in spiritual connection.

The oath man slowly said: "This is my ability characteristic. There is no identical soul in the world, especially the strong. The soul is very easy to identify. As long as I record the characteristics of your soul band, I can be in a higher space. Dimensions track the target, and mentally project the target from space ... but it is also limited to the mental projection to find people. It does not know the actual location of the target. "

Han Xiao was not at all surprised.

A super-A leader of a mysterious organization that has been hidden for many years cannot be without two brushes.

"You contact me, and you intend to continue the previous transaction. The two original powers are added with two cosmic treasure-level drawings in exchange for some light particles."


Swearing in response.

Because of the smart plague, the transaction was put on hold for several months, and he was actually happy to see it happen. He took advantage of these months to hunt down the ghosts in the covenant organization.

It is a pity that the operation of catching internal ghosts caused a lot of chickens and hearts in the organization, but he found nothing, and he could not find any hair of the internal ghosts.

Either the inner ghost is hidden too deep, or the black star's intelligence source is not the inner ghost.

The swearing man became increasingly suspicious of the existence of the inner ghost, so he temporarily suspended the operation.

"Then let's set a new trading date ..."

Having said that, Han Xiao suddenly thought of one thing and asked casually:

"By the way, you have a long history. You should know a lot of secret information."

"Look at what."

"So ... have you heard of the sanctuary?"


The swearing man was unprepared and was taken aback by the question, turning his head into a stormy sea.

Is this temptation? This must be a temptation! !!

Didn't you say you didn't know our purpose last time? !!

con man!

He was a little shaken, and once again became rock solid.

Sure enough, there are still ghosts!

check! Be sure to check!

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