The Legendary Mechanic

Chapter 1133: Tit-for-tat

Madison was not angry. He looked at Han Xiao up and down and nodded:

"You are very humorous. I am the president of the Development Association. If you are absent, I will not be absent."

"What you chairperson does is not authentic. Everyone supports you, but it does not allow you to kidnap the interests of everyone to gamble privately." Han Xiao stood up with his arms crossed, Xu said.

Previously, the old dragon was blown up against the sky, but at the moment of the meeting, Han Xiao threw out the idea of ​​not being a weapon country, and now he saw Mannison wanting to beat his tiger's whiskers.

Knowing the association's attitude, he deliberately run on Mannison, so as to provoke many people's dissatisfaction at the scene, and the results were very good. Many people looked at Mannison's eyes more and more. People are willing to make decisions for themselves.

The two have already drawn a line, restored the competitive relationship, and beat the other's prestige. Second, their own bad taste is the main point ... hey, it seems to be the opposite.

The brilliance allies present were the most embarrassing. Now, Mannison is still a nominal brilliance ally, but they cannot and do not want to speak from the standpoint of an armed nation. Those who strongly supported Mannison before were somewhat unnatural at this time.

Madison turned a blind eye to the people around him, and said lightly: "I can see you clearly through this incident. Our original intention of establishing the association was to hope for a greater voice, not to be controlled by advanced civilization, but you can say It was said that for the super-a class, it is actually just a dog leg of the three major civilizations. And everything I do is to make long-term plans for the super-a level. Of course, it is impossible to not take risks ... Unfortunately, you want to please the three majors Civilization does not want to lose his reputation and credibility in the super-a class, so he chose to destroy our hope. In my eyes, it is just selfish speculation, and I will not have any hope for you. "

"Oh, I didn't expect that the unforgettable weapon nation, when there are strong words, really know a lot longer, and the attitude of distorting the facts is so proficient." Han Xiao did not take it easy, said: "Unfortunately, you are fair to people, you treat me Defamation is untenable. What is the truth? Everyone has their own views. As the vice chairman, I have an obligation to prevent you from taking everyone to the dark. "

"Oh ... put on the coat of public opinion weaved for you by the three civilizations, do you really think you are a hero?"

"You have a good word now, but I'm curious. After a while, facing the commendation ceremony of the whole universe, have you been present?"

"Why not? If it weren't for me, the three civilizations could have discovered the virus so early? Could a dedicated antivirus program be developed so quickly? Without me, the smart plague is still spreading. For merit, I'm not much younger than you, the three civilizations. But it is not mentioned, the intention is so obvious. "

As soon as the conversation box was opened, the two went head-to-head and were aggressive.

Noisy, noisy ... Many super-A levels are excited to eat melons, can't wait to move a pony to sit over and watch a play.

After a few tears, Madison looked around and said coldly:

"I didn't come to quarrel with you today. The role of the association is to regulate conflicts between super-a levels. As a president, I need to lead by example, so you can rest assured that although we have differences, I will not treat you. doing what."

"It's nice to say, I think you are busy dealing with the suppression of the three major civilizations, and you dare not continue to provoke me as a strong enemy." Han Xiao teased.

Madison narrowed his eyes and slowly said, "You seem to take the tie record seriously? We all know exactly what happened, but you seem to have some illusions. Do you really think you are equal to me? "

"That's a fact, not an illusion." Han Xiao grinned and eagerly tried, "If you don't agree, I'll be with you at any time."

So far, he has drawn a lot of good things from Mannison. He even felt the core special expertise. He has tasted the sweetness and can't wait to do more with Mannison.

"The original intention of the Development Confederation is to mediate super-A-level armed conflicts. I don't have the general knowledge of you."

With no expression, Madison turned and walked into the venue, too lazy to chat with Han Xiao again.

Seeing this, Han Xiao secretly pouted.

The old wheat head was really tolerant. I wanted to put it in the past. I stimulated him so much. He must have come to me with a 40-kilometer machete.

However, Ji Guo's heart should be very boring. He clearly felt that he could be defeated, but he was forced to be tied by the three civilizations. He had to wait patiently for the opportunity to find his place and watch his prestige weaken.

Not only did I get his core expertise, but he also secretly got the remnants of the domino virus technology that he wanted, and even got a new skill to restrain him ... but in the heart of Manison, my combat power is still in the fight. Time impression.

If he starts to work with Lao Miaotou, Baozhun can give him a "surprise".

When Han Xiaozheng secretly laughed, Csuye came over and said:

"I haven't seen Madison suffer for a long time. You are one of the few guys who can make him stingy."

Han Xiao turned his head to look at him, wondering: "I thought you had a good relationship with Madison, but you seem to be very happy."

Csuye smiled:

"Oh, don't get me wrong. Menison and I have known each other for many years. They are really good friends, but he is him, and I am me. To be honest, I also don't agree with him, even if you don't stop him, I will draw a line with him afterwards. "

Han Xiao nodded: "I also happen to be meeting. If there is no such thing, I and Ji Guo may still be friends. Unfortunately, the differences are not the same. I just hope that this incident does not affect my friendship with you."

"Rest assured, the conflict between you and him does not affect our relationship. I don't mind the difference in ideas, because everyone has what they want ... but although Madison's approach is vilifying, but He didn't say anything wrong, the three civilizations just used you to fight him, and when there was no use value ... Maybe his today is your tomorrow. "

"I have a good sense, you don't have to worry about this."

The two were talking, and a third voice came in, and they seemed to laugh:

"So ... when it is used by advanced civilization, it is necessary to realize the benefits as soon as possible. This is my experience."

The two turned their heads and saw that Sorokin also came together, inserted the topic with an iconic smirk, and made a simple courtesy to the two shareholders.

"Oh, it's you." Han Xiao slid a glance at him. "What's your opinion?"

"Heixing Xing laughed, I'm just an ordinary ordinary super-A class, where can I get involved in this pattern? I have no idea. I just make suggestions from the perspective of a businessman, hoping to provide some Only the inspiration for the current situation. "Sorokin enthusiastically.

Hum, don't dedicate yourself to diligence.

Han Xiao embraced his chest with both hands and made a look of gesture:

"I don't think you look like you're just here to chat. Is there something wrong?"

"Haha, nothing can hide the eyes of His Excellency Black Star." Sorokin smiled. "I want to talk to you about cooperation ..."

Han Xiao heard what he said, and then he knew what Sorokin meant, and he lamented that this man was really shameless.

He has become a special consultant for the three major civilizations and has the support of three. Sorokin saw the business opportunity and wanted to come to him and his shareholder for deeper cooperation.

This position of shareholder is Han Xiaoqiang. Sorokin was originally reluctant to see the profit, so he did not hesitate to put down his body and come to talk about cooperation with a shame, and the grievances of the two have not yet been resolved. He could treat it as if nothing had happened, for fear that he had already left the house in a spaceship.

In the past few months, Han Xiao has been busy dealing with the intelligent plague, and Sorokin has been dealing with the dissatisfaction of the three major civilizations during this time. He has saved his blood and finally calmed down the impact of the incident.

Not only that, Sorokin demonstrated his position in conformity with the three civilizations after a fancy operation, and acted as a network client. In turn, he took the thighs of the officials who were part of the power of the radiance and the ether, and used his seat in the association as a director. , Concluded a new relationship of interest, the road to thief.

Han Xiao suddenly remembered one thing, "By the way, Madison is also a shareholder of the wireless consortium. What he did should have an impact on you, can the three civilizations tolerate him to continue to be a shareholder of the consortium?"

"It does have an impact, but well, this does not prevent me and him from continuing to cooperate, and regular dividends will not be interrupted."

"Three civilizations allow?"

"First, I am a private legal consortium and have the power to appoint free personnel. Second, hehe ..."

Sorokin laughed silently and threw a "you understand" look.

Han Xiao suddenly realized that no wonder the three major civilizations did not mind the cooperation between the two sides. This is by the way the infinite consortium as a channel to obtain information on the activities of the power of the power of the nation. Sorokin was able to hold the thighs of the three civilizations. This is one of the conditions. .

He naturally did not want to cooperate with Sorokin in depth, so he perfunctoryly responded to the soft and hard foam of Sorokin.

The crowd chatted, and finally it was time for the meeting. Yuguan entered the venue and found his seat.

Han Xiao didn't go head-to-head with Madison anymore. The two chaired the meeting according to the set issues, and dealt with incidents like regular ordinary meetings.

However, although the two were serious about doing their own things, the atmosphere in the venue was still strange. After the episode just outside the venue, most people left their hearts in their hearts and it was difficult to return to normal conditions.

Soon the last issue, Madison looked around the audience, and groaned:

"Because of the sudden outbreak of the intelligent plague, the battle between the three civilizations and the Superstar Alliance was delayed by more than half a year. Now that the disaster is resolved, the two sides will soon start fighting. Our super-A-level association needs to choose a position.

Everyone also knows that the three major civilizations have always controlled the ultimate knowledge. The conditions they have proposed are for us to deal with the Super Star Alliance. I do not intend to agree, so I suggest that we stick to our original position and stay away from the high civilization camp. Assassination. "

Everyone nodded. Although dissatisfied with Madison, this decision is the consensus of most people before, and it is not a problem.

As for the relationship between the three major civilizations, opinions are generally not expressed at this time, after all, it is meaningless to post.

However, at this time, Madison turned to look at Han Xiao and suddenly said, "Vice President, what do you think?"

Han Xiao's eyes flickered and he groaned, realizing the intention of Ji Guo.

He is now at the cusp of public opinion. The three civilizations have held him high. He did not want him to become his spokesperson in the Development Federation. He not only wanted to compete with Manison, but also wanted to be in the association. Speak for them.

However, one of the original intentions of the association was to help the super-a level get rid of the camp imprisonment set by advanced civilization and not be used as a tool to kill each other. At this time, Han Xiao found that which side he chose had a negative impact.

Adhere to everyone's consensus. There is no problem on the side of the association. Although the three major civilizations are not unexpected, they will be disappointed to some extent and affect the support. Other allies can choose this way because they are the "population" and their identity is Expecting "exemplary", the same behaviors have different effects.

If you speak for the three major civilizations and encourage everyone to deal with the Super Star Alliance, the result will be even worse, revealing the face of a vested interest, appearing to rely completely on the three major civilizations, and truly become the "dog-legged" in the mouth of the country. dissatisfied. And the line it represents will change its taste. It will no longer be peaceful coexistence, but will become a flattering attachment, contrary to the original intention, and returning to the original track.

Han Xiao raised his eyes and looked at the scene, including the three major civilizations, all eyes focused on himself, obviously understand this, waiting for his attitude.

Madison's questioning wasn't a conspiracy, it was just a diligent effort.

"Of course I agree with everyone. This is why we are together ... but I have to deal with one of the supercluster civilizations. It is a bit personal."

Han Xiao calmly spoke, he was very realistic, at this time, naturally will not stand on the wrong team.

When the three major civilizations blatantly created momentum for him, Han Xiao knew that sooner or later he would encounter this hurdle, accept other temptations of super-A level, and ensure that he did not change his mind.

After hearing the answer, everyone looked back with satisfaction.

After talking about the business, the regular meeting ended, and all the super-A members went offline.

Han Xiao did not leave immediately. He pulled on Hella, who had been playing soy sauce, found a room, and closed the door.

"You are back." Hella looked up and down Han Xiao. "It seems to be thin."

"I should say this to you, what's the matter with the earth?" Han Xiao smiled.

"It's stable, and it's slowly recovering ... yes, I have one thing to tell you, it's about the earth."

"Coincidentally, I also have something to ask you about the earth, but you can say it first."

Hella nodded.

"Well, have you heard of the sanctuary?"


Han Xiao was surprised, covering his heart subconsciously.

At this moment, he suddenly realized the feeling of swearing ...


ps: (Unconsciously, another year is going to pass. Double activities at the end of the year. Weak for a monthly pass ~)

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