The Legendary Mechanic

Chapter 1168: Chop Burst!

The prisoner's defeat was beyond Manison's surprise. He subconsciously thought that the prisoner had failed and immediately tried to re-order.

However, the order issued was like a sinking sea, and no response was received, and the prisoner did not chase after the situation, stayed in place, the palm of his hand was released, and Han Xiao was let out of control.

"What did you do ?!" Madison was furious, unable to continue his calm mood.

Everything has advantages and disadvantages. The prisoner's consciousness has been replaced with a virtual intelligence form. While being immune to mental abilities and obedient obedience, he can also be taken away by virtual means. But because of this, Madison left a very sophisticated virtual firewall in the prisoner's brain. If Black Star used a virtual intrusion, the firewall could not be unresponsive, and the intrusion speed could not be so fast!

It stands to reason that with the black star's virtual technology, it is impossible to break through its own virtual defense, and it is impossible to take control of criminals!

So he concluded that Black Star must have used some ability that he did not understand, but this made him even more incredible. He was the first time to use a criminal in front of Black Star. Why did the other party have a targeted method?

At this time, Han Xiao patted his chest and brushed away the non-existent dust, so he took the time to say:

"Return your words to you, and today I will let you see the real power of virtual mechanics!"

This is the first time he has used [virtual purification · recovery] in actual combat. This ability from the intelligent plague mission is simply the nemesis of the machine nation.

According to the normal virtual invasion steps, if he wants to rewrite the logic of the prisoner, he must pass five levels and break through the virtual firewall of Madison, and conduct a tough tug-of-war with the old wheat head in a virtual field of vision.

The power of [virtual purification and recovery] is that its effect is that it ignores the virtual firewall and does not need to intrude at all-after all, if you can invade it, you can directly rewrite the logic, which ability is still needed.

This ability cannot freely rewrite the target logic. The effect is to restore the original underlying logic of intelligence and restore its original state. For example, the use of apostolic weapons is invalid, but it is rewritten by virtual technology for criminals and the Forces of the Undefeated Forces. The objects of consciousness have an amazing effect, instantly removing the means of control of their consciousness by the machine country!

When Shicai fought with the prisoner, he had already touched on the fighting information and found that most of the skills and expertise of the prisoner had been retained, which is the power of the prisoner's technology.

These abilities come from the fighting memory of the criminals themselves, and only by retaining them will the criminals remember how to use them. If the memory is completely washed away, without valuable battle experience, most of the skills and expertise will also disappear, and the prisoner will most likely become a white board, and then the most essential things will be lost, and the combat effectiveness will plummet.

Because of this, [virtual purification and restoration] has a chance.

Han Xiaowang looked to the huge semi-beast-shaped mechanical **** around him. At this time, he had recovered his self-consciousness, and seemed to be in a state of confusion.

‘Basically, only the battle memories are retained, and other memories are missing. The old iron may not remember who he is, but judging from his recent behavior, it is estimated that there is a stress response to the weapon country. ’Han Xiao's eyes flickered.

The criminals were once enemies of the Machine Country. Even though many memories are missing, some things are engraved in the bones.

Without interference, Han Xiao's body quickly reorganized, the crows gathered, and once again turned into a mechanical **** standing in the sky.

He also did not push against the country with more weapons, and swiped the blade, aimed at the other two criminals and the blockbuster army of the indestructible country, and madly sprang [virtual purification and recovery].

I saw the martial arts criminals and the powers criminals who were killing each other suddenly caught on the spot and fell into the confusion of "who am I, where are I and what do I do".

However, the forces of the Undefeated Nation are not the same. They were intelligent lives, but their logic was rewritten, as if they were blinded by the mind. At this time, the original consciousness was restored, and only a short moment was passed. The mechanical legion of Madison opened fire fiercely, and looked impatiently.

Madison's Mechanical Corps suddenly broke into chaos!

Han Xiao did not let go of the virtual level. Since the beginning of the battle, the two have launched a tug-of-war on the virtual level, constantly fighting for control of each other. Madison also sacrificed a group of AI civilization intelligences to attack in the field of quantum networks. Cheng Ba Zhai.

As the “virtual purification and recovery” shimmered across, these intelligent lives responsible for virtual offensive and defensive operations recovered synchronously, instantly transformed into the Leader Party of Twenty-Five, and led Han Xiao ’s data stream all the way to destroy Mana Machinery Control of the army!

"this is……"

Madison's eyes widened, he was so shocked that he almost looked blank.

What is this ability? !!

The prisoner and the United Nations Armed Forces were his two most important cards, but in front of the Black Star, not only was he cracked in a minute, but he turned his head and was used by the opponent!

Last time, Hei Xing obviously did not have this ability!

He did not hesitate to use the virtual method to rewrite the logic of the prisoner and the Undefeated Forces on the spot. However, Han Xiaoke would not let him do the same, and also launched virtual technology, and started a tug-of-war with Manison again to prevent the other party from re-opening Take control of the troops.

At the same time, Han Xiao ordered the mechanical forces to attack the enemy while gathering the troops of the Undefeated Weapon Force, leaving the battlefield in batches.


Madison sank in his heart. Where did he not understand Han Xiao's plan? This was to take away his ace troops!

The situation was so ups and downs that even Manison felt at a loss for a moment.

Looking at the situation on the field, he knew that he could not hesitate, and immediately stopped the supply of prisoners and the forces of the Armed Forces.

Now that these troops are mutinizing, he can no longer provide bonuses and lose his strength in vain. At the same time, he has ordered the Mechanical Corps to recapture these mutinous troops.


Without the power supply, the semi-beast-type mechanical deity could not maintain his body, disintegrated in an instant, and turned into a large-scale mechanical force again. He wanted to take away the mechanical prisoners.

On the side, Han Xiao would sit and watch this scene and dig it back, as if the mechanical arm of the sky beam tears the defense line of the mechanical unit, holding the prisoner in a daze of the mechanical department.

Then, the palm nanoparticles flowed and sucked the prisoner directly into the mechanical god.

On the way, he tried to supply power to the prisoner, but the panel display did not meet the requirements. It was suggested that he must have mastered the technology of the prisoner and the level exceeded 340 to be able to use the special colony to convert the mechanical properties of the prisoner to supply power to him. The requirements are similar to those of the prisoner drawings drawn at that time.

Han Xiao didn't mind this, as long as he grabbed a sample and went home, he could slowly research and deduce the drawing technology.

"You **** ..."

Seeing this scene, even with the cultivation of Madison, at this time, he couldn't help but want to burst into anger and burn in anger.

Each prisoner is his unique effort, watching as Han Xiaoyu walked away, his heart spurting blood.

"Don't be angry, don't you have two more, what's the matter with me?" Han Xiao gasped.

Heard that Manison almost blew his lungs.

Shuzi, bullying too much!

If I do n’t hack you today, I wo n’t be Papaci!

Without saying a word, Madison carried a wild onslaught with the Trident, almost unguarded, and was already hitting real fire.

"Haha, this is how a mechanic should play. Come here!"

Han Xiao laughed.

What we are not afraid of is injury for injury!

He bluntly turned on the “polar flow and blood gas rage”, the heart pumped out the hot plasma, ejected from the pores, and turned it into rich blood gas energy. At the same time, the value of his health plummeted, and his attributes rose.

The soaring power filled the whole body, and the blue-gold mechanical power was also stained with a touch of blood red, and the whole body looked shameless.

At this time, relying solely on its own explosive means, it has surpassed the combat power of the last blessing of dual weapons and the ancients!

The ancient effect is + 20% intelligence, and the perfect mechanical sense is the total mechanical affinity coefficient + 1.4x and mechanical skill level +4.

And one [Billions of Arms Country · Manison] has the basic effects of intelligence + 15%, total mechanical affinity coefficient + 1.2x, mechanical skill level +2, and a large number of core mechanical department skill levels +6, to fight When you are a robot, you can also gain all attributes + 10%, damage + 10%, damage reduction + 15%, and energy consumption increase by -25%!

——Single [Billions of Weapons States · Manison], we can almost catch up with the double weapon and the ancients' bonus!

Now I have four more universe treasures and four layers of mechanistic branches.

"I must kill you today!"

Han Xiao was greeted with a knife, letting a halberd poke into his chest, and backhanded Madison's right shoulder.

The two fought fiercely, like two giant monsters biting each other, playing with twisted stars and broken stars.


On the other side, Ames and Hella rushed to the edge of the battlefield, and stopped seeing this scene.

The two were originally afraid of Han Xiao being besieged. Now it seems that Black Star does not need them to worry.

"It seems like he doesn't need our help."

"Then let's go back and find someone?"

The two were preparing to turn around, and at this moment, Han Xiao's voice sounded in the communication channel.

"Hela went to find someone, and Ames stayed."

Hearing that, Ames took a moment's notice.

"doing what?"

"Seeing that there are no two Super-A colonies surrounded by the Mechanical Corps, use your ability to take them away."

"Don't you just think that it was a burden to abandon me? Don't you let me step in?" Emerson frowned.

"The strategy of the suspect." Han Xiao did not blush.

"Huh, you know you can't live without me."

Emerson smiled, feeling relieved a lot, and said nothing to join the battle group, rolled up the force field and caught the two prisoners, and pulled outside.

In Han Xiao's ears, she didn't care about the beatings.

Regardless of the casualties, Madison allowed the Mechanical Corps to tightly enclose the two prisoners, blocking Han Xiao's troops, trying to make his own apostle weapon besiege the criminals, recapture them, and return them to the secondary dimensional barracks.

The memory of the two prisoners was not complete, but the fighting experience was okay. It was found that the machine nation wanted to recapture them, and naturally it was fighting hard. It was just that there was no power supply, and the combat effectiveness was severely declining. He was stunned by the weapon of the apostle of Manison and did not know the northeast and southwest. In this way, it would not be long before he was captured and sent away.

However, with the participation of Emerson, the situation changed, and the force field ability was extremely outstanding in control. It instantly opened the blockade line of the Manison unit and made Han Xiao's mechanical army burst in for punishment. Provide support.

Seeing this, Madison, who was fighting with Han Xiao, changed his color.

Dog stuff, say it alone!

Thousands of words rushed to his mouth, and at last he spit out only a rage from his heart:

"Hei Xing, you stink!"

"Where's the fight, a little less exaggeration."

Han Xiao's face did not change, his skin was as thick as armor, and he had no fluctuations in his heart. He even laughed casually.

The maximum time for the Madison challenge mission has been reached, and the mission is shown as completed, so there is no need to receive one-on-one coaching from the old wheat head.

Moreover, the prisoners and the United Nations Armed Forces of Madison were out of control. With such a big piece of cake in front of us, we must call our allies to help and eat more. Is this still a challenge for you? Are you really a gimmicky fighting madman?

You are now an old treasure boy, I just want to scour your wool!


The blade cut at the halberd in the barrage and opened a circle of shock waves.

Han Xiao raised his eyebrows and teased, "Yeah, aren't you going to fight me just before death, why did you start defending again?"

Madison was silent, and in the next second, he completely changed the game, no longer attacking insanely, but turned to the other extreme, completely adopted defensiveness, and made it clear that he only wanted to delay time.

At the same time, his mechanical forces completely gave up the fighting, and withstood the artillery, they kept gathering forces and prisoners of the Unstoppable State.

From here, it can be seen that the attitude of Mannison has changed. He has no intention to compete with Han Xiao any more. He just wants to do his best to recover the losses.

"Want to withdraw now? It's late!"

Han Xiao was unreasonable. The news of "Geta Wave Fist" swept the screen crazy and bombarded by private letters. It was like Guan Erye started Wushuang, violently stabbed the elderly and beat the mad men.

After tumbling for a while, Madison distracted and controlled the mechanical forces to stop the loss.


The blade turned abruptly, picking out his dominating avatar from the belly of Madison's body.

Han Xiao immediately raised his hand and took a breath. The powerful traction beam dragged Manison's avatar to himself, and then a punch was blown out. The huge metal fist fell like a satellite.

Because of the large volume, the master's clone not only did not fly out, but was also stuck on the surface of the fist.

"A board!"

Emerson immediately realized that the control force field formed a huge force field barrier in front of the mechanical god, like a pale green wall, in harmony with tacit understanding.

Seeing this, Han Xiao's fist slammed up against the barrier with the dominance of Manison.

Huh! !!

The force field barrier instantly bursts into a large web of cracks!

Mannison was embedded in the center point, and the main avatar was almost flattened.

Until this time, he did not fight back, still controlling the mechanical forces, throwing a brain of his own cosmic treasure back to the secondary dimension barracks, and madly stopped the loss.

The next moment, Ping Xing's blade lifted up sharply, the blade lighted up the bright blue blade light, slashed the ground, and accurately hit the main avatar of Manison.

Bang! !!

The force field barrier shattered, turned into countless pale green stars, and quickly disappeared.

In terms of the size of the star blade, this cannot be said to be chopping, it is more like lifting a mountain to smash ants!

Han Xiao lifted his eyes and saw that the lord's avatar of Madison had turned into a scrap of rotten copper.

On the remaining half of the metal head, the electronic eye flickered a few times, and then completely dimmed. The mechanical light covering the whole body also slowly dissipated, and the effect of [Jimbling Advent] had disappeared.

Without the support of mechanical power, the barracks of the secondary dimension instantly shrank and disappeared.

The troops who had not had time to escape were all left in place, the golden electric light on their bodies dissipated, all the mechanical power bonuses were lost, and they were quickly surrounded.

"Hum, today I said to cut you off, just to cut you off!"

Han Xiaoyi shook the star blade, and his heart was soothing that he just raised his eyebrows and exhaled.

He has been eating and drinking too many times in the country.

Even if it was the smart plague that became the ultimate winner, if there were more than a dozen mechanics who stood up to stop the fight at that time, most of them would have to lose in the hands of the machine nation.

And this time, finally turned over the serf and sang, finally winning a big victory!

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